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English people attitude towards Poles?

ukinpoland  5 | 338  
6 May 2007 /  #271
The english certaintly dont think

What you trying to say about us???

You see I could add a nice smile in there and you would know that I was joking but now I have to explain it, therefore I am decreasing the life span of my laptops keys. This means I will have to but a new PC quicker that I would have to have done if I would have been able to use smilies. IS there a compensation form anywhere on this forum?

EU-France = Happy days

no. im polish. where do u live? in london there are quite big fights between irish and polish. didn`t u know that??

In London there can be fights between anybody of any nation, religion, football club, taxi rank, fast food chain. The list goes on just like your string of bull*hit posts
xXlisaXx  8 | 182  
7 May 2007 /  #272
where i live there is a tension building about the amount of polish people that are living in the area. this is the fault of the employers as they can pay the polish workers less money then english workers so are employing more and more to save themselves money.

i'm english parisdoll and i have no problem at all with polish people, live and let live is my moto.
and the fact that i just got my garden done for a fraction of the cost by my polish friend because he needs the money was a bonus. why pay over a grand for something that would have taken weeks, when i knew some one truely needed the money and wen i offered him more he refused as we had agreed a price.

i would say the hate thing comes from the fact that we english (well some) want everything for ourselves.
Frank  23 | 1183  
7 May 2007 /  #273
this is the fault of the employers as they can pay the polish workers less money then english workers so are employing more and more to save themselves money.

Whilst there may be a modicum of truth in this............as Lisa says.......the local population wants everything for themselves....ie the UK since the 1960's have single handedly "exported" 10 million jobs overseas..............all by themselves....quite happy to pay someone else to make it cheaper.........now all that has happened is that.....the people prepared to do UK/Irish jobs..to do it cheaper on our home soil.....have come to us!!

No ones fault...but our own!
daffy  22 | 1153  
7 May 2007 /  #274
i'm english parisdoll and i have no problem at all with polish people, live and let live is my moto.

and you'll find this to be the majority thinking of the english (who do think ukinpl ;)) an Irish alike.

I don't work in construction I work in a multinational with nationalities from all across the world, Aussies, Polish, English, French, Italian, German, Spainish, Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, Chile, Argentina etc and we all get on famously! :) best years of my life tbh
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
7 May 2007 /  #275
I've never heard of Poles being abused anywhere in Ireland apart from Northern Ireland.

Cheers, mainland Irish folks.

Some of my English friends think SOME folks in Northern Ireland are buttheads whose fierce British xenophobia is anachronistic and doesn't actually agree with the patriotic values of the majority of mainland Brits.

But the question remain: why is it the Poles who are perceived by some Brits negatively for the fact that they come to work in the UK?

After all, there are many other distinct groups who come to work in the UK in similar or greater numbers, e.g. the East Indians, Russians, Africans?

Why they're not perceived negatively for coming to and working in UK?

That's the question indeed.
espana  17 | 947  
7 May 2007 /  #276
is the new fashion to blame somebody else
Frank  23 | 1183  
7 May 2007 /  #277
apart from Northern Ireland.

This appears to be true....NI is the race hate centre of Europe.........mostly because....Poles are Catholic....make the mistake of moving into Protestant areas...taking Protestant jobs...........work it out.........

Having said that pro rata there are as many Poles in NI as there are in the ROI....so maybe it aint so bad after all....but our local police are plagued with calls to stop fights in over crowded houses of Poles .....c'est la vie!

Some of my English friends think

That there are butt heads in England...Scotland...Wales..........surprised?

I think you'll find their views are similarly anachronistic...P
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
7 May 2007 /  #278
Yes, espana, it seems to be the case of blaming somebody else for something they're should not to be blamed for.

But is it exactly a new fashion?

Where does it come from that some are blamed, but others who do exactly the same things as the blamed ones are looked upon favourably?

Should the EU do something in order to protect against the discrimination and dislike effectively?

If yes, what should those protective measures be?
Frank  23 | 1183  
7 May 2007 /  #279
P....we can legislate all we want.....but peoples views attitudes are much more deeply embedded, almost...genetically/socially programmed to protect their own needs, land, food, women........

To succeed...you have start at a very young age...and it takes about 500 yrs........IMHO
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
7 May 2007 /  #280
Frank writes: 'Poles are Catholic....make the mistake of moving into Protestant areas...taking Protestant jobs...........work it out.........'

- Well, so Poles are 'taking Protestant jobs'? I thought they're taking jobs that the Protestants or any other religious groups aren't keen to take. Do actually Poles take away Northern Irish jobs?

re: 'but our local police are plagued with calls to stop fights in over crowded houses of Poles.'

- Wow, so Poles are actually big troublemakers in Ireland? And I've heard from many Irish folks, including government and other experts, that Poles behave far better than any other guest worker group in Ireland.

Not true, says Frank?

Frank writes:
'peoples views attitudes are much more deeply embedded, almost...genetically/socially programmed to protect their own needs, land, food, women........'

