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Riots in Warsaw KDT 21 July 2009

SeanBM  34 | 5781  
21 Jul 2009 /  #1
Riots at KDT in city centre.

A regular battle between traders and security and city guards is taking place at the KDT shopping centre. An executive officer from the city courts who entered the premises to take over the stalls, was pelted with stones, planks and bottles filled with water. In order to pave the way for him and throw the sellers out, security guards sprayed tear gas in the building.

12 Police were injured.
frd  7 | 1379  
21 Jul 2009 /  #2
It looked pretty nasty.. it's hard to image something like that could happen in the capital. Tranders where using fire extinguishers against those people from the security company, barricading entrances at the same time. But I kind of agree with the cities president, they had a lot of time ( 2,5 year that is ) to make all the arrangements, they didn't, and now it was just an ordinary crime.

From what she said on the telly all traders who has taken the way of consent will get a replacement for their loses. I can't wait to hear Kaczynskis yelling about how unapropriate it was, trying to mould the clay before the elections..
21 Jul 2009 /  #3
Is that the building behind where MarcPol used to be?

Absolutely nothing about this on the BBC, of course.
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781  
21 Jul 2009 /  #4
I kind of agree with the cities president

Me too, the are taking the Mickey.
They have no legal right to be there and the refused to come to any kind of negotiation.

It is going to be the new art museum.

I can't wait to hear Kaczynskis yelling about how unapropriate it was, trying to mould the clay before the elections..

It is already in swing, full on "solidarity" flags the whole lot.
You know that word will loose it's meaning if it keeps being thrown around like that.

The Legia lads took no time in getting in there.
pawian  226 | 27817  
21 Jul 2009 /  #5
Jul 21, 09, 23:49 - Thread attached on merging:
Battle at Warsaw 2009

Tear gas, water cannon, hundreds of policemen and security guards against a few hundred desperate traders who don`t want to give up their work place, a giant steel hall in the city center. They used stones, fire extinguishers, barricades and live shields (their children) to defend themselves. Simply speaking, Warsavians have guts!

polskieradio.pl/thenews/national/artykul112458_riot_at_kdt_in_city_cen tre.html

See films and photos


OP SeanBM  34 | 5781  
21 Jul 2009 /  #6
Is that the building behind where MarcPol used to be?

Yes, that got rid of that about 6 months ago.

Gazeta Wyborcza's online service reports that 30 people have been hospitalized after receiving injuries both outside and inside KDT

Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
22 Jul 2009 /  #7
Absolutely nothing about this on the BBC, of course.

For the BBC, Warsaw is the capital of a Third World country. And as everybody knows, the importance of news on the BBC is: one gentelman hurt in the City of London equals several gentelmen killed in Rome equals hundreds killed in India equals thousands killed in China.
22 Jul 2009 /  #8
For the BBC, Warsaw is the capital of a Third World country

It's more than that; it's the capital of a country which wasn't part of the British Empire. If this was in Pakistan or Zimbabwe, it would have been "Breaking News" yesterday afternoon!

One million potentially-interested Poles in the UK counts for nothing where the BBC is concerned - unless it's "Polish man arrested after racist attack", of course.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
22 Jul 2009 /  #9
Well, it might have been some kind of a racist attack after all. Security guards wearing black attacked white traders not wearing black.
22 Jul 2009 /  #10
It looked pretty nasty.. it's hard to image something like that could happen in the capital.

Having actually been there, it wasn't nasty. Certainly wasn't as bad as earlier this year when the shipyard workers were in town and nothing like the same scale as it is during the miners' visits.

It is going to be the new art museum.

That's the plan but now it seems that the ownership of the site isn't quite as black and white as it appeared.

It's more than that; it's the capital of a country which wasn't part of the British Empire. If this was in Pakistan or Zimbabwe, it would have been "Breaking News" yesterday afternoon!

Don't talk utter rubbish. This was nothing. You expect the BBC to cover every Krakow derby game too? Those are far far worse than this was.
magdalenaG  2 | 67  
22 Jul 2009 /  #11
Having actually been there, it wasn't nasty. Certainly wasn't as bad as earlier this year when the shipyard workers were in town and nothing like the same scale as it is during the miners' visits.

Agreed. I was there too, nothing much to it.
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781  
22 Jul 2009 /  #12
it wasn't nasty

nothing much to it.

Interesting, you go out to see a good old fashion riot and all you get is media hype, ah well.

That's the plan but now it seems that the ownership of the site isn't quite as black and white as it appeared.

I thought the plans were set?.
I was even looking at the plans from the architect that won the tender but only the plans.

Do any of you get the feeling that the, almost sacred, "Solidarity" slogan is being used too much and will loose it's meaning through over use?.
22 Jul 2009 /  #13
Interesting, you go out to see a good old fashion riot and all you get is media hype, ah well.

I was just walking to work. Didn't care about any riot or media hype.

I thought the plans were set?.

The plans are set. But now it seems that building the thing might be a mistake because there is doubt over who owns the site (or at least parts of it).

Do any of you get the feeling that the, almost sacred, "Solidarity" slogan is being used too much and will loose it's meaning through over use?.

Yes, very very much so.
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781  
22 Jul 2009 /  #14
Here are the visualisations and a link to the youtube walk through, showing the museum.
It is exactly what Warsaw needs, another concrete block, you can never have too many, you know ;)

there is doubt over who owns the site

I can imagine everyone and their postman, wants a piece of the action.

Yes, very very much so.

Yeah, I see it too much, it will loose it's meaning if it continues to be misused like that.
Crow  155 | 9736  
13 Aug 2009 /  #15
pictures from EU/NAT0 dominion of Poland >>>

and so, EU supported dictator Tusk sent his well armed forces against Slaveno-Polish people...

KDT -Warszawa cz1

Down with dictator Tusk!
Myszolow  3 | 157  
18 Aug 2009 /  #16
One million potentially-interested Poles in the UK counts for nothing where the BBC is concerned - unless it's "Polish man arrested after racist attack", of course.

Poles don't watch BBC, they get WIZJA satellite dishes so they can watch the even lower quality Polish crap on TV. Where would they be without their South American soap operas voiced over into Polish by a single male voice? ;)
18 Aug 2009 /  #17
and so, EU supported dictator Tusk sent his well armed forces against Slaveno-Polish people...

Pity that there were no Serbian heroes there to protect the Poles.

Oh, no, wait a minute, my mistake! Serbian heroes are only able to murder unarmed civilians and run like rabbits when they see well-armed forces, so they would have been of no use at all!
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2138  
19 Aug 2009 /  #18
Oh, no, wait a minute, my mistake! Serbian heroes are only able to murder unarmed civilians and run like rabbits when they see well-armed forces, so they would have been of no use at all!

You sound like a piƂsudczyk talking about UPA :O

I in this case... agree with Harry...
They had loaaaaaads of time to fix things but they didn't! Their own fault!

Archives - 2005-2009 / News / Riots in Warsaw KDT 21 July 2009Archived