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British taxpayers pay homeless Polish to go home.

Daisy  3 | 1211  
13 Jul 2007 /  #151
the English and French admire each other's culture

I wasn't aware that the French admired English culture?
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
13 Jul 2007 /  #152
Daisy, they seem to. It seems to go back to Voltaire at least. (He scribbled
some stupid stuff about Milton and Shakespeare though.) And, for instance, don't the French (as perhaps anybody else in the world) emulate English music? Wasn't there Beatlemania in France?

And didn't the Rolling Stones do some of their best music while living in France?
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
13 Jul 2007 /  #153
Wasn't there Beatlemania in France?

Yes - but we never got around to Jonny Halliday mania though
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
13 Jul 2007 /  #154
re: we never got around to Jonny Halliday mania though

- Strangely enough you didn't.

By the way, Paul McCartney has suggested that 'Michelle' (which has a French sentence in the lyrics) was inspired by the atmosphere of the French existentialism. The atmosphere was prevalent in the fifities and sixties, also at the parties he attended.
Daisy  3 | 1211  
13 Jul 2007 /  #155
Daisy, they seem to

But they'd never admit it
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
13 Jul 2007 /  #156
Polskadoll: Hay even big boys make mistakes, hehe

True! And it probably would have been quite funny to have seen you drenched to the skin! lol ;-)
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
13 Jul 2007 /  #157
I didn't find it that funny at the time but when i looked in the mirror and saw how wet i was even i had a little chuckle to myself :)
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
13 Jul 2007 /  #158
well, never did anyone any harm to be drenched like that - having said that, its not happened to me in a while! :-)
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
13 Jul 2007 /  #159
Hay don't get me wrong i like been wet but i like to choose when!!!
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
13 Jul 2007 /  #160
Well, be sensible in future, take an umbrella!
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
13 Jul 2007 /  #161
Umbrella's are for beautiful women and not men :) i'll take a jacket with a hood next time lol
13 Jul 2007 /  #162
Posting Guidelines:

- Stay on topic.
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
13 Jul 2007 /  #163
Umbrella's are for beautiful women

that'll be why I carry an umbrella! lol, lol :-)))) haha
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
15 Jul 2007 /  #165
The Brits are truly losing their minds...their country is being overun by immigrants from
Muslim countries, as a matter of fact, some of the Muslim Imans there have even called
for Sharia law to be established in areas where the Muslims are a majority...yet some
Brits would complain when hard-working European/Christian Poles emmigrate rhere...
I think most Brits are so shelled shocked after years of Thatcher, John Major, Tony Blair & now the low-life traitor Gordon Brown that they can't tell up from down...of course, the

UK has always been two-faced w/Poland: they sold out the Polish government-in-exile
there after WWII and turned the Poles over to Uncle Joe Stalin & his boys...but in their
defense, they have lost so many jobs & been taxed so heavily by the globalists that they are surely very frustrated.
Lady in red  
15 Jul 2007 /  #166
their country is being overun by immigrants fromMuslim countries

Yeah, well a lot of them have British passports so they can go and live in Poland too !!

Seriously though, the majority of muslims in Uk are law abiding, hard working and very family orientated people. All muslims are NOT terrorists.

think most Brits are so shelled shocked after years of Thatcher, John Major, Tony Blair & now the low-life traitor Gordon Brown that they can't tell up from down...

Most people are not shell shocked. In fact they have enjoyed some pretty prosperous times. Have you been to the UK in the last ten years ?

they are surely very frustrated.

We're NOT !!

Have you ever been to the UK ? I think not.........
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
15 Jul 2007 /  #167
All muslims are NOT terrorists.

But most terrorists are Muslim.

their country is being overun by immigrants from
Muslim countries,

Only three percent of the UK is Muslim. So hardly overrun. [from the BBC, today]
Lady in red  
15 Jul 2007 /  #168
But most terrorists are Muslim.

Yes, I don't disagree with that. But I see people day by day and a lot of them are very law abiding and it's wrong to tar them all with the same brush.

Bit like the way a lot of ignorant people are calling the Polish people because they have come to the UK.

All terrorists are bad people and they hide behind a religion :(
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
15 Jul 2007 /  #169
and it's wrong to tar them all with the same brush.

