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Benefits for separated Polish wife and 2 kids in the UK

Sophia  - | 99  
28 Aug 2008 /  #31
You (noimmi) could show her how to do it? Lead by example...
Mister H  11 | 761  
28 Aug 2008 /  #32
I suppose so. I'll just shrug to that because that is the case with many questions asked here.

I appreciate that many people ask internet forums questions that they could get using the very pc that they use to post the question, but I would have thought that she would have considered finding out some facts herself first. She must have known the reaction she would get and most people on here are pretty logical, fair people and don't react for the sake of it.

Did she expect a list of helpful links and to be told to get her friend to claim every penny she can ?

I agree that there are plenty of Brits letting the side down when it comes to benefits and that angers me just as much.

natasia why doesnt your friend hang herself like the last two poles who couldnt speak english and couldnt cope.


Sophia  - | 99  
28 Aug 2008 /  #33
most people on here are pretty logical, fair people and don't react for the sake of it.

Yes, and you seem to be one of them :) I don't know what she expected, but if she is entitled to it legally then it is our government with whom the problem lies, not her as much for wanting what she can get. Not that I'm saying I approve of that attitude at all for I certainly don't.
Mister H  11 | 761  
28 Aug 2008 /  #34
Thank you :-)

You're right, it's the Government who have got us all into this mess.

I really can't understand why they allowed it to become like this, but they don't see what we see. They seem blind to it. They want it all to be blue skies in Utopia and for it all to be "hands across the oceans" stuff, where we all run across sandy beaches learning to speak one another’s language and celebrating our diversity.

Life isn't like that.

Yes, people rub along quite well with each other, but as soon as someone seems ahead of the game, or seems to be given a priority on account of their background, it all changes.

I've never wanted the embarrassment of signing-on and I'm British and can deal with the paperwork, the queues and the being passed around. Would I want to be the one with the foreign accent asking for help with the housing benefit form ?

No way. There aren't many parts of the country where something like that wouldn't have the potential for trouble to flare.
zoogle  6 | 44  
28 Aug 2008 /  #35
Leeching slobs like that are the reason why I'm fed up with Canada.
Danny  2 | 91  
28 Aug 2008 /  #36
natasia why doesnt your friend hang herself like the last two poles who couldnt speak english and couldnt cope.

Always delivers the goods, this lad, doesn't he?

Son, you do realise that eventually your own resentment for everyone not British (or, probably, Scottish) will destroy you. You'll die a lonely death at your own hands, having failed to achieve anything ever because you are supressed by your own lack of perspective or insight and a clearly limited intellect (although personally I would appreciate the irony of you being slaughtered by none English speaking immigrants and bleeding out in a gutter outside the Job Centre).

Clearly you are afraid of these people so you lash out with your anger (quietly, behind your computer on a Polish Forum because you're such a big man). You're afraid of what you don't understand but you are too scared to do anything about it. So you sit here and post your narrow minded views in a desperate bid to initiate some sort of uproar?

But no-one is listening. You're just a timid little runt and the centre of the Polish Forums amusement. Not unlike a sad clown.

You see in here... YOU'RE the n*gger! How does that feel, little boy?
Arise_St_George  9 | 419  
29 Aug 2008 /  #37

Natasia seriously I would advise her to go home. Claim benefits from Poland. She would not be welcomed in a friendly manner from people in this country. I very much doubt that she'll be entitled to benefits because of her lack of contribution to this country. The reason the likes of the Somalians and Zimbabweans etc tend to get them is because they "are to be persecuted" when they return home. (********. Send them home! Not our problem.)

Send your friend home, she is NOT welcome at all.
Misty  5 | 144  
29 Aug 2008 /  #38

Why? It's a serious subject so why should it be hidden?

Natasia, I do agree your friend doesn't have much of a future in the UK in her current situation. She probably should return to Poland and carry on with her life there, where she can be near family no doubt.

Really, what is there for her here? Juggling two kids, a low paid job (probably more than one) and paying rent, bills and probably child care etc, it's just not going to work. Returning to Poland is her only option. She won't get much benefit help here and even if she did, it's not going to help her in the long run.
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
29 Aug 2008 /  #39
Natasia, I do agree your friend doesn't have much of a future in the UK in her current situation.

i would say she has not future in the UK, it is best to go back to her homeland and claim benefits there. I'm fed up to the teeth of people thinking that Britain is an easy target for claiming benefits and having a good life of the back of the British tax payer!!!

She probably should return to Poland and carry on with her life there, where she can be near family no doubt.

Exactly, there are more positives going back to Poland than satying in the UK, for both sides, her and the people of the uk.

your making good sense there.

she is NOT welcome at all.

i must say i would not welcome her either, there are people who are more than welcome to come to the UK but in this situation if it was down to a vote i would send her home.
Arise_St_George  9 | 419  
29 Aug 2008 /  #40
Why? It's a serious subject so why should it be hidden?

