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Young male American Poles

VaFunkoolo  6 | 654  
3 Aug 2008 /  #1
There has been a steady stream of abrasive, homophobic, rasist young male American Poles trolling the forum, most of whom claim to be 100% Polish despite having been born in America and never having set foot in Poland.

They frequently consider themselves better than their fellow Americans, because of their Polish extraction, but lord it up over Poles becasue they come from America.

What is it that causes this unpleasant stereotype?
3 Aug 2008 /  #2
What is it that causes this unpleasant stereotype?

no idea but is sure is troubling.

Although we had Artur posting here for a while and he was not the type at all.

I guess those guys are just really annoying and are struggling with their identity.
Franek  8 | 271  
3 Aug 2008 /  #3
rasist young male American

Rasist.???? Do you mean racist.?

Young Americans?? Come on Funkie.. You yourself called me a geriatric old fool. TSK, Tsk, Funkie I am surprised at you..
OP VaFunkoolo  6 | 654  
3 Aug 2008 /  #4
Youre quite right in correcting my spelling old man.

But geez. Youve got a bit of an ego trip thing going on if you thought I was referring to you.

I am more than capable of distinguishing between a silly little boy and a geriatric old dribbler. Neither of them being what you might call 'a man' but both with their own distinct characteristics.
Franek  8 | 271  
3 Aug 2008 /  #5
I can learn to like you.. That is if you can control your hyper outburst..You have to control your incoherent rambling.
I always suspect that you are sending subliminal message at
me. So with a friend like you, who needs an enemy?

Now if you can learn to behave yourself, I might send you some candy.. now be nice..
OP VaFunkoolo  6 | 654  
3 Aug 2008 /  #6
It's not my ramblings that need work old man, it's your comprehension abilities.

Remember you are well passed your sell-by date and young blood is moving up to push you to one side. What might appear like hyperness to a doddery old yak is just a sunny afternoon stroll for the likes of me.

Youve been there, done that and being a Yank you undoubtably bought the tee shirt. But as watching the flamingos getting jiggy is as exciting as it gets for you I'd suggest an afternoon nap to prepare you for the evenings excitement.

Now learn to respect your youngers. They are the ones who will be cleaning your butt in the not too distant future.
Logan McCloud  - | 39  
3 Aug 2008 /  #7
What is it that causes this unpleasant stereotype?

Aye. That's an interesting observation. And if young Dupek is anything to go by it's a worrying stereotype indeed
3 Aug 2008 /  #8
And if young Dupek is anything to go by it's a worrying stereotype indeed

he is the worst so far and I think it has nothing to do with his Polish roots IMO. He is simply a disturbed individual.
4 Aug 2008 /  #9
Youve been there, done that and being a Yank you undoubtably bought the tee shirt. But as watching the flamingos getting jiggy is as exciting as it gets for you I'd suggest an afternoon nap to prepare you for the evenings excitement.

Look how you talk to this older guy who is probably somebody's dad.. then condemn other's "attitudes"..

Aren't you the ones who produced noimmi? American Poles / Slavs don't call native Poles "**** moppers".
Warsaw8  4 | 126  
4 Aug 2008 /  #10
What are you saying VaFunkoolo? Others dont have the right to free speech? Their own Opinion? A way to feel? You seem to have yours, whats good for the goose, is good for the gander. Why are only some people in this world intitled to an opinion? The ones who think outside the globalized media box are instantly condemned...

The problem is, America has all different people, where as homelands dont, and they shouldint. For centuries Racism was only a thing found in this land, the rest of the world was about class. Immagrents didint know what racism was till they got here. Its soley becuase their is all different people here, and most dont like each other. Now Racism is found throughout the world, why? Because many other nations Especially Europe, are being invaded by outsiders. Its human nature to not like something-just because, because your alive, its a god given right. F**k tolerance, the media tells you to tolerate, and who runs the media?...You know who.

Judge not untill thee be judged

I agree with wahldo.
osiol  55 | 3921  
4 Aug 2008 /  #11
Remember you are well passed your sell-by date and young blood is moving up to push you to one side

Yo! Spring chicken! How's it going?

There has been a steady stream of abrasive, homophobic, rasist young male American Poles trolling the forum

Yeah, I noticed that too.

Others dont have the right to free speech?

