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Poland. Sold for nothing.

Sokrates  8 | 3335  
6 Apr 2009 /  #31
Name me a country which isn't exploited by forces within America? De facto, I agree.

You mean willingly? A country thats goverment is ready to pay America to be exploited?
southern  73 | 7059  
6 Apr 2009 /  #32
Name me a country which isn't exploited by forces within America?

Seanus  15 | 19666  
6 Apr 2009 /  #33
You should remember that it isn't always pure Americans who do the exploiting.
nunczka  8 | 457  
6 Apr 2009 /  #34
Also lets face it Poland should stop treating US as a friend, America was never our friend or our ally, we're a tool for them and thats it

As it shoud be.
jwojcie  2 | 762  
6 Apr 2009 /  #35
Do you remember my prediction that Poland, who thinks that she is a queen, actually is a simple pawn in big game.

Poland is a pawn on global scene, no doubt... but even a pawn can checkmate the king sometimes...

Personally I dislike the idea of Poland being a shield... it is never good to be a shield... But in current envirement I don't see other solution but to sustain NATO which seems too fall apart gradually... NATO=USA unfortunately... EU is a set of pawns mostly, I hope that in time some sort of common military will arise, but I don't see that happens in next ten years... So, if the outcome of this shield agreement would be no shield but patriots (because formally it were two different agreements) then I'm ok with that.

Anyway I think that tensions in our region will be decreasing in time. The main factor wich destabilize CEE is Russia, no doubt. But sooner or later Russia will have to move most of attention to the east and make eternal peace with the west...

China is a real threat for Russia not Poland with some not even working shield.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
6 Apr 2009 /  #36
As it shoud be.

Apart from the fact that you're a mindless moron continously spewing nonsense on these boards, Poland is the greatest prospective ally of US in the coming decades, France is not interested in pro-US policies, Germany is facing an impeding crisis as its social system collapses with the weight of aging society while Poland retains its dynamic.

In other words Poland is the local European power of the next generations, antagonizing it by overexploitaiton might result in USA losing any political leverage in Europe in the 21st century.
OP ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
6 Apr 2009 /  #37
I saw a picture of these Russians on the web and I got curious...Are they 'pure bred' Russian Slavs, or are they a mixture of something?

You are right, that is typical Russian face, I have something like that too
nunczka  8 | 457  
6 Apr 2009 /  #38
Apart from the fact that you're a mindless moron continously spewing nonsense on these boards, Poland is the greatest prospective ally of US in the coming decades

Arent you the mindless scum bag that said Poland owed the US nothing?
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
6 Apr 2009 /  #39
We dont, USA never did anything for Poland that was not in US interest and then again nothing significant.

You could argue they hastened our NATO inclusion but that would happen anyway.
nunczka  8 | 457  
6 Apr 2009 /  #40
We dont, USA never did anything for Poland

Ask yourself this question. What did you ever do for Poland?

It was your grandparents, and parents that made it possible for you to exist today. You are free loading on their sacrifices..
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
6 Apr 2009 /  #41
Ask yourself this question. What did you ever do for Poland?

I pay my taxes and vote regularly for the party i believe will serve my country best.

It was your grandparents, and parents that made it possible for you to exist today. You are free loading on their sacrifices..

My grandparents, not America, good we're making progress:)
OP ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
6 Apr 2009 /  #42
My grandparents, not America, good we're making progress:)

Actually? You owed for us . Because first our grandfath. saved you from germans and made it possible for you to live and eventually we withdrew our troops from poland letting to live you by your own.
6 Apr 2009 /  #43
saved you from germans and made it possible for you to live and eventually we withdrew our troops from poland letting to live you by your own.

Not exactly. You forgot that Germany with the Soviet Union invaded Poland in 1939.


nunczka  8 | 457  
6 Apr 2009 /  #44
Actually? You owed for us . Because first our grandfath. saved you from germans and made it possible for you to live and eventually we withdrew our troops from poland letting to live you by your own.

LOL! This thread gets better all the time. Now how can anybody be more deserving for helping Poland? Socrates pays his taxes. Now that is one hell of a contribution. Your country must be proud of you.

Now Russians coming to your rescue. It looks like Poland is a natural loser. Not to worry, when Socrates grows up he will come to Poland's rescue.
Piorun  - | 655  
6 Apr 2009 /  #45
Because first our grandfath. saved you from germans

Oh please, years of brainwashing are paying dividends I see. You still cry over that bastards grave? You will never be free of the Tyrant.
OP ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
6 Apr 2009 /  #46
Not exactly. You forgot that Germany with the Soviet Union invaded Poland in 1939.

Germans were first.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
6 Apr 2009 /  #47
And the Soviets were second ;) ;)
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
6 Apr 2009 /  #48
Actually? You owed for us . Because first our grandfath. saved you from germans and made it possible for you to live and eventually we withdrew our troops from poland letting to live you by your own.

Unless we're talking about my relatives murdered by Russians then no i dont owe you anything, Poland does not owe you anything either since you annexed our eastern provinces and drained our economy for half a century.