Because this thread is a pisstake out of British tax payers. The purpose of this thread is to find information from us British for her friend to sponge money from British workers. Many of us work 38-42hrs a week and pay an incredible amount of tax. Her friend is one of the reasons we pay such a high tax. Her friend wants to take money from us without putting something back in.

Her question was answered along time ago. She is not welcome, send her back home. That is the only response she is going to get from us. Thread closed.
Misty  5 | 144  
29 Aug 2008 /  #41
Because this thread is a pisstake out of British tax payers. The purpose of this thread is to find information from us British for her friend to sponge money from British workers

Which is something that concerns you greatly so that's why I didn't understand why you wanted it deleted.
Arise_St_George  9 | 419  
29 Aug 2008 /  #42
Just in case some idiot comes in and gives details of the procedure for her friend to take our money.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
29 Aug 2008 /  #43
Nah this site does it all :(

Kilkline  1 | 682  
29 Aug 2008 /  #44
Nah this site does it all :(

A Helping Hand :(

Thats painful and difficult to justify.

The other annoying thing is that non-Brit members of this forum will say nothing about it but mention on other threads that Brits are negative towards Poles without actually mentioning the context in which the comments are given.
espana  17 | 951  
29 Aug 2008 /  #45

what is doing the british for stop this?
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
29 Aug 2008 /  #46
Thats painful and difficult to justify.

You can understand why so many people come to the UK though. Just sign here madam and your benefits will be in your TSB bank account in a week and every week there after :)

I'm certainly not on about everyone of course, but I suppose those that had quite substandard lives in Poland (UK equivalent of scrounging chavs) find the lure of benefits somewhat hard to resist.

what is doing the british for stop this?

Nothing. Yet.
IronsE11  2 | 441  
29 Aug 2008 /  #47
There is so much ignorance on this thread.

Does anyone actually understand the rules applied to A8 workers in respect of claiming benefits in the UK? No, thought not.

Polish people account for a tiny percentage of the benefits claimed in the UK?

The biggest burden to the UK tax payer is the indigenous bunch of wasters who claim.

ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
29 Aug 2008 /  #48
Does anyone actually understand the rules applied to A8 workers in respect of claiming benefits in the UK

yes they have to have contributed for 12 months.

Hence the reason I wrote this on the first page!

Unless she has paid NI she doesn't deserve a penny (fact) - It's a bit like a pay as you go mobile - if you don't have any credit you dont get any calls? Does that make sense to you?

tornado2007  11 | 2270  
29 Aug 2008 /  #49
The biggest burden to the UK tax payer is the indigenous bunch of wasters who claim.

thing is we are not discussing the endigenous population, although you are correct in that, it is their country to dos about in :). Let's clean out the rubbish we have from abroad who are the 'minority' of people who claim and then sort out our own people!!!
Bartolome  2 | 1083  
29 Aug 2008 /  #50
Natasia, tell your friend to go to the court and make her ex pay the maintenance money. I may not be a British citizen but I'm a British taxpayer too and it turns my stomach when I read the word 'benefits' (or 'benefity' in a Polonised version). I've never claimed anything and don't intend to as it's below my dignity to live off someone else. Attitude of your friend and the likes of her is one of the reason of strong anti-Polish sentiments in the UK.
OP natasia  3 | 368  
29 Aug 2008 /  #51
Natasia and your friend - You're both a disgrace to your nation.

what nation, you bonkers idiot? i am english. but i am not crazily nationalistic like a lot of you posturing on here.

at the risk of assassination, we are supposed to live in a company of various nations, called 'Europe'. my polish acquaintance (actually not my friend, but someone in need of advice) doesn't yet have qualifications or a fabulous cv because she has spent her 20s raising her children. she is now motivated and ready, with the children starting school (childcare hereby sorted) to work. she needs English to get any job better than cleaning, but she has to start somewhere. and WHILE she is working and learning to better herself and contribute something more to the economy, she needs some support.

if you think of all the fat lazy deliberate English scroungers, i actually think supporting this sort of European is more worthwhile than them. she has no intention of a life of social security - it is a shameful thing to her.

but hey, it was interesting to see that you just all love to rant. some practical advice from anyone who's experienced a similar situation was obviously a laughable expectation from this! just bugger off you smug lot.


PS with this exception:

Does anyone actually understand the rules applied to A8 workers in respect of claiming benefits in the UK? No, thought not.

you sound like a real person, with a balanced brain!! could you outline those rules for me, if you know them? wd be grateful. thanks.
Sophia  - | 99  
29 Aug 2008 /  #52
Natasia, did you have a look into my links?

but she has to start somewhere

Yes she does, and she is lucky to have your help.
OP natasia  3 | 368  
29 Aug 2008 /  #53
Yes she does, and she is lucky to have your help.

Thanks, Sophia - thank you. And will do with the links.
Danny  2 | 91  
29 Aug 2008 /  #54
Look at the state of this...

