Any thoughts on best way to get from Krakow to Lublin? Train, bus or hire a car.
Getting from Krakow to Lublin. Train, car or bus, which is best?
hi, I don't know if it is the best way but I went by bus with 'Express Bus'. I got to and from Lublin-Krakow in one piece. It took about 4-4.5 hours.
Their website -
Their website -
Thank you
Trains (according to - also in English version) take usually almost 6 hours (5:15 with a direct connection). So it doesn't look good.
but for sure it's safer way to travel.... especially in winter.
mariyana_d - | 1
14 May 2009 / #6
britmike, can you tell me how much money you paid for travel both ways. (krakow to lublin)
thank you in advance
thank you in advance