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The most spectacular errors in Polish politics.

7 Sep 2009 /  #151
Never the less that campaign happened.

There was no government campaign. Look at the Polish Resettlement Act of 1947 and the Resettlement Corps! The

What free forces you referring to ?
The Polish Army with legal Polish government were the only representatives of Poland British Government should be concerned with.

They did invite some of the Polish forces - end of the story.

I am referring to the representatives of the Free Polish Airforce who were invited to take part in the parade.

I see now that you are not Polish yourself Harry - Are you sure your parents are?

I am completely sure that my parents are not Polish.
Ironside  50 | 12955  
7 Sep 2009 /  #152
I am completely sure that my parents are not Polish.

As I recall in some thread you were claiming that although you have no nationality your parents were Polish.
Let's hear the truth for a change.....Harry?

I am referring to the representatives of the Free Polish Airforce who were invited to take part in the parade.

Well, is that all about it?
Sure, some elements of Polish forces in particular Air force were invited - what of it ?
In those circumstances it was pitiful and insulting.

There was no government campaign. Look at the Polish Resettlement Act of 1947 and the Resettlement Corps! The

As such, but don't you tell me that government did not backed it up!
TheOther  6 | 3596  
7 Sep 2009 /  #153
Either learn and then issue opinions or enter a thread with questions only.

You're pretty arrogant, my friend. According to you, everyone who doesn't agree to your distorted view of history is not entitled to have an own opinion. I suggest that you grow up first and then work on your communication skills.
Ironside  50 | 12955  
7 Sep 2009 /  #154

If not for UK and France and USA Poland wouldn't become independent state after WWI?
That your opinion?
7 Sep 2009 /  #155
As I recall in some thread you were claiming that although you have no nationality your parents were Polish.
Let's hear the truth for a change.....Harry?

I have never claimed that my parents are Polish. You are lying yet again when you say that I have.

I am referring to the representatives of the Free Polish Airforce who were invited to take part in the parade.

Well, is it all about it?

You aren't making any sense there.

There was no government campaign. Look at the Polish Resettlement Act of 1947 and the Resettlement Corps! The
As such, but don't you tell me that government did not backed it up!

There was no British government "Poles go home" campaign. The fact is that the only government campaigning for all Poles to go home was the Polish government. The British government recognised that the Poles in the UK would be a valuable post-war resource.
Ironside  50 | 12955  
7 Sep 2009 /  #156
I have never claimed that my parents are Polish. You are lying yet again when you say that I have.

Well, it maybe a honest mistake on my part, why you always about lying ? is it because you're lying so much?

Are you up for a duel ?

You aren't making any sense there.

Well, I never said that some elements of the Polish Forces weren't invited - so I wonder what is all about, I mean this multi-treads discussion about victory parade ?!

There was no British government "Poles go home" campaign. The fact is that the only government campaigning for all Poles to go home was the Polish government. The British government recognised that the Poles in the UK would be a valuable post-war resource.

Well, it is not as Poles in UK recall it!
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
7 Sep 2009 /  #157
According to you, everyone who doesn't agree to your distorted view of history is not entitled to have an own opinion.

But you're entitled to an opinion, for example we can argue whether Poland would have beaten Germany in 1919-20 or not, we can argue about aspects of historical facts but we cannot argue about facts themselves.

Dry facts are, as far as territory Germany lost to Poland more than it lost in the whole of WW1, a major province, a major city and a huge chunk of its population.

Also a fact is that it did so based directly on an armed action by Polish military.

And now we can argue whether Poland emerging and swallowing up parts of Germany, Ukraine and Belarus was a minor or a major thing but facts are unconditional and its hard to discuss when you're unaware or disregarding said facts to suit your opinion based on personal views rather than historical knowledge.

You have an opinion so tell me how did the West made Poland possible when it was the Poles who actually re-conquered their own country often disregarding the West? Did the West give anything to Poles or did they win it back themselves?

The problem with you as with so many morons who come here with an opinion is that it doesnt matter what the history was, You have a view, You have an opinion and you're ready to keep expressing it regardless of how history went.
7 Sep 2009 /  #158
Well, it maybe a honest mistake on my part, why you always about lying ? is it because you're lying so much?

Are you up for a duel ?

You really are utterly pathetic. You reply to a post pointing out that you a lying by claiming that the other poster is always lying. You don't even make any kind of attempt to supports your lies!

Well, I never said that some elements of the Polish Forces weren't invited - so I wonder what is all about, I mean this multi-treads discussion about victory parade ?!

You'll have to ask Poles why they so love to bring up and lie about this parade.

