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Polish parents hang themselves at their Lincoln, UK home

szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
13 Jul 2008 /  #31
I believe that suicide has been discussed before but would you know what to do if someone you know was suicidal or thinking about harming themselves?

Some of these links may help people get an idea of how to help -


If you are interested in helping and you are resident in Scotland there is a Mental Health First Aid course available -

ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
14 Jul 2008 /  #32

It's very sad, but what they went through with the work situation is affecting a lot of people, work is not as plentiful and the situation is getting worse.

My heart goes out to the family and I dont think that anyone has the right to judge these people.
Zgubiony  15 | 1274  
14 Jul 2008 /  #33
Give m an example of british couples killing themselves because they could not hack the job markt

Don't tell me that no one in the UK has comitted suicide due to losing work...that would be a lie. It happens everywhere. Unfortunately, this was a horrible way to leave the children.
Daisy  3 | 1211  
14 Jul 2008 /  #34
Which will, no doubt, be added to the already huge British taxpayers financial burden.

your catching on :)

I really truthfully feel sorry for both of you, to make nasty remarks like that, when those two poor children have been through the unimaginal hell they have, can only show the workings of sick depraved minds.

You two should be pleased Bedlam has closed down, you would both be prize exhibits
Zgubiony  15 | 1274  
14 Jul 2008 /  #35
From what I've heard, Scotland used to have the highest suicide rate in the UK (2004?)so you should know these things happen to everyone.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
14 Jul 2008 /  #36
Which will, no doubt, be added to the already huge British taxpayers financial burden

if those people worked here i am sure they paid taxes as well. you blame your government full of idiots and ass kissers for the way they spend the taxpayers money, not the people for taking it. if anything, this is a very good cause if it helps those two kids. you and that other t*** make me sick.
Kilkline  1 | 682  
14 Jul 2008 /  #37
I have read many accounts of poles killing themselves because of silly reasons.

Compared to those people in Bridgend who are topping themselves just because there mates have done it?
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
14 Jul 2008 /  #38
yeah and cos they want more views and comments on their bebo pages. now THAT is a proper reason to kill yourself. you should think about it, noimmigration. you on bebo?
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
14 Jul 2008 /  #39
You two should be pleased Bedlam has closed down

Bedlem is still very much up and running, in fact they opened a new wing this year
Daisy  3 | 1211  
14 Jul 2008 /  #40
Yes, but they don't have the patients on show any more
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
14 Jul 2008 /  #41
I spent two days working at Maudsley, which I think is Bedlam. It's a sad place to be. The serious mental cases were behind two locked steel doors. The treatment and surgery they gave people was amazing. The hospital, when i was there, also had day patients.

I was a builder at the time, not hospital staff.
espana  17 | 951  
18 Jul 2008 /  #42
this video is from a romanian father who cant feed his kids in spain

i m warning people , the video is quite horrific

tornado2007  11 | 2270  
18 Jul 2008 /  #43
ok well i watched the video and its a man setting fire to himself, i understand that yes. However what was the point in it?? Some sort of protest?? what good did it do???

I really didn't see the point of that. Woudn't he have got further making some sort of disturbance in the public arena, for example in front of the king etc rather than a normal street!!
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
18 Jul 2008 /  #44
i'm sorry but i don't feel any compassion for the guy in that video. my only sympathy is for society in that he has procreated and has offspring in this world. perhaps if i knew more about the whole thing i'd feel differently but as i see it, that is just a dumbass thing to do and just puts his burden onto the spanish people.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
18 Jul 2008 /  #45
I think what Mr Cow was demonstrating is that people from all nationalities are driven to do desparate things...
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
18 Jul 2008 /  #46
ok fair play, however he didn't really think it through did he :)
VaFunkoolo  6 | 654  
18 Jul 2008 /  #47
Maudsley, which I think is Bedlam

No. Bedlam is the Bethlem Royal - hence the name Bedlem - but has become joined to Maudsley and South London NHS looney bin trust or something
espana  17 | 951  
18 Jul 2008 /  #48
ok fair play, however he didn't really think it through did he :)

what you talking about iron?
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
18 Jul 2008 /  #49
ok fair play, however he didn't really think it through did he :)

Desparate people dont generally think things through Mr T......
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
18 Jul 2008 /  #50
No. Bedlam is the Bethlem Royal - hence the name Bedlem

OK. thanx, now I understand.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
18 Jul 2008 /  #51
So therefore there is an element of weakness.

so where the heck is all this govt help they are supposed to be getting??

where is any help?? they go to a place where a bunch of rude /excuse me
because this will be blunt Rude arse Feks who dont want them to have
a better life Namely people like no immigration who cry and whine when someone
makes money, so they taunt and call names and make their lifes a living he**
because they want better.

no immi, its none of your concern, I dont know why you even posted.. call
someone else weak when you cant even keep your self employed you have to
make a big deal over something you have no real concern for anyway..