- Do you mean, Frank, that there's actually a reason for defending Irish needs, land, food, and women from the Poles?
Frank  23 | 1183  
7 May 2007 /  #281
P.....you answer every...post with questions...I don't have all the answers...no one does....I don't believe the answers I have put on posts...these are excuse/reasons others give, who do the attacking etc...............not MINE!

so Poles are actually big troublemakers in Ireland

In my local town...solicitor friends tell me 25% court time taken up with East European law breakers....mostly minor...but enough to get arrested and charged with...lots of car related crimes too.....not all Poles though...P....lol

Plus do stop twisting...putting words in my mouth........:)

Plus I think you can add Scotland to your growing list of Polonophobic nations seeing as the young student whose peadophile murderer, was convicted recently.
espana  17 | 947  
7 May 2007 /  #282
Plus do stop twisting...putting words in my mouth

are you a real irish?
Frank  23 | 1183  
7 May 2007 /  #283
Why..is there such a thing as artificial irish....
7 May 2007 /  #284
The English middle classes love the Poles, because they work hard in England for such low wages. Managers and bosses like this very much, especially in the building industry. This has contributed in keeping inflation down since 2004 and as a result has kept interest rates down. Keeping home owners happy. In addition, they can get work down on their properties for considerably less than an English tradesman would charge.... Generally speaking the English middle classes are well educated, well travelled and more open minded.

Now, for the other story. English working classes (which probably make up about 25-30% of the population, more so in inner city areas)definately harbour resentment towards the Polish who have come to England. This is nothing new. Traditionally, the English working class disliked any foreigner that came into the country. Usually because the immigrants took low paid/low skilled jobs. For example the Irish, then the West Indian, then the Indian immigrants were all villanised. It is easy to blame foreigners for your own situation if you have nothing. Far right political parties like the BNP have exploited this resentment and love stirring up racial tension in inner city areas that have immigrant populations. Generally speaking though this attitude is borne out of a lack of eduction and low self esteem.

The building firm I worked for in London use to employ about 75% English tradesmen pre 2004. Today it employs about 90% Polish workers. In my personal experience the Polish do an equally good job for around 1/2 the expected wage of the English guy. They are also more polite and work longer hours.

Just my 2 cents anyway
espana  17 | 947  
7 May 2007 /  #285
Why..is there such a thing as artificial irish....

i was joking ,,,,,,
izanami  - | 8  
7 May 2007 /  #286
British are notorious for being prejudice.
Ta ta

thats not very fair im english and i am not prejudiced i like meeting people from other countries/cultures you can learn alot by talking to and getting to know new people . i know there are alot of nasty bastrds in this country but please dont label us all as bad ......
Frank  23 | 1183  
7 May 2007 /  #287
i was joking ,,,,,,

Are you sure....cos I can be just as tetchy, sensitive...over the top in my responses as PUzzler.......lol

Generally speaking the English middle classes are well educated, well travelled and more open minded.

Yes...but who protested when we ALL bought huge quantities of cheaply made items from overseas.....? ( As in other posts....we knowingly "exported" 90% of our manufacturing sector................

We are all guilty....every one of us..........from T Blair/big multi-nationals....all of us who seek to buy ever cheaper disposable items......

New arrivals are easy targets......as ever.....

Quoting:guess who
British are notorious for being prejudice.
Ta ta

thats not very fair im english and i am not prejudiced i like meeting people from other countries/cultures you can learn alot by talking to and getting to know new people . i know there are alot of nasty bastrds in this country but please dont label us all as bad ......

izanami.......never ever....ever.....ever bother to respond to non member posters..........it aint worth it.........
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
7 May 2007 /  #288
Frank, where do I 'put words' into your mouth? I'm just asking logical questions based on your statements, in order to understand clearly what you mean.

You say that 25 % of court cases in your town involve 'East Europeans'?

I don't care about 'East europeans,;' I care about the Poles.

What percentage of the court cases do they account for? How can I chceck it if your informants tell the truth?

Well, numerous foreign media hacks when reporting about negative things involving the Poles have the tendency to use the generic term 'East Europeans;' e.g. such and such number of 'Eastern Europeans' have moved to the UK, etc. The hacks thus create the conviction in the reader that the number of 'East Europeans' (whomever they are) is the number of Poles.

The term 'East Europeans' is used by the media hacks as the synonym of the term 'the Poles.'

Isn't it often highly misleading and discriminatory to use the term'East Europeans' instead of 'Poles,' or 'Slovaks,' or 'Estonians,' etc.?

How would it feel for an Irish person, if some fellows from, say, Scotland have done something wrong and somebody referred to the culprits by the generic term 'Gaelics'?

Frank writes:
'Are you sure....cos I can be just as tetchy, sensitive...over the top in my responses as PUzzler.......lol'

- Well, do you consider yourself superior to me, Frank? Do you think MY reactions to folks' postings, including yours, are somewhat silly?

When I react in a certain well it's ridiculous and absurd, but when you react in an identical way, it isn't, is that's what you mean, Frank?

