It doesn't state where or when the survey was carried out, and only 135 people were questioned, but overall it doesn't look too negative. Ask a load of British people similar questions and you'd probably find just as much negativity.
It's nice to know when people are happy. Actually, it's good to know the truth, and it's just better if people are happy.
Some of the questions were a bit stupid, and it's possible that at least one person answered 'Don't know' for every single question.
But they didn't ask: Are British donkeys cooler than Polish ones? Is British popular music far, far superior to Disco Polo? Have you ever spanked anyone with their own copy of the Daily Mail? Do you plan on having obese children?
Interesting, but it was carried out in September 2006.
I think that what with the changing economy and the Polish maybe now having a better understanding about the cost of living here etc, the results maybe different if a similar study was carried out today.
The stats can be manipulated many ways - who are these 135? A group of builders waiting for Wicks in Croydon to open, or white-collar types working in recruitment agencies and courier companies in Hammersmith?
I thought that if I posted it here, someone would find out more about it, like:
it was carried out in September 2006
I couldn't find anything saying that, but then it probably says it in bold capital letters right at the top of the page, then again half way through, then at the end... and in the URL... and in a few other places as well.
Good thread OsioĊ, 92% say they haven't claimed from the state. Loads of Brits claim from the state so 'noimmigration' is well wide of the mark if these figures are to be believed.
the important thing to remember here is 'if they are believed' or more to the point, are they factually correct. The government rightly or wrongly wants the countries population to like immigrants and enjoy having them here. If they can convince the maority of this then they can open our borders up to yet more and more immigrants. So of course a bit of number fiddling to suit their cause is no problem :)
Also, the people who answerred the questions, are they telling the truth??? I mean you could as me 'Have you ever told a racist joke' what are my thought processes, well firstly, what answer do they want?? what answer should i give?? ow and by the way just for my brains sake, have i actually told a racist joke. The answer i give for the big stats on racist jokes is 'NO' suprise suprsie, even if i have. DO you think immigrants are going to want to admit if they have claimed of state or not??? of course not their not stupid, they know that a lot of people in the UK would be pretty pissed if they knew they were claiming of the state, regardless of whether the answer is given anonymously or not. They are classed under the bracket of (Immigrant)
I'm not discrediting your post in any way osiol and i think its rather a good one, just putting a spin on it.
for many reasons. the sample size, the way the questions have been phrased, that it was conducted in english etc etc etc the list goes on. it's a probable fail of a first year business studies student questionnaire.