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713,000 new foreign workers in UK

peterweg  37 | 2305  
24 Jul 2007 /  #1
The UK issued National Insurance numbers to 713,000 overseas nationals in the year to April 2007.

That number - which includes those who may be in the UK for a short time - is more than twice the amount issued to non-UK nationals four years earlier.

The figures include self-employed people as well as the employed workers who are counted in other surveys.

The number from new EU counties working in the UK for the first time rose to 321,000 from 277,000 a year earlier.


Poland: 222,000
India: 49,000
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
24 Jul 2007 /  #2
The number from new EU counties working in the UK for the first time rose to 321,000 from 277,000 a year earlier

If you bothered to watch Panorama last night you would know that the figures are not known, it could be at least triple that.
OP peterweg  37 | 2305  
24 Jul 2007 /  #3
I've got it Tivo'ed. I'll watch it.

I suspect a very large number of these NI numbers are students coming over for summer, I've help two get jobs and they say all their friends are doing it.
24 Jul 2007 /  #4
they talk about maybe 4 diferent nationalities during the whole show and more then 15 times about Poland and Poles I know you people on this forums dont see the bad onj Poles but this is not the Daily Mail this is the BBC !!!!
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
24 Jul 2007 /  #5
They did indeed, but I didn't actually see them film any Polish moaning about anything unlike those bloody somalies and also the Polish were quite happy to speak to the guy doing the interviewing (even though it cost a family their home) - unlike those bloody Roma - the one thing that did make me laugh was someone complaining that they couldnt get Kingsmill bread because the Polish shop only sold Polish bread...ROLF!! And why didnt they interview anyone that was English - I dont mean "British" I mean English!
truhlei  10 | 332  
24 Jul 2007 /  #6
If you bothered to watch Panorama last night you would know that the figures are not known, it could be at least triple that.

Are there any economoc studies that can show how many foreigners UK needs in general?
Are any researches that are looking for the way to organize economy for possible reduction of required imigrants.
Nobody shall deny that everytime developping mechanization can permit the use of lesser workers and the number is increasing.
I'm sure economists should think on that.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
24 Jul 2007 /  #7
Are there any economoc studies that can show how many foreigners UK needs in general?

We do a census ever 10 years, people who move to the UK move about from city to city, so its difficult to to gage how many people live here, the local councils (local governments) get funding on howmany people pay council tax (this is an amount every household pays) but in some households there might be up to 10 adults living in a house, in answer to your question, the UK is finding it difficult to find out how many people.

A) people that come in to the country on illegal passports.
B) people that come in on coaches - there is no system in place at coach stations
C) people that dont work so no national insurance number issued (children and the elderly and the scroungers and gangsters)
D) They dont count everyone that comes through the airpors, I think it is 1 in ever 500 hundred

We have no way of knowing how many immigrants we have in the UK, but I would guestimate - about a 1/4 of the population of the UK are immigrants.
truhlei  10 | 332  
24 Jul 2007 /  #8
We have no way of knowing how many immigrants we have in the UK, but I would guestimate - about a 1/4 of the population of the UK are immigrants.

That is the main challenge for today. In 19 century people always knew everybody from their street and police was in great percentage urregular, i.e. residents exercised police work without interrupting their own business. Everything especially in towns and villages was under popular controle and situation when anybody was ilegal was absolutely impossible. The number of people in each street was well known.

Later people transmited that work to public servants and one can see the result.
Isn't it high time to return to old practice? Regular compulsory military service is abolished in GB but what about irregular one? If young people spend some two years looking after the streets, visiting and controlling families with problems, handicapped persons that require help etc. Ant at the same time registering foreigners? Under the direction of experienced people.

I'm sure all the Nation will feel more security and young people will feel more responsability for the rest of their life
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
24 Jul 2007 /  #9
Isn't it high time to return to old practice? Regular compulsory military service is abolished in GB but what about irregular one? If young people spend some two years looking after the streets, visiting and controlling families with problems, handicapped persons that require help etc. Ant at the same time registering foreigners? Under the direction of experienced

Its very interesting you speak about this, there has been a t.v.programme on that has taken delinquents and turned them in to "men" just by installing morals and discipline, I would be all for it, but funding is a large issue, Im not sure why we did away with National Service (my father was the last of this kind - he's 70 this year) and I'm not sure it was a good thing that we did. I think your ideas are extremely good and it would be like gold if we could initiate them, but in this day and age where youngsters feel they are owed a living and a great deal of them come from families with few or no morals it would be difficult...I feel quite sad at times when I think of what England has become, but at the same time pleased I had the upbringing I had.
OP peterweg  37 | 2305  
24 Jul 2007 /  #10
We have no way of knowing how many immigrants we have in the UK, but I would guestimate - about a 1/4 of the population of the UK are immigrants.

Its actually less than 10%. If you live in London you have no idea what Britain is like, the population is complety different.