They're free to speak, but you don't let every Tom, Dick and Adolf into your house to have a childish rant.

Judge not untill thee be judged

I don't mind being judged. I usually get fairly high marks.
Not from Tom, Dick or Adolf though.
Eurola  4 | 1898  
4 Aug 2008 /  #12
geriatric old dribbler

old man

Oh, C'mon now VaFunk, you are not getting any younger either. More respect please.
And, if the young American boys are getting on your nerve, too bad. They have the right to speak, instigate, be abrasive, homophobic and racists.

So far, the privilege belonged to some deranged trolls of British origin. We can have our own too, ya'know.
Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
5 Aug 2008 /  #13
What is it that causes this unpleasant stereotype?

they smelled vafunkoolo coming and said.. we should be trolls on a Polish forum
because we know that some guy who named himself after a slang name for odors
like fumunda cheese will call us stereotypes so we must act like savages and
froth at the mouth and call ourselfs young American hooligans... and we are
100% polish so there!!!

Kilkline  1 | 682  
5 Aug 2008 /  #14
What is it that causes this unpleasant stereotype?

I thought Plastic-Paddies were bad with their comical wearing of shamrocks and financing of terrorism but maybe this lack of culture is associated with Plastics everywhere.

VaFunkoolo- I just 'got' your name. Italian I believe.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3503  
5 Aug 2008 /  #15
probably somebody's dad

lol its almost as if youre suggesting that being someones dad is an automatic passport to respect.

doesnt that strike you as just a little bit silly?

Others dont have the right to free speech? Their own Opinion? A way to feel?

lol its almost as if youre suggesting that just because someone has the right to an opinion, the right to free speach, that this makes their opinion and what they have to say acceptable.

doesnt that strike you as just a little bit silly?

They have the right to speak, instigate, be abrasive, homophobic and racists.

are you sure about that Eurola?

some guy who named himself after a slang name for odors

VaFunkoolo- I just 'got' your name.

Vafunkoola is the name of a top polish DJ, female, and is obviously a play on words. as anyone who understands a bit of italian would know.




Kilkline  1 | 682  
5 Aug 2008 /  #16
I had an Italian mate who when he watched Valencia in the champions league would say how he liked one of their players but he would never be able to play in Italy as his name was Angulo. It would be like having a player in England called Uckyourself.
5 Aug 2008 /  #17
doesnt that strike you as just a little bit silly?

No , ripping on an older guy while condeming a whole group as abrasive and stupid I find.. "a little bit silly."

.. ahh the Canadians and Brits.. OUR FRIENDS. It's too bad they're are so many Smiths and Joneses over here and not more surnames ending in ..ski, or ..ska, ..ic. Maybe a even few ..lovs and ..kos

We would have been done with you and your "sacred" island long, long ago.
osiol  55 | 3921  
5 Aug 2008 /  #18
We would have been done with you and your "sacred" island long, long ago.

This isle is supposedly sceptred, not sacred.

We would have been done with you and your "sacred" island long, long ago

Meaning what?

You get a few bigotted tossers with foul mouths and unpleasant attitudes and their nationality means more than that?
Eurola  4 | 1898  
5 Aug 2008 /  #19
BW, age is very relative. To a 17 year old somebody at 30 is old, to a 30 year old -45 is old..etc.
Based on PF experience, only the tossers and trolls get old - quite quickly too. They show up, stir things up and split.
It does not matter which side of the pond the reside on.
osiol  55 | 3921  
5 Aug 2008 /  #20
which side of the pond

Is the Pacific Ocean big enough to be a lake?
Eurola  4 | 1898  
5 Aug 2008 /  #21
OK, if you insist.
Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
5 Aug 2008 /  #22
No , ripping on an older guy while condeming a whole group as abrasive and stupid I find.. "a little bit silly."

I agree with you finally 100%

besides what did franek do to this vafunkynotcool anyway?

I dont care what the name stands for the person who represents it sure isnt
acting cool or like a Popular Polish dj.. besides its a borrowed name..

he should change it to Oldmankicker or Ifightwithgeriatrics or myfamouslineissellbydate lol.

