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EU integration of Polish nationals in the UK vs no surrender

7 Jul 2008 /  #31
I wish I was God, because I would definitely forgive everybody everything and since I would be immortal, invisible, invulnerable and basically untouchable as God I would probably just laugh at those who claim to be my enemies and give them everything they could possibly wish for to make them feel a lot happier about me.

Also, if I were God I would grant every living being his or her every wish. Because as God, I could do everything I please and what pleases me is to please others by granting them whatever they could possibly want and make them happy. My point? Ofcourse you are forgiven my wooly friend!

Simple? I like philosophy. Prove God exists? Well, this is not exactly proof but just my approach of explaining something to you. When you really are in love with someone, you feel butterflies, sometimes a deep rooted sense of understanding, warm feelings, a sense of completedness in eachother, a shared bond, a connection, something causes you to smile when he or she smiles, your heart makes little jumps or skips the beat a few times, you feel tensed, nervous, excitement and joy when you are around the person you are really in love with.. Alright, to keep a long story short, you probably are feeling a lot happier and needed than you would usually feel. My point? Just because you cannot always be in love, share love, recieve love or even feel love, or just because you cannot see love, question love or even explain what love really is, this still does not necessarily mean love does not exist?

Well, some people believe that God (Or even Goddes.) is love. Ofcourse you may have your own ideas about such beliefs and for all I care ridicule spirituality as a whole, but there is nothing perverted about such views.

Okay, back to reality, back to topic. Nevermind me getting a little educational and please proceed..

What all this have to do with the orange order and EU integration? ... muslim case ? crying about noimmi? complying about bad world ?
Just stick to the subject for fcuk sake. Please

You are right ofcourse, but sometimes it happens. What all of this has to do with integration? Well, I would say that hurling insults and making generalizations about groups of people solely based on cultural differences, skin colours or religious convictions have everything to do with integration and the Muslim case, Protestant case, Christian case, Catholic case or whatever case..

Again, nevermind me.
Barney  19 | 1737  
7 Jul 2008 /  #32
The Orange order was encouraged by the British as a means to counter the United Irishmen who led the uprising of 1798 when Catholic, Protestant and Dissenter joined to fight for universal suffrage. They drew their inspiration from the French. This was a dangerous idea for the powers. The Republican movement has always been led (or represented) by Presbyterians. The established church (Anglican) with the Government behind it never liked the fact that Scottish migrants (Presbyterian) settled in Ireland. Many moved on to North America to fight against the British in the war of independence hence that close association.

The elevation of the Orange Order to "Top Dog" status has repercussions to this day. No Unionist politician can exist without being a member of that order. They are treated with respect despite their naked discriminatory utterances (Poles are catholic therefore we can employ them as opposed to native born Catholics) while others are ridiculed --Balaclava wearing terrorists etc-- for standing for simple minded ideals such as one man one vote, an end to discrimination, women’s rights etc. Remember there was only one party in Ireland who opposed the taking away of Irish nationality from people born in Ireland.

It is an emotive issue religion infects all aspects of life in Ireland to get a job one has to state ones religion. You cannot bypass this question because if you don’t have a religion you are asked to state how others would perceive you (i.e. Catholic or Protestant).

The Orange order have a different view of things they see themselves as defending their right to worship as they see fit. They don’t understand why people take offence at their marching through areas they are not wanted. Their attitude is "this is the UK if you don’t like it go away". In a way they are blinkered to humanity

No surrender to what? Democracy? Northern Ireland was created against the wished of the vast majority of Irish people. The Irish have never suggested that people who feel British should leave the country but simply continue to live as they always have.

A lot of the problem is the changing nature of wealth production in Ireland. The land owning class have been sidestepped by globalisation hence the change in the unionist voting pattern from the Ulster unionists (Traditional landed gentry) to the Democratic Unionists (Rural farmers/shopkeepers and urban estate agents/solicitors). The emergence of Sinn Fein is a direct result of the superior catholic birth rate and as they grew their ability to see what was done to their communities and who was to blame. 30,000 people vote for Gerry Adams can they all be wrong?

You seem to be having a hard time understanding the problems of Ireland and a hard time living here. Have you received the welcome pack for new immigrants yet? There is a lot of good info in it, advice centres, phone numbers, explanations of cultural differences, what to expect etc. It’s produced by Sinn Fein.

Personally my family don’t have a religion but I would be seen as a Catholic my wife as a Protestant and my children as Harries. None of us vote there is no point.

When asking questions about Ireland don’t give an opinion unless you trust the listener (all listeners) you can get in trouble very quickly and ask specific questions nothing too broad.
OP Del boy  20 | 254  
7 Jul 2008 /  #33
Thanks Barney
seriously, thats really helpfull.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
7 Jul 2008 /  #34
I'd say so
szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
7 Jul 2008 /  #35
Barney - I would be interested if you had a link for the Welcome Pack. I have searched both the Sinn Fein and the SDLP websites but couldn't come across it.

The N.I. government has a few links.

my children as Harries

Not a turn of phrase I am familiar with - what is it short for ?

Barney  19 | 1737  
7 Jul 2008 /  #36
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama Hare Hare

I'll get the info pack details tomorrow and post them

Hey Del Boy whats with the number 7 stuff???
szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
7 Jul 2008 /  #37
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

Thanks, I think I get it now.
Barney  19 | 1737  
7 Jul 2008 /  #38
I just like to give the kids a flavour of as many cultures as possible in my minimalist way
OP Del boy  20 | 254  
7 Jul 2008 /  #39
Hey Del Boy whats with the number 7 stuff???

I was complain about these polish chavs and lady in psni left me a wee note to some constable with his number and I saw these 7 again, so I dont really know who, where and what for use them.
Barney  19 | 1737  
7 Jul 2008 /  #40
Yeah I couldnt work that out!!

Have you tried phoning the number? Go into the police station and get them to phone. The only other numbers on the note would be a crime incident reference number.

Seven is written as in the rest of Europe. Either 7 or like 7 but with a bar across the upright as in mathematical notation. I think you got a person with bad handwriting...................no big significance.
OP Del boy  20 | 254  
7 Jul 2008 /  #41
anyway i got a contact with this mr policeman, no problem at all, just curious why they use that kind of seven, that is it.

right its time to go to bed
i am exosted
I would really appriciate to see that welcome pack :)
Barney  19 | 1737  
7 Jul 2008 /  #42
mcrc-ni.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=5&Ite mid=10

This is the only link I can find at the moment. Its in Polish I'll get the other info tomorrow.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
8 Jul 2008 /  #43

Good man, I was not going to write in this thread but I liked what you wrote.

I think FAS did a "know before you go" package, it might only be for the republic but it could help people. This is the Polish version


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