I am here because I never chose to leave.
you didn't choose to leave, you were born here or what?? why did you come here if you didn't want to??
I have a friend from Lodz, single mother, two children under age of six. She arrived with no job. How would this statement affect her....
she would not be allowed in, it would be down to the Polish government to support her
She now has a job, earning minimum wage, her tax will not cover her childrens education or health needs. Would this be foreseen at point of entry?
she would not have got in in the first place.
Guess who came over to look after the children ?
again N/A they would not be allowed in the first place.
this does seem unfair, so maybe in the checking process there could be some kind of job centre involved so that a job could be set up for the mother. I'm not sure how this would work so please don't ask me, why not ask the home secretary?? lol, although i don't think even the home sec would no :)