That wasn't my intention.
Lady in red  
15 Jul 2007 /  #170
I know Wroclaw :)

Think because I am so hungry, I could have written that a bit better. Sorry :(
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
15 Jul 2007 /  #171

No need.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
15 Jul 2007 /  #172
I lived in Tulse Hill, South London in 1997-98...I enjoyed it there then & the Brits were
very friendly...But what I study about Britain's foreign & immigration policies disturb me...
I think most Muslims are good people & do not buy into the Zionist rhetoric about the
so-called 'Clash of Civilizations'...I was merely commenting on the thread, and saying
that I would assume that most Brits would seem to have something in common with
Poles...maybe if Warsaw or, say an American city would become majority Muslim you might view things from a different perspective...how would you feel about being a minority in your native land?
19 Jul 2007 /  #173
I dont know anybody who doesn't have a job and is looking seriously for one. I know plenty of people with jobs, i also know plenty of people without jobs. However these people are either happy claiming benifits off the government, and/or don't apply for available jobs as they believe themselves to be to good to work in a factory or as a cleaner.

If an unemployed british person wanted a job, they could get one... check out the job cebtre website. I'll bet you anything you dont come to a screen informing you, 'sorry theres no jobs left in britain. Please search again later'.

Sorry if ive made any spelling and grammer mistakes. Yes i am english, i just cant be bothered to check my bad typing skills.
izanami  - | 8  
19 Jul 2007 /  #174
I wish they would all f*ck off.

thats not a very nice attitude how very dare you!!!

im english i dont have any problem with polish people coming here no matter how many i think anyone who is saying they should get out should have thier fingers chopped off for being so nasty
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
19 Jul 2007 /  #175
However, apparently the English and the French don't like each other, this is true in some respects but it does not mean every French person and Enlgish person meets is he stereotype Frenchman/woman

I think that this is utter rubbish to be honest, French until not so long ago was probably the only language offered to students in English schools, 100s of English people have homes in France and have had for many years, they integrate in to the French way of life and every time I have been to France I have been treated well and have found the French warm and funny people. I think it's a shabby working class stereo type - generally those who think that the French live on snails and frogs legs and ride around in striped t-shirts with onions round their necks, nuf said...

Okay back to topic

Its a fact that some will land on British shores with inadquate funds and no contacts and they will fail, which is a shame because they came here to find a better way of life, which people have being doing for centuries all around the world, on the other hand the majority of people will come here and succeed and prosper and contribute and some may stay and some will go home after a few years, but they (the ones that live and succeed here) will contribute to goverments coffers which the likes certain people and papers forget to mention.
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
19 Jul 2007 /  #176
ok on the terrorists thing, i have a specific saying which is totally 100% true.

"not all Muslims are terrorists, but all Terrorists are Muslim" of course i'm talking in the case of al queda, islamic gehad etc etc.

on the subject of immigrants, i have no problem with people coming into our country as long as they are legal and they want to work and not sponge of the government and therefore negatively affecting our economy.

However having said that if there are any people in this country who shouldn't be they should be removed, no questions asked. I also believe that anybody with a criminal record that could be described as 'a danger to other people' should not be aloud into the country either. We have our own rapists, murderers and armed robbers to deal with let alone the ones from eastern europe and asia or wherever.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
19 Jul 2007 /  #177
I also believe that anybody with a criminal record that could be described as 'a danger to other people' should not be aloud into the country either. We have our own rapists, murderers and armed robbers to deal with let alone the ones from eastern europe and asia or wherever.

here here! A friend of mine got put back on a plane when he went the states because he had a caution from about 5 years back (this was about 17 years ago) for being in possession of canabis when he was 14
espana  17 | 951  
19 Jul 2007 /  #178
However having said that if there are any people in this country who shouldn't be they should be removed

well said !!!!!!
17 Sep 2007 /  #179
i love the pole i think there great
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
17 Sep 2007 /  #180
thank you for your amazing and mind blowing contribution, i hope to see more of your stunning work on the forums soon.

Why don't you write a book?? seriously your that good :) I know what you call title it as

i love the pole i think there great

man went you want it published just drop me a line, yeah :) lol

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