Think I'm gonna go on a mission to Poland on my own next month. I've got 3 days holiday left at work and because off my recent fascination with the place. I think it’d be best if I put them to good use on weekend there...
there are 3 cities especielly worth to see in Poland: Krakow - for me the best city in Poland, livly, vibrant, loads of bars and clubs, thousends of students, and lots of thingst to see, besides very close to auschwitz and zakopane
Wroclaw - great architecture, and really beautiful marketsquare, but i dont know anything about nightlife there Gdansk - at the seaside, with Sopot and Gdynia so called Trinity - city. great architecture and great nightlife in sopot can you say that........??? has some wonderful sights, etc, very picturesque.....great potential...investment going on....pulling itself up by its boot laces!!
If you consider it awful.......god help the rest of Poland....!
Wroclaw has only nice marketplace and thats all. Roads and transport are just horrible. At 3-6 pm it takes 1 hour to drive from main bus station to swiebodzki and normally it takes 10 minutes. Wroclaw has probably one of the worst public transport in Poland. The worst traffic jams in the Dolny Slask :). A big shame.
Whenever I say anything negative about Wroclaw it is always about communications. Yesterday I spent two hours getting from one side of the Olympic Stadium to the other. There is always one road or another under repair and most people here are fed up with it. But at the same time they are used to it.
Because we have so many bridges here It is impossible to go anywhere without crossing one. So the city in its infinite wisdom decided to close the two main ones or restrict traffic flow.
The reason: Wroclaw is using its quota of EU and government funds to put the city on the right track.
Another problem is the number of new buildings going up. New buildings cause roads to be closed. Very often these roads are important routes.
The most annoying problem for me is that journey times vary so much. The same jorney can take 10, 60, 40 minutes depending on I don't know what.
As Frank suggests it is all for our common future. Slow now means fast later.
But it is taking too long. The by-pass was started twenty-five years ago, so now, because the city has grown, part of it is in the city limits.
Other problems are narrow streets, which restrict the use of bus lanes.