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English tossers give Brits a bad name in Poland

rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
21 Nov 2009 /  #61
I mean that this type of boorish behaviour abroad is more prevalent in the English culture and .......wait a minute.......am I repeating myself

You're really getting boring.
time means  5 | 1309  
21 Nov 2009 /  #62
type of boorish behaviour abroad is more prevalent in the English culture and

Rubbish, it's just as prevelant in the Scottish culture.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
21 Nov 2009 /  #63
Don't tar us all with the old firm brush.

Isnt that what this thread is all about?

A bunch of bigots travelling down South

150,000 is hardly a bunch now is it?

those were old firm fans you had rioting in Manchester.

How about the ones that were pi$$ing up the side of M&S at 5pm when I was leaving work, were they all old firm fans?

Cardno, I have no issues with the Scots, but its a bit of a cheek to call the English names when the Scots do exactly the same.

Branded Scotland's Shame by most of the papers and public up here.


All they were trying to do was sell papers sweetie...They even went against the wishes of the police authories in Manchester.
time means  5 | 1309  
21 Nov 2009 /  #64
Isnt that what this thread is all about?

Bingo! Well said Shelley.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
21 Nov 2009 /  #65
Well, it's hard to say either way. It's not the kind of thing that you compile stats on, it's more about hearsay.

I've just heard many more tales about English folk doing it but it's another question if they are true or not. Football fans more so. Normal folk? Hard to say.

Maybe there's a shortage of good public toilets in Manchester ;0 ;)
time means  5 | 1309  
21 Nov 2009 /  #66
I've just heard many more tales about English folk doing it but it's

More probable English speaking folk. I have seen this myself in the Guinness bar in the plac solny in Wroclaw, A group of people singing and dancing, not causing any damage or trouble it was said to me " pah the English" when i pointed out that they were in fact Irish i received the answer "ah yes" with a smile as if to say that's ok then.

Football fans

Have you been to an England match or English league match recently?
Cardno85  31 | 971  
21 Nov 2009 /  #67
How about the ones that were pi$$ing up the side of M&S at 5pm when I was leaving work, were they all old firm fans?

Yes, the Old Firm is Rangers and Celtic. I can't see why anyone who was not a Rangers fan would have been in Manchester.

Cardno, I have no issues with the Scots, but its a bit of a cheek to call the English names when the Scots do exactly the same.

I haven't called the English any names here, I was purely stating that the vast majority of people in Manchester were Rangers fans, who are only a portion of Scottish football fans. As Seanus has mentioned, these people are bigots and Unionists and I welcome them in football as much as I would welcome a serial child rapist to Sunday dinner.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
21 Nov 2009 /  #68
I gather that they have really toned it down and are calm at English football matches, time means. I just have bad recollections of English fans abroad, ripping stuff apart and needing the big water tanks to disperse them. There were more organised gangs, the firms. Nowadays it's a more mellow scene right enough.

I have heard a couple of stories about Scots in Kraków and I can imagine them being as rowdy as people said. My Scottish friend (from this city) was there at that time and he was ashamed. There are plenty of Scottish wan*ers too. In fact, a lot!! Mostly Rangers fans I might add!
OP szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
21 Nov 2009 /  #69
Rubbish, it's just as prevelant in the Scottish culture.

I dont believe it is.

Isnt that what this thread is all about?

Its about the English culture and their behaviour abroad.

Different nationalities have different national traits, some positive, some negative.

my point is that the English culture encourages this type of behaviour more so than other national cultures.

You're really getting boring.

Repetative, I would agree with.

as if to say that's ok then.

And why do you think that is, what informs their opinion ?
time means  5 | 1309  
21 Nov 2009 /  #70
I dont believe it is.

You wouldn't

Its about the English culture and their behaviour abroad.

No it's about two cruel idiots. Since when has pigeon tossing abroad been part of English culture.

And why do you think that is, what informs their opinion

Same actions one percieved bad the other as good, ignorance, bigotry, racist, small mindedness.....
OP szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
21 Nov 2009 /  #71
You wouldn't

My views are based on my observations.
I haven't heard a coherant argument to change my viewpoint, ergo, my views are reinforced.

Unless you think there another reason ?