There was no British government "Poles go home" campaign. The fact is that the only government campaigning for all Poles to go home was the Polish government. The British government recognised that the Poles in the UK would be a valuable post-war resource.

Well, it is not as Poles in UK recall it!

There was no "Poles go home" campaign from the British government. Quite the reverse.
Ironside  50 | 12955  
7 Sep 2009 /  #159
You really are utterly pathetic. You reply to a post pointing out that you a lying by claiming that the other poster is always lying. You don't even make any kind of attempt to supports your lies!

Why are you pointing out that I'm lying, when it could be honest mistake on my part!
And it is if you are honest.
I have no time and need to look for your post where you implied it!
I prefer to take your word on it (if it would be some else I would be sure that I'm wrong about it! Because it is you Harry I'm not so sure):P

There was no "Poles go home" campaign from the British government. Quite the reverse.

Maybe! but there were such campaign.

Are you up for a duel or you decline?
7 Sep 2009 /  #160
Maybe! but there were such campaign.

Yes there was. It was organised by the TUC, a private organisation. You however talked of a "UK government" campaign. Yet again the reality of history is completely different to the version told by a Pole!

Are you up for a duel or you decline?

My name is Harry and I'm very easy to find.
Ironside  50 | 12955  
7 Sep 2009 /  #161
Yes there was. It was organised by the TUC, a private organisation. You however talked of a "UK government" campaign. Yet again the reality of history is completely different to the version told by a Pole!

Where ?
I have only implied that it had government sympathy if not backing.
I never claimed that it was UK governmental campaign!

My name is Harry and I'm very easy to find.

I mean proper duel Harry, I'm not gonna jump you on the street.....

I mean you accept, set a time and place and .....what do you say about pistols ?
Simply apologize - I'm not lying Mr H !!!
You can point out what you want but do not dare to say that I'm lying!
7 Sep 2009 /  #162
I have only implied that it had government sympathy if not backing.
I never claimed that it was UK governmental campaign!

What you actually said was
In 1946 after UK government recognized soviet puppets in occupied Poland and with discriminatory campaign "Poles Go Home" when most of the Polish soldiers had no place to go back to(and those who come back were treated badly), invaded some of the Polish soldiers and one regiment from Polish Army.

Then they invited soviet puppets from Poland and Soviet Polish Army !
You must be fukking mad if you think that it was invitation - it was worst sort of hypocrisy on the part of British government.

I mean you accept, set a time and place and .....what do you say about pistols ?

I say that you are even more pathetic than I first thought.
Ironside  50 | 12955  
7 Sep 2009 /  #163
I say that you are even more pathetic than I first thought.

Well, Harry you are entitled to your opinion but don't say that I'm lie anymore.
As for duel .....In my opinion it should be reintroduced.

People with education would have be a bit more responsible with their words.
It would sort out people from pathetic little worms .....not that I imply that you are worm Harry.

We are not discussing here some abstracts but real people.
7 Sep 2009 /  #164
Poles feel a need to lie about that invitation.

We will get that apology eventually and I would like to see your stupid face than. If Russians managed to apologize for 17 September, Brits will come around too.

And you never bother to address the fact that not a single US soldier or sailor was invited to attend

Very simple: Americans didn't fight together with and for Brits. Poles did.

As for your "Poles go home" campaign, yes the British government felt so strongly that all Poles should go home that they opened camps where Poles who didn't want to go home could live at the expense of the British tax payer.

There were camps for some of them (higher in hierarchy) but most of Polish ex-soldiers (lower ranks) were send to Canada where they had to work basically as slaves on farms for two years before they were granted full residency in Canada. Yeah, SO much for British appreciation.
8 Sep 2009 /  #165
We will get that apology eventually and I would like to see your stupid face than.

No you will not ever get that apology. You can not get an apology for not being invited because Poland was invited in exactly the same way as every other non-commonwealth nation and in addition to that Free Polish Forces were invited in the same way as every other non-commonwealth nation. No other free forces were invited.

Very simple: Americans didn't fight together with and for Brits. Poles did.

A lie which is laughable even by your standards. Let's take the Normandy landings: the British landed on Sword and Gold, the Canadians took Juno and the Americans had Utah and Omaha. What was the Polish beach called?

Although maybe we shouldn't be talking about the Normandy campaign: if we do, we'll have to mention that Poles were fighting on both sides, won't we?

There were camps for some of them (higher in hierarchy) but most of Polish ex-soldiers (lower ranks) were send to Canada where they had to work basically as slaves on farms for two years before they were granted full residency in Canada. Yeah, SO much for British appreciation.