Pathetic lies,, your full of them.. I wouldnt trust you as far as I could throw
you,, it sickens me that you even had the balls to post in this thread
because all thru since you joined youve done nothing but knock Polish down
and you are a polonophobe. whatever puzzler says, your one. true to the
term itself. I didnt believe but he was right it exists alright.. dont keep lying
to everyone and yourself that you care about what happens to anyone who
is polish when everyone knows you hate them!!!!!

when someone does this, some part of their brain has snapped, reality goes
out the door, people do these things not out of weakness, out of despair..
and so many are exploited its ridiculous..
look at the tesco situation where the management was making them wear
nappys, I know this was a few years ago. but still..... comon.. i find it degrading
and for christs sake this is 2004 or 2003 we are talking about .. not 1950!!!!

what is wrong with people??? how can anyone allow this to happen??? if it meant me losing my job to save face , then screw them.. Id be the definate irate

employee.. u find my nappy in your soupy at lunchy thats what I thinky!!
JohnP  - | 210  
18 Jul 2008 /  #52
Suicide is always horrible, but I cannot judge them, children or no. Suicide is just one possible choice people have in life when faced with negative events, unfortunately, it is also a choice which it is impossible to take back. Years ago I was on a ceremonial burial detail, and the person who hanged himself had done so because of marital infidelity on the part of his wife, who, when he confronted her, apparently told him to pack sand, she'll do what she wants. Weird situation. She actually showed at the funeral, and we had to present her with the flag, by regulation. Personally? I don't think she was worth it. For that guy? perhaps she was. Sometimes I think people want to make a lasting statement and see suicide as a way to this.

It just seems tragic that many of the people who need help wrt this the most, do not get it in time if at all.

John P.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
18 Jul 2008 /  #53
It just seems tragic that many of the people who need help wrt this the most, do not get it in time if at all.

you are so right and if we say its a weakness, then people will say oh well and
turn their backs because they view weakness as a controllable thing like smoking
and drinking, and wont offer up any help or see signs of depression ( like what
prob happened here) and of course untreated , leads up to this.

there was a mother of a child who suffered post partum depression and
she killed her child, the father went right back to work leaving her all alone
and she snapped and drowned it..

and yes this makes me angry and upset, you dont think even for one minute
someone can be capable of such a thing but she was a immigrant living in
America with no family to help and she just had a baby, sleep deprivation,
factors in, she cant speak english, she is alone, the list goes on.
and the husband was back to work , she became manic..

depression isnt a weakness. because a weakness is something you can control
and choose not to by having an affair, or drinking that last beer, or smoking
that last cig or eating one more piece of candy.. these things you can stop
because you mind is still in control.
in depressed state, you cant..

let me also say, when my mother died, that was my first experience of feeling
a loss of control, I dont even remember driving home, and I had no control
over the tears, it was like a water fall, and it wouldnt stop, I felt helpless and
a sense of not really being in the physical world.. the next day reality came back
my head was pounding, I was sick to my stomach, I couldnt eat, I wanted to
sleep, but I kept seeing my mom take her last breath over and over in my mind and I couldnt stop this.. and I work in a hospital where they teach us to deal with

death, because we will see alot of people die and so it hardens you to some
extent, but nothing prepares you for such a loss when its a very close family
member, someone whom you love unconditionally.

but, I came out of it.that was not weakness, it was sorrow, despair, loss of
thoughts, loss of control, loss of my best friend..
LAGirl  9 | 496  
19 Jul 2008 /  #54
how stupid and selfish to do that leave two kids behind how sad.
Decorator  4 | 291  
19 Jul 2008 /  #55
how stupid and selfish to do that

I'll never understand this comment about suicide, followed by the "cowardly act" comment..
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
19 Jul 2008 /  #56
how stupid and selfish to do that leave two kids behind how sad.

Let's just hope everything in your life goes swimmingly then.

I'll never understand this comment about suicide, followed by the "cowardly act" comment..

Neither do I. It's like people who say "I would never commit suicide". You just don't know that.


Good posting. The human mind is a strange thing, so many things can change what goes on inside of it and, as you say, these changes are uncontrollable. If a person doesn't have someone nearby who recognise these changes and help them then it goes un-noticed and tragic things often happen as a result.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
19 Jul 2008 /  #57
Let's just hope everything in your life goes swimmingly then.

I agree with you on this one, some dont understand so she would be the type
to ignore a *reak crisis* in front of her... to me thats more selfish and sad.
LAGirl  9 | 496  
19 Jul 2008 /  #58
PD my life is stress right now I just lost my mother I have no family no more and going through a divorce but I have friends helping me through this so yes my life is well but its no excuse for people to be selfish then.
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
19 Jul 2008 /  #59
I'm sorry for you then.

As you say though, you have someone helping you through it.
szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
19 Jul 2008 /  #60
Seems to be a lot of pre concieved ideas about suicide.
This is a good link for those that genuinely want to try and understand suicide -
Most people contemplating suicide do not want to die, they just want to stop the pain and difficulties they are experiencing


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