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Where to find shell fit out services in Poland

eleanoroconner  4 | 55  
24 Oct 2008 /  #1
I think, like me, many people on this forum have had or have got apartments which will be ready soon but as a shell so this thread is to pull together the various companies out there who can help!

Mamdom - (obviously!). These are the guys I use. Very straightforward, quick and average prices. Polish company with English speaking staff - covers all of Poland. The big bonus for me is they just get on with it - I don't want to choose colours and design kitchens - I want a flat that will rent quickly and they sort it all out. There is an interior design service as well - never used it. Good feedback on various forums.

Keen Properties - part of the whole Property Secrets, Red Net set up. They are more expensive than most but you do get more for your money. Suspended ceilings, flashy radiators, etc. If you want to rent an average apartment they are probably OTT as it will take years to payback but for yourself or a penthouse/top notch development well worth a look. Can't find any feedback on any forums either way.

JM (Joshua Mills) - Krakow based but say they cover all of Poland. Started by a group of investors who have already fitted out some of their own places so they should know what they are doing! Never used them personally but there is some positive feedback on this forum.

Flats Poland - when I first found this website they offered fit outs at "cost+10%". Since that is a business model that doesn't make sense I assumed their fit outs wouldn't either! They have since dropped the 10% so maybe they are more experienced now. Based in Warsaw and also selling off plan units. Found one positive feedback on this forum but from a member who is now suspended?

It would be great to get feedback from others on the above companies or any others I have missed.

I know there will also be a bunch of posts saying "I live in X and can do it for you - PM me!" but I believe companies are the most useful. I have never used an individual, even one recommended by an agent because:

- they can walk out half way through a job to take better work elsewhere (and I have met a few buyers who have had that joy)

- they can't always provide a proper invoice for the job and as you can deduct the cost of the fit out from the rental income that's crucial.

- they might be very skilled but some have no sense of design (I saw one in Warsaw last year with bright green tiles in the hallway and kitchen, the tiler said he bought them because they were cheap - thank god it wasn't my place!!)
Poznan Kasia  
28 Oct 2008 /  #2
Hi there,
you are right in saying that hiring a company to do the job is your safest bet but please make sure this is indeed a recommended company. Contractors have become very spoilt these days and will turn their noses up every chance they get. Good luck!
Wroclaw Boy  
17 Dec 2008 /  #3
If you want to rent an average apartment they are probably OTT


Flats Poland LOL
AZ Interiors  - | 2  
12 Jan 2009 /  #4

Please visit zielinska.com.

We operate in Krakow and concetrate on trust and quality, that obviosuly means we never walk out half way through a job, provide proper invoices and, as for designing, well just see photos of our works...

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