You really are getting incredibly compulsive at lying, aren't you?
Here's the truth: "After the Second World War the majority of Polish troops who had fought alongside the western allies preferred not to return to a communist dominated Poland and were allowed to stay in Great Britain. A Polish Resettlement Corps was established, which vetted applicants and discharged them from the Polish armed forces. Wives and dependent relatives were brought to Britain to join them, bringing the total estimated number of cases to over 200,000. The Polish Resettlement Corps (PRC), was raised as a corps of the British Army into which Poles were allowed to enlist for the period of their demobilization. The PRC was formed in 1946 and was disbanded after fulfilling its purpose in 1949."nationalarchives.gov.uk/familyhistory/guide/migranta ncestors/polish.htm

"The formation of the corps was announced by Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin on 22 May 1946 and it began recruiting in September 1946. About 160,000 people were eligible to join, the majority of them (110,000) veterans of the Middle East campaigns, many of whom were members of the Polish II Corps. Of these, 22,000 were former prisoners of war. These figures also included 4,000 members of the Polish Navy, 12,000 members of the Polish Air Force, and 1,000 Polish members of the Women's Auxiliary Air Force (WAAF). The corps had a separate Air Wing for the air force personnel, run by the Royal Air Force. Eventually 115,000 Polish personnel would join the PRC programmes.

By 1949 the corps had mostly ceased to function. About 150,000 Polish soldiers and their dependants settled in the United Kingdom, forming a significant part of the Polish community.

And some precise numbers to shoot down your claim that "most" were shipped to Canada: "It is estimated that 3,000 Poles from the PAF were repatriated and another 2,400 emigrated to other countries by July 1948. Some 9,000 PAF personnel stayed in Britain with at least 5,000 finding civilian jobs and had a higher priority than the former landforces. A small number (500) were recruited into the RAF leaving approximately 3,500 in the PARC who were in need of long term care, some never to leave until death." polandinexile.com/resettlement.htm

Do feel most welcome to come back here and post your sick lies any time you want to. I'll be most happy to reply to your foul slurs with the simple truth and, in doing so, expose you for the moronic liar you really are.
8 Sep 2009 /  #166
Yeah, I'm sure Americans will be happy to know that they fought during WW2 under British command! You are master in twisting facts, Harry, I'll give you that!

And some precise numbers to shoot down your claim that "most" were shipped to Canada: "It is estimated that 3,000 Poles from the PAF were repatriated and another 2,400 emigrated to other countries by July 1948.

As I don't believe anything you are quoting (you manipulated too many times to be trusted) I will check those numbers later. I'm sure there is a trick somewhere; just the number of war veterans in Montreal alone is higher than 3000.

Do feel most welcome to come back here and post your sick lies any time you want to. I'll be most happy to reply to your foul slurs with the simple truth and, in doing so, expose you for the moronic liar you really are.

Harry, grow up. You behave like schoolyard bully. Should those big words impress me? They make you look desperate.
8 Sep 2009 /  #167
Yeah, I'm sure Americans will be happy to know that they fought during WW2 under British command! You are master in twisting facts, Harry, I'll give you that!

Who mentioned anything anything about fighting under British command? You said that "Americans didn't fight together with and for Brits." Clearly even you have realised that that is lie to laughable for even you to tell.

As for your 'Poles were under British command so they should have got an invite' line:
a) Free French, Free Belgian, Free Dutch, Free Norwegian, Free Czech, Free Greek and Free Danish forces were all under British command. None of them got an invite. The Free Polish forces got an invite.

b) The only Free Forces to get an invite were the Poles. But apparently the treatment they got wasn't special enough for them so they refused to attend.

c) The very simple fact is that both Free and Official Polish forces were invited in exactly the same way as all other non-commonwealth forces.

As I don't believe anything you are quoting (you manipulated too many times to be trusted) I will check those numbers later. I'm sure there is a trick somewhere; just the number of war veterans in Montreal alone is higher than 3000.

a) I have not 'manipulated' numbers. You however have been caught lying in this thread repeatedly.
b) Nice try with bringing the 'number of war veterans in Montreal alone' into the thread. Pity that I was referring to the number of Polish Airforce veterans.

c) Go right ahead and click the link. You'll find that the site is far from friendly to the British.
d) Is there any chance of you ever providing any links to any numbers? I somehow doubt it, given that you pull most of your 'facts' straight from your arse.

You behave like schoolyard bully.

And you behave like a small child who is surrounded by empty chocolate wrappers and whose face is covered in chocolate but who insists that she hasn't eaten any chocolate and that the British must have stolen all of the chocolate.
niejestemcapita  2 | 561  
8 Sep 2009 /  #168
the British must have stolen all of the chocolate.

