Pole in UK will not try to convert you to Islam
You post this request to convert next to muslim gangs converting through violence?
Your original point (quoted) made no reference to violence, only conversion. I merely posted an article about Christians trying to convert non-Christians in the UK. Why do you have a problem with Muslims doing this but not Christians? For a non-religious person like myself, a Christian trying to convert me would be just as annoying as a Muslim doing so.
If your point was purely about conversion through violence then I wholly agree with you; It should not be tolerated. I would also point out that if you are actually suggesting that forced conversion to Islam through violence is a common practice amongst the 2 million or so Muslims living in the UK, then you are a complete idiot with no knowledge of your subject matter. Surely you weren't suggesting that Sokrates?
I simply want my country to remain safe and my culture to remain intact, i have nothing against multicultural world if its white Europeans we're talking about, if this world is to include inferior cultures and religions though they can stay in their crime ridden slums, abroad.
What about a hard working Muslim who respects the law of Poland and contributes to society like any other decent person? What if he is a doctor who comes to Poland and works saving Polish lives? Is he welcome? If not, Why not? Because he doesn't celebrate Christmas?
I hate bigoted religious fundamentalists as much as the next person. I have no time for Sharia Law and oppose its introduction to British society. I do not agree with arranged marriages (although some perceptions of them are completely wrong), and I think the sort of people who picket soldiers homecoming parades are the scum of the earth. I also despise people who discriminate against homosexuals based on their backward religious beliefs (that one isn't just restricted to fundamentalist Islam). Despising the above is completely different to pigeon-holing an entire group of people based on the idea that they all conform to the above. Quite simply put:
Not all Muslims are backward fundamentalists.Come to East London Sokrates, I can introduce you to a number of decent Muslims who work hard, respect the law and integrate in to society. Granted they probably wouldn't want to spent so much as 5 minutes with a horrible little rascist such as yourself, but who could really blame them?
But,people like you dont just want rid of the proven fanatics,you want rid of Everyone based on some spurious genetic or skin tone link,guilty until proven guilty
I think this hits the nail firmly on the head. It's got nothing to do with culture. I have clearly demonstrated that our cultures are completely different, yet you would accept me in Poland because I am white European (actually my great-grandfather was a Jew so I guess you probably wouldn't welcome me). It simply boils down to skin colour which simply makes you a racist. You try to justify your views by somehow suggesting that every Muslim has a ton of semtex under their bed, waiting to carry out Allah's commands, but once again, only an idiot would believe that.
There are people in the UK who believe the Polish are inferior based on misonceptions about their culture. These people are no worse than you.
Simple list of some shared words:
You completely miss my point. The respective languages may have some similarities, but that does not act as a cultural bond. I could not hold a conversation with my girlfriend's parents when I went to Poland at Christmas. Aside from understanding the odd word/phrase, they might as well have been speaking Bengali to me.