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Poland..wake up to a multicultural world

Arien 3 | 719  
18 Apr 2009 /  #751
And there is nothing wrong with dating someone of the same race.

Correct. Just as there is nothing wrong with dating someone of a different race.

Hateful you are a retard who has no understanding of biology or genetics if you think this.

Well excuse me, but you don't seem to have much knowledge about this particular subject either?

Whites have been seperate from Blacks and other races for 60,000-80,000 years.

Thank you for demonstrating your lack of knowledge once again. Are you even aware of the fact that Aryans mixed with Persians in what is now Iran? Have you ever heard of the prophet Zoroaster? Zarathustra? Much of our original European culture got lost in history, thanks to the butchering of the Roman Empire.

If we were inbred, we would of died out long before the last ice age.

We are nothing more than a mutation. We aren't special. We aren't superiour. Some scientist recently came up with a theory that the gen that causes different eye colours due to a smaller production of melanin within the body mutated about 10.000 or 6000 years ago. The same goes for certain bloodgroups which have mutated, which are more recent mutations.

Before that, all humans supposedly had brown eyes.

Frank Sinatra, Stephen Hawking, Marie Curie and Stephen Fry all owe their blue eyes to a genetic mutation that likely occurred between 6,000 and 10,000 years ago, researchers say.

Scientists believe they have tracked down the cause of the eye colour of all blue-eyed humans on the planet today.

Henry VIII's 500-year-old tapestry gets 21st century makeover "Originally, we all had brown eyes", said Prof Hans Eiberg from the University of Copenhagen, who led the team.

The mutation affected a gene called OCA2 and "literally 'turned off' the ability to produce brown eyes", he says.

"They have all inherited the same switch at exactly the same spot in their DNA. From this we can conclude that all blue-eyed individuals are linked to the same ancestor," said Prof Eiberg, who reports the work in the journal Human Genetics.

You've got it all mixed up Castanea. (No pun intended!)

Oh, and Rap music, you may not like it, and I might even agree with you on some occassions, regarding some Rap artists, but surely there are more examples of things gone wrong in this world that you wouldn't want to teach your children?

All I want to tell people is that they make their own truth. It's what you choose to believe in, and when you choose something more open-minded, you'll find that even your own perception may change. We do have the power to change this world if we wanted to, because our own ideas affect the people around us, and vice versa.

I got angry at you last time, but that's my short temper and my personal experience with people who called me a traitor. I shouldn't be angry, and so shouldn't you. I should just tell you the truth as I percieve it, and hope you'll be able to see that there's nothing to be afraid of.

We're all human. The sooner people realize that, the better. There's no ultimate good, and no ultimate evil, and really we've all been fed far too many lies in the past two thousand and nine years.

No more mental slavery. No more lies. We're equal, we're all human, and no one should tell someone else we should hate eachother for having a different colour. There are good and bad people in all walks of life Castanea, and some people might not even be as half as bad as you would think.

I'm not your enemy, and so aren't these people. So let's keep talking about our issues and concerns then, without generalizations, without blaming eachother for being racist, political correct, calling eachother retards, morons, hippies or whatever our flawed brains might come up with.

I think it's nothing but fear, a history of violence, and dreadful experiences that drive people to think this way.

So my question is: Are you strong enough to overcome your own fear? Are you rational enough to see a simple truth?

I have, and had black friends, (I still hate to name the colour! We never did this to eachother and we just saw eachother as Arien, Jeffrey, Stanley, whatever your name was!) and they've never done anything to me that other people haven't done to me.

Look, I can get really angry too when I see a woman who got gang-raped by a few men who call themselves Muslim because according to them she isn't respectable. I too, would get nervous and probably scared when I'm the only white guy in the middle of let's say.. Harlem.

But I choose not to be angry at every Muslim, and I choose not to be scared of every black person. Be rational. Be fair.

This world isn't perfect, we all know that, and it will probably never be. But in general, you can believe and trust that most people would want to live a normal and peaceful life, just doing all the things that they would want to do, without having to harm anyone.

If you're willing to believe that, you've come a long way already. I'm not saying you should trust everyone just like that, but you should try to look at the positive things around you too.

