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Polish Poland vs westernized Poland

southern  73 | 7059  
13 Sep 2009 /  #1
I remember when I first visited Poland in 2002 how polish everything was.Now there seems to be proceeding westernization.Do you prefer the polish look or the westernized one?

For example Krakow was completely polish at that time and now there are english pubs,kebab shops etc because the tourists do not like the polish,they want comfort.

Is it better to comply to tourists' desire for familiar things or preserve the local atmosphere?

Probably they want to eat and drink what they have at home,listen the music they have at home and do everything like at home with Krakow as a decor.
beazee  - | 31  
13 Sep 2009 /  #2
Poland is much more than Kraków.
And as for kebabs - you could find them even before.
As for english/irish bars I had my first guinness in irish bar in Poznań in 1999.

What was Poland like in 2002?
Were there only polish "szynk" serving cold vodka?
Were there only polish folk music everywhere?
Was pierogi and bigos only what was served at restaurants?
Do not exaggerate.

You will find more tourists, you will hear more languages as Kraków is no.1 must see.
jwojcie  2 | 762  
13 Sep 2009 /  #3
heh, what a funny times we live in. Kebab as a symbol of western culture ;-)
beckski  12 | 1609  
13 Sep 2009 /  #4
preserve the local atmosphere?

Wow... did Southern actually create this thread, that doesn't involve anything sexual? Pinch me, I must be dreaming! Lol.

I'm definitely one who cherishes preserving the Polish nostalgic past. Some things never go out of style. Like they say, what's old is new again.
Moonlighting  32 | 234  
13 Sep 2009 /  #5
Probably they want to eat and drink what they have at home,listen the music they have at home and do everything like at home with Krakow as a decor.

They maybe they should stay at home! Always lame to see people visiting a country then not wanting to "jump" into it and try appreciating it...
Seanus  15 | 19666  
13 Sep 2009 /  #6
More variety was introduced. Milk bars still exist in 'westernised' Poland. I think that was a positive development as why should you be confined to only what your country produces? Also, it is a question of degree.

I wouldn't want to live in America as they have virtually everything and when they come to eat Malaysian cuisine in Malaysia, Polish cuisine in Poland, Italian cuisine in Italy etc etc, it won't come as such a big surprise to them. Oftentimes, curiosity is sth a person must have and, in today's upwardly mobile global village, many have the finances to see for themselves.

For those that don't, there's always Google Images :)

Archives - 2005-2009 / News / Polish Poland vs westernized PolandArchived