8 Sep 2009 /  #169
And they only stole it to make the Poles look bad!
8 Sep 2009 /  #170
Who mentioned anything about fighting under British command?

I did. It pays to read more carefully and think before answering hastily.

As for your 'Poles were under British command so they should have got an invite' line:

Why would I care if French/Greeks/the rest were invited or not again?

The only Free Forces to get an invite were the Poles. But apparently the treatment they got wasn't special enough for them so they refused to attend.

Asking for some acknowledgment and recognition for what you have done for someone is not absurd expectation. Should be offered freely in the fist place. Unless you are 'only' a Pole in which case - as Wroclaw Boy put it eloquently -

Im of the opinion that Poles should lick our boot heels that we even gave them a chance in 303 squadron to avenge their loved ones. What else would they have done?

You however have been caught lying in this thread repeatedly.

That favorite line of yours got very boring long time ago. I won't even ask why repeatedly.

) I have not 'manipulated' numbers.

Since when? 5 minutes ago?

Nice try with bringing the 'number of war veterans in Montreal alone' into the thread. Pity that I was referring to the number of Polish Airforce veterans.

I was talking about veterans of all Polish forces, not just Airforce.

Is there any chance of you ever providing any links to any numbers?

I have a life, Harry. And I'm not being paid to do a research like you are.

And you behave like a small child

Cute. But you are still a bully.
9 Sep 2009 /  #171
I did. It pays to read more carefully and think before answering hastily.

Start as you mean to go on, eh? So you start with a lie. You said that "Americans didn't fight together with and for Brits."

Why would I care if French/Greeks/the rest were invited or not again?

Yes, why should you care if Poland was treated better than any other nation? All that matters is whether Poland got the treatment which Poles decided that Poland deserved. If Poland did not, it was a clear and obvious attempt to insult Poland.

Asking for some acknowledgment and recognition for what you have done for someone is not absurd expectation. Should be offered freely in the fist place. Unless you are 'only' a Pole in which case

One small catch: acknowledgment and recognition was freely offered in the first place. And then more acknowledgment and recognition was offered. Unfortunately Poles thought that they deserved not just more than anybody else but much more than anybody else. So they have been lying about events ever since.

You however have been caught lying in this thread repeatedly.

That favorite line of yours got very boring long time ago. I won't even ask why repeatedly.

Here are some examples of the lies you have posted in this very thread (with my comments in italics):

the lie about them being invited.
There is no lie about Poles being invited: both Free Forces and Official Poles were invited in the same way as every other non-commonwealth nation.

So we have a full claim that we were snubbed.
Poland was not snubbed: Poland actually received far better treatment than any other nation.

There were camps for some of them (higher in hierarchy) but most of Polish ex-soldiers (lower ranks) were send to Canada where they had to work basically as slaves on farms for two years before they were granted full residency in Canada.
As has already been noted in this thread, with numbers to support the fact, most Polish soldiers stayed in the UK after the war.

inviting just but a few pilots out of about 250 thousands Polish soldiers at last moment before the parade couldn't be considered a respectful one thus was rightfully declined.
[i]No other nation considered it anything other than respectful that their armies and navies were not invited.

Cute. But you are still a bully.

Cute. But you're still a liar.
Marek11111  9 | 807  
9 Sep 2009 /  #172
Poland payed for everything that received from so called allies, all the airplanes all the bullets, rifles, uniforms they payed their way to fight they payed to defend England, France and others just to get screw and sold to Russia by England and U.S.
Crow  154 | 9552  
9 Sep 2009 /  #173
exactly same happened to Yugoslavia and Serbia in in/after WWI and WWII. Just Serbs would say that they were sold to Soviet commies (not to Russians)
10 Sep 2009 /  #174
Start as you mean to go on, eh? So you start with a lie. You said that "Americans didn't fight together with and for Brits."

Harry, just admit that you misunderstood and lets move on. You are not that dense so to not get what I was saying, are you?

One small catch: acknowledgment and recognition was freely offered in the first place. And then more acknowledgment and recognition was offered.

Interesting point, Harry. Care to go to details?

Unfortunately Poles thought that they deserved not just more than anybody else but much more than anybody else.

Wrong. Poles KNEW they deserved a lot but received absolutely nothing. From anybody, not just Brits. But for decades we were forbidden to claim any glory for ourselves as well as reparation. We were to stand in the corner and not make troubles. All we were offered was constant accusation for not saving ALL Polish Jews as we had a picnic in the meantime. Well, that's over. You and your foreign buddies can grumble all you want how Poles are complainers. Let werstern guilt work for us for ones. It's about time. I like it a lot and support it wholeheartedly.