LOL! This thread gets better all the time. Now how can anybody be more deserving for helping Poland? Socrates pays his taxes. Now that is one hell of a contribution. Your country must be proud of you.

Living a normal honest life 'is' helping my country:)

Now Russians coming to your rescue. It looks like Poland is a natural loser. Not to worry, when Socrates grows up he will come to Poland's rescue.

By the way you realise that US most likely exists because of a polish officer Kościuszko who's fortifications allowed you to win multiple critical engagements, he built West Point too, looks like you owe Poland a good chunk of your independence war effort:)
OP ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
6 Apr 2009 /  #49
By the way you realise that US most likely exists because of a polish officer Kościuszko who's fortifications allowed you to win multiple critical engagements, he built West Point too, looks like you owe Poland a good chunk of your independence war effort:)

In that case US owed to Paul I, he freed Kostushko from SPb's jail.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929  
6 Apr 2009 /  #50
LOL! This thread gets better all the time. Now how can anybody be more deserving for helping Poland? Socrates pays his taxes. Now that is one hell of a contribution. Your country must be proud of you.

What's wrong with that? Working and regularly paying your taxes IS the best ordinary way to be a useful citizen...at least in my corner....what do YOU advise instead?
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
6 Apr 2009 /  #51
In that case US owed to Paul I, he freed Kostushko from SPb's jail.

That would be later, Kościuszko first fought in the War in defence of the Constitution, then went to America where he was instrumental in several crucial victories, then returned to Poland to lead the inssurection, afterwards he was imprisoned.
6 Apr 2009 /  #52
English in 1939,there is always a tendency to sell Poland.

Yes, because the British could have done so much to prevent Poland from being occupied by the Nazis and Soviets in 1939, couldn't they?

Funny how Poles never include the USA in 1944 and 1945 in the list of times when they were sold out. The British lacked the military might in 1945 to force Soviet troops to withdraw from Poland. The USA didn't. Soviet troops didn't withdraw. So much for your friends in the USA.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
6 Apr 2009 /  #53
Yes, because the British could have done so much to prevent Poland from being occupied by the Nazis and Soviets in 1939, couldn't they?

Like blokade the harbors? Destroy the German navy? Blockade the merchant fleet? Nah you're right they couldnt do any of those:)
IronsE11  2 | 441  
6 Apr 2009 /  #54
Austrians in 1688,French in 1814,English in 1939,there is always a tendency to sell Poland.

If Poland has been sold so many times, who the hell keeps buying it?
OP ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
6 Apr 2009 /  #55
Paul granted him a pretty lot of money, which were donated by Kost. to west point. Anyway, this act of madness reveals Paul's illness. His mother godblessed "matushka gosudarinya-imperatritsa" Ekaterina Petrovna never would permit to free enemy of beloved Russia from the jail and obviousely he would die in the Peter-and-Paul fortress. But it seems to me that my chronology is more precise, first were batles in Poland, after that imprisonment and then american expirience.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
6 Apr 2009 /  #56
well present buyers have been there for 250 years now
it just happens sometimes buyers get expropriated by the property itself and then willing to purchase again
Babinich  1 | 453  
6 Apr 2009 /  #57
Yes, because the British could have done so much to prevent Poland from being occupied by the Nazis and Soviets in 1939, couldn't they?

The British could have done much to prevent the SU from taking over Poland. Let's start with David Lloyd George, the English prime minister, who decided to lift the Royal Navy's blockade of Russia just as the Civil War seemed to be turning against the Reds. This act enabled the looting Soviets an outlet to sell their booty on the black market.

This enabled Lenin and his boys catch their second wind.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
6 Apr 2009 /  #58
Like blokade the harbors? Destroy the German navy? Blockade the merchant fleet? Nah you're right they couldnt do any of those:)

Sok, people in England lived on rationing until 1955 - so if we couldn't feed the population on the island properly, how the **** were we going to raise an army to defete the Ruskis?

The British could have done much to prevent the SU from taking over Poland. Let's start with David Lloyd George, the English prime minister, who decided to lift the Royal Navy’s blockade of Russia just as the Civil War seemed to be turning against the Reds. This act enabled the looting Soviets an outlet to sell their booty on the black market.

I see you dont speak Polish and you live in the US, so what the hell does it have to do with you? Do you know exactly what it was like in the UK after WWII? Do you know how many lives of civilians were lost? Do you know how much of my country was destroyed? Do you know anything apart froim "oh the Brits sold Poland down the river blah blah blah blah"

gumishu  15 | 6228  
6 Apr 2009 /  #59
I really don't get this British attitude - British and French simply sold Poland short in 1939 - and that's just it - it is not to disparage you as a nation - 'cause it was the elites decisions - I don't really understand why you should be ashamed then
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
6 Apr 2009 /  #60
Hmmm....coloring and hair would hint about strong celtic heritage...

Funny!...Facial expression would indicate mental retardation!

Archives - 2005-2009 / News / Poland. Sold for nothing.Archived