Just because you need a visa you feel like a begger.
I dont need a visa i hold a dual Polish/American citizenship, i feel Polish though i live in Poland and hopefully always will, i do however feel that after all the support USA received from Poland they
owe us even symbolic concessions, i do not feel like a beggar i feel humiliated that my goverment is unable to stand its ground against an arrogant nation of rednecks who spit in our face despite the support given to them.
Why do the Poles feel like they have to be bigger and better than everyone else?
Because when you really needed political support for Iraq Polands voice was what salvaged your position in Europe, otherwise Europe would stand negative as a single block and it could lead to deep division between US and EU, if it happens again its doubtfull you will receive any support whatsoever, Poles are currently dissilusioned with US.
Why you trying to come here anyway?
I dont, i earn more than most middle class yanks here at home and most Poles dont feel like moving to US anyway, US never presented statistics because it holds none, it feels more and more like baseless prejudice by a bunch of rednecks you are rather than serious objections.
's what America is to Poland, MONEY.
Let me educate you since we both have different opinion and you being a bloody idiot have a misguided one.
America was to Poland for a very long time a certain ideal, welfare, liberty and freedom, it was denied to us since our partitions because We were in the middle of Europe but You living on your island could do it, thats what America was to most of us, an ideal.
Of course then we woke up to the reality of you being cynical greedy rednecks who dont give a crap and only our goverment remains kissing your arse but even that wont last since people are (and rightly so) less and less pro American.
Poles give a bad image in America by walking around drunk, stealing and lying and act like they are better because they came to America.
I cant really comment on that in any other way then you being a prejudice cvnt and full of sh*t like a public toilet during the Rolling Stones concert.
Poles are some of the oldest and hardest working minorities in US, before Greenpoint got overrun by colored monkeys that you love so much it was one of the tidiest city districts, i've been to US more times then i was to Germany and i live 80miles from the border and i never saw a drunk Pole.
I've seen fat Americans, people who dont know how many states their country had, i've seen a lot of things that made me enjoy Poland and realise the "american dream" got squashed by fat butts of your overweight uneducated kids who live like animals in what passes for subburbs in your goddamn human hives so take your prejudice and arrogance and shove it up your lardass rectum sister.
here is BO speech.. you tell if he said it's scrapped:
He did, thats as close as you get in diplomatic language.