I have recently had to fill out an "Ethnicity" form in my new job . In this politically correct world,I am no longer "White British",but "White European" ! As an Island nation,I do not consider myself a European . Do Poles consider themselves as European ??
"Ethnicity" form - Polish Europeans?
Do Poles consider themselves as European ??
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11929
20 Dec 2007 / #3
I have recently had to fill out an "Ethnicity" form in my new job . In this politically correct world,I am no longer "White British",but "White European" ! As an Island nation,I do not consider myself a European . Do Poles consider themselves as European ??
If you consider yourself Anglo-Saxon you are quite European!
(Or where do you think the Angles and Saxons came from???)
*rolls eyes*
If you consider yourself Anglo-Saxon you are quite European!
that was before the word "Europe" was coined!
I've often wondered about these...for instance, would a white man who immigrates from Kenya-be able to fill out the form "African-American" and reap the attached affirmative action benefits?
You're not European...you an "Atlantic Islander"....
and if the scientists are right and we are all descended from Africa a few million years back..are we all of "African Descent"?
John P.
You're not European...you an "Atlantic Islander"....
and if the scientists are right and we are all descended from Africa a few million years back..are we all of "African Descent"?
John P.
I do not consider myself a European . Do Poles consider themselves as European ??
- Brother dear, what are you talking about? Sure the British are Europeans big time. Why wouldn't you consider yourself European? And we Poles consider ourselves Europeans too, it goes without saying.
Polish Europeans?
is it not supposed to be "white caucasian"?
I think that's only in the US, and in any case, I've never been to Caucasia.
If you consider yourself Anglo-Saxon you are quite European!
(Or where do you think the Angles and Saxons came from???)
(Or where do you think the Angles and Saxons came from???)
Absolutely ;)
Of course Poles are Europeans, as are Brits. Being on an island doesn't make a difference. We all share a common history, our languages are linked...
Australia belongs to the Oceania continent, as New Zealand...even f they are islands (actually Oceania is only islands...)
White European
Probably there are black Europeans as well.
is it not supposed to be "white caucasian"?
arnt they chechens?
Simple answer, dont fill in the form,I never do,simply because I dont beleive its anyones buisness.They are only an optional form and if anyone says other wise have a word with your union rep'.
21 Dec 2007 / #12
As an Island nation,I do not consider myself a European
so what are you african, asian ?
If you guys remove feelings, emotions and inferiority complexes and approach the matter in a more reasonable way, you will notice that the vast majority of Polish people are genetically pure Europeans.
On the mothers side (mtDNA) they belong to the predominantly European haplogroups H, V, HV and HV*. These haplogroups are spread from Atlantic to Ural and from Mediterranean to North Sea.
On the fathers side majority of Polish men belong to haplogroups R1a or R1a1, R1a is at least 25,000 years old so these people were in Europe for at least that time and I suspect much longer.
These haplogroups are dominant through out the central and northern Europe from Croatia through Hungary, Ukraine, Russian Euro-Asia, Southern Germany, Poland, Southern Denmark, Western Norway and Sweden, Northern England, Scotland and Iceland.
Having that in mind Polish people are the core of Europeans.
Please note that the current “Polish” situation is a result of Roosevelt’s betrayal of Polish national interests in Yalta.
On the mothers side (mtDNA) they belong to the predominantly European haplogroups H, V, HV and HV*. These haplogroups are spread from Atlantic to Ural and from Mediterranean to North Sea.
On the fathers side majority of Polish men belong to haplogroups R1a or R1a1, R1a is at least 25,000 years old so these people were in Europe for at least that time and I suspect much longer.
These haplogroups are dominant through out the central and northern Europe from Croatia through Hungary, Ukraine, Russian Euro-Asia, Southern Germany, Poland, Southern Denmark, Western Norway and Sweden, Northern England, Scotland and Iceland.
Having that in mind Polish people are the core of Europeans.
Please note that the current “Polish” situation is a result of Roosevelt’s betrayal of Polish national interests in Yalta.
(Or where do you think the Angles and Saxons came from???)
*rolls eyes*
*rolls eyes*
From Germany about 1600 years ago.....*rolls eyes*.
Having that in mind Polish people are the core of Europeans.
Are you exaggerating a bit?
DNA testing has revealed that present-day inhabitants of Britain are primarily descended from the Mesolithic (early stone age) or original inhabitants of the islands. Celts arrived to British Isles about 2,500 years ago from Asia Minor and mixed with the local inhabitants, who were related to the very first Europeans like Basque people. Do not forget that a that time England was a part of Europe because The "English Channel" did not exist.
Invasion of Romans and 500 years latter Normans, Norse, from Northern France did not change British genetics much but brought a bit of civilisation. Anglo-Saxons is a term used for southern Brits before the invasion of Normans. They arrived to England from northern Germany and what is today Denmark, before Romans did.
Invasion of Romans and 500 years latter Normans, Norse, from Northern France did not change British genetics much but brought a bit of civilisation. Anglo-Saxons is a term used for southern Brits before the invasion of Normans. They arrived to England from northern Germany and what is today Denmark, before Romans did.
Invasion of Romans and 500 years latter Normans, Norse, from Northern France did not change British genetics much but brought a bit of civilisation.