I'm happy Barack Obama inspires people from all walks of life, and I'm happy he acknowledged non-believers too. (I hope he'll acknowlegde Pagans and Wiccans too one day, because they too, exist and should be able to live a life without recieving threats from anyone!) I'm not saying he's the best president ever, but he certainly tries to unite people, and I'm happy he addresses, and tries to inspire average Joe aswell.

So I hope for the best, and hope for opportunities for everyone.

blacksoul - | 17  
18 Apr 2009 /  #752

You are just too much...i read every bit of your post.....

Castanea i said the last will rot in hell. Not just you but all who think like you. I need to add that your path to hell is gonna be by violence and you will be the victim.

Arien 3 | 719  
18 Apr 2009 /  #753
You are just too much

No I'm not. I'm just like some other people. You just don't hear those people very often.


you will rot in hell.

He won't. Hell is an idea and a state of mind. It's better to make sense instead of fighting fire with more fire.

blacksoul - | 17  
18 Apr 2009 /  #754
It's better to make sense instead of fighting fire with more fire

I guess you are right...
Castanea - | 75  
18 Apr 2009 /  #755
We know many things. I'm not trying to buy slaves. I just think we as whites are entitled to our own lands free from foreign influence.

This is the internet, not an oak tree I can rest under. I'm atheist, no bible either. We don't have guns.

My people don't shoot your people, you guys do a fine job of that yourselves. I am not bitter at all.

On a different note, thanks for your response southern.

Also Arien, we are all products of mutations. But to believe that we are just a cosmetic morph is naive. Mutations aren't exclusively cosmetic or confined to below the neck.
PennBoy 76 | 2,432  
18 Apr 2009 /  #756
What does a racist know? nothing...all he knows is hate...What has your father accomplished? All he loves is to wield gun and stick to a bible he does not know what letters are in it?
You have found solace here on PF..and i don't blame you....80% Poles are accommodating-racists....

You can't think of an southern American, redneck, racist, the same as a European, most Europeans are not stupid white trash that don't know why they even hate you. It's not just about your skin color, it's how you are, you're load, (yelling in public), obnoctious, uncivilized, very lazy, uneducated, you don't "build" you use and destroy. I've seen numerous neighborhoods in America, white working class, that were clean, drug prostitution free, with almost no crime, turn into filthy, burned down, drug and prostitution infested slums. whose residents didn't work just mooched off the government and every time someone asks them to get a job to be part of society and make a contribution to the town by working and paying taxes, their lazy a** screams RACIST. Look at South Africa it was a wealthy country when white men ruled it, now they left and its going down the hole. blacks there yelled rasism apartheid!!! white men gone its crumbling, so they say " look that system you've made is no good, it doesn't work" it worked perfectly fine for decades, maybe you're just too stupid to function in it, its the same economic system thats all over the world. So what do they do now look for more ppl to blame for their stupidity and laziness, they target the few white farmers that are out, god knows where, far from the cities.
blacksoul - | 17  
18 Apr 2009 /  #757

You are just plainly ignorant ... like your father is...
MrBubbles 10 | 613  
18 Apr 2009 /  #758
Go ahead and build your foundation here, raise a family of haters here

Unfortunately there are too many people already on this forum who feel that being abusive towards minority groups is only an example of their God-given right to free expression. They don't seem to realise that they come across as little more than loud mouthed little brats who can only express themselves sitting safely in mummy's bedroom while they play on the internet or while hanging around in large groups with their mates.
Castanea - | 75  
18 Apr 2009 /  #759
You can't think of an southern American, redneck, racist, the same as a European.

You are right, however I'm not an uneducated hick. But I do agree with your post. You can't compared idiots that yell N*gger and produce no substance to us.
lukimp80 1 | 74  
18 Apr 2009 /  #760
[quote=Casta obnoctious, uncivilized, very lazy, uneducated, you don't "build" you use and destroy. I've seen numerous neighborhoods in America, white working class, that were clean, drug prostitution free, with almost no crime, turn into filthy, burned down, drug and prostitution infested slums. whose residents didn't work just mooched off the government [/quote]

Penn Boy, You told it the exact way that it is. The city where I was born and raised is darn near a ghost town as far as white people go.

