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Modern Plantation for Poles in Ireland

OP RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
22 Jun 2009 /  #241

Its a Sunday. I may return during the week. I am from West Dublin and we have little or no integration here. In fact, anyone I speak with wants to ship the slavs back.

Also, foreigners can only vote in local elections. If they are EU citizens they can vote in European elections. Only Irish and British citizens resident here can vote in General Elections and Referendums. You have no clue of the political system in Ireland.
Kapusta  2 | 66  
22 Jun 2009 /  #242
I am from West Dublin and we have little or no integration here.

Well, that's sad and also the cause of your frustrations. Get out and see some things. Visit a few other countries. Listen less to your peers and make your own decisions.
Ireland32  2 | 172  
22 Jun 2009 /  #243
This is abstract from the website he posted........

The challenge that we face is to build a country based on transparency and accountability, equality, growth and prosperity, peace and freedom, for our future and the future that we hand to our children and grandchildren.

We seek to join and surpass our fellow European nations in modernity and celebration of our unique culture and theirs, and resolve the problems of the past by understanding their causes, laying the foundations for a nation with its eyes on a future of abundance, distinguished with pride by the sacrifice and hard work of the citizens of today, making use of the resources we have available to us.

Equality is not a word you seem to understand very well.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
22 Jun 2009 /  #244
In fact, anyone I speak with wants to ship the slavs back.

So these delusional "friends" you have manefested for yourself, do they have names ?.
Tell us about your childhood?.

Only Irish and British citizens resident here can vote in General Elections and Referendums.

Yes, and this delusional world you live in, do you think you are king or Napoleon?.

You have asked me to dispute your flawed "arguments", I have a number of times, you send me some pissy link to some article, as if you wrote it and believe it.

You are great, come to a few other threads, you could unite the whole fricken world :)

Well, that's sad and also the cause of your frustrations. Get out and see some things. Visit a few other countries. Listen less to your peers and make your own decisions.

I am from Dublin, I do not speak for Dublin and this guy certainly doesn't (even though he will contest this).
Please treat him as an odd ball with only hate.
OP RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
22 Jun 2009 /  #245
Well, that's sad and also the cause of your frustrations. Get out and see some things. Visit a few other countries. Listen less to your peers and make your own decisions.

I have, I have been to Poland. Nice place. Missing a couple of hundred thousand Poles though. ;)


It worries me that you are allowed roam free. I think you are a tad mad.


Remember this, Irelands foooked. Better off staying or going home. Best of luck. Peace.
Ireland32  2 | 172  
22 Jun 2009 /  #246
Foreign Policy
Our position in the world and our relations with other countries have never been more important.The many advantages that can be gained with an outward looking, open foreign policy include increased resources for Irish industry, better relations with other countries, improved trade ties and treaties, and similar mutually advantageous arrangements.

More jibberish from that link he posted....looks like the foreign policy is fecked by all accounts....relaionships are now at an all time low. Thank God the poles have no nuclear missiles......I hope
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
22 Jun 2009 /  #247
So what about the Lisbon treaty? ;)

It worries me that you are allowed roam free. I think you are a tad mad.

I am glad you think of me as mad, your world is not one I want to live in :)
OP RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
22 Jun 2009 /  #248

Post up Sinn Feins economic policies(sic) please. I need a laugh. Tax the rich, tax the rich and then tax them again.


What about it you self loathing loon?
irishdeano  5 | 304  
22 Jun 2009 /  #249
Ireland32  2 | 172  
22 Jun 2009 /  #250
This is from the site too....looks like he is a loner. Not even a Rep on the site.

Below you can find a list of our representatives in the various areas and constituencies. Click on a representative's name for full details and a profile for that candidate.

This facility will be completed shortly, please bear with us and thanks for your patience...

SeanBM  34 | 5781  
22 Jun 2009 /  #251
I need a laugh.

You need a personality transplant :)

Ha ha ha, i like you RevokeNice, you are possibly the biggest egdit I have come across on here and I have come across quite a few.

What about it you self loathing loon?

That is not an understandable question, rephrase it so I might answer.
OP RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
22 Jun 2009 /  #252
too....looks like he is a loner. Not even a Rep on the site.

Below you can find a list of our representatives in the various areas and constituencies. Click on a representative's name for full details and a profile for that candidate.

This facility will be completed shortly, please bear with us and thanks for your patience...

The site was finished last week. I did not set it up.


I do not care for you one way or the other, just another traitor to the Irish nation. I hope you stay in your slavic paradise.