Specifically why?

Please provide samples of my alleged 'tetchy, sensitive...over the top' responses, Frank.

Izanami, no Polish people I know perceive the English as all, or even mostly discriminatory towards us, Poles.

No, we don't have such a discriminatory view of the English.

I myself have never in my life encountered the slightest insult from an English person.

On the contrary, only kindness.

In fact, you, the English, are perhaps the best friends we have in Europe (and also the Irish and Scottish).

I have been and shall always be praising and admiring you, guys.

I sincerely hope that eventually I will be able to say the same thing about all the other European nations, so no offence for not mentioning some of them in this posting.


Scarbyirp, thanks for your posting. Very informative indeed.
Frank  23 | 1183  
7 May 2007 /  #289
I don't care about 'East europeans,;'

Thats a very poor atitude to have puzzler.......am a bit surprised you hold your near neighbours in such low esteem....

In my county( thats the only court area I know and quoted...why twist it?)
)....approx 2000 East Europeans.......around 90% are Polish.

How can I chceck it if your informants tell the truth?

...no idea( he was an officer of the court( shouldn't tell lies)...maybe an inquiry off the N Ireland court services?

How would it feel for an Irish person, if some fellows from, say, Scotland have done something wrong and somebody referred to the culprits by the generic term 'Gaelics'?

It wouldn't be used correctly...not the same...East Europeans are E. europeans after all a correct term.

Well, do you consider yourself superior to me, Frank?

...never said I did...twisting again....lol

When I react in a certain well it's ridiculous and absurd

....well you said it.

Don't question everthing as if they are lies......or worse, thats my real point.
Maxxx Payne  1 | 195  
7 May 2007 /  #290
Quoting: Puzzler
How would it feel for an Irish person, if some fellows from, say, Scotland have done something wrong and somebody referred to the culprits by the generic term 'Gaelics'?

It wouldn't be used correctly...not the same...East Europeans are E. europeans after all a correct term.

well how about "celts" then. You wouldn't want a blanket term used about you ?
It is understandable that people in everyday speech use those blanket terms, they are not expected to know many differences between EE cultures. But journalists should do better.
Frank  23 | 1183  
7 May 2007 /  #291
well how about "celts" then

Doesn't worry me.....unless they say we are all murdering, rapist, peadophiles......then I would be annoyed....

But a blanket term to cover the new entrants states..........is lazy...but not incorrect.
daffy  22 | 1153  
7 May 2007 /  #292
celts is a fair enough term for the irish historic really.

doesnt bother me. kinda proud to be a celt/gaelic
OP ola123  
7 May 2007 /  #293
The English middle classes love the Poles, because they work hard in England for such low wages.

One the other hand I could understand them, Id be not happy if cheaper immigrant would come into my counrty and take my job earning half less than I (our beloved gov is planning to do so and let in Chinese, Koreans). But this is impossible in Poland right now because we simply have too low wages and any lower wages would cause hunger. My point is that it is almost impossible to live any poorer, this is why Romanians and Bulgarians avoid our country as much as they can despite our beloved gov warm invitation (haha). In England nation is very rich and can make ok living for minimum wages, in Poland it is not possible.
daffy  22 | 1153  
7 May 2007 /  #294
My point is that it is almost impossible to live any poorer,

but you still have eastern people go to Poland. ive seen it myself ms golczyk. The british minimum wage does not offer an 'ok' living as many british have already told you. it wouldnt be called 'minimum' then would it - it would be 'average'.
OP ola123  
7 May 2007 /  #295
ms golczyk? what do you mean?

We dont have EE people in Poland, there are less than 1% in our country despite our door very widely open :-P.
daffy  22 | 1153  
7 May 2007 /  #296
We dont have EE people in Poland, there are less than 1% in our country despite our door very widely open :-P.

eastern. i didnt say EE. i mean form countries even less well of than.

ms golczyk? what do you mean?

your surname nie?
OP ola123  
7 May 2007 /  #297
but you still have eastern people go to Poland. ive seen it myself ms golczyk. The british minimum wage does not offer an 'ok' living as many british have already told you. it wouldnt be called 'minimum' then would it - it would be 'average'.

For us Poles living for minimum wage in Britain is just as living average in Poland. This is why you see 2 millions Poles in the Isles, they chose "average" life over "poor" or "very poor".
daffy  22 | 1153  
7 May 2007 /  #298
This is why you see 2 millions Poles in the Isles, they chose "average" life over "poor" or "very poor".

then that is just perception Ola123. as to a british citizen, british minimum wage is not good enough. like Polish minimum wage is not good enough to a polish citizen.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
7 May 2007 /  #299
taking Protestant jobs

So the jobs over there are divided into "Protestant", "Catholic" and others and EU instead of doing something about this s*it is kicking us for "discrimination" of homos...
OP ola123  
7 May 2007 /  #300
I disagree, its not just a perception.

Archives - 2005-2009 / UK, Ireland / English people attitude towards Poles?Archived