Same actions one percieved bad the other as good,

Based on the fact that the English have a worse reputation abroad, based on their behaviour, than say, the Scots or the Welsh.
However, these idiots are consistently being reported as being British - hence the title of the thread.
time means  5 | 1309  
21 Nov 2009 /  #72
reported as being British

That's because they are British and travelled on a British passport.

hence the title of the thread

The title of the thread is a dig by you, it's what you do.
Vincent  8 | 800  
21 Nov 2009 /  #73
Based on the fact that the English have a worse reputation abroad, based on their behaviour, than say, the Scots or the Welsh.

Maybe it's because England's population out numbers the other home countries by 10 to 1 thus more English travel abroad and more trouble reported. There are good and bad in every country.
time means  5 | 1309  
21 Nov 2009 /  #74

“Reputation is an idle and most false imposition; oft got without merit, and lost without deserving.”

William Shakespeare
Seanus  15 | 19666  
21 Nov 2009 /  #75
Aberdeen fans are pretty rough when they go abroad, Szkotja. There are enough instances of mindless stupidity to give US a reputation. However, as Vincent said, the media tends to cover English fans more.

Although I tend to find that Scots are more cultured when travelling, there is evidence to the contrary.
OP szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
21 Nov 2009 /  #76
Maybe it's because England's population out numbers

Perhaps for the general population that may be true. But without robust statistics how can we tell ?
If we wanted evidence your statement we would need a control group.
One example we could take as a control group would be football fans.

For example we would expect the same arrests at a game containing 50 000 English footie fans as we would 50 000 French , German, Norwegian fans ?

Retrospection informs us that this is not the case.

There are good and bad in every country.

I have made that point in several posts in this thread.

What I am saying is that

this type of boorish behaviour abroad is more prevalent in the English culture


Or are you saying that all countries cultures are the same ?

I'll polarise the issue to make a point -

South Korea vs Spain - could be Policed by babcias.

England vs Spain ?

there is evidence to the contrary.

Of course Scotland has idiots abroad, its just that by comparison..............

Edit - re Aberdeen fans - they can be rough at times in Scotland too - they roasted a sheep on the train after a game.
Vincent  8 | 800  
21 Nov 2009 /  #77
this type of boorish behaviour abroad is more prevalent in the English culture

To me, English louts are the same as Scottish, Welsh, Irish or any other Country abroad louts.
I don't think a couple of thugs throwing pigeons around should condemn a whole nation. How many peaceful citizens go abroad, enjoy their holiday and don't cause any trouble? This is not reported because it's not news, but I would not mind betting that it is a high percentage.
OP szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
21 Nov 2009 /  #78
To me, English louts are the same as Scottish, Welsh, Irish or any other Country abroad louts.

Absolutely, we have clarified that point and are in agreement.

The point is that English culture encourages this behaviour more so than others.

Again - I am not hearing anything to the contrary.
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
21 Nov 2009 /  #79
I don't doubt there are Scotland fans who cause some bother on away trips but Cardno is right, if there are Old Firm "fans" causing trouble anywhere while following those teams then it's likely they aren't even Scotland supporters. The majority of the Old Firm fans support England or Ireland.

Most fans of other teams are waiting for the Old Firm to be accepted into any league outside Scotland.

There are Old Firm fans who don't cause an ounce of bother though and are just as sickened by the disgusting behaviour of the others who allege to support their team.

To me, English louts are the same as Scottish, Welsh, Irish or any other Country abroad louts.

I'll go with that, a lout is a lout regardless of nationality.
time means  5 | 1309  
21 Nov 2009 /  #80
The title of the thread is a dig by you, it's what you do.

Still stands

The point is that English culture encourages this behaviour more so than others.

Total shite.

England vs Spain ?

The biggest problem was the racist chants and monkey noises by the Spanish fans.When was the last time you went to an England match? There is hardly any trouble at all
OP szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
21 Nov 2009 /  #81
Stiil stands

"English idiots convicted of tossing pigeons in Krakow are giving all visitors from Britain a bad name" - just isn't as snappy.

Total shite.

Thats an informative response - can you expand on it ?

ake the last world cup the English were well down the league table of arrests and they had a huge following over there.


The Spanish game wasn't the issue.

The issue is the same as in several posts before.

The point is that English culture encourages this behaviour more so than others.

Total shite.

So South Koreas culture towards football is no different to Englands ?