Amathyst  19 | 2700  
24 Jul 2007 /  #11
Its actually less than 10%. If you live in London you have no idea what Britain is like, the population is complety different.

I live in Manchester....and I would say that 20% of the population of adults are not English...and thats just one city...what the fek are you quoting a scots paper for and if you bothered to watch Panorama last night you would know that the figures are not known....bring back the Russian because he speaks more sence!

Its actually less than 10%

I split my sides when I saw that, ask the local schools in Slough what the nationalities of the children are....
ajgraham  - | 121  
27 Jul 2007 /  #12
I live in Manchester....and I would say that 20% of the population of adults are not English

I take it you must live around Rusholme or Levenshulme or the like Amathyst?.....I think Peterweg is right it is under 10%.
szkotja2007  27 | 1498  
27 Jul 2007 /  #13
what the fek are you quoting a scots paper for

Why not ?

BTW - Scotland needs 13,000 migrants a year. Figures out today show that the birth rate is the highest for years, partly attributable to the Polish migrants.

To all those amorous Polish out there......thanks !
truebrit  3 | 196  
28 Jul 2007 /  #14
We have no way of knowing how many immigrants we have in the UK, but I would guestimate - about a 1/4 of the population of the UK are immigrants.

No Amathyst,that is way out- 25% would mean around 15 million people out of 60 million are immigrants which is incorrect.In London the figure is high-around 40% and in some cities it is 15%.It seems more in cities because the migrants are mostly working whereas the older retired English are in the city suburbs.In many towns the figure is 1-5% and in most villages and many towns in northern England etc there are no immigrants.I would guess that the actual figure is around 12% of people in Britain are immigrants.
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
28 Jul 2007 /  #15
re: If you bothered to watch Panorama last night you would know that the figures are not known, it could be at least triple that

- Well, if the figures are unknown, then maybe it's possible that 'the figures' for the Poles are considerably smaller? The more so because in the present politically correct political climate there is the tendency to conceal the information on e.g. the sze of the illegal 'immigration from the Third World, e.g. Africa, and to use the Poles to distract the audiences attention from the real immgration problems in Britain? What d'ye think?

As I understand, the Poles got 222,000 NINs out of the total of 713,000 for all 'overseas nationals.' This leaves 491,000 NINs handed to non-Polish 'overseas nationals.' Any complaints about the 491 thousand?

re: Poland: 222,000 India: 49,000

- Do you suggest that there should be more Indians entering Britain?

Is there more folks from the Thirld world, or from the 'new' EU countries, such as Poland, in Britain? If there is more of the former, do they have any jobs, or not? If they have, well, are there any complaints about it on your part? If they dont work...well?
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
28 Jul 2007 /  #16
I take it you must live around Rusholme or Levenshulme or the like Amathyst?.....

Actually no I dont, but I work in Manchester so I see how many foreigners there are...one doesnt have to live in a area what is over run to know that M/c is over run!

- Well, if the figures are unknown, then maybe it's possible that 'the figures' for the Poles are considerably smaller

No, it would suggest that the figures are higher.

No Amathyst,that is way out- 25% would mean around 15 million people out of 60 million

No offence but where in gods name did you get 60m from - those figures are older than Noahs arck! Oh and if you knew the figures of people (English) who are leaving England and the amount of English (Im not counting British) that having children, then you might want to think abou those figures again, just think of all those british born babies!
ajgraham  - | 121  
28 Jul 2007 /  #17
Actually no I dont, but I work in Manchester so I see how many foreigners there are...one doesnt have to live in a area what is over run to know that M/c is over run!

I visit Manchester City Centre most weekends, and I would say its about 95% white!!....We must have different eye sight!!.......I think if you go looking for something you usually end up finding it!!
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
28 Jul 2007 /  #18
Well, I say you are full of sh^t because I live there...Would that not suggest I know more??? Oh sorry you are the all knowing!

I visit Manchester City Centre most weekends

So what you go out on Deangate locks!!! big fukin deal!!!
ajgraham  - | 121  
28 Jul 2007 /  #19
Well, I say you are full of sh^t because I live there...Would that not suggest I know more??? Oh sorry you are the all knowing!

So what you go out on Deangate locks!!! big fukin deal!!!

Have you had afew drinks to many tonight Amathyst?? Or have you just been blown out by someone?........I wasn't having ago at you....I was just suggesting you have got your statistics arse about face!!.....Since I also live in Manchester!
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
28 Jul 2007 /  #20
I visit Manchester City Centre most weekends

Hmm, that to me doesnt suggest you live there, it said "I visit Manchester city center most weekends" meaning - I dont live in Manchester...since I travel in to M/c every day.. I think I have a better idea how many foreigners there are in my city.