Cute. But you're still a liar.

Believe it or not but I'm not looking for your praise or approval. You are uncreative anyway.
10 Sep 2009 /  #175
Harry, just admit that you misunderstood and lets move on. You are not that dense so to not get what I was saying, are you?

Why not just admit that you were lying and move on? Surely you are not so dense as to believe that ‘with and for’ means the same as ‘under’, are you?

Although given that you are stupid enough to think that you’d be able to get away with claiming that “most of Polish ex-soldiers (lower ranks) [who remained in the UK after WWII] were send [sic] to Canada where they had to work basically as slaves on farms for two years”, you clearly are that dense.

One small catch: acknowledgment and recognition was freely offered in the first place. And then more acknowledgment and recognition was offered.

Interesting point, Harry. Care to go to details?

Sure. The Polish government was invited in precisely the same way as all other non-commonwealth nations. The invitation was freely extended to the government of Poland, who insulted the British by not bothering to send any representatives. Then a second invitation was extended to the Free Polish forces in precisely the same way as all other non-commonwealth nations. They also decided it would be better to insult their hosts.

Wrong. Poles KNEW they deserved a lot but received absolutely nothing. From anybody, not just Brits.

Yes nothing at all. 150,000 Polish servicemen and there families get to live in Britain, housed, clothed and fed by the British tax payer. Britain opens 40 camps for the Polish Resettlement Corps and approximately 265 Polish Resettlement camps. No other immigrant group gets a law of its over but Poles get the Polish Resettlement Act of 22 March 1947. Poles get equal access to British jobs, some British people can’t get jobs because Poles have them. But to you this is nothing. Or perhaps you are just falling back into your usual habit of lying.

But for decades we were forbidden to claim any glory for ourselves as well as reparation.

More lies. Poles were invited to attend the London Victory Parade. Poles declined (although you did go to the Moscow parade, another subject Poles would prefer we didn’t talk about). Germany paid Poland reparations and paid them in precisely the way that Poland asked for them to be paid.

Let werstern guilt work for us for ones. It's about time. I like it a lot and support it wholeheartedly.

You like it so much that you lie to get it. I see nothing for the British to feel guilty about: they fulfilled all promises made to Poland and gave all the help that they could give. You couldn’t be bothered to fight the Soviets, so why do you blame the British for not doing so?

Believe it or not but I'm not looking for your praise or approval. You are uncreative anyway.

I really do not care about what you are looking for. You, however, are very creative: I love the way you find so many new things to lie about.

Poland payed for everything that received from so called allies, all the airplanes all the bullets, rifles, uniforms they payed their way to fight they payed to defend England, France and others

Please supply details of those payments. I can give you details of the payments the British made to the Americans for planes which the Polish Airforce used (such as the Liberator bombers). Alternatively just admit that you have been caught lying yet again.
southern  73 | 7059  
10 Sep 2009 /  #176
a) Free French,

Free French were not invited?Are you sure?These heroes?
10 Sep 2009 /  #177
Least they liberated their capital.
southern  73 | 7059  
10 Sep 2009 /  #178
If you believe that French liberated Paris alone or they could liberate France without allied forces,then you are either dumb or a cheater.
vetala  - | 381  
10 Sep 2009 /  #179
Harry, you keep talking about 'Polish governent' but which government do you have in mind? The democratically, legally chosen by Poles Government-in-Exile or the puppet government Stalin made himself out of people he liked?

I'm almost certain that Polish G-i-E didn't agree for any parades, reparations, border changes or communism in Poland and never recieved as much respect and acknowledgment as Dalai Lama and the rest of Tibetan Government in Exile. Furthermore, Home Army which was officially supported by Polish G-i-E definitely WAS 'bothered to fight the Soviets'.
10 Sep 2009 /  #180
If you believe that French liberated Paris alone or they could liberate France without allied forces,then you are either dumb or a cheater.

You can't argue with the facts I post so instead you argue with what I don't say. How very Polish.

Harry, you keep talking about 'Polish governent' but which government do you have in mind? The democratically, legally chosen by Poles Government-in-Exile

The G-i-E was democratically elected? That's one of the best lies I've heard for a long time. Anybody who has even the most passing knowledge of Polish history knows that Poland wasn't a democratic country for the 13 years before WWII! Just look at the results of the 1930, 1935 and 1938 elections!

Furthermore, Home Army which was officially supported by Polish G-i-E definitely WAS 'bothered to fight the Soviets'.

No it wasn't! The AK officially disbanded on January 19, 1945 to avoid armed conflict with the Soviets and civil war.

Archives - 2005-2009 / News / The most spectacular errors in Polish politics.Archived