While us British contributors to this thread have every right to be upset by the prospect of Johnny Foreigner bobbin' over on the scrounge from our wonderfully greed driven government, on reflection it does appear that this woman has every intention of working, every intention of contributing to the country and my experience of the Polish communities over here they work their b*llocks off for exploitative pay. And while the greater picture may affect me personally, this particular incident does not. I don't care.

The fact of the matter is this thread makes us all look like a bunch of arrogant, racist c*nts and we're not... bar the odd exception. What the f*ck did we go to all that trouble of halting and crushing the facist oppressors during WWII only to see our arse about a few immigrants?

Fact of the matter is Natasia's friend probably isn't gonna be able to claim a great deal and our own undesirables constitute the majority of worthless scrounging b*stards. Our own people are the reason we get raped with taxes and such. Moreover, it's our own people that make this country a bit of a sh*t hole.

It's one person and it's a situation none of us can do anything about, besides obviously make Natasia feel sh*t because she's trying to help someone. Myself included, I jumped straight on the "f*ck off back to Poland" bandwagon without even processing the thought but now that I think about it...

Who really gives a f*ck??

If Natasia's friend does go back to Poland there will still be thousands and thousands of people immigrating here from all over the world with the sole intention of exploiting our government. We can't win this one so just let it go. You'll find it doesn't actually alter your lives much at all.

Or join the f*ckin' BNP. Or noimmigration's merry band of one (because no post of mine would be complete without a little dig at him. He's so funny) :)

Chill guys. F*ck it!!
Mister H  11 | 761  
29 Aug 2008 /  #55
what nation, you bonkers idiot? i am english. but i am not crazily nationalistic like a lot of you posturing on here.

Ok, you're not Polish, but my point still remains that the person you are trying help, who is not your friend as it turns out, is doing nothing to help the image of the Polish in the UK.

I feel sorry for her situation, but why is it for the British to solve it ?

I'm not a crazy nationalist either, I just don't think that benefit handouts for cleaners who don't speak English is what the welfare system was designed for.

Chill guys. F*ck it!!

Fantastic, great attitude to have !

The country is going to rack and ruin and you want everyone to stand and watch.
Danny  2 | 91  
29 Aug 2008 /  #56
The country is going to rack and ruin and you want everyone to stand and watch.

What are you doing about this "problem", besides whining about it on a Polish forum, you f*cking hypocrite?

Fact is there isn't a damn thing any of us can do about it and all you're doing is portraying yourself as a narrow minded racist arsehole. Let it go, man!
Arise_St_George  9 | 419  
29 Aug 2008 /  #57
Bottom line is "pack your bags and bugger off back home to Poland!"

"What are the procedures for my friend to take your hard earned wage?" she asks. F*ck off and get a job...! If you can't do that then go back home!

I can't stand British people that exploit the benefit's system either.
Danny  2 | 91  
29 Aug 2008 /  #58
F*ck off and get a job...! If you can't do that then go back home!

Pretty much the size of it. If she doesn't she won't really have much of a choice but to go back home. England is sh*t enough when you can speak the language and have the opportunity work your arse off. She gets a job and learns our tongue or, basically, she's f*cked! No point in everyone getting so uptight about it.

I can't stand British people that exploit the benefit's system either.

Now THESE people are the problem with our country!! These are the reason our country's falling to pieces... Lazy, scrounging chav d*ckheads! Anyone been jumped, tw*tted and mugged by anyone BUT a cluster of worthless council estate sh*theads recently?
Mister H  11 | 761  
29 Aug 2008 /  #59
You need to wind your neck in a little and don't throw the "racist" word about so freely. It's very easy to play the race card (especially these days) and that's why the Government get away with such "not that bothered really" attitude to immigration.

Anyone who so much as questions immigration gets jumped on as a racist, which allow the real racists to carry on with their own evil and nasty agendas.

I am NOT a racist ! I'm just someone that doesn't like freeloaders, especially British ones, and people who pitch up here without work and without a means to support themselves, kids in tow, and then wants to know what they're "entitled to" are freeloaders.
Misty  5 | 144  
29 Aug 2008 /  #60
The country is going to rack and ruin and you want everyone to stand and watch.

Actually, if you read his post, that's not what he wants. He's pointing out that one individual doesn't account for a larger problem. Why pick on one person, one female who is trying to work out what is best for her and her kids? I suggested she go back to Poland because I thought it would be better for her, not because I thought it would be better for Britain.

I agree with Danny. If you find the whole thing such a problem, stop whining here and do something proper (and legal) about it. Ridiculing one female and her attempts to look after her family might make some of you feel big and clever but it achieves absolutey nothing.

I can't stand British people that exploit the benefit's system either.

Neither can I. So what do you do about that? Do you whine at your friends down the pub...or do you actively do something?

and people who pitch up here without work and without a means to support themselves, kids in tow, and then wants to know what they're "entitled to" are freeloaders

What if they did arrive here with a means to support themselves but it all went wrong?

Archives - 2005-2009 / UK, Ireland / Benefits for separated Polish wife and 2 kids in the UKArchived