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Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land!

27 Jan 2009 /  #601
Psychopath? What? I only found this ancient thread this morning and was replying to a comment on page two I think. Might be old but still relevent, and you read it. We have Indians, Somalians, Latvians, Spanish in my town aswell as Poles, my other half is of Indian descent so I don't think I am racist. It's the sheer number of Poles that have arrived in such a short period that has affected us. I walk down my high street and I dont hear English anymore just Polish, I go into many factories in my work and see the lack of Brit Manual workers with the majority being Polish now and wonder where have all the Brits gone. I have a grudge yes but it's not with anyone individual trying to better their life by coming here, it's with the amount so quickly. One place I went were using just Poles, Three bus loads seven days a week all the way from London. They were teachers,bank clerks, nurses doing manual work cheap, 12 hours a day not including travel. They lived in digs owned by their employer so had rent deducted from their pay.Things have to be really bad in Poland if they are prepared to go through what they were. Maybe some are going home now that jobs are being lost but I havn't noticed yet. The poles are being used by a good deal of English companies and the average Brit is losing the ability to earn a half decent wage. Who is at fault, the Russians? Only the few at the top benefit.
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
27 Jan 2009 /  #602
Psychopath? What? .

- Yep, a psychopath, and a racist too. The Poles aren't the most numerous group of workers in UK. If you are against the numbers of foreigners working in Britain, you should be against all the working foreigners, not just Poles. There are more other foreigners than Poles working in Britain - and also grabbing the dole. What difference would it do to you if Poles left and other foreigners took their jobs? But you aren't against other foreigners. Why? Because you're a Polonophobe. Perhaps from a specific ethnick group in UK, eh? We know who particularly viciously spreads hate against us in UK. I doubt if you are who you say you are - have an 'Indian wife,' etc. By the way, if you really had an 'Indian wife,' why wouldn't you want her to get the hell out of UK, if you want the Poles to get out? So the Russians are all right for you to work in UK - and there are actually scores of them there - but not the Poles? It's good to know.

Seanus  15 | 19666  
27 Jan 2009 /  #603
How about that Polish land? ;)
27 Jan 2009 /  #604
My intention with his blog is "not" to be racist or insult any race or particular individual. I am not part of any group especially some nazi, communist or the BNP. I am white British. As a Brit I feel Britain unlike countries such as Australia has an open door policy towards immigration that is being abused and I feel that policy sucks because there is no control on the sheer numbers that are coming in and it is that which is affecting our lifestyle and wages etc. I am sorry if you feel I am singling out the poles but in my town they are the large majority when it comes to immigrants.

I feel sorry that many immigrants are being used (abused) by a greedy few, no one deserves that.

So now I am a racist Polonophobic scum and a psychopath? Lol...
Seanus  15 | 19666  
27 Jan 2009 /  #605
We have to grin and bear it. Mass immigration is a problem. It swamps the country and usurps resources. However, (the) government must tackle this.

Anyway, this is not connected to land.
WhiteChocolate  2 | 12  
27 Jan 2009 /  #606
Ola123 first you should say something against your governments, they are the main reason of wild capitalism in Poland. They didn't and don't care about people at all.

Second, why are polish people so submissive? Wake up! It seems that everything comes from another country is the best, polish is poor, why?Come on and make your business!
29 Jan 2009 /  #607
I am english, living in england, with a job and education that I have worked hard for over the past fifteen years. Over the past years as you know all of europe has been flooded with migrant workers, many suggest that this alone is diluting the job market; maybe so. But the truth is that we are now in a european 'state' with a free market and open borders for workers. Ola, I understand your patriotism many of my english friends fear the same of our land. But, if this is the case why should english people not invest in your country just like the many polish nationals have indeed done in england and other EU countries. My girlfriend is polish, my friends are english, polish, german, french and spanish, this is the future, so either ride the wave or be drowned by it.
gjene  15 | 203  
16 Feb 2009 /  #608
The same is happening over here in Canada as well. The unions have driven up the price on a lot of the goods because the employers have to compensate to make money. So that means that others have to form/join unions to get more money to afford the higher priced item. The immigrants that come are happy enough to have a job at lower pay initially to be able to earn their own keep instead of being on welfare.

