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gay guys in London seek surrogacy female

Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
27 May 2007 /  #91
Do you know how many gays are among muslims?

I don't care. It's their life.

Can we try and stay on topic, please.
abdul jaroslav  
27 May 2007 /  #92
Yesterday a muslim tried to pass out as a Pole and spread non-sense based on that

i am a polish muslim, my ethnicty and langage is polish but my belief is islam.. but anyway why are you discriminatng against others u should be able to listen to others views.. by the way do u know if ther are any polish muslims in uk and europe?
espana  17 | 951  
27 May 2007 /  #93
i am a polish muslim


my belief is islam

abdul jaroslav  
27 May 2007 /  #94
Foreign Muslims - 25.000

i know can u beleive that in a country like poland, viva la poland

Do you know how many gays are among muslims?If one marries 5-10 women,what do the rest do?

i tell u a joke about muslim people..
theres some polish builders in saudi arabi (terror land) theres a muslim lady walking around in her sub zero uniform.. the builders are like... whistling n say 'show us your face sister'!!!!!!!!!!!!
southern  73 | 7059  
27 May 2007 /  #95
i am a polish muslim, my ethnicty and langage is polish but my belief is islam.. but anyway why are you discriminatng against others u should be able to listen to others views.. by the way do u know if ther are any polish muslims in uk and europe?

You put it the wrong way.First of all you try to make impressions about a muslim minority in Poland and you try to draw attention to it through this conversation.

However the result will be negative.
Adilski expressed an opinion about polish men,which caused an argument.To defend he claimed he is polish.
He did not need to do that.He could refer evidence for his argument.However he tried to become personal to pass out a negative view of today's polish men.Because he used his supposed polish identity to do that,Grzegorz intervened.

Now he tries to create a discussion about the benefits of Islam etc.He refers resources etc.What do these resources show?
1.There are only about 500-1.000 muslims of polish origin in Poland and even today nobody is sure how many they are
2.There were in the past Tatars in Belarus who were muslim and who were sent to remote places by Stalin.
I will make an assumption.These Tatars cooperated with the Germans.That is why they were forced to emigrate.Is that right?
There are muslims in Europe,mainly in France and England but here the discussion is about gays,what do the muslims have to do with that?There are other threads about muslims.You only try to draw attention.

What do you want?To turn oland into a muslim state?to influence people believe to Allah through this forum?It seems absurd.
abdul jaroslav  
27 May 2007 /  #96
There are muslims in Europe,mainly in France and England but here the discussion is about gays,what do the muslims have to do with that?

exactly.. what does it? i just read some comments that were a bit prejudiced towards them... where is this adilski causing issues... prayin probly...
lets keep to the discussion.. whats ur view on the topic in a logical way?
espana  17 | 951  
27 May 2007 /  #97
What do you want

they always want one thing ...........can you have a look the koran ?........
no please!!!!!!.....i prefer have a look the book of the three pigs or the ugly duck

  • 3_pigs.jpg
abdul jaroslav  
27 May 2007 /  #98
thanks reminding the crew here.. u havent passed kindergarten yet how will u get to the level of the koran.. 1 step at a time, 3 pigs then 3 bears then we'll get abit more deeper - move on to cinderalla.. then snow white but dearest espana.. dont be afraid of the evil witch... the koran is more scarier...

espana  17 | 951  
27 May 2007 /  #99
the koran is more scarier

i know ......people die for this **** !!!!! ( that why i hate all the religions )


anyway if you are happy been a muslim good for you
nice to meet you
back to the topic
abdul jaroslav  
27 May 2007 /  #100
sure lets crack on.. if you agree can you give some logical arguements and if you disagree some logical arguements please
southern  73 | 7059  
27 May 2007 /  #101
whats ur view on the topic in a logical way?

I already expressed my opinion.Negative.Gays do not give children a paternal or maternal example to identify and as a result hildren are likely to face problems later in life.
abdul jaroslav  
27 May 2007 /  #102
to cut it short, i wa sa strict catholic now im a strict muslim. my beleifs are similar to your viewpoints.. not in favour.. i used to work a guy who was in the perception that he is gay, i spoke to a priest who summe dit up nicely... unnatural and bad thoughts - clear them - confession
Pawel  3 | 125  
28 May 2007 /  #103
They shouldnt let them do it the kid is going to grow watching these two go at it
and think its normal to be gay.. not to mention what these guys might do to him?