They tried, but could not exist with the lifestyle that these savages thrived on. What it took the white people a hundred years to build (Cities) they destroyed in five years. Now our lovely cities are all boarded up, drug and crime infested ghetto's
blacksoul - | 17  
18 Apr 2009 /  #761
Now our lovely cities are all boarded up, drug and crime infested ghetto's

You are just a poor immigrant to the US and dont deserve all the good that US offers..cos ur father didnt work a bit for it. Now..our fathers worked as slaves on the farms that made America rich and we didnt get any of the good that our sweat violence was the result...or whatever you call it and let me tell you, its gonna be this way for the next 150 yrs until there is plain equality. So shout whatever you like here...

Obama's presidency is gonna help , but is not gonna solve it all...its gonna take a couple of slave generation..and that is a whole long time...

Until then, i bet your city will be drug infested and crime filled. Take it or die trying to believe it.
southern 74 | 7,074  
18 Apr 2009 /  #762
How many whites are interested in visiting a black city and vice versa?
lukimp80 1 | 74  
18 Apr 2009 /  #763
Until then, i bet your city will be drug infested and crime filled. Take it or die trying to believe it.

Our cities are gone. But America is a big country. We can still isolate ourselves from you. We can keep moving for another hundred years, and after that time, it will no longer matter. The world will be a waste land.
PennBoy 76 | 2,432  
18 Apr 2009 /  #764
in 150yrs this country is gonna be a third world country in peoples appearance and econimics, it was European imigrants and their descendants who built this land, this was a wild rural country before they came, all the white men got out of u was cotton, huge contribution, only difference that there would be if u were free is that they (white owned plantations) be a little poorer cause they'd have to pay u that minimum wage for working. You say were poor immigrants, we come here with little rights with visas or green cards no language, yet in a few years time, we learn the language save our money have nice cars buy houses, cash. German, English, Swedish etc. immigrants that came here did even better.
Castanea - | 75  
19 Apr 2009 /  #765
Not too many. But you sometimes get those liberal college types that want to rescue Africa. These are a minority though. My friend knew one girl that went to Tanzania, she was found beaten, raped, and dead in the street.

Yes, we did build this country. Cotton picking does not equate "building a country". You were unpaid day laborers. If some poor Mexicans pick grapes all day, are they makers of fine wine? No

And the fact that there are non-whites on this site is proof of their cultural inadequacies. They want to relish in European culture, while ignoring African culture.

The number of non-whites here hounding after polish women is comical.

And in the likely chance a black here tells us that my people stole America from the Native Americans I will say this.

The Native Americans were not the peaceful creatures of the history books. Most were violent, stupid and savage. There are countless stories of tortures and cannibalism. We Europeans were the first to inhabit this continent. Our forebears were here at least 5,000 years before any asiatic native americans. Watch Ice Age Columbus. =view&current=ChitzenItzablondsacrifice.jpg]Solutrean sacrifice current=ChitzenItzablondsacrifice.jpg
Nathan 18 | 1,349  
19 Apr 2009 /  #766
The Native Americans were not the peaceful creatures of the history books. Most were violent, stupid and savage. There are countless stories of tortures and cannibalism. We Europeans were the first to inhabit this continent. Our forebears were here at least 5,000 years before any asiatic native americans. Watch Ice Age Columbus

Blah-blah story of 5 year old child. What about Europe? Most were not violent, stupid and savage? Europe knew more wars than any other continent in the Milky Way. Our religion made more tortures than their tribal disputes ever produced. Stupid - I don't think they were more stupid than your comment about them. And the most interesting savage - we burnt people in gas chambers 50 years ago! We dropped an atomic bomb on innocent people - TWICE! in a span of few days! Women got the right to vote in the US and Europe only in the 20th century. And you say Indians were savage and stupid? Look at yourself, educated Homo sapiens. We were first in my ass on that continent.
Castanea - | 75  
19 Apr 2009 /  #767
Your point? We had wars because we could actually fight them. The primitives had no knowledge of science. Instead of bombs and guns, they scalped, raped, and stabbed. These people didn't even have a written language or the wheel. What is so savage about having political disputes?

But we had to show for our transgressions was culture and progress. You can't refute anything I've said. Just admit it.

I never said Europeans were angels, I just thought I'd mention that Indians were not.