That is more than I can say for those that are born here that find lower pay jobs demeaning to them. I know of one guy that is on welfare that was argumentative and refused to work part time for less than $10/hr. That proves my point. I have dual with Germany and if I can find work there and be allowed to by property there I would happily do so.

If it can be proven that I can buy property in Poland based on my dual with Germany while working in Poland, I would do so. For I would be able to give back to the Polish economy because of what I am able to bring from here. Such as being a native speaker that has a neutral accent compared to the British. Not only that, I have worked on a farm and as a railway maintenance of way worker, and in renovations. Those skills would be worth something as well.

At least I might be able to do odd jobs to earn extra money while teaching English. There is the possibility that I can prove that I have Polish citizenship based on blood lines from my mother and grandparents (grandfather particularly). So in a sense, I won't really be a foreigner.

So can we put an end to this thread and have it closed.
Randal  1 | 577  
16 Feb 2009 /  #609
Mass immigration is a problem.

Yes it is. Particularly when the immigrants are from a, umm… different culture, and all that “rich diversity” takes its toll on the existing. But then the influx of the ones the US is enduring aren’t likely to buy a lot of land. This is worse.

I can understand Ola’s frustration. People get frustrated and angry when they feel their government isn't doing enough on behalf of the country. But do not fear capitalism. The opposite is worse.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
16 Feb 2009 /  #610
Well, they may buy land in the US, just shared with 9 other people. In parts of England, there have been periodic inspections to check that the occupants are suitably maintaining the property and are interested in its upkeep.

I just don't get it, how Utopian can people be? Really, British life isn't all that special at all. When I watch documentaries of English towns, I think to myself 'how dreary'. They seem to prefer having a small room to 4 people, using sleeping bags. Is Polish life really so bad for them that they can't have their own room but have a job that pays less? This is the crux of the matter.
Randal  1 | 577  
16 Feb 2009 /  #611
Personally, I don’t feel any foreigners should be permitted to buy land in other countries. “You want a piece of this, foreign national? Well, renounce your home country and become a permanent citizen and come on in. Make the check out to…”

Think about it, without some restraints in place filthy rich Arabs from a place like Dubai could theoretically come in and literally buy up an entire country.

I guess I'm more with Ola than I previously disclosed.
Davey  13 | 388  
16 Feb 2009 /  #612
That Ola girl sounded like a commie....
Randal  1 | 577  
16 Feb 2009 /  #613
She sounded like a patriot to me. Maybe a little Commie... Lol...
wildrover  98 | 4430  
16 Feb 2009 /  #614
Personally, I don’t feel any foreigners should be permitted to buy land in other countries.

exactly , scrap the European union thing , chuck out all the foreigners , confiscate all the property they bought in another country , don,t let them come into a country to work , or get health care , why not stop selling anything to other countries , let them buy their own stuff , stop world trade , if fact don,t even sell anything to people in the next town......I perhaps should mention that when i had a house in the UK , i had a bunch of Polish people living there with me whilst working in jobs in the UK....I don,t own my house in the UK any more though , i now own a small farm in Poland , and when i begin my tourist business some of those Poles returning to Poland may have a job with me....but , of course if the rules change they might confiscate my home in Poland...gonna have to kill me first tho...
16 Feb 2009 /  #615
gonna have to kill me first tho...

This seems appropriate.

From my cold dead hands!!!
Randal  1 | 577  
16 Feb 2009 /  #616
(sigh) I wouldn't go that far. But seriously, how would you feel if some foreigners with no ties to Poland and Her people and no regard for Polish culture came in with sacks of money and, say, bought up entire Polish villages, completely displacing the residents along with their cultural history?

