Look past color and look at something which might have to do with economics.
Hang your head, there's no place for such rational argument on PF. Propensity to commit crime is directly related to race, everybody knows that. It's only dishonest, leftist, liberal PCers who suggest otherwise.
Black people commit crime, it's in their blood. I wont have it any other way.
What kind of men?
All kinds of men. Men account for 94% of the prison population of Britain and as...
Crime statistics don't lie and prison statistics
...I was merely suggesting that men should be expelled from Great Britain. The statistics prove that it would substantially cut the rate of crime. Women could then go about their business without the fear of these savage men and their criminal culture.
It's only these dispicable, dishonest liberal PC types who believe that men and male culture should be allowed to flourish on these shores. They should realise that their actions have consequences, it's BS I tell you.
Man I hate those liberals.