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Poland. Sold for nothing.

Nathan  18 | 1349  
13 Apr 2009 /  #301
Polish cavalry was arguably the best in the world and definitely superior to anything in Europe, Turkey or Russia

Except when it had to deal with Ukrainian Cossacks' defense and attack :), but otherwise it was definately the best, I wouldn't argue.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
14 Apr 2009 /  #302
Norwegian steel

Biggest bullocks I will ever read

Not again the battle of Grünwald half a millennia back please...:)

I am a living proof that Poles can repeat it!
You shall fear the name! Anyhow you disguise it!
14 Apr 2009 /  #303
Norwegian steel

Biggest bullocks I will ever read

How can you question Sokrates' logic? The British Royal Navy failed to stop Norwegian steel being imported by Germany in the late 1930s: that is a simple fact. The tiny detail that it was completely impossible for the British to stop such imports because the steel did not exist is completely irrelevent. Everything is always the fault of either the British or the Jews: that is the first rule of Polish history. Or at least the version which Sokrates tries to tell anyway.
14 Apr 2009 /  #304
Everything is always the fault of either the British or the Jews

You forgot Ze Germans and The Ruskis.
OP ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
14 Apr 2009 /  #305
Constantine......did you get this part that Torq said? hehe I kinda found it funny. Russia would like for Poland to be shaking in their shoes, but that's not what happened...at least from this person's point of view! :) Go Polska!

14 Apr 2009 /  #306
14 Apr 2009 /  #307
You forgot Ze Germans and The Ruskis.

You need to understand that Poland was only ever invaded by Germany when the British allowed the Germans to do so. If the British had wanted to, they could easily have stopped Germany from invading Poland in 1939.

As for Russia, well the leadership of Russia has for many years been Jewish or Jewish-inspired and anyway, Russia would never have had any influence at all over Poland if Britain hadn't sold Poland to Russia at the Yalta conference. That is the same conference where Britain agreed that no Polish forces would be allowed to take part in the London victory parade.
14 Apr 2009 /  #308

You seem to know Polish history very well, Harry. It's not very common
among foreigners. I have to say I'm impressed. Respect :-)
Ironside  50 | 12959  
14 Apr 2009 /  #309
nice! Its good one as well as old
OP ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
2 Oct 2009 /  #310
Unfortunately Poland don't want to learn her own historical lessons.

Indeed! I am a prophet for certain!
southern  73 | 7059  
2 Oct 2009 /  #311

I am a prophet for certain!

We have to learn balalajka as soon as possible.
bimbo  - | 9  
4 Oct 2009 /  #312
thy real bolshevik were jews, rememebr who was Trotzky and the red elite?
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
5 Oct 2009 /  #313
They Jewish ancestry... If they were Zions they wouldn't entered the party in the first place... Soviets are their own breed. That's why nationalists don't get! Fricking THINK!
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
5 Oct 2009 /  #314
thy real bolshevik were jews

Some of them were, most of them were Russian. Read my last reply to Joe in the 9/11 thread.

Soviets are their own breed. That's why nationalists don't get! Fricking THINK!

Couldn't agree more to that. Time to stop anti-semitism after 2000 years, I think.

M-G (has meeting now)
OP ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
5 Oct 2009 /  #315
Time to stop anti-semitism after 2000 years, I think.

How we can? They crucified Jesus after all !
Seanus  15 | 19666  
5 Oct 2009 /  #316
Can you prove this, CK? 'What do you mean, you crucify your king?'. 'We have obeyed Lord Caesar, crucify him'. 'He's done no wrong, no not the slightest thing'. It was his own people who wanted the sacrifice and Jesus that agreed to it to express God's grace. He did it for humanity and I don't believe in falsifying the past.
OP ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
5 Oct 2009 /  #317
It was his own people who wanted the sacrifice and Jesus that agreed to it to express God's grace

But they were engaged in usury! How, how we can? Withered fig-tree!
Seanus  15 | 19666  
5 Oct 2009 /  #318
CK, when you stop reading the back of matchboxes, we can start discussing theology seriously ;) ;)

Usury, where did you get this word from?
OP ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
5 Oct 2009 /  #319
CK, when you stop reading the back of matchboxes, we can start discussing theology seriously ;) ;)

Oh please Seanus! My narrow mind is trying to comprehend one simple thing. Be so kind to explain me it. Here it is: Why so many generations of our ancestors during so many centuries, begining from the Alexander's III times had hated and despised this... this race? Do you want to say that they were wrong, that you are much more cultured and cililized? Even Dostoevskiy, this cresset of mercy had very complex and ambiguous opinion about them.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
5 Oct 2009 /  #320
Why so many generations of our ancestors during so many centuries, begining from the Alexander's III times had hated and despised this... this race?

I can tell you: they wanted somebody to blame for their own incompetencies. Failures themselves wanted to take on an easy scapegoat that looked different than themselves. And of course because loads of the failures owed the Jews loads of money. Money that they didn't want to pay back. Easy peasy :)

Edit: Jews were successful where your anchestors failed. It's hard to swallow to see somebody else be more successful than you are yourself, isn't it? Well, they sure found a way to get even on that one, didn't they? :)

M-G (life can be so simple)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
5 Oct 2009 /  #321
We are cultured and civilised, CK, and I don't enter into comparisons with others. The Jews don't hinder me in any way and they haven't meddled much in my country. I have nothing against Jewish people but dislike their IDF. Thankfully, many in the IDF have started to desert from this brutal force.
jonni  16 | 2475  
5 Oct 2009 /  #322
Dostoevskiy, this cresset of mercy

The same Dostoevsky who.....

Some things are just too....
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
5 Oct 2009 /  #323
Wasnt Dostojevski (because I take it that's who we are talking about) an officer in the Russian Imperial Army?

M-G (banzai)
OP ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
5 Oct 2009 /  #324
We are cultured and civilised, CK, and I don't enter into comparisons with others. The Jews don't hinder me in any way and they haven't meddled much in my country. I have nothing against Jewish people but dislike their IDF. Thankfully, many in the IDF have started to desert from this brutal force

All is false. This summer I was in Tel-Aviv. Can't say something wrong about these people, city and country. Everything is mediterrianily perfect! Handsome guys, warm weather, salty sea, but....You know I am gay and I want to tell you the story, the story which I was evident.

Sorry, but it is too late here, I need to go sleep, let's postpone it to the next day? I bet this story promises to be funny and edifying!
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
5 Oct 2009 /  #325
You know I am gay

You are gay????????????????????????


Edit: ps, I don't mind gay ppl. Some of my best friends are gay, I just couldn't help but putting it like that, especially after your remark about the Jews.

M-G (thought gay ppl were tolerant by nature)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
5 Oct 2009 /  #326
One never knows with CK. He probably means he is happy :)
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
6 Oct 2009 /  #327
How we can? They crucified Jesus after all !

What an most imbesille answer... Do you have any idea who the first christians were?! Moron!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929  
6 Oct 2009 /  #328
thought gay ppl were tolerant by nature

Hitler is thought to having been gay.....;)
scrappleton  - | 829  
6 Oct 2009 /  #329
What an most imbesille answer... Do you have any idea who the first christians were?! Moron!

Ohhh, you are very rude! Just like a sh.tty American! ;- (
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
6 Oct 2009 /  #330
Do you have any idea who the first christians were?!

Poles, just like God, Jesus apostles and Mel Gibson.

Archives - 2005-2009 / News / Poland. Sold for nothing.Archived