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Poland-Turkey Relations, a youtube comment

southern  73 | 7059  
12 Apr 2009 /  #61
Belarus, Greece etc. is not in our category.

Greece has 30000$ GDP per capita.For sure it is not in your category.
lesser  4 | 1311  
12 Apr 2009 /  #62
All the Latin civilization Slavic countries except Croatia are already in the EU and
I believe that that's the right place to be for us, with other countries that share
our civilizational values.

Latin civilization is not only about religion. It's also a certain approach
to political life, society and law (you can read more about it in the
works of Feliks Koneczny).

You are basing your judgement on Feliks Koneczny theory of civilization. I dare to say that Koneczny would be great opponent of Polish membership in the EU. He would say that the EU doesn't share values of Latin civilization. They consist bunch of de-civilized people and according to his theory such status quo cannot stand for long. Such societies will be hijacked by the most active civilization around, currently this is Arabic one. Am I correct? :)
osiol  55 | 3921  
12 Apr 2009 /  #63
In Brussels, they wear neither burqas nor togas. It's not a Viking thing either - I see no horned helmets around the EU mindermasts.
12 Apr 2009 /  #64
or Baltic states?

Western except from the russian minorities of course which have slavic civilization.

So let me get this straight, Lithuania which for most of its history was either in the
union with Poland, having basically the same culture, and then a part of Russia and
Soviet Union is Western and Poland is a Slavic civilization country?

You say Romania is Balkan and you divide Mediterranean into Italian, Spanish
and Balkan, so is Bulgaria Balkan or Slavic? Or would you want to make more
sub-divisions into Meditterraean/Balkan and Balkan/Slavic etc. etc.

How about using Ockham's razor and reducing it all to Latin/Western
and Byzantine/Turan ;-)
rock  - | 428  
12 Apr 2009 /  #65
Greece has 30000$ GDP per capita.For sure it is not in your category.

For sure it is not :))
12 Apr 2009 /  #66
You are basing your judgement on Feliks Koneczny theory of civilization. I dare to say that Koneczny would be great opponent of Polish membership in the EU.

I said that I don't agree with everything Koneczny said but to say that he would
be a great opponent of Polish membership in the EU is a bit far fetched in my opinion
(especially considering the alternatives to EU that Poland had).

He would say that the EU doesn't share values of Latin civilization. They consist bunch of de-civilized people.

Koneczny would say that EU consists of de-civilized people? That's debatable...
to say the least.

Such societies will be hijacked by the most active civilization around, currently this is Arabic one. Am I correct? :)

Most fertile and noisy doesn't necessarily mean most active :)
southern  73 | 7059  
12 Apr 2009 /  #67

Lithuania is probably slavic.

and Poland is a Slavic civilization country?

Yes.With german infrastructure.Basically the history mixed the trends.Let's say if a civilization was superior or led to any military or cultural superiority,it tended to advance to areas where other civilizations were.That is why there are some centers and some mixed places.Of course english is not the same with german or scandinavian civilization although they both belong to western sharing certain common features.

so is Bulgaria Balkan or Slavic?

Balkan.Slavic took three forms.One eastern slavic influenced by Tatars etc,one western slavic influenced by Germans and one south slavic influenced by Turks.So in Bulgaria there is probably slavic civilization of the balkan kind.

and reducing it all to Latin/Western
and Byzantine/Turan ;-)

It does not make sense to me.For me genes,languages,areas and civilizations are connected.Certain genes produce certain civilizations and languages in certain areas.
12 Apr 2009 /  #68
For me genes,languages,areas and civilizations are connected.Certain genes
produce certain civilizations and languages in certain areas.

Well, that's certainly an interesting point of view. Personally, I don't think that
civilizations are that much determined by genes, so I guess we'll have to agree
to disagree on that one.
King Sobieski  2 | 714  
13 Apr 2009 /  #69
Whatever their motives were, they supported us, even though they were our
long time enemy. It may only have been a verbal and diplomatic support but
still it was more than we got from any other country.

so, even if it was self serving then that is all that matters?
lesser  4 | 1311  
13 Apr 2009 /  #70
Koneczny would say that EU consists of de-civilized people? That's debatable...
to say the least.

The concept of Latin civilization was based on Christian values, less and less popular in Europe. While those EU bureaucrats push for rejection of these values by their actions.

Koneczny was all for economic liberalism, while the EU is disgustingly socialist. Characteristic for Latin civilization balance between public and private law is flawed in favour of public law. Koneczny attributed such features to Byzantine civilization. While you seems to use this as an excuse to divide Slavs. Don't you think that this is not an issue any more?

