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Paying tax in the UK??? Then you're breaking the law!!

hairball 20 | 313  
2 Feb 2008 /  #1
If you are tax payer in the UK then you are breaking International and UK Law, by supporting the illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Given the existence of the International Criminal Court Act 2001, and in particluar, sections 51 and 52 of that act the prosecution of the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, by UK Military at the behest of UK Government, is an act of genocide and a war-crime under English Law.



Under these same statutes, it is also a war-crime to assist in any way the continued commission of these crimes.

Thus the paying of taxes, or that proportion of taxes which goes towards supporting that contuinued military activity or any infrastructure that allows those military activities to continue, including the parliamentary offices, staff and infrastructure of all parliamentarians who support the wars, is also a criminal offence as outlined by the above mentioned laws, which are ratified English, Welsh Law.

Not many people know this. But then not many people are paying attention. Certainly the mainstreammedia are not reporting this.

I just thought I'd spread the word.
2 Feb 2008 /  #2
I just thought I'd spread the word.

No-one wants to hear you, you deluded arsehat....back to the basement for you.
OP hairball 20 | 313  
2 Feb 2008 /  #3
you deluded arsehat

I'm just quoting the law. So I'm affraid your the one who's deluded!

The investigation has already begun.

Part one

Part two

Part three

Part four
2 Feb 2008 /  #4
I'm just quoting the law. So I'm affraid your the one who's deluded!

The investigation has already begun.

Oh please, get back on your bus.
Seanus 15 | 19668  
2 Feb 2008 /  #5
OK, there has been an investigation here but the government will likely sweep it under the carpet
Michal - | 1865  
2 Feb 2008 /  #6
Thus the paying of taxes, or that proportion of taxes which goes towards supporting that contuinued military activity or any infrastructure that allows those military activities to continue, including the pa

The legal requirement to pay taxes has nothing to do with legality of wars. I own a car and drive it buying petrol. I am therefore aiding and abetting others who drink and drive and kill people with their own cars because I am helping, through taxation, to keep the roads in good condition. People who work in shops are also breaking the law of moral codes if those same shops sell cigaretts because they kill people. Where the hell do you end with this argument? Taxation in England started to finance the French Wars all those years ago and Parliament is sovereign declaring war on anybody it wants to if a majority is reached in the House of Commons.
OP hairball 20 | 313  
3 Feb 2008 /  #7
I own a car and drive it buying petrol. I am therefore aiding and abetting others who drink and drive and kill people

That's total bollox. Firstly the person who drinks and then drives is wholly responsible for drink driving. It has absolutly nothing to do with anybody else who owns a car and buys petrol. It's the person who goes into the pub/shop buys alcohol, drinks it and then drives. No one else.

People who work in shops are also breaking the law of moral codes if those same shops sell cigaretts because they kill people.

Well actually it's the manufacturers who are breaking the moral code. But because fags really do kill, it's a leagal requirment to put the health warning on the packet, and therefore passing the responsibility on to the person who smokes. Nothing to do with shop assistants.

Under the above posted laws genocide is a war-crime under English and Welsh law and therefore it's also a war-crime to assist in any way the continued commission of these crimes. The law is quite clear on this issue.


OK, there has been an investigation

Seanus you used present perfect that would sugest said investigation is finished. It's not there's an on-going investigation!
Michal - | 1865  
3 Feb 2008 /  #8
That's total bollox. Firstly the person who drinks and then drives is wholly responsible for drink driving. It has absolutly nothing to do with anybody else who owns a car and buys petrol. It's the person who goes into the pub/shop buys alcohol, drinks it and then drives. No one else.

Exactly-the very point I was making. So why is it that anybody who works and pays taxes is supporting an illegal war in Iraq? It is the same thing as I was showing.
Wroclaw 44 | 5359  
3 Feb 2008 /  #9
If you are tax payer in the UK then you are breaking International and UK Law, by supporting the illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

If by paying tax a Brit is breaking international law... Then the same would apply to Polish taxpayers.

