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Slavic linguistic union inside of EU; Polish language official

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
18 Nov 2009 /  #91
however, Tito had his own version of Communism and it was a more liberal form

I'd argue that Tito's version wasn't more liberal - his way of keeping Yugoslavia intact involved practically destroying any attempt at nationalism by any means. It's why his 1974 constitution is so bizzare - and I can only assume that he was making preparations for after his death in the knowledge that most men wouldn't be able to dominate in the way that he did. Obviously in many respects, it was more liberal - but Tito wasn't adverse to playing hardball as and when it suited him.

Tito might have allowed foreign travel and so on - but he was a master in playing West and East off against each other to give him the best possible deals and conditions. Allowing foreign travel was a simple gesture - and if people stayed abroad, they would always send money back to Yugoslavia. Likewise - his Market Socialism concept did wonders for keeping people happy while still controlling them from above.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
18 Nov 2009 /  #92

Tourism was a major source of income for Yugo. Market-Socialism, it's probably the only way to maintain socialism. See the Chinese, they're doing not so bad at all...


M-G (if you let the constant breaches of human right out of the spectrum, that is)
OP Crow  154 | 9558  
22 Nov 2009 /  #93
It would be good if Slavs manage to form their linguistic union and, i would be happy to see Polish language as official, instead of English

There is no other option for freedom loving Slavic peoples
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
22 Nov 2009 /  #94
what is the point of being part of europe if all you talk about is being 'individual' lol, shut up and get on with it :)
OP Crow  154 | 9558  
23 Nov 2009 /  #95
what is the point of being part of europe

Slavs are already part of Europe. They always were

so, i would underline. Bater Polish as official then English

Archives - 2005-2009 / News / Slavic linguistic union inside of EU; Polish language officialArchived