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Cleveland couple and expired visa

Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
17 Jan 2008 /  #1
Garfield Heights Polish couple being deported back to Poland


Polish couple's children are United States citizens

I dont know if anyone else seen this, I just now did. and I would like to know
if they really were deported . The news article was from july of 2007..
PolskaDoll  27 | 1599  
17 Jan 2008 /  #2
I found this Kucinich Fights To Save Parents From Deportation but it's from less than a month after your article. I can't find anything since. It's an interesting story. Sad too. Many would say that they have committed something illegal, which is true, but surely there are others who should be deported before them.
OP Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
17 Jan 2008 /  #3
I can't find anything since. It's an interesting story. Sad too.

you know what really sucks about this story compared to others?

the fact that recently, I even described it in a post about a man who was mexican
came over and killed three kids , then we had the other guy who killed
all those college kids. and a dedicated family of Polish who are willing to do anything
it takes to stay in the states and be productive citizens are getting shafted!!

HOW stupid is that?? its absurd, its retarded, the list goes on...

if our govt officials in the immigration dept let them go back or make them go back
it will show how much of hypokrites they are, because we all know they can bend
the rules , they make them!!!!

and what really gets me is they arent doing their real job by keeping those other
citizens safe, not going after these other immigrants who come here and kill people
and themselfs or are caught and whats the worse that can happen? what kind
of jail time do they get?

its really disgusting.. I think that there should be a screening process ( yes)
because its needed for terrorists reasons.. and so people should not bellyache
if the rules are somewhat strict, but I also believe options should be given ( better
options) to these peaceful countries..
krysia  23 | 3058  
18 Jan 2008 /  #4
They did return to Poland on October 26th.
The oldest boy misses the US and is thinking how to get back. He misses his school, friends, but he is a US citizen and in a few years when he's 18 he can go back.

But living in Poland isn't that bad. They should be happy they're alive and the kids can go back whenever they want. It's not like they're going to prison or to hell, they will just have to do some adjustments in their lives. It's not the end of the world and it will be hard at first but they have to look on the positive side. One day when they get older and they are back on the US soil, they can write a story about their experiences.

I was 8 when I left the US to live in Poland. It was hard to adjust at first for me, the teachers were mean and very strict, there was school on Saturdays, no good cartoons on TV, no cheerios, etc. but I made it and I'm glad I lived there for 10 years. It's a good learning experience.

So they will be OK.

Here's their picture in £ódź Poland:

Dice  15 | 452  
18 Jan 2008 /  #5
the fact that recently, I even described it in a post about a man who was mexican
came over and killed three kids , then we had the other guy who killed
all those college kids. and a dedicated family of Polish who are willing to do anything
it takes to stay in the states and be productive citizens are getting shafted!!

I agree that this really sucks, but on the other hand you just can't say that you will kick out all the illegals from Latin countries and let illegal White Europeans stay. I don't think that UN and ACLU would like this idea very much.
OP Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
18 Jan 2008 /  #6
It's not like they're going to prison or to hell, they will just have to do some adjustments in their lives.

I hear ya, its not that part that makes you wonder, its the govt and how they
dictate who can and who cant.. these people were upstanding citizens, to where
that other idiot killed three kids exacution style..

the situation makes you wonder!!! and I realize Poland isnt a bad place, it wasnt that
it was the fact that they wanted to stay here, they were established. can you imagine
being uprooted like that? just drop everything your getting deported!!!

they allow criminals to run free, yet a family is uprooted and sent back.
makes a whole lot of sense ( NOT ).

I know we cant control everything, I do believe this is something they could have
taken into consideration and the facts speak for themselfs.. and how can you
establish friendly relations with other countries when those attending to these
situations are not doing their jobs!! then when they do their jobs, they are screwing
up.. whos sleeping in the immigrations dept?? WTF??

Poland did right by them.. our country screwed them. I am so disgusted..
PolskaDoll  27 | 1599  
18 Jan 2008 /  #7
It's not like they're going to prison or to hell, they will just have to do some adjustments in their lives.

Absolutely this is true. In a few months they may feel that it's the best move they ever had to make. Who knows?

I do agree with Patrycja though, it makes no sense that a government would uproot a family who appear to be good community members and have good lives and contribute. (It happens here in the UK too). It's almost like the government feels like they must be seen as taking a tough stance on illegals but they pick the wrong people.

I agree that this really sucks, but on the other hand you just can't say that you will kick out all the illegals from Latin countries and let illegal White Europeans stay

I think if the story had been about a Polish guy who was illegal and was robbing stores and old people no one would complain about his deportation, it's more the fact that it was a young family.
shewolf  5 | 1077  
18 Jan 2008 /  #8
The government probably had no other choice. They openly deport people from Latin American countries who are doing no harm, like that Mexican woman who was all over the news in the US recently. If they don't deport Europeans, too, it would seem like discrimmination.
krysia  23 | 3058  
18 Jan 2008 /  #9
They knew they were here illegally and that one day they will have to go back. They were given several choices and opportunities to stay but they did not file the documents.

US deports thousands of illegal aliens each year, most are Mexicans. They can't blame America for not filing the paperwork. It was their own fault. But that's typical of Polish people, always complaining and blaming someone else for their misfortunes.
PolskaDoll  27 | 1599  
18 Jan 2008 /  #10
They knew they were here illegally and that one day they will have to go back. They were given several choices and opportunities to stay but they did not file the documents

That is true of course. Perhaps they thought it would be okay because they pay taxes and things, who knows. While the laws say they should be deported, there was also a case for them not to be. The children should perhaps have been considered.

Anyway, as you say, they should have filed the paperwork themselves and saved all this trouble.

Why did they choose not to file the paper work? Laziness? Or is there some kind of "benefit" in not doing this?
Dice  15 | 452  
18 Jan 2008 /  #11
I think if the story had been about a Polish guy who was illegal and was robbing stores and old people no one would complain about his deportation, it's more the fact that it was a young family.

I agree. If you ask me we should open our borders to the EU. Why not?
BubbaWoo  33 | 3503  
18 Jan 2008 /  #12
apparently open borders in the eu is causing some tension
krysia  23 | 3058  
18 Jan 2008 /  #13
That's true. We see examples of it here on the forum.
Dice  15 | 452  
18 Jan 2008 /  #14
Yeah, but U.S. is 2x as big and has 2/3 of population of EU. We have room! Plus no migrant worker from EU would ever travel here to compete with the South Americans. It costs to much to travel and Europeans stand no chance in competition w/South Americans.
plk123  8 | 4120  
18 Jan 2008 /  #15
The Zajacs' troubles began when the couple missed a 1991 deadline to file paperwork that might have granted them political asylum. All they had to do was declare themselves refugees from Soviet-bloc communism.

how is their deportation an issue with the us gov?

But Teresa Zajac said they were unaware of the option.

oh that one works in court everytime. sure. ;)

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