Well put thats what i was trying to say. You would think there would be a high chance of that child turning gay..You live all your live watching your so called parents do what gays do you think nothings wrong..

Would you let your kid go over there to Play??????

You state a good point and my Answer would be no but than you think of that kid he aint gona have any friends and thats not his fault,so yes for the child sake i would.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
28 May 2007 /  #104
These Tatars cooperated with the Germans.That is why they were forced to emigrate.Is that right?

There are still a few thousand Tatars in Poland and they are OK.
28 May 2007 /  #105
children neeed two parents man and woman everyhting logically leads to this.... promote family values
16 Jun 2007 /  #106
i don'tagree with that ********! i am a happily married woman in the U.S. who would love to give the 2 of you a child if you were still open to the option of looking here. i think that love is love. i have 2 children of my own and would love to bless the 2 of you with one of your own. my email adress is mikejessmommy@yahoo good luck and if you need anything even if it's just someone to talk to please write.

monica madler
9 Jul 2007 /  #107
Good luck in your search, all children need love no matter the gender of the parents or sexuality. GOD loves you and all his children of the world.

Good luck in your search may you be blessed God loves all his children no matter what their sexuality is. all children need good homes.
9 Jul 2007 /  #108
I am a previous GS who carried twins for a Gay couple, dont be so quick to judge people you guys!!! I mean no matter who you fall in love with dont mean you wont be a good dad , gay or not its thier choice and the fathers of the twins I had are the best dads I have ever seen.

Ready to be a GS again guys! onlylovelyone24@aol.com
26 Jul 2007 /  #109
Hello Mr. Jaroslav Abdul. You change your religion and also, you should change your name. As long as I know Jaroslav is a pure Slavic name and has nothing to do with Muslim culture.

Best regards, Jaroslaw
espana  17 | 951  
26 Jul 2007 /  #110
You change your religion and also, you should change your name. As long as I know Jaroslav is a pure Slavic name and has nothing to do with Muslim culture.

well said!!!!!
28 Jul 2007 /  #111
[i][/i] i am myself gay,once i was marriad man,.i had the oportunitt to have my onw son.wich i am very proud of it.and i am sure that ,my onw son as well will be very proud to have a father like me.because the education witch i trying to give to my son it's very special in did.if you stop to think about it the wolrd is gay in atual times.don't you think so?so go for it have a fun,try your best to anchive it if you wische so.one thing for sure ....you will never regret about it.for the oposite.it will make your self more completede. because i am gay,father and very,very praud of it.xxxxxxxmarcio brazil
29 Jul 2007 /  #112
quote;to unt.....how humanitary are you.you leaving in a world very gay....u probally are one of as.but yourself don't want to accept yourself as a gay person.get a life.... and becarfull because if you have a child in the futer.wich i doubt about. ....you my need swalow you onw world's wich you conden all the gay peaple.i would definetelly be shame of bean homofobic , i rather bean gay than homofobic..............get a life dear....
1 Dec 2007 /  #113
Dear friend,
I am greetings to you in the name of our lord and savoiur.Aman.i am Daniel come from Ghana and i am 23 year.I want to be your good friend.Hoping to hear from you as sson as possible.
szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
1 Dec 2007 /  #114
I am greetings to you in the name of our lord and savoiur

I speak with the Big Man every day and he says wee Danny fae Ghanas intae it big time. Ye clatty wee nyaff.
19 Jan 2008 /  #115
i am a 25 year old attractive blonde I am single I have one beautiful daughter who now 4 years old and has just started school fulltime. I love my daughter very much so she has a modeling carear already and has appered in next caterloge and matalan so far. I want to make a futer for my daughter. AT the moment i am unemployed but i attend colledge. I am wanting to be a surrogate so hopefully i can give someboy the pleasure i have with myne I am not planning any children of my own as i feel one is enough for me. I would happly be a surragate to anybody who is desparate have a child of there own. I live in sheffield if you want to make an arrangement to meat up to discuse future for support and future plans