I think we both know that England fans aint going to be picking up litter at Wemberley any time soon.
time means  5 | 1309  
21 Nov 2009 /  #82
Thats an informative response - can you expand on it ?

It's a total answer.

"English idiots

You have a personal beef with the English that is obvious, what it is only you know.

England fans aint going to be picking up litter at Wemberley

Like they do at Hampden?


So predictable.
OP szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
21 Nov 2009 /  #83
You have a personal beef with the English that is obvious, what it is only you know.

The guys were not English and were not idiots ?

Like they do at Hampden?

I am accepting that different cultures have different beliefs.
In comparison to South Korea I believe that Scotland can learn from them in their approach to public sporting events.
Can England not learn too ?

You have a personal beef with the English that is obvious,

English idiots that throw pigeons about - yes.

If I was an English person addressing this question - would your attitude be different ?
time means  5 | 1309  
21 Nov 2009 /  #84
The guys were not English and were not idiots

Two guys and not the whole English nation, therefore not a cultural issue but two cruel twats who should have been battered by the police in my opinion.

sporting events.
Can England not learn too ?

You can never learn enough and to be honest the UK leads the world in running sporting events, the festival at Cheltenham, grand national, the derby, football ( is a safe as any country in the world now probably more so, just look at the amount of families who go) motor racing the list is huge.

If I was an English person addressing this question - would your attitude be different

No it wouldn't and technically speaking and by the standards i have used i am not English myself (as in birthright) To me where someone is from is a point of interest and not a point of conflict!

Do they pick up the litter in Sth Korea after the match?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
21 Nov 2009 /  #85
Much ado about a few idiots, found anywhere, performing their drunken antics.

It's like the stories of the Jews that come here. So maybe it happens but let law enforcement do their job. We have to leave some things to trust these days.

As for Scotland Vs England, we can see that they are generally more laddish than Polish guys. Go to Nottingham or Glasgow for evidence of that. I feel safer here than there.
time means  5 | 1309  
21 Nov 2009 /  #86
Nottingham or Glasgow

Pub wise i have not been to either. I did have a weekend in Paisley quite a few years ago though.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
21 Nov 2009 /  #87
Again, I'm basing my knowledge of Nottingham on a couple of documentaries I have seen and word of mouth from Englishmen.

Glasgow is a cool place to drink but can get rough in parts towards the end of the night.
OP szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
21 Nov 2009 /  #88

Dont mention the Jews !!!!

As for Scotland Vs England

Its not about conflict - its about recognising that there are cultural differences anbd that there are different patterns of behaviour.

more laddish than Polish guys.

Thats one example.

I'm saying the English culture encourages this behaviour and needs to change.

personal beef with the English that is obvious,

How so ? There are plenty of people in the FA and in Westminster Palace that would say the same about the countrys ( Englands) culture towards boorish behaviour. Have they a personal beef with the English ? - please validate your statement with refs.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
21 Nov 2009 /  #89
I think I already have mentioned them :)

Well, you have to poinpoint them. There is something to be said for Britishness but we do have a different interpretation of culture, I can agree there.

I think racism may have been reduced in England. Statements like 'I'd rather be a Paki than a Turk' are downright inflammatory. Those days are fizzling out though. We had it too in Scotland. Remember the monkey noises and throwing of bananas when Mark Walters made his debut for Rangers?
AFC_1903  - | 7  
21 Nov 2009 /  #90
Ah, but Seanus - most of the Aberdeen trouble is directed at us, rather than perpetrated by us.

The gas attack on the pub full of Aberdeen fans in Olomouc in August this year? The petrol bombs being thrown at us in Madrid a couple of seasons back? In each case the Dons fans were the victims. While I'm not saying we're all innocent, and that there are no scumbags in our support, there is a hell of a lot less than in the Old Firm support - particularly Rangers. After all, being outnumbered and attacked is hardly the same as Rangers fans in 6-figure numbers demolishing a city, assaulting property and persons, the police force and bottling TV technicians who were trying to help.

re Aberdeen fans - they can be rough at times in Scotland too - they roasted a sheep on the train after a game

You do realise that it was one of the Aberdeen fans who was set alight, not an opposition fan? And it wasn't done by one of hers, but by a hibbee being an idiot with a lighter...

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