Could you not get a decent Irish girl?
Ironside  50 | 13046  
22 Jun 2009 /  #253
Remember this, Irelands foooked. Better off staying or going home. Best of luck. Peace.

What are u about? Piass off too sonny!
Ireland32  2 | 172  
22 Jun 2009 /  #254
Post up Sinn Feins economic policies(sic) please. I need a laugh. Tax the rich, tax the rich and then tax them again.

We have a very detailed website if you wish to gander through it. There you will find all you need to know.

SeanBM  34 | 5781  
22 Jun 2009 /  #255
I do not care for you one way or the other, just another traitor to the Irish nation. I hope you stay in your slavic paradise.

Ha ha ha, so why am I a traitor ?.

I love living in Poland, it is not paradise, yet.
Kapusta  2 | 66  
22 Jun 2009 /  #256
I have, I have been to Poland. Nice place. Missing a couple of hundred thousand Poles though. ;)

You've been to Poland. Once? Twice? Where else have you been? Depending on where you have been you'll note that in some places diversity or multiculturalism is the norm and those places don't have problems.

At the end of the day you can write about how many Poles don't pay this and how many Poles don't pay that but the end result is, there are more native Irish persons who don't pay this and that either and sponge of your state. Your native Irish person may sponge off the state for 20, 30, 40, 50 years or...even longer! Guess what, they may (most likely) will have contributed NOTHING to your economy. Don't tell me that you don't see on your streets every day the people who are born in Ireland and sponge off Ireland from day one perhaps because their parents do? Those are the bothersome people in your society, not the few Poles who landed on your shores in good faith and ended up without a job. Don't listen to Irish people who say Poles stole their jobs. The jobs were sitting there, waiting for them and why? Because no one else would pick them up. Open your mind up a little RevokeNice. Try speaking to some of the people you hate. Try asking them why they took the chance to earn money, why they are working in the low paid jobs.

Ask yourself something too. Any country in this world today can fall into hard times. Governments are useless when banks run countries. Tell us here at PF that you wouldn't seek out a place where you could earn money and help your family if your family had no money and couldn't help themselves. Tell me you wouldn't take the chance to go a place where you know you could get a good education, get a relatively good job and make something of yourself. Think yourself lucky that, at the moment, you live in a country where you can look after yourself, you have water, food and there's no chance either will run out. In the future though, if all goes wrong, remember what you said about Polish people.
OP RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
22 Jun 2009 /  #257

Get your compatriots out of my country and I will happily.
Ireland32  2 | 172  
22 Jun 2009 /  #258
Think yourself lucky that, at the moment, you live in a country where you can look after yourself, you have water, food and there's no chance either will run out. In the future though, if all goes wrong, remember what you said about Polish people

Excellent comment my learned and forward thinking friend.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
22 Jun 2009 /  #259
I am just going to read, this is great stuff :)
irishdeano  5 | 304  
22 Jun 2009 /  #260
Could you not get a decent Irish girl?

A Decent Irish girl i didnt find a decent girl, I found an Amazing wonderful perfect special girl that no other girl compares to im going to get married to her and have children with her, i told you the best is yet to come
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
22 Jun 2009 /  #261
Get your compatriots out of my country and I will happily.

What country u come from?
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
22 Jun 2009 /  #262
im going to get married to her and have children with her

Congratulations !

Truly great people are hard to come by, i wish you all the luck in the world :)

What country u come from?

what fricken planet, more like.
Ironside  50 | 13046  
22 Jun 2009 /  #263
Get your compatriots out of my country and I will happily.

I would gladly if I could and Irish too if they would wanted to go!
You could then roam free on the green meadows and glens ....at large at last...
Unfortunately it is not in my power and not in yours .....sonny!
OP RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
22 Jun 2009 /  #264

Ireland does not owe the world a living. You were tolerated when times where good. Now, with Ireland in the grips of recession you are not needed here anymore. You where guest workers. Ireland the UK and Sweden were the only EU countries who opened our labour markets to you eastern europeans. What happened in Ireland was one of the largest immigration of cheap labour ever seen in post war times. It has changed the fabric of Irish society forever. It has been a sheer disaster as a whole.

The only reason Poles are employed over Irish is because they are cheaper. Big business needed cheap labour and Fianna Fail where happy to provide it. The builders and property developers needed cheap labour to continue the property bubble, bring in eastern europeans get them to build cavity blocks from one end of the island to another, and then rent them said cavity blocks. It nearly worked too!