[ps sorry i carnt spell or use spell check im rubbish on computers}

to all you homofobies if your not gay you must be thinking about it other wize you wouldnt be on this site. Y dont you consentrate on your own boring life and stay out of other people buisnes. Jeliousy is not a good look. open your mind open your heart and have fun for once in your life
NumberOne  - | 4  
26 Jan 2008 /  #116
Jeliousy is not a good look

who is jelious?
29 Jan 2008 /  #117
To all you who say gay couples shouldn't adopt - how would you feel if I said Polish people shouldn't adopt?

So far on this forum gays have been described as "not mentally healthy" (which they are perfectly entitled to think, just as I am entitled to think that Poles are not mentally healthy), homosexuality as "against nature" and therefore wrong (by this logic we should stop curing diseases as this would be going "against nature"), and finally one said "i wish all the Gay DIE". Lovely.

And to those who are obsessed with what gay men do and don't do in bed - nobody asked you to think about it, you conjured up those mental images all on your own. Makes you wonder what is going in *your* head. I don't find the idea of old people having sex particularly appealing however that doesn't mean I go around telling them it's disgusting or repulsive and that they should stop. It's none of your business what consenting adults do in the privacy of their home.

And I assume heterosexual couples don't invite their children to watch them having sex, so why would homosexual couples?

I understand that children need both a male and female role model however I don't think that means we should stop gays adopting any more than we should confiscate children from single parents - there are multiple ways to have a positive male/female role model who isn't necessarily a parent.

Just because gay couples can't have their own biological children doesn't make them unfit for parenthood - or do you think infertile couples shouldn't be allowed to adopt either?

The bigotry and prejudice on this forum is appalling.
hello  22 | 891  
29 Jan 2008 /  #118
To all you who say gay couples shouldn't adopt - how would you feel if I said Polish people shouldn't adopt?

Why do you compare apples to oranges? The question is about GAY couples and you try to manipulate it to get your point by comparing gay couples with "ALL POLISH PEOPLE". Compare UK gay couples to Polish gay couples.

Just because gay couples can't have their own biological children doesn't make them unfit for parenthood - or do you think infertile couples shouldn't be allowed to adopt either?

So why healthy and fertile gay couples cannot have their own biological children? The nature - that have been working for billions of years on this planet - has decided it is not possible and no good for the human population.
Davey  13 | 388  
29 Jan 2008 /  #119
they can raise more gays

Yes but heterosexuals raise gay kids, so how would it be rational to conclude that gay couples would just raise more gay kids?
29 Jan 2008 /  #120
g888 wrote:
To all you who say gay couples shouldn't adopt - how would you feel if I said Polish people shouldn't adopt?

Why do you compare apples to oranges? The question is about GAY couples and you try to manipulate it to get your point by comparing gay couples with "ALL POLISH PEOPLE". Compare UK gay couples to Polish gay couples.

It's not apples and oranges - you seem to want to deliberately exclude an entire segment of the population from adopting. I agree I should have said "how would you feel if I said Polish couples shouldn't adopt?". Maybe you also think black couples should never be allowed to adopt? Or Jewish couples? Or Catholic couples?

g888 wrote:
Just because gay couples can't have their own biological children doesn't make them unfit for parenthood - or do you think infertile couples shouldn't be allowed to adopt either?

So why healthy and fertile gay couples cannot have their own biological children? The nature - that have been working for billions of years on this planet - has decided it is not possible and no good for the human population.

I wasn't talking about gay couples conceiving biological children, I was talking about them adopting children. Do you really think adoption should be reserved for only those who are able to have biological children of their own? Do you not think this would be rather limiting in terms of the number of adoptive parents as well as rather difficult to enforce?

Do you think that a drug-addicted, alcoholic single mother who keeps popping out kids and doesn't really care about them is better for a child than a respectable gay couple who want children so much that they are willing to go through the difficult process of adoption to get them?

This should be about what's best for the children. I don't think excluding people just because they are unable to conceive naturally (or whatever other prejudice you may care to throw at gay people) is a very intelligent way of looking at it.

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