Hairball, do you pay tax ? Are you contributing to the genocide ?

You seem to be a man of principle. What are you doing to right the wrong ?
OP hairball 20 | 313  
3 Feb 2008 /  #10
Hairball, do you pay tax ?

Yes Wroclaw I am paying Polish tax. However this is something that is pecific in English/Welsh law. The International Criminal Court Act. There's a link on the first post.

As to righting the wrong I'm trying to inform people here. Some of my friends in variouse parts of the UK are in the process of "reporting" the war cimes of genicide to the uk Police. And I understand from the videos that Americans can do something simular under their law.
djf 18 | 166  
3 Feb 2008 /  #11

Go on then i will entertain you. Give me an example of 'genocide' being committed in this subject.
Wroclaw 44 | 5359  
3 Feb 2008 /  #12
Some of my friends in variouse parts of the UK are in the process of "reporting" the war cimes of genicide to the uk Police

Are they witness to these crimes or are they forming their own opinion ?

I would have thought that there would be a higher authority than the UK police. I mean a government/non-government... national/international organization.

I don't agree with your message, but I would like to learn more.
OP hairball 20 | 313  
3 Feb 2008 /  #13

The peace movement has been trying to get this into court for six years. But it wasn't untill just before christmas that the Metropolitan Police would listen to the allagations of genocide. On one side you have the Blair gov saying the invasion of Iraq was legal under UN security council resolutions 678, 687 and 1441, but on the other side the peace movement are saying that they didn't have authority. So the first argument is that the war was illegal.

A discription of genocide is that the perpotrator kills one or more person or persons belonging to a perticular national: ethnic: racial or religous group and that the perpotrator intended to kill said person/persons. And they are focusing on perticular comments made bt Blair. I think we can safely say that one or more people of a percific nation/racial/ethnic/religous group have been killed.

I have to go Wroclow. My wife is coming home from work and I need to make her dinner.
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6138  
3 Feb 2008 /  #14
the peace movement are saying

JustysiaS 13 | 2235  
3 Feb 2008 /  #15
my fiance is in the British army and he was in Iraq and Afghanistan. I bought stamps to send him letters and other things whilst he was away. Did i break the law? lol
Seanus 15 | 19668  
3 Feb 2008 /  #16
There haven't been any conclusions? I just assumed it was from 2005 for example. Correct me if I'm wrong but we went into Iraq in 2003. Why does it take so long to assemble a commission? What do they propose, to take Tony Blair to court? Good luck. MP's aren't above the law as the Kenneth Baker case illustrated but the likelihood of punishment is small
djf 18 | 166  
3 Feb 2008 /  #17

You genocide helper you! :-P
JustysiaS 13 | 2235  
3 Feb 2008 /  #18
ha ha. so is all his family and friends for sending him letters and parcels. funny thing is, that everything you send out there HAS to be special delivery, otherwise it just gets 'lost'. dunno if anyone heard about blueys, they are free sorta envelopes you send your letters in to members of british army posted in war zones. they NEVER arrive. how convenient. spending even more money on this stupid war.
joo who - | 100  
3 Feb 2008 /  #19
Oooh bugggg...errr! I was a collector of aforementioned taxes, and 2 of our sons have done 2 tours of duty each in Iraq, now heading for Afghanistan....Will I be shot at dawn for my contribution??

Seriously...taxation, as stated above, was made mandatory in the Uk to support a war against Napoleon....I think that's been over for a couple of years now...so why are we still paying tax?? And why so much??? (Aside from supporting the benefits claims of all those polygamous, work-shy moslem asylum-seeker trouble makers, fleeing their home lands of Iraq, Iran Afghanistan that is??!)
Michal - | 1865  
4 Feb 2008 /  #20
Yes Wroclaw I am paying Polish tax. However this is something that is pecific in English/Welsh law. The International Criminal Court Act. There's a link on the first post.