I think Franek is very sweet and I dont think hes a Old man and even if hes a
Older man, doesnt matter, va-funkyfeet should be more respectful.
osiol  55 | 3921  
5 Aug 2008 /  #23
I dont think hes a Old man and even if hes a
Older man

Which is oldest? Old or older?
I'm feeling quite old at the moment.
Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
5 Aug 2008 /  #24
ok your a sweet old donkey too.. or are you a older donkey?

hmmmmmm.. doesnt matter,, I will keep respect for you as long as you let me
walk beside you and not behind you ;) lol.
osiol  55 | 3921  
5 Aug 2008 /  #25
walk beside you and not behind you

Ah! So you know about donkeys.

I'm young in human years, but getting a bit old in donkey years.

Remember you are well passed your sell-by date and young blood is moving up to push you to one side.

This seems to be the post that everyone's talking about.
Franek didn't reappear after this. Maybe he was just soooooo offended he will now refuse to ever darked PF's door again. Well, this thread anyway. I imagined he may have taken it in a good humoured way. Mr. Koolo wasn't referring to Franek, who didn't even fit the description given at the start of the thread.

I could think of a few recent members who do fit that description.

What seems interesting is that British trolls and British scum are blamed on the perfectly reasonable (and only slightly reasonable) British members of the forum. (What? You blaming me for noimmigration? I can go and learn Portuguese instead, you know?) On the other hand, have any reasonable (or even just slightly reasonable) American forum members been blamed for this new wave of Yanktrolls?
Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
6 Aug 2008 /  #26
What seems interesting is that British trolls and British scum are blamed on the perfectly reasonable (and only slightly reasonable) British members of the forum. (What? You blaming me for noimmigration? I can go and learn Portuguese instead, you know?) On the other hand, have any reasonable (or even just slightly reasonable) American forum members been blamed for this new wave of Yanktrolls?

I am taking it up with vafunkypants..I dont care about what country he lives
or significance to his screen name on here. :)
which is how I am in all things.. I dont blame the whole gang when one is at fault.
how fair is that?

Ah! So you know about donkeys.

know enough to watch my step ;)
osiol  55 | 3921  
6 Aug 2008 /  #27
I am taking it up with vafunkypants......... I dont blame the whole gang when one is at fault.

I wasn't pointing the hoof of blame at anyone regarding that observation.
It does seem though sometimes, that when people get upset by a small number of people or even an individual, some people take a much larger group and blame all of them. Another bad habit is for people to say it's not Scotland, England is to blame, or I'm not an American, I'm Polish, and so on...

What other bad habits are there? People picking their noses in public, breaking wind and blaming other people, and being racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, misanthropic bigots with no sense of tact, wit or social skills. Oh well, it happens.


I assume that name means you're only 19... Oh doesn't time fly! 21 now that you've been here a couple of years?
OP VaFunkoolo  6 | 654  
6 Aug 2008 /  #28
Franek didn't reappear after this.

He did actually but it got moved to random chat.

We had a couple more exchanges and the converstion finished with me telling him he is a dirty old man and should go make himself a drink and watch the flamingos getting jiggy wit it. I imagine he did.

Franek is an geriatric old dribbly and I am, er, not. Fortunately we both have a sense of humour and at least on my part thats as far as it goes.


Up yours the lot of you :P

I am taking it up with vafunkypants..

Youre more than welcome to P. Perhaps on facebook. You wont have to look very far to find me. But if you do want to, please dont put words into my mouth. I can speak for myself
Kilkline  1 | 682  
6 Aug 2008 /  #29
To me it looked like Vfunk and Franek were having a bit of banter and Franek was holding his own fine. Some people who were observing it probably dont have quite the same sense of humour maybe.

That would be their problem.
Franek  8 | 271  
6 Aug 2008 /  #30
LOL! Ya'll..
I just found this thread this morning. I never realized how big an audience we had..This came to me as a surprise..
You may think that I am nuts, but I like Funkie.. He makes me laugh. Give him a break, he means no harm. Besides, I am not as old as ya'll think. I have a way of suited my age for the occasion.. I am going to post my picture on here..Ya'll figu.re out how old I am. This was taken two weeks ago./. Go for it

This is going to surprise a lot of people.. This shows that this Fat uneducated racist American has GUTS..

As for Funkies site name goes, I was under the impression that it was some kind of venereal disease.. Oh well!,, Sometime even I can be wrong

Archives - 2005-2009 / USA, Canada / Young male American PolesArchived