You picked on what you perceived as the weakest link in my post, instead of the whole thing. I made some excellent points you can't even touch. So you make this shoddy post about myself being a 5 year old. Go put on your helmet and count your marbles retard.

The savage part may be viewed as a matter of opinion, but we were the first in this continent. However that is a different issue than the one at hand. And I may have gone off topic by mentioning it.
Nathan 18 | 1,349  
19 Apr 2009 /  #768
Go put on your helmet and

The primitives had no knowledge of science.

Europeans believed till 17th century that sun revolves around the Earth.
They sold indulgencies for sins and burnt, killed and raped South American nations and destroyed Aztec and Mayan legacy. Witchcraft - the last case in 1828!!!! Those knew when there is an eclipse of sun and moon long before European took fork into their dirty hands. What do know of culture? Do you think culture confines itself to gothic temples and barocco curly swirls? Culture is so much more, dear. I don't argue that many great inventions and progress came from Europe, but to say that Indians were savages, violent and stupid is preposterous and childish without acknowledgement of Europeans' atrocities. Say humans were stupid in general then at least this will have partial justice in it.

These people didn't even have a written language or the wheel.

They have it now. But they relied more on spoken language than on books which now lie dusted in your parents' closets. Wheel is not even an European invention. Mesopotamian region people invented it 3500BC, before even pyramids were there.

Go put on your helmet andcount your marbles retard.

I am European, therefore, I'll go and do it.
You are a kid :)
Foreigner4 12 | 1,768  
19 Apr 2009 /  #769
^^^yes and no, if you look at what the Greek (european) philosophers and scientists were up to along with their counterparts from africa and the the m.east then no, Europeans 2500 years ago actually were waaaaaay ahead of their counterparts for the better of that time. How their discoveries/intuitive reasonings of air pressure, the cosmos and evolution escaped much of the time which followed them is a blight on humanity.

enjoy your helping of the truth? I thought so.
Castanea - | 75  
19 Apr 2009 /  #770
I am a man. I'm a junior in college. Don't call me dear. Non-white culture is degenerate. We are inundated with it 24/7 in the U.S.

If non-whites were so advanced, What happened? What about now? Were they hit with a retardation plague? Because from what I've noticed is that they clamor to enter Europe and the U.S. Yet, they commit the most violent of crimes, petty theft, rape etc. You can't refute this.

You guys are a bunch of trolls seriously. Your arguments are so stupid. You rely on insults, patronization, and just presumptions about myself. You offer no substance, no proof, you just dance around and pick at me.

Africa? North Africa isn't even sub saharan African. They are not black. They are semites.

We don't need multiculturalism. Whites benefit in no way. We just get cheap labor, and less money in our countries. Big industry benefits. Crime rates increases, European culture gets tainted.
SRK85 - | 72  
20 Apr 2009 /  #771
There are plenty of good civilizations that are not white or European. Look at Asia now or the Middle East during the middle ages, and even Africa with the Egyptians. But civilization changes right now the west as in Europe and America are the strongest and most advanced. It happens throughout history. To say a certain race is uncivilized is wrong but to say certain areas such as Africa or Middle East is uncivilized now and underdeveloped is right. The culture changed from wanting education and having a legit life. But seriously I found nothing wrong with Poland in respect to different cultures. I think the majority of Polish people are educated and accepting of foreign cultures.
Arise_St_George 9 | 419  
20 Apr 2009 /  #772
Don't fall for this. Close and lock your gates, don't let them in...!
Nathan 18 | 1,349  
20 Apr 2009 /  #773
Non-white culture is degenerate

You are not even able to express your thoughts. They are limited to generalizations about cultures. You look at the crimes in your micro-region of the US and create an opinion about Indians, Africans, Asians etc. I lived in US for ten years and without minorities' celebrations its white culture is baseball cap, popcorn and flags everywhere (even in a toilet on a toilet paper) culture. It has no inner value, it's empty, it is invented to cover up the void. Your white culture trembles around a baseball glove like without it you can't survive. Take popcorn away and you will start shooting each other because what else you can eat in your "culture".
JohnP - | 210  
20 Apr 2009 /  #774
Obama's presidency is gonna help , but is not gonna solve it all...its gonna take a couple of slave generation..and that is a whole long time...

