America isn't nearly as religious as poland. Yes america is religious but very diverse. Poland is not diverse! When more than one church is very large in a nation there is no controlling religion or denomination of a religion! Poland is run by the roman catholic church!
Religion in America is diverse? Who are you kidding? By diverse, you must mean all the different denominations of protestantism. Muslims are hardly accepted by Americans.
America is a CHRISTIAN nation. The leader of your nation even claimed that invading Iraq was permissible because God let him do it. One would think that the President of the 'most powerful nation in the world' is Louis XIV.
Rocky, you are extremely dense if you believe that Poland is `run` by the Catholic church. The pope has no power in the state whatsoever. For the people, religion is a personal issue, not a political one. America, on the other hand, is run by Bible thumping hicks and Zionists. That`s probably why America is such a religious nation that doesn't know what she`s preaching about.
America being one of the most religious countries is not a fact! It could be a fact that they r in the top 10 most relgious countries because they have a percent of the population that is one of the highest in the top 10. It's difficult to define religious too. There are several definitions of religious.
America is mostly a Judeo-Christian nation. Many Americans identify themselves as such. According to ARIS, in 2001 over 80% of Americans defined themselves as Christians. Sure that`s less than 90whatever% of Polish people identifying themselves as Catholic but at least we`re honest about it. You are in some serious denial Rocky, if you actually believe that America is a secular country and that defining the term `religious` is actually relative. Religion in America is pretty cut and dry rather than the diverse thing you think it is.
You`ll note that Poland was not in the top 10, although Russia was. There goes your theory that Poland is the most religious European country.
Top 10 Largest National Christian Populations
Rank Nation Number Percent
1 USA 224,457,000 85%
2 Brazil 139,000,000 93%
3 Mexico 86,120,000 99%
4 Russia 80,000,000 60%
5 China 70,000,000 5.7%
6 Germany 67,000,000 83%
7 Philippines 63,470,000 93%
8 United Kingdom 51,060,000 88%
9 Italy 47,690,000 90%
10 France 44,150,000 98%
11 Nigeria 38,180,000 45%
Suddenly, defining the term `religious` became a lot easier.
Again, note that Poland is not in this list of largest Christian populations.
The study just alludes to a belief in god. Does a belief in god constitute religion? I don't think so!
No it wouldn't, but a nation identifying themselves with a particular religion would.
The study isn't alluding to anything other the FACT that the good Ole USofA is an overwhelmingly Christian nation. A Christian nation that is laden with poverty, obesity, illiteracy, racism, bigotry, homophobism and all that other crap you are worried about.