Also protagonists of the EU (I mean ideology behind it) would hardly admit that they share the same values that Feliks Koneczny did. This is because they do not.

Most fertile and noisy doesn't necessarily mean most active :)

Many people who researched civilization science agree that more mobile civilization despite being more primitive can "win" a clash with more advanced, however passive and demoralized civilization.

Certain genes produce certain civilizations and languages in certain areas.

This would be purely biological explanation. You cannot deny that they are people of exotic ethnicity that with time got absorbed by western civilization. This is more a question of one's intellectual capabilities and influence of society that surround such person.
13 Apr 2009 /  #71
The concept of Latin civilization was based on Christian values, less and less popular in Europe. While those EU bureaucrats push for rejection of these values by their actions.

That's true to some extent when it comes to bureaucrats and a part of ruling "elites"
but when it comes to societies at large, then I believe that Western Europe is still
based on Christian values in their approach to social life, politics and morality.

Koneczny attributed such features to Byzantine civilization. While you seems to use this as an excuse to divide Slavs. Don't you think that this is not an issue any more?

So, let me get this straight - you really believe that Poland and Russia, for example,
belong to the very same universal Slavic civilization? I'm not trying to "divide" Slavs.
I'm just making a distinction, based not only on Koneczny's works, but also on modern
experience of people who lived in both Poland and Russia. I'm not saying that
Byzantine/Turan civilization is worse than ours, it's simply different.

Also protagonists of the EU (I mean ideology behind it) would hardly admit that they share the same values that Feliks Koneczny did. This is because they do not.

I never said that I share the same values that Feliks Koneczny did. I simply
consider the distiction between civilizations that he made quite appropriate.
lesser  4 | 1311  
13 Apr 2009 /  #72
I believe that Western Europe is still
based on Christian values in their approach to social life, politics and morality.

In many part of Europe this is very questionable.

So, let me get this straight - you really believe that Poland and Russia, for example,
belong to the very same universal Slavic civilization?

No, pan-Slavism is just romantic delusion. Koneczny considered Russia (including eastern Ukraine and Belarus) to be part of Turan civilization, unlike other Christian Orthodox countries which he included to Byzantine civilization. I (as well as Koneczny ) do see superiority of Latin civilization, at least in its glory days. The same about superiority of Byzantine over Turan. One could just wonder whether values on these territories changed for better.

I'm just making a distinction, based not only on Koneczny's works

Koneczny considered Germany to be part of Byzantine civilization , would you exclude them from possible 'alliances' as well?

I never said that I share the same values that Feliks Koneczny did. I simply
consider the distiction between civilizations that he made quite appropriate.

Koneczny shared values of Latin civilization according his own theory that you raised here. While you write that you don't share the same values. Do you consider yourself to be part of some other civilization? :)
13 Apr 2009 /  #73
Koneczny considered Germany to be part of Byzantine civilization , would you exclude them from possible 'alliances' as well?

I never said that alliances between different civilizations are impossible. If Turkey
enters EU, which I hope will happen, then we will have a Turan civilization
country among us. Besides, you have to admit that Germany today are
quite different than Germany under Bismarck that Koneczny was talking about.

Koneczny shared values of Latin civilization according his own theory that you raised here. While you write that you don't share the same values.

A quote from Wikipedia:

"Polish historian Janusz Tazbir describes Feliks Koneczny as a dedicated
antisemite, who looked for Jewish conspiracies wherever he could.
Koneczny was one of the chief proponents of a theory that Jewish civilization
threatened entire Latin-Christian world"

Anti-semitism (or any other kind or racism in fact) is in my view drastically against
Christian values of Latin civilization, which as a Roman-catholic I share.

Do you consider yourself to be part of some other civilization? :)

As a Pole, I am from birth a member of Latin civilization.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929  
13 Apr 2009 /  #74
Latin civilization left remnants where the Romans were,that is all over the Mediteranean Sea.

Yes, and it was stopped at the Rhine

As a Pole, I am from birth a member of Latin civilization.

...if Germans didn't became latinized because they fighted it how come the Poles are?

And how is Germany "byzantine"???
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
13 Apr 2009 /  #75
Yes, and it was stopped at the Rhine

Germanicus conquered the Germans, didn't he?
13 Apr 2009 /  #76
how is Germany "byzantine"???

Not "is" but "was" in Bismark times according to Koneczny: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feliks_Koneczny
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929  
13 Apr 2009 /  #77
Germanicus conquered the Germans, didn't he?

