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Polish priest publishes sex guide

Seanus  15 | 19666  
31 May 2009 /  #31
I think he was thinking OF the box when he wrote it ;)
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
31 May 2009 /  #32
Hehe... we are all humans. :)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
31 May 2009 /  #33
Yeah, a man's a man for all that. Why has nobody said, 'a woman's a woman for all that?'
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
1 Jun 2009 /  #34
a woman's a woman for all that?

They are.
Switezianka  - | 463  
1 Jun 2009 /  #35
priests can add some spiritual context to sex, which if taken completely out of a prostitute or a sexologist's knowledge and experience, may lack many deeper aspects, which both of the mentioned professions miss to confer to it.

Well, that would be a good point in case of religion, where sex isn't treated only as means of procreation. In Catholicism you're supposed to do in in the dark, having the least fun from it, only in order to conceive a child. Otherwise, it's a sin.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
1 Jun 2009 /  #36
Quoting the author:

"Some people, when they hear about the holiness of married sex, immediately imagine that such sex has to be deprived of joy, frivolous play, fantasy and attractive positions. They think it has to be sad like a traditional church hymn.

EVERY act - a type of caress, a sexual position - with the goal of arousal is permitted and pleases God."

The Polish Cat. church also accepted the content of this book.
terri  1 | 1661  
1 Jun 2009 /  #37
EVERY act - a type of caress, a sexual position - with the goal of arousal is permitted and pleases God."

I take it that this also applies to homosexual relationships.
Ironside  50 | 13053  
1 Jun 2009 /  #38
Why not? A prostitue deals with a wider variety of partners than an average person. The best person to learn from if one wants to try out something new.

What do you want to learn from prostitute? New positions?
?Or how to please your customer? but it comes with practice, so in order to really learn from a prostitute you need to become one.

Maybe you are talking about theory, but to know and to teach - are two different things.

A priest has got neither knowledge about sex or experience in it. Why don't we tell some virgin car mechanic to write a book on sex. The same qualifications.

Catholic priest deal with a human being as a whole and from the catholic point of view, if you please. You may disagree with catholic point of view but to deny a priest qualifications to speak about sex -which is a part of human nature - it is a prejudice or a ignorance.

I completely agree with Switezianka, another case of a priest using his moral standing to venture into unknown territory and try to influence people's decisions. When will they ever learn? He should have put it into a spoof series :)

See what I meant - you are a bit prejudicial !!!:))))

Without reading one cannot really dispute the content but it could be save to presume that is not a book about technical stuff as it seems to be taken for granted.

More likely it is about psychological aspects of sexual life and I say that is no much different from what "civil" specialist offers.

I also contest a very popular view that priest cannot advice people about sexual life.
Whats about a doctor dealing with mentally ill patient, using the same "logic" as displayed above, the doctor should be sick as well.
Switezianka  - | 463  
2 Jun 2009 /  #39
You may disagree with catholic point of view but to deny a priest qualifications to speak about sex -which is a part of human nature - it is a prejudice or a ignorance.

It's just common sense. A priest can write a book on Catholic ideas about sex, or theological understanding of sex. But he has no qualifications to write a sex guide. Or do they teach psychology, physiology and sexology at semionars?

I also contest a very popular view that priest cannot advice people about sexual life.
Whats about a doctor dealing with mentally ill patient, using the same "logic" as displayed above, the doctor should be sick as well.

The thing is: doctor has studied medicine for several years, and the priest studied theology for several years. A doctor has got knowledge that a priest doesn't have. A sexologist spends years on studying human sexuality and psychology and helping people solve their sex problems.

"Some people, when they hear about the holiness of married sex, immediately imagine that such sex has to be deprived of joy, frivolous play, fantasy and attractive positions. They think it has to be sad like a traditional church hymn.

EVERY act - a type of caress, a sexual position - with the goal of arousal is permitted and pleases God."

The Polish Cat. church also accepted the content of this book.

Well, that sounds very enlighted. Maybe something will change. Still, the thing I usually hear about sex from the priests priests are completely different. E.g. if the married couple do not want to have more children, they should give up their sex life and stuff of that kind.

What do you want to learn from prostitute? New positions?
?Or how to please your customer? but it comes with practice, so in order to really learn from a prostitute you need to become one.

Let's imagine I've got a husband. He's a very good lover and gets me wonderful orgasms every night, so I want to do something special for him in bed. I can read a book "How to please a man" written by an experienced prostitute, find something I think my husband would enjoy, read some tips and maybe practise with a vibrator. And then, I perform the thing on my husband and he really enjoys it. Does it make me a prostitute or a good wife?
Nathan  18 | 1349  
2 Jun 2009 /  #40
You are a good wife. :)))
terri  1 | 1661  
2 Jun 2009 /  #41
>>>>And then, I perform the thing on my husband and he really enjoys it. Does it make me a prostitute or a good wife?

...It makes you a good wife. But rather than reading books, why not sit down and ASK your husband what he likes and dislikes and tell him what you like and dislike.