Im going to ignore your personal comments since it has f^ck all to do with you... :)
ajgraham  - | 121  
28 Jul 2007 /  #21
Im going to ignore your personal comments since it has f^ck all to do with you... :)

Well Ok I don't live in Manchester.... but I work there!.......and what personal comments did I make ?
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
28 Jul 2007 /  #22
re: No, it would suggest that the figures are higher

- Pray why would it suggest that the figures are higher and not lower?
truebrit  3 | 196  
29 Jul 2007 /  #23
No offence but where in gods name did you get 60m from - those figures are older than Noahs arck! Oh and if you knew the figures of people (English) who are leaving England and the amount of English (Im not counting British) that having children, then you might want to think abou those figures again, just think of all those british born babies!

The figure of 60 million for the UK can be found by checking 2007 statistics for the UK population.I'm not sure what the rest of your statement is supposed to mean.Are you saying English people are having lots of babies or no babies? As I said before there are parts of the UK where immigrants are still rare.

Hmm, that to me doesnt suggest you live there, it said "I visit Manchester city center most weekends" meaning - I dont live in Manchester...since I travel in to M/c every day.. I think I have a better idea how many foreigners there are in my city.

As I mentioned before you will find more immigrants in a city centre than in the city as a whole.The city centre is where most of them work so it might seem that the foreign population for the entire city is higher than it actually is.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
29 Jul 2007 /  #24
Are you saying English people are having lots of babies or no babies?

The birth rate has dropped, whist English people find that they can not aford to have children, there are those that come in to the UK that find it quite easy to have at least 5, you do the maths.

And last summer circa. 2,000 african refugees were re-settled in M/c (source a friend at M/c City Council) and given the rate that they breed, goodness knows how many there are now (source on breeding a have friends that are midwives)
truebrit  3 | 196  
29 Jul 2007 /  #25
Sorry Amathyst but this sounds dubious.'A friend' claims that 2000 African refugees have been resettled by the council - I don't believe it because it sounds like the sort of rumour and exaggeration that turns out to be untrue (send a link to genuine reports).Why can English people not afford to have children but immigrants can? I was born in England,have always had modestly paid jobs and I have 3 children.

Where I work most of the security guards are African immigrants who work 60-70 hours each week,pay taxes etc and so do their wives.Yes,there are lowlifes (from Pakistan/Somalia)also but the majority are hard working and mostly law abiding.The only scroungers I see around here are the lazy Brits who moan about the Polish taking all the jobs (which they refuse to do).These same British people want fancy things without working hard for them.

There are also hard working Brits who 'can't afford' to have children because it means sacrificing their lifestyle (foreign holidays etc).Anyone can do it.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
29 Jul 2007 /  #26
Why can English people not afford to have children but immigrants can?

Its all about standard of living, if you come from a thrid world country and then come to the UK, where you get money off the government then its quite easy to understand why they have so many.

Whilst English people feel they want a good standard of life for themselves and their children - financial stability. Yes agree it is possible to manage and have children, but most people want more than to just manage, hence the English have fewer children its all about quality of life not pumping out kid after kid.

I can understand that you may think it sounds dubious, but I have no reason to believe that she has lied about this since she's gains nothing by telling a few close friends and also I have friends that are health visitors and mid wives who said similar things. Whilst the English think a couple of years between children is the norm, africans and pakistanis dont, they still have the mentality they had in their own country and dont understand that the mortality rate is low in the UK hence the birth rate is a lot higher.
truhlei  10 | 332  
30 Jul 2007 /  #27

What do you think about prospects of Special Constabulary and Police supporting teams among residents?
Ilegals are always united. Nobody of them seem to survive without mutual help of an underground community. And as to Native Englishmen?
I ask this question because as far as I know during the WWII UK was full of refugees, and nobody could guarantee they all were sincere, there was no criminals and German spies among them.

The majority of policemen left for regular army and they were substituted by less strong pensioneers.
Despite that there was a strong and total controle over the territory (except some London districts). And that controle was in majority irregular.
Home Guard beind weak for rejacting a possible German invasion, was able to controle each inch of British territory osing the force of very young and very old men only. Special Contabulary also permitted a strict order.

The activities of criminals and spies were seriously obstacled, more obstacled than ilegals' activitied by regular and high asalaried police.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
30 Jul 2007 /  #28
Very interesting that you ask this, our Policing is somewhat sparten these days, the community Police man is pretty much a thing of the past. I would imagain the illegals get help from other foreigners who have gained some form of legal status in the UK....

The Home Guard in the UK were older men, but you must remember a lot of them had already fort in the WWI so had vast experience.

The thing is the UK is the lack of resources and the more that enter the country the hard it gets...
BubbaWoo  33 | 3503  
30 Jul 2007 /  #29
I would imagain the illegals get help from other foreigners who have gained some form of legal status in the UK....

there was an interesting article in friday's g2 about the support mouloud sihali [cleared of the london ricin plot] had from the algerian community when he moved to london - i believe this is pretty much standard practice for many immigrants regardless of their nationality or legal status
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
30 Jul 2007 /  #30
Didnt see it Bubbs, but yes you are right.

Archives - 2005-2009 / UK, Ireland / 713,000 new foreign workers in UKArchived