No, he didn't. Germans stopped mighty Rome! :)


Germanicus later gathered banner from the lost legions banner to bring them (at least) back home...

Not "is" but "was" in Bismark times according to Koneczny:

Hmm....something doesn't add up here.

K. says:

For example, Koneczny claimed that in Latin civilization, the ethics is the source of law. If some laws are not ethical, then they are changed. Church is autonomous, independent and separated from the state.

But it was Bismarck for example who fighted to get the churchs out of the state, to separate church from education etc. (May laws!).
The catholic encyclopedia even coined it "Kulturkampf"...and the Poles in Prussia were dead set against it!

If latin civilization means a secular society, deeply catholic Poland is not the first country which springs to mind...much rather protestant Prussia where religion never was that important (invitations to settle and work to Jews, french Hugenottes etc.)
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
13 Apr 2009 /  #78
Don't forget Gaius Marius, BB :)

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929  
13 Apr 2009 /  #79
Don't forget Gaius Marius, BB :)

Ach...that was long before...100BC and such...
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
13 Apr 2009 /  #80
Where is constantinopol I couldn't remember it.

Ohh ohh I know I know...

lesser  4 | 1311  
13 Apr 2009 /  #81
I never said that alliances between different civilizations are impossible. If Turkey
enters EU, which I hope will happen, then we will have a Turan civilization
country among us.

You have wrote that you reject idea of eventual Slavic union because different Slavic states belong to different civilizations. While on other hand you support the EU despite that members and future members also belong to different civilizations.

Besides, you have to admit that Germany today are
quite different than Germany under Bismarck that Koneczny was talking about.

Yeah, more and more German men are metrosexuals, I think Bismarck would be devastated... Should I recognize this development to be progress or not? :)

Anti-semitism (or any other kind or racism in fact) is in my view drastically against
Christian values of Latin civilization, which as a Roman-catholic I share.

Janusz Tazbir is a person of Jewish origin who is 'very sensitive' on this subject, he wrote several books about fate of Jews. He actually think that people of Jewish origin are afraid to admit their heritage because this could affect their carrier. I disagree with this opinion.

While the biggest crime of Koneczny was that he also wrote a book about Jewish civilization. What is more he considered Latin civilization to be superior. In today's PC crazy world this is unforgettable crime. I'm sure that even leftists that always declare to be so much in favour of separation of the church and the state (btw, so was Koneczny) would cry loud that sacral Jewish civilization is at least equal to secular Latin civilization. Or the times changed and today they switched their blind love to "oppressed" Palestinians? While the Jews are the new National Socialists :)

Anyway, were did Koneczny wrote that anti-Semitism is one of the values of Latin civilization? One could disagree with his claims but to put a label just to exclude from public debate, this is pure Michnikowszczyzna.

Another issue is that I find it strange that you declare to be Roman Catholic and admit that Brussels leadership does not share your values, while you still support Polish membership. Perhaps you have some brilliant idea how to take control over the EU? :)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929  
13 Apr 2009 /  #82
Yeah, more and more German men are metrosexuals, I think Bismarck would be devastated...

Here I have to agree!
He wouldn't recognize his Germany...

Perhaps you have some brilliant idea how to take control over the EU? :)

After Sokrates and co. took over Germany I don't see what should stop them?
13 Apr 2009 /  #83
You have wrote that you reject idea of eventual Slavic union because different Slavic states belong to different civilizations.

I said that it is more beneficial for Poland to be in the EU with all other Latin
civilization countries (even if at some point in the future we'd have members
from different civilizations) than within some kind of enigmatic Slavic Union,
which anyway would most likely be dominated by Russia.

Another issue is that I find is strange that you declare to be Roman Catholic and admit that Brussels leadership does not share your values, while you still support Polish membership. Perhaps you have some brilliant idea how to take control over the EU? :)

Well, we certainly won't have any chances of "taking control" (or at least trying
to make some changes and voicing our concerns) if we remain outside the EU.
So, if you look at it from this point of view, it makes more sense to be inside.
lesser  4 | 1311  
14 Apr 2009 /  #84
It would make sense if there would be some plan and enough influence to push it forward. However let not be naive, there is no such plan and our own supposed representatives think only about their high salaries in the EU institutions. There is transfer of competences from states to Brussels's unelected bureaucrats with quite pathetic ideological background.

The only hope is that greedy bureaucrats will choke by enlargements. So yes, let bring Turkey in and more. Better crush the EU by political deadlock than let them to ruin this continent by central planning.

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