Now, Irish people are happily taking any jobs so the Poles are no longer needed. Instead, they are going on the dole in massive numbers. 38% of all workers in Ireland do not pay taxes. This would include most immigrants, therefore this myth that you are entitled to welfare is patently false. You worked here for three years or so paying very little into the system bar a couple of euro in PRSI each month. As a whole, Poles are a burden on the state. 50,000 on the dole. 1.5 billion sent home. Over 125 million spent on teaching foreign kids english. Over 3,000 Polish on rent allowance each month.

Ever hear the term importing poverty? Well that is what Ireland has just done, we have imported poverty from eastern europe. Our dole spongers are a problem I agree, but importing eastern europeans to keep them company in the dole offices across the country is hardly a sound policy is it?

I could touch on the social issues of mass immigration........but I would be here all night.
irishdeano  5 | 304  
22 Jun 2009 /  #265
Ireland in the grips of recession

The world is in it
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
22 Jun 2009 /  #266
Ever hear the term importing poverty? Well that is what Ireland has just done

80 million of us :)

Ah, please stay on this forum, I must go now but I really want you to stay, get more involved and give us all a belly aching laugh.

You are a very very small lonely person, I pity you.
moonlight  6 | 103  
22 Jun 2009 /  #267
[quote=RevokeNice]50,000(204 euro a week plus other assorted benefits) Poles on the dole here. 3,000 Polish families claiming rent allowance.

Knife crime is rife among the Polish community, every couple of weeks Poles murder Poles after a house party at the weekend.

Poles are our biggest ethnic group on welfare, again it does not break down fraud by nationality. Lets just say that a lot of the Poles emigrating here are not your average decent Pole you may find in Poland.

You can not claim welfare unless you have worked for a period of time and paid into the state.....therefore they have the right to the benefits available.

Every couple of weeks there is a murder at house party.....where is the evidence of this?

Do you have a problem with the Irish who fraud the system? I think you should have a problem with anyone who frauds the welfare system. Some people never bother to work a day in their life, Irish, and can claim welfare but you are ok to support these people? I think its worse.
Ireland32  2 | 172  
22 Jun 2009 /  #268
Like all actors....when the curtain goes down and the audience goes home...the theatre is once again filled with silence.....there will be no encore tonight.

Do you hear that.......listen carefully..........thats the sound of your supporters
OP RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
22 Jun 2009 /  #269

Some more so than others. We went from bust to boom in a matter of months. Our insane immigration policies(sic) did not cause it, but it certainly did not help.

With a controlled immigration policy, like Austria and Germany, we would not have 80,000 foreigners on the dole.

80,000(50,000) of which are Poles on 204 euro a week! Madness.

50,000 X 204= 10,200,000 euro.

530,400,000 euro per annum to be precise. Add to that rent allowance, medical cards, childrens allowance etc etc and you get the picture.
Kapusta  2 | 66  
22 Jun 2009 /  #270
Ireland does not owe the world a living.

Indeed remember that sort of phrase if ever the Irish have to go looking for work elsewhere in the world. You may hear "Poland does not owe the Irish a living" or similar.

Now, with Ireland in the grips of recession you are not needed here anymore. You where guest workers.

Correction, non-workers are not needed. People who are willing to work are needed. It's all very well saying bugger off Polish, the Irish want the work now but you know that the only Irish people who will work are those who may have lost jobs. The previous spongers won't work at all but they just want to get involved in something so they pretend they do. Guest workers...but very welcome in order to try and get the Irish economy back on track...

Now, Irish people are happily taking any jobs so the Poles are no longer needed.

Slightly unfair. Some of those jobs were not "good enough" for Irish workers until the recession hit so there's a saying that covers that and it goes "tough ****" you didn't want the low paid jobs before so why should you get them now?

I never mentioned welfare. However, since you bring it up why should an Irish person who had NEVER paid a penny or cent to the Irish economy be any more welcome to welfare than anyone who has? Even if someone only contributed 3 years worth of tax to the state is entitled to more than someone who has paid nothing. And by someone I mean either an immigrant or a student who has only been working for 3 years since graduation. Say it straight RevokeNice.

Poles are a burden on the state.

Significantly less than your home-grown burden though. Get rid of the home grown burden and you're laughing all the way to the bank!

I could touch on the social issues of mass immigration........but I would be hear all night.

Yes and we wouldn't want to keep you from work in the morning...

Archives - 2005-2009 / UK, Ireland / Modern Plantation for Poles in IrelandArchived