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Modern Plantation for Poles in Ireland

Ireland32  2 | 172  
21 Jun 2009 /  #181
Sounds very sensible to me, but I bet there are some people in Ireland
who would debate the "regardless of religion or culture" bit.

The struggle in Ireland was never about religion. It is about reunification of the island.....the land that was taken from us by the British establishment. It was that same establishment that done what they did in every country they invaded....divide (through religion) and conquer. Unfortunately they suceeded and thus the sectarian divide was created. Heaveb forbid they might have let us live side by side.....we might have actually liked each other !!
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
21 Jun 2009 /  #182

Are you drink? Or having a breakdown?

Ha! why do you ask?.

Just because you are alone and have united us? this has nothing to do with me.

But I do thank you for making us unite.

I do not expect you to understand, as you seem to have a problem grasping the simplest of notions but anyway....
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
21 Jun 2009 /  #183
Many Mexicans are just returning to their ancestors land. Many could argue that they are indegenous, unlike yourself. ;)

O yea, lots of indegenous Mexicans in Vermont or Illinois or even Kentucky. You are confusing, for example, Aztecs with the many assorted Amerindians who lived north of the Rio Grande River. You know, the ones who constantly attacked each other and displaced each other. Most Amerindians did not believe in the concept of land ownership except in the area of burial grounds.

But those massive Irish immigrations displaced these Amerindians as well, right?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
21 Jun 2009 /  #184
Was never about religion? That's not true, it played a large part as your identification with a group was an identification with a religious denomination. Look at the Protestant Orangemen march. If it wasn't about religion, why did so many object?

Geographically, unification would be a nice thing but, again, identification plays a large part.
OP RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
21 Jun 2009 /  #185

Like you with spelling and grammar. You are traitor to the Irish people. You are a disgrace to every Irishman that has ever lived and those yet to be born.

Selling out your people for a bit of foreign muff.
Ireland32  2 | 172  
21 Jun 2009 /  #186
Mass Immigration from eastern europe started in 2005. The Celtic Tiger started in 1996. To link the two is absurd. The Poles came because of the boom, they had no involvement in creating it.

Sinn Feiners: Brits Out Poles In!

I dont give 2 flying fecks when they came....look out your window. Look around you. When Paddy was lying in his bed scratching his ball bag, these people built the infrastructure that allows me to get to Dublin in 55 minutes.

Go play a game of tig on the M50 will ya.
OP RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
21 Jun 2009 /  #187

The M50 was built before 2005. Seriously, the Irish as a hard working as anybody.

Another sell out for a bit of foreign muff. Castle Catholics, if you will.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
21 Jun 2009 /  #188
Like you with spelling and grammar. You are traitor to the Irish people. You are a disgrace to every Irishman that has ever lived and those yet to be born.

Selling out your people for a bit of foreign muff.

Ha ha ha ha, that is what you fear,


Yes, they set up a campaign. As I said, its a plantation.

everyone, with the exception of the so called "British empire" has disagreed with you.
Ha ha ha ha, Plantation of Ireland.ha hahaha...

Agian our strength is your weakness.
Ireland32  2 | 172  
21 Jun 2009 /  #189
Was never about religion? That's not true, it played a large part as your identification with a group was an identification with a religious denomination. Look at the Protestant Orangemen march. If it wasn't about religion, why did so many object?

Purely a symptom of the conflict Seanus and you know that. These objections came long after the poisonous seeds were planted in the mind and still to this day have not been decommissioned.

The struggle in Ireland was the love of the land, the country, self identity....religion was never it...sure look at the flag and its meaning !
OP RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
21 Jun 2009 /  #190

Your strength? What strength? The only reason you support mass immigration is because it was the only way you would get your rock and roll.
Ireland32  2 | 172  
21 Jun 2009 /  #191
The M50 was built before 2005. Seriously, the Irish as a hard working as anybody.

I was on it yesterday. Its undergoing construction into 3 lanes over the last 2 years.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
21 Jun 2009 /  #192
The only reason you support mass immigration is because it was the only way you would get your rock and roll.

Let us say you are not Irish.

Let's say you do not understand Irish history.

Let us say you are making us stronger.

Let us say the truth.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
21 Jun 2009 /  #193
Sorry, it played a major part. Look at Shankhill Road, the ideological divide between Catholics and Protestants. It was the subject of much discussion in Scotland as Rangers Vs Celtic debates sparked it. Religion is practised on the land, the country and forms self identity.

Tell me, Ireland32, do you feel there to be a major difference between a Protestant and a Catholic?
OP RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
21 Jun 2009 /  #194

Let us say you are off your head.

Let us say you are a disgrace to every Irishman and women that has ever lived and those who are yet to be born.

Let us say nobody refuted my claims that Poles are a drain on the economy(backed up with facts).

Let us say we should scrap the free movement of labour and issue a work permit scheme.