You are an idiot. Poland too is supporting the war. How are you paying Polish taxes if you live in Byker? Has Poland increased its borders westwards?
dtaylor 9 | 823  
4 Feb 2008 /  #21
The peace movement

Typical, if they arent banging on about global warming, saving dolphines ect, they have to keep occupied with sticking thier noses in something else. A point of note is this:-

genocide any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group.

Collateral damage the unintentional damage or incidental damage affecting facilities, equipment, or personnel, occurring as a result of military actions directed against targeted enemy forces or facilities. Such damage can occur to friendly, neutral, and even enemy forces.

Seems to me that the tree huggers will have a problem trying to change the meanings of the two terms...
irishdeano 5 | 304  
4 Feb 2008 /  #22
If you are tax payer in the UK then you are breaking International and UK Law, by supporting the illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

everyone in the uk is going to jail :P :p :P :P :P haha
Wroclaw 44 | 5359  
4 Feb 2008 /  #23
You are an idiot. Poland too is supporting the war. How are you paying Polish taxes if you live in Byker? Has Poland increased its borders westwards?

hairball is from Byker, but living in Poland. Just because one disagrees doesn't make the other person an idiot.

To prove this genocide, won't you have to show the difference between individual acts of murder and government policy to remove people.

Acts by individuals are already tried in the courts.

Death by result of an accident [collateral damage] is not a war crime.

At what point are UK forces breaking international law. Other than the fact that you believe the war is illegal/unjust.
OP hairball 20 | 313  
10 Feb 2008 /  #24
To prove this genocide, won't you have to show the difference between individual acts of murder and government policy to remove people.

The case of genocide


The war was illegal. They said that Sadam wasn't complying with UN resolutions and invaded on these grounds. But infact, he was. Mr Blix, who was given the task of inspecting, said that they didn't have any. bLiar stood up in Parlament and waved the "sexed up dossier" and said he (Sadam) could deploy WMD's against Britian in 45 mins. After the "suicide" of Dr David Kelly we find out that this "45 min" claim was only regarding "field weapons". So if the war is not legal, then "collateral damage" is not acceptable.

And for those of you who don't want to debate this sensibly and just refer to me as "tree hugger" your showing your mentality and I'm not interested in debating with you.

Your hubby to be is just a pawn in this "game," so I don't think that you have to worry about buying him stamps.

But I am interested in what HE thinks about this war?
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503  
10 Feb 2008 /  #25
Just because one disagrees doesn't make the other person an idiot

no, but it greatly increases the likelyhood... kinda like winning the lottery if you buy a ticket
Seanus 15 | 19668  
10 Feb 2008 /  #26
Hairball, if u want more clout to ur arguments, check out Scott Ritter on Youtube. Hans Blix, tell me, how long was he in Iraq and what access did he have to facilities? Compared to Scott Ritter, very little. He was there for 7 years and secured access to many buildings. He also talks about the illegality of the war and phony nature of it. U will not find a better expert on WMD's Hairball so check him out. I feel that, without the info that he provides, ur case is a little bare (tho cogent). He explores compliance issues and all manner of other hot potatoes.
OP hairball 20 | 313  
10 Feb 2008 /  #27
Scott Ritter

Cheers for that Seanus. By what he says, and he does seem to be the most qualified to say it, the war with Iraq was illegal. Therefore genocide has been commited.

Seanus 15 | 19668  
10 Feb 2008 /  #28
I watched a 28 min video of him last night, what a powerful speaker. Also take a look at his 14 min Q and A session on Youtube. Finally, bear in mind that he was a staunch Republican who also spoke out against Clinton.
OP hairball 20 | 313  
10 Feb 2008 /  #29
14 min Q and A session

I'm watching now.
Seanus 15 | 19668  
10 Feb 2008 /  #30
He doesn't mince his words and speaks his mind, we need more of that type of person, not spin doctors and BS merchants.

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