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Slainte to all those Poles who have come to the UK

palekatkin 1 | 8  
11 Apr 2007 /  #1
If it wasn't for you it would still cost £50-80 per hour fo a plumber,
It would still cost £20 per hour for a skilled builder/handyman
It would still cost a fortune to buy decent beer
Our knowledge of history would be ...... history (it's a sad fact we aren't taught about WWII in schools over here other than fro the Nazi/Japanes/Russian prospective)

We would forget how to get drunk and enjoy it
If it wasn't for you our media and bigots wouldn't have anyone to hate (other than asylum seekers, fat cats, lone parent families, footie fans.... blah,blah, blah)

But personally ..........

I wouldn't have found love........
I wouldn't have found real friends.......
I wouldn't have fond where I want to spend my life........


Oh ...... I am sober, at least for now .... but i wanted to raise a glass and say thank you to all you guys n girls who have the guts to make the move from Polska.
ArturSzastak 3 | 593  
11 Apr 2007 /  #2
Oh ...... I am sober, at least for now .... but i wanted to raise a glass and say thank you to all you guys n girls who have the guts to make the move from Polska.

Awww.....thats sweet :)

I plan on moving to Poland from the US though. I can't stand the US. Great place to live if you find the right area, but its just not for me :(
espana 17 | 947  
11 Apr 2007 /  #3
I plan on moving to Poland from the US

good luck to you artur
ArturSzastak 3 | 593  
11 Apr 2007 /  #4
Oh it won't be for a while. I'm waiting until I am solid financially and am all done with school :)
FISZ 24 | 2116  
11 Apr 2007 /  #5
Great place to live if you find the right area

Yeah....I can see why you think this... Erie PA

palekatkin.... kind words :)
espana 17 | 947  
11 Apr 2007 /  #6
[quote=palekatkin] I wouldn't have found love........
I wouldn't have found real friends.......
I wouldn't have fond where I want to spend my life........

ArturSzastak 3 | 593  
11 Apr 2007 /  #7
Yeah....I can see why you think this... Erie PA

Not only this.....but its just this feeling like I have to go back there :)

I've seen so many pictures from when I was young, and I feel like I've missed out on so much because my parents moved from Poland to the US
espana 17 | 947  
11 Apr 2007 /  #8
good night
OP palekatkin 1 | 8  
11 Apr 2007 /  #9
thanks.... my sweetie is next to me and thinking I have gone mad but I wanted to say it so I did
ArturSzastak 3 | 593  
11 Apr 2007 /  #10
Goodnight espana. See you tomorrow :)

my sweetie is next to me and thinking I have gone mad but I wanted to say it so I did

Hmmm....yeah.....try not to blurt every thought that comes to mind though :)

This one was fine, but there are some pretty bad moments to just say what you think :)
OP palekatkin 1 | 8  
11 Apr 2007 /  #11
sleep tight all....may all your (good)) dreams come true
ArturSzastak 3 | 593  
11 Apr 2007 /  #12
I'm staying, I was just saying dobranoc to Espana :)
TripTic 3 | 95  
12 Apr 2007 /  #13
Palekatkin - these are the kindest words i've ever heard 'bout ...let me say polish immigration to UK.
Take care love & look after yourself :)

Archives - 2005-2009 / UK, Ireland / Slainte to all those Poles who have come to the UKArchived