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Polonia in USA - Happy 4th of July!

sledz 23 | 2247  
3 Jul 2007 /  #1
Let the festivites begin!!!!!!

I will be watching the fireworks and drinking beer with my Polish honey tonight.
It will be her first time going to downtown Chicago to see the fireworks show,
They are expecting over 1 million people to attend.

Have a fun and safe holiday everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
goldie - | 37  
3 Jul 2007 /  #2
you too... good old indepenence day!!! Have a good time!!:))
3 Jul 2007 /  #3
All the best to our 'Mericun friends! Be safe.
OP sledz 23 | 2247  
3 Jul 2007 /  #4
Patrycja19 62 | 2683  
3 Jul 2007 /  #5
Have a fun and safe holiday everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ditto Sledz :))) be safe, dont get stuck in traffic like I did :)))
OP sledz 23 | 2247  
3 Jul 2007 /  #6
I`ll be taking the train there its the only way, they will be closing off the

streets in a few hours...... Its going to be fun, she is going to love it!!!

You be safe also and have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
szarlotka 8 | 2205  
3 Jul 2007 /  #7
Have a good holiday Yankees. Only drink in moderation
shopgirl 6 | 928  
3 Jul 2007 /  #8
That's so sweet! Thanks for recognizing our independance....sorry 'bout dumping all that tea in the harbor! ;D
shewolf 5 | 1077  
3 Jul 2007 /  #9
thanks, sledz. Have a great time. I hear fireworks are going to be spectacular all over the place this year.
Eastender - | 45  
3 Jul 2007 /  #10
Happy Independence day to all our American frends :) !
GrandeSande 2 | 119  
3 Jul 2007 /  #11
There's nothing like a good old Fourth of July Parade down Mainstreet! The old cars, the Boy and Girl Scouts, the HS bands, the American Veterans. the clowns, the floats, the little kids on bicycles,.... hokey, but wouldn't be a Fourth without one!!!

Happy Independance Day everyone!!
beckski 12 | 1609  
3 Jul 2007 /  #12
Have a fun and safe holiday everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darn tooting I'll have fun. I'm going to the Earth Wind and Fire concert!
GrandeSande 2 | 119  
3 Jul 2007 /  #13
Well ain't you sumtin! Have fun ... should be a blast!
4 Jul 2007 /  #14
My wife and I are going to the American Embassy in Warsaw tonight for the 4th July independence celebrations, because she obtained an invite when she won a scientific scholarship to the US. The only thing that I am worried about it that the booze is free and I might be deported after I punch Roman Giertych on the nose.

Plus, being British it feels a bit strange celebrating one of our defeats.hehe
But what the hell, let bygones be bygones…. happy Independence day America :o)
shopgirl 6 | 928  
4 Jul 2007 /  #15
Have Fun Ukpolska!
szarlotka 8 | 2205  
4 Jul 2007 /  #16
sorry 'bout dumping all that tea in the harbor!

I forgive you wasting all that luvverly tea. What should have happened of course is that both sides should have sat down over a cup of tea and avoided the fighting bit. We could have reached a sensible compromise and agreed to blame the French.
shopgirl 6 | 928  
4 Jul 2007 /  #17
What should have happened of course is that both sides should have sat down over a cup of tea and avoided the fighting bit.

You are right about that. And imagine what all that caffeine did to the fish! :)

agreed to blame the French.

That's ok, they are still pissed off about the Louisana Purchase! Amercians love a bargain!
szarlotka 8 | 2205  
4 Jul 2007 /  #18
LOL. Nice to see you Americans are still awake! Or is it just the start of the July 4th 24 hour party?
shopgirl 6 | 928  
4 Jul 2007 /  #19
Nice to see you Americans are still awake!

Actually, I have to work in a few hours. Just having a little tug-of-war with my old friend "insomnia". :)

I opted to take Friday as the "holiday" so as to create a long weekend. And since we are so dry here in the national park, no grilling is permitted due to extreme fire danger.

:( No fireworks either. :(
szarlotka 8 | 2205  
4 Jul 2007 /  #20
Shame - but enjoy your long weekend.

Try reading any work by Salman Rushdie to beat the insomnia. Works every time for me! Being serious I know it is not nice. I went through a spell a few years back.
shopgirl 6 | 928  
4 Jul 2007 /  #21
I went through a spell a few years back.

Did anything help?

(and this forum doesn't help me's like a cyber version of crack cocaine, or something!)
szarlotka 8 | 2205  
4 Jul 2007 /  #22
Nothing specific I'm afraid. I guess in my case a lot of it was work stress related. I was in a pretty high position in a big corporation and work started to become too dominant. I opted to bow out and go back to the work that I enjoyed the most and start my own company. The hours were much the same but the enjoyment came back. There were some other factors as well but that was the main one.
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503  
4 Jul 2007 /  #23
happy 4 of July... dont forget that one day we might ask for it back... :-P
freebird 3 | 532  
4 Jul 2007 /  #24
Happy 4th of July

Ranj 21 | 947  
4 Jul 2007 /  #25
And since we are so dry here in the national park, no grilling is permitted due to extreme fire danger.

I was camping in Grand Tetons and visiting Yellowstone several years ago and it was the only time in my life that I did not see fireworks on the 4th! Still had a great time though!
shopgirl 6 | 928  
4 Jul 2007 /  #26
Still had a great time though!

I'm sure I can find some fun if I try! :)
They will have fireworks down in Williams....they have a lake they can fire them over! (with the fire dept. standing by...just in case of a stray!) :)

happy 4 of July... dont forget that one day we might ask for it back... :-P

Could we make a trade of one of our "citizens" instead! ;P
Decorator 4 | 291  
4 Jul 2007 /  #28
Happy 4th of july to you all.. Oh sod it i might as well celebrate too with a few beers...
espana 17 | 948  
4 Jul 2007 /  #29
i might as well celebrate too with a few beers...

why if you not are american?
Decorator 4 | 291  
4 Jul 2007 /  #30
Who needs an excuse to drink?

Archives - 2005-2009 / USA, Canada / Polonia in USA - Happy 4th of July!Archived