And it's not too much of a stretch to think it could happen. Heck, Dubai could probably buy Poland three times over.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
17 Feb 2009 /  #617
buy Poland three times over.

But only if the Poles want to sell it to them....!
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
17 Feb 2009 /  #618
which would be the point people tend to miss
santosh  - | 11  
17 Feb 2009 /  #619
PS Whoever wants to stay in Poland and live here I wecome but bloody capitalists that push prices up 2 words for you: **** off.

I understand your point of view ola...i agree that the prices may go up so high that it becomes unaffordable to the normal working poilsh public...believe me this is not isolated to poland...i have seen it happen to many other countries where the hardworking people are outpurchased by wealthier cooperations or commercial alliances....But most people on this forum i dont think are capitalists...they are either funny offensive tolerant racist etc etc...u have more to fear if some of them come to buy land and settle ola... :-)
wildrover  98 | 4430  
17 Feb 2009 /  #620
But most people on this forum i dont think are capitalists...they are either funny offensive tolerant racist etc etc...u have more to fear if some of them come to buy land and settle ola... :-)

Speaking for myself , i didn,t come here to buy a Polish farm and make lots of dosh out of it....I live and work here .taken nothing out of the economy of Poland , and put plenty of dosh into it , especially into the hands of the pirates at the Energa company...
dtaylor  9 | 823  
17 Feb 2009 /  #621
Exactly the way it should be for a farmer. Take what you need, provide what you can
Prince  15 | 590  
17 Feb 2009 /  #622
Foreigners: Please don't buy the Polish Land!

There is no such debate about land ect. There were such fears before joining EU but I haven't heard about such problems.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
17 Feb 2009 /  #623
a farmer

I am afraid my knowledge of farming is less than zero , the farm is simply my home , and will be in the future a base for tourist business , catering for 4 x 4 and biker groups touring Poland....
Randal  1 | 577  
17 Feb 2009 /  #624
will be in the future a base for tourist business , catering for 4 x 4 and biker groups touring Poland....


But only if the Poles want to sell it to them....!

When all their neighbors sell, they will sell.

It could be yet another type of invasion for you guys.
17 Feb 2009 /  #625
I am a foreigner buying my 3rd apartment in warsaw for renting.

if any poles have a problem with this i have suggestion.

leave the eu and give us all our billions of euros back! nobody would complain (except the greedy begging poles that is)
g60edition  6 | 174  
17 Feb 2009 /  #626
ooopss too late i already did it.....

Ditto,The owner was only to happy to lighten my pockets
Randal  1 | 577  
17 Feb 2009 /  #627
See how some foreign land buyers hold their Polish hosts in distain.

They should instead try showing some respect for the Polish people and their culture or find some place else to buy.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Feb 2009 /  #628
I generally agree, Randal. However, it does depend on the courtesy shown to them by their Polish host/prospective seller. WB is right, moral integrity is important, rather than having sb 'kombinuje' to get ahead.

Hard to say. What I do know is that those interested in the property ladder can be pompous, 'awkward' assholes. They think they know the rules and start putting the squeeze on the landholder/landowner, trying to eke out the best bargain.

It's good that it's in the Polish national character to stand their ground.
Randal  1 | 577  
17 Feb 2009 /  #629
It's good that it's in the Polish national character to stand their ground.

This would have served them well in earlier times! :D Lol...

Sorry! I love Polish people!...
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Feb 2009 /  #630
I can't say I love Polish people, just like I can't say I love any people completely. There are some I love here, absolute gems/diamonds, and others I'd sooner strangle.

Still, my fiancee is pushing me to buy some land here. That's more relevant. I'm considering it but will let her do the bulk of the negotiations. My Polish is pretty good but she knows the ropes.

Archives - 2005-2009 / Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land!Archived