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Poles honour 'Cold Warrior' Ronald Reagan

lesser 4 | 1,311  
21 Jan 2009 /  #91
I have quite good opinion especially about 'early America' and traditional platform of the Republican party. By no way neocons should be considered rightist. In Poland only political platform of UPR would be interesting, however this is minor party without much of chance to even be represented in our parliament. By the way, they currently negotiate with Ganley.

American and European politics are more and more leftist. Neocons run GOP and so called Polish mainstream right is mentally very socialistic. For example media label PiS to be rightist, while president Kaczynski claim himself to be leftist. Recently he nominated knew economic advisor, Ryszard Bugaj who is a very honest person (and very incompetent as far as economy is concentrated), former member of leftist UP party. Should I add anything?
Seanus 15 | 19,674  
29 Nov 2009 /  #92
Reagan pops up in some of my lessons. He is worthy of more discussion for his dialogue with Gorbachev. I agree with lesser that neocons should not be considered as rightists of Reagan's ilk. Reagan would likely have not accepted the Wolfowitz Doctrine which is unconstitutional.

Archives - 2005-2009 / News / Poles honour 'Cold Warrior' Ronald ReaganArchived