I truly believe that if a man is 'satisfied in bed' (and this means acting out his hitherto hidden fantasies as well as acting out yours) it is unlikely he will go and search for someone else. ALL marriages fail because of sexual misalignment. I have always found that if you have long and meaningful discussions about sex before you become 'intimate' then you can't go far wrong. Anyone who is too afraid or embarrassed to talk about sex, will never understand how good sex keeps you coming back for more. It is considerably worse than any drugs - at least with drugs, you can take them or leave them - you can't leave 'good sex' alone. Ever.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
2 Jun 2009 /  #42
at least with drugs, you can take them or leave them

Heroin? Id say most junkies would prefer a good fix to a good shag. As for a priest writing a book on sex that's like agraphobic to writing a book on travel.

I truly believe that if a man is 'satisfied in bed' (and this means acting out his hitherto hidden fantasies as well as acting out yours) it is unlikely he will go and search for someone else. ALL marriages fail because of sexual misalignment.

I agree to a certain degree but I also believe that conversation is key to a good relationship, why on earth would I want to shag someone who is miserable and doesn't communicate? Or what happens if a partner you love dearly is no longer able to perform, do you leave him simply because he cannot have sex?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
2 Jun 2009 /  #43
Prejudicial my a*s. Why didn't he write it independent of his priest status?
Switezianka  - | 463  
2 Jun 2009 /  #44
..It makes you a good wife. But rather than reading books, why not sit down and ASK your husband what he likes and dislikes and tell him what you like and dislike.

And what if we're a proper Catholic couple, so I'm his first and only sexual partner? Then, he has never tried it, so he doesn't really know if he likes it.

Or what if I just want to give him a surprise? Is it wrong or just fun?

The thole idea of a prostitute writing a sex guide is about the fact that she/he knows more techinque, positions and stuff. The aim of reading such a book is finding something new, something I've never done with my husband and trying it out. And even if we are a couple with some experience before the marriage, it's little probable than both my husband and I have as much experience as a prostitute, so still I can find something we've never done before.

I don't see why trying out new things, giving surprises and general experimenting excludes open conversations on sex. Without such conversations I wouldn't even have a clue which of the new stuff in the book my husband could like. If I can read a guide and think "Yes, that is something he'd enjoy", it means that I generally know his preferences, so I must have discussed it.

It's so strange imagining I'm a married woman. Maybe I should stop doing it.
terri  1 | 1661  
2 Jun 2009 /  #45
It's so strange imagining I'm a married woman. Maybe I should stop doing it.

It's pretty obvious, you are not married, and it is the greatest PITY that married women do not think like this. There are very few who are even interested in what their husband likes in bed. (and don't ask me how I know).
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
2 Jun 2009 /  #46
There are very few who are even interested in what their husband likes in bed.

They're probably more interested in how someone elses husband is in bed! I think the problem is that women were conditioned for so long to think that sex was something they were supposed to do but not enjoy, only bad women enjoy sex! Couple that with the fact sex generally meant 9 months later they were had another to add to the brood, so you can understand why women (normal ones not prostitues) didn't consider sex as a pleasurable bedroom entertainment.

Of course this has changed now with the introduction of contreceptives and the change of mindset, Id say women can be as selfish in the bedroom if not more so these day.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
2 Jun 2009 /  #47
Id say women can be as selfish in the bedroom if not more so these day.

Men, in general, have always been accused for being selfish in bed. Now with modern anti conception maybe both sexes can drop that, and enjoy instead.
Ironside  50 | 13053  
2 Jun 2009 /  #48
Prejudicial my a*s. Why didn't he write it independent of his priest status?

What wrong with his priest status ? He write it for Catholic to tell them is OK to enjoy sex in marriage!
You are not Catholic, nobody is forcing you to enjoy sex, what is eating you?
I would say that you have developed allergic reaction to the priests& religion etc - hence you are prejudicial.
Hey nobody is perfect! LOL

The thole idea of a prostitute writing a sex guide is about the fact that she/he knows more techinque, positions and stuff. The aim of reading such a book is finding something new, something I've never done with my husband and trying it out. And even if we are a couple with some experience before the marriage, it's little probable than both my husband and I have as much experience as a prostitute, so still I can find something we've never done before.

Well, for one a prostitute could be bad in bed and her knowledge about pleasing a man could be very limited, so it depends on an individual.

Secondly you can find a lot of books and stuff to teach you about technique, position etc
But you still missing a point - i PRESUME the book is about psychological stuff!

What you are saying above is highly theoretical stuff and the best way to please your husband is to ask him.
As for priests - there priests doctors, historians, soldiers, engineers - and those with only seminary education they study psychology, and dealing with people problem, listen to confections - they have they share of experience too!