Er,yes,thanks for that Roman "culture" hmm, Slavery, Gladiators,religious persecution,no rights to women,children,non citizins.Of course,so much more cultured than the Celts wernt they,after all,the celts were barbarians who had sexual equality,rights to fair trial, laws protecting the elderly and children,while in Rome,unwanted babies could legally be left on the city rubbish dump,some civilisation....
And the Normans were the same stock as the earlier Viking invaders of all parts of britain,bythe time of the conquest "english" and " Norman" culture was practicaly the same. PS the Saxons were around a long time after the arrivall of the Normans aswell,all becoming "english" at a later date.
anyhoo, If you can trace your ancestors back in the UK anything over a hundred odd years you are more than likely european(with some indo european in the mix now and then) Being the simple fact,that everyone seems so scared of these daysthat ALL white peoples origionated in europe( lord yes,before someone says the obvious,we may well all have started in africa,but that is still only hypothetical,,)
I couldn't agree more to the first part.
What I am saying is only a history that can be interpreted depending who is looking at it. What is the difference between European and an indo European? I have never met this distinction!
What I am saying is only a history that can be interpreted depending who is looking at it. What is the difference between European and an indo European? I have never met this distinction!
European and an indo European? I have never met this distinction!
Righto ,quick British history lesson then; :)
Back in the day,well,17 and early 18 hundreds it was quite usual for British men working for the East India Company in india (not the "empire" that came later) to marry local Indian women and raise families together, oddly enough this only became frowned upon around the same time Britain abolished slavery in the 1830s, untill then it was almost normal for Britons,living in India to adopt the local culture(many even the religions),so you see, Indo British children were the products of these mixed marrages.
Righto, I thought you are referring to indo European languages.
Probably there are black Europeans as well.
No such thing. On paper does not count.
Normans, Norse, from Northern France did not change British genetics much
There were a few people who invaded England but they changed english genetics definetely.It was peculiar that it happened,it seems that Normans left more children than their anchestors and their contribution to genetic pool is disproportionately big to the number which landed to the english islands.
I think that's only in the US, and in any case, I've never been to Caucasia.
i'm sure that one of the choices were wc
No such thing. On paper does not count.
Nonsense,maybe not in your neck of the woods,but what would you call a Black guy descended from a tudor servent,all his ancestors back to the 16th century were born and raised in Europe,would you seriously call him an African. If you would it just shows that certain isolated corners of europe have a lot of growing up to do.
would you seriously call him an African
Yes indeed. Blacks will never be european. A tiny minority like yourself would look at a black in europe and consider him of european discent. No such thing. Europeans are White no matter how you slice it.
so what are you african, asian ?
Trust you to want to make a race issue out of it!
English 1st,British 2nd,European a distant 3rd !Thankfully we still retain our own identity-and currency !!! :-)
- Well, Polson, it's, ahem, 'nice' you agree so enthusiastically with this Nazi creep, butburst boy.
- Were there any 'Germany' and 'Germans' 1600 years ago? If yes, then where? In Nazi German delusions?
- Were there any 'Germany' and 'Germans' 1600 years ago? If yes, then where? In Nazi German delusions?
Well, Polson, it's, ahem, 'nice' you agree so enthusiastically with this Nazi creep, butburst boy
Hehe, you know if Hitler has said "Pizzas are good", should we never eat pizzas again ?
I agree that the Angles and Saxons are European as were the Polans, the Celts, or any other tribes that lived on our continent.
Btw, dunno if BB is a Nazi...have you any proofs of his alleged "nazism" ? (see i'm playing your own game, hehe)
- Why this outright skepticism, southern? Does it help alleviate any pains resulting from your own national inferority complex? And what is your nationality? I asked this question before, but you've never dared to answer it. Are you scared, ashamed, or what?
As for us Poles, we are certainly less mixed with non-Europeans than Germans or some other peoples....
- I do. - The things he says about Poland and Poles, as regards our Regained Territories (he suggests they are German and that the Germans will take them away from us), Gdansk (he says it's been German since 14th century; in reality, they grabbed it from us, by force, in the 18th century), he says that we Poles are 'so un-European' (a typical German vew, by the way; it's they who believe they define who is European and decide who is excluded from the club, just because Germans say so), etc. Have you read his previous posts?
- Where and when did Hitler say 'Pizzas are good'? Please, give the pertinent source.
- You're doing alright.
As for us Poles, we are certainly less mixed with non-Europeans than Germans or some other peoples....
have you any proofs of his alleged "nazism" ?
- I do. - The things he says about Poland and Poles, as regards our Regained Territories (he suggests they are German and that the Germans will take them away from us), Gdansk (he says it's been German since 14th century; in reality, they grabbed it from us, by force, in the 18th century), he says that we Poles are 'so un-European' (a typical German vew, by the way; it's they who believe they define who is European and decide who is excluded from the club, just because Germans say so), etc. Have you read his previous posts?
Hitler has said "Pizzas are good"
- Where and when did Hitler say 'Pizzas are good'? Please, give the pertinent source.
(see i'm playing your own game, hehe)
- You're doing alright.
- Were there any 'Germany' and 'Germans' 1600 years ago? If yes, then where? In Nazi German delusions?
Yeah ok Puzzler i take your point......There was no such thing as Germany until around 1879....So i should have said we decend from Germanic tribes....i.e from the tribes who lived in what is now Germany and Denmark.