Let us say my work here is done. Let us say I have delved into the minds of my enemies and I now more than ever want Ireland free of them.
Barney  19 | 1787  
21 Jun 2009 /  #195

When are you going to post the Down's Syndrome picture?
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
21 Jun 2009 /  #196
Let us say you are off your head.

Let us say you are a disgrace to every Irishman and women that has ever lived and those who are yet to be born.

Apart from the multi personalities you have, I see NO "us" in those sentences, just hateful you :)
OP RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
21 Jun 2009 /  #197

It is very easy to turn the Irish against mass immigration from eastern europe.

The facts speak for themselves. Ignore them if you will, but you cannot refute them. Recessions are like kryptonite to mass immigration. It is human nature.
Ireland32  2 | 172  
21 Jun 2009 /  #198
Tell me, Ireland32, do you feel there to be a major difference between a Protestant and a Catholic?

Seanus, i live in the north for most my life up until 6 years ago. I lived in a catholic area, went to a catholic school, went to mass, catholic bars, clubs etc. That was the divide. Each to their own. If a stranger walked in you looked at them. When you walked down the street you looked over your shoulder. When you went to work you wondered was someone a protestant or catholic because at this point the divide broke.

when I came to the south its the last thing on your mind. none of the above even come into play. You do not question religion or the beliefs of your neighbour or friend. That is why I will never live in north again. the mind set will never change up there.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
21 Jun 2009 /  #199
The facts speak for themselves. Ignore them if you will, but you cannot refute them. Recessions are like kryptonite to mass immigration. It is human nature.

Irish, biggest nation of emigrants in the world.

The funny thing is, you do not realise what a service you are doing.
Until now the posters that have voiced their disgust at the hatred you spew have been singular, doing their thing and contributing to the forum.

You have single handedly done what no one else could have, you have united us.
OP RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
21 Jun 2009 /  #200

It is a poxy internet forum of Poles and Irish traitors. Unite you? And what will you achieve?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
21 Jun 2009 /  #201
So if you were to reunite the peoples of the north and of the south, problems would arise. Is that what is needed?

As for the central debate here, Irish employers were filling vacancies in the market. If they are willing to supply jobs, the Poles are the demand. People deserve a chance and they don't have super options here for the most part.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
21 Jun 2009 /  #202
Unite you? And what will you achieve?

You may say I am a dreamer, but I am not the only one :)
OP RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
21 Jun 2009 /  #203

Look, happy, care to refute any of the facts I brought to this forum or are you just going to resort to personal attacks. If so, I will leave and return to gloat when welfare entitlements and access to our open labour marker are taken away from the accession states.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
21 Jun 2009 /  #204

Gotta go, hope you meet a 'nice Polish girl' and have lots of Irish/Polish babies ...
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
22 Jun 2009 /  #205
these people built the infrastructure that allows me to get to Dublin in 55 minutes.

Actually my old company who are British had a large part in the design and build of that nice little bit of infrastructure ;0)

As for your point about the Brits dividing all of the countries they "invaded" by religion, I think you'll find the hindus and muslims had issues with each other before we came along (you might be interested to know that it was the muslims that wanted their own state, it wasnt a choice that the Brits made!), also where else did we divide countries by religion? I dont remember Australia having any problems ;0)


Should we send all of the Irish who are settled abroad back to Ireland? Your infrastructure would be in a bad way if that happened :0) (of course Im not suggesting for one moment that we should do that)
Ireland32  2 | 172  
22 Jun 2009 /  #206
If so, I will leave

Slan.......dont slam the door on your way out.
OP RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
22 Jun 2009 /  #207

My quarrell is with mass immigration from Eastern Europe. I have no problem with others settling in Ireland at reasonable numbers.

Tell you what, when you give is Northern Ireland back we can return the people you planted here as a swap for the Irish over in the UK, many of whom who emigrated there when Ireland was still part of the UK. Only fair. You cannot colonise half the world and complain when the natives decide to move to the UK.


Never happen, my children will be Irish, not slavic.


Your beloved parties support for mass immigration has caused it to slump and die in the south. Sinn Fein Brits Out Poles In!
Ireland32  2 | 172  
22 Jun 2009 /  #208
As for your point about the Brits dividing all of the countries they "invaded" by religion

They divided and conquered. In Irelands case it was division by religion. I did not state they divided by religion in every country they invaded.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
22 Jun 2009 /  #209
They don't want to reunite, according to statistical data.
Ireland32  2 | 172  
22 Jun 2009 /  #210

Your beloved parties support for mass immigration has caused it to slump and die in the south. Sinn Fein Brits Out Poles In!

Go pick the dingle berries of the hairs on the shuck of my arse.

Sinn Fein are alive and well in the south and are seen as the most hard working political activists on this island.

Archives - 2005-2009 / UK, Ireland / Modern Plantation for Poles in IrelandArchived