From your questions I presume you don't know much about you are against.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
2 Jun 2009 /  #49
WOW, I bet they feel empowered and enabled now ;) ;) Who gives him the right to tell people what they should and shouldn't do in their own married lives? Marriage is a consensual relationship between 2 people, predicated on love and sustainability, one manifestation of that through sex. No room for 3rd parties ;) ;) ;) Do these people not have a moral compass? ;) What other divine green light should we be seeking? :)

What's his position on doggy? Or is that his position? ;)

Well Ironside, at least Catholic is happy. He has a book all to himself, what an honour ;)
2 Jun 2009 /  #50
One would expect a Polish priest to know bugger all about sex....
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
2 Jun 2009 /  #51
I find it amusing that someone who has no knowledge of the topic, can preach to others about what they should do, funniest thing I've heard in ages.

Geeez the CC need to get a grip......;)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
2 Jun 2009 /  #52
Ironside, before you go launching into dtaylor and I for not knowing what we are talking about, remember this. Scotland has a large Catholic following, we are not Muslims ;) ;)
Ironside  50 | 13053  
2 Jun 2009 /  #53
WOW, I bet they feel empowered and enabled now ;) ;) Who gives him the right to tell people what they should and shouldn't do in their own married lives? Marriage is a consensual relationship between 2 people, predicated on love and sustainability, one manifestation of that through sex. No room for 3rd parties ;) ;) ;) Do these people not have a moral compass? ;) What other divine green light should we be seeking? :)

See What I mean ?
I don't know how they feel but to presume for a while that despite being priest one is also good human being( I know Seanus it not possible in your book).

Nobody if you are not Catholic you don't give a dam - it is surprise to me that you are so concerned about something you should not care!

One would expect a Polish priest to know bugger all about sex....

personal experience? please share .....

I find it amusing that someone who has no knowledge of the topic, can preach to others about what they should do, funniest thing I've heard in ages.

Well, you must be a sad man.
What about politicians then?Are they not amusing ? Or people with no knowledge of the topic but with ready answers? Are they not amusing?
Anyone so wise and might ready to TELL other what to do or not, giving opinion and advices for free. Yet at the same time they refuse the same right to catholic priests ! - Are they not amusing ?

Everyone should have right to speak as long as nobody is forced to obey!
What wrong with that?
2 Jun 2009 /  #54
personal experience? please share .....

Lighten up Ironside. Just a chuckle.

Everyone should have right to speak as long as nobody is forced to obey!

I support his right to publish a book. But, if I am looking for medical advice, I will go to a doctor, not a landscape architect.
Ironside  50 | 13053  
2 Jun 2009 /  #55
Lighten up Ironside. Just a chuckle.

Did I come across as a death serious?
Well, my fault!!!!
I don't like to fiddle about with all this lol ))))) - and so on ....stuff !
Believe me I'm a very calm person with a sense of humor, I'm sensible as well (at last I flatter myself ).))))))

And I have a distance to above discission as I'm not an ardent Catholic as you may be lead to believe!
Generally speaking I enjoyed above and other discussion and I'm sorry you may think otherwise!
The only person on this forum which really **** me off !!! shitbird !!!

But never the less I'm smiling !)))

I support his right to publish a book. But, if I am looking for medical advice, I will go to a doctor, not a landscape architect.

I thought you are a ghost with no need of a medical help?!
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
2 Jun 2009 /  #56
Many people are buying the book. I have been told that it's one of the more liberal things coming from (been approved by) the Catholic Church. If people like it, great. If the content is good, great. I would care more about the content than the author.
terri  1 | 1661  
2 Jun 2009 /  #57
I need to get to Poland quickly, before it gets sold out.
I can't wait to read what a Catholic father can tell me about sex. But let's not be too hasty before I read the damn stuff. Maybe, just maybe, I could learn something.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
2 Jun 2009 /  #58
Ironside, you just don't get it. Why should this guy be singled out from any other author who cares to write about this topic? The only reason I can think of is that everyone is surprised that a priest would write such a book.

What I'm saying very clearly is that he is just another human being to some of us. You may elevate him to sth more than that and that's your choice.

The only chance of a bestseller in England would be if the guy was named Mike Hunt ;) ;)
Ironside  50 | 13053  
2 Jun 2009 /  #59
What I'm saying very clearly is that he is just another human being to some of us. You may elevate him to sth more than that and that's your choice.

Well, he is another human being! Why are you surprised?
I did not elevate him to sh more, the others were trying to belittle him because of him being a priest!

Ironside, you just don't get it. Why should this guy be singled out from any other author who cares to write about this topic? The only reason I can think of is that everyone is surprised that a priest would write such a book.

#surprised they were because they hold stereotypical view about RCC and sex!
Another reason it may be that for Catholics that book maybe interesting as he is backed by the Church in presenting his view on sex in marriage.

The only chance of a bestseller in England would be if the guy was named Mike Hunt ;) ;)

Is it still legal in England to kill a Catholic priest with a stiletto?
And as a Scotsman you better no carry bow and arrows in certain town:
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
2 Jun 2009 /  #60
Is it still legal in England to kill a Catholic priest with a stiletto?

Not unless there is a full moon and a man is wearing it, oh they have to be sling-backs and red.

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