I'm not sure how dipping your hands in the blood of other's forefathers so YOU could do the same thing to THEM is going to solve anything or even create's just going to have your hands dirtied also. Who would you enslave? none of the slaves you know about from the past are alive, nor are their owners, nor are even the owners' great grandchildren. Who did you want to put into slavery to make you feel better about something you yourself have never endured?

Makes about zero sense.

If tribal chieftains in Africa hadn't been so willing to sell members of opposing tribes they had taken as slaves in battle to the Dutch, there would have been no slaves from there in America. So there is plenty of blame to go around.

A truly fair government, and a colorblind one...has no "affirmative action" programs, no "reparations" borne out on the descendants of those you perceive slighted your ancestors; it would truly not matter what color one is, only one's qualifications.

Demanding slavery of innocents....only puts you right back same as those tribal chieftains, selling others into slavery for a quick profit. The color of your skin or mine has nothing to do with it. Otherwise, there are a LOT of us who've had ancestors slighted by people of one race or another, we could keep this slavery/oppression thing going forever!

Imagine how much simpler the world would be if people looked at each other for their actual merit, and not what their Great great great great grandparents might have done. Otherwise, we harm innocents for what they took no part in, and give THEM in turn reason to seek the same vengeance against us.

John P.
Castanea - | 75  
21 Apr 2009 /  #775
You are not even able to express your thoughts.

Really? How so? What minorities? Asians? North east Asians have a rich historical and cultural heritage spanning thousands of years. Black Americans have no unique language or traditions. Black history is a speck on the time line. Aside from fried chicken, water melon, grits, hip hop, I see no real culture. Nothing unique anyway. Just remnants of European culture that you guys molested and called "black". Your so called black inventions are even a lie. I proved this before. I never said non whites were all degenerate. I meant third world non-whites are. Pakistanis, Turks, blacks, South East Asians ruin countries that they inhabit. North east Asians, not so much, but they pervert the host European culture nevertheless. The fact is they don't belong in Europe. They belong in their native lands.

What the hell is wrong with you Nathan? Every last paragraph you write is some attempt at being poetic. Popcorn? I hate popcorn. Listen, take the away colonial history, and you guys would still be eating each other, enslaving each other, fashioning dung huts, and basically being the Arab's play things. That's right your people were enslaved by Arabs for 14 centuries.

Listen Poles, don't believe this garbage they spout. They will ruin your country. The fact that they want to live in Poland is proof that they can't fashion a working state of their own. Due to their vast and endless stupidity, third worlders can't seem to muster the common sense to stop having kids and focus on developing infrastructure in their countries of origin. Like the savage retards they are, instead of solving the problem, they put the burden on first world countries like Germany, UK, etc. Which ever country has the most welfare basically.
SRK85 - | 72  
21 Apr 2009 /  #776
But I hope Poland is not racist against Asians my buddy who is from Thailand wants to visit Poland next time I am there.
Seanus 15 | 19,672  
21 Apr 2009 /  #777
Some might be. My friends were Thai-American Poles. Their father is Polish, mother Thai and they have a connection to the States. They didn't encounter any abuse to my knowledge.
VerbaVeritatis - | 26  
21 Apr 2009 /  #778
But I hope Poland is not racist against Asians my buddy who is from Thailand wants to visit Poland next time I am there.

I'm Polish and I don't know any Polish people who are racist against Asians. I do like Asians and have absolutely nothing against them. There are many Asian tourist in Poland (for example in Krakow) and I have never seen any racist behaviour towards them.

I have Asian neighbours in Poland, and they just live between us like every other person here, their kids have Polish friends etc. Nothing unusual. I think that you have nothing to worry about, at least in big cities (I just don't have any experience with Polish countryside and its attitude towards foreigners)
dcchris 8 | 432  
21 Apr 2009 /  #779
my buddy who is from Thailand

no problem but the Poles will probably just assume he is Vietnamese
SRK85 - | 72  
22 Apr 2009 /  #780
(I just don't have any experience with Polish countryside and its attitude towards foreigners)

The same could be said of any country. Thanks I am really trying to study in Poland next year and my buddy wants to visit me.

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