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Should rape carry a life sentence in Poland?

Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
3 Oct 2008 /  #31
And u think homosexuals are ill psychologically?

In your opinion not ?
lesser  4 | 1311  
3 Oct 2008 /  #32
Lesser, u r also wrong. The CC DOESN'T think that the act of homosexual sex, sodomy, is a sin now. It was considered as such but it changed. Check it out.

I checked in wikipedia and nothing changed. I would heard about such change for sure.

Marriage is a process of putting 2 people together formally.

You are in denial...

U r living in the Stone Age too. I wish I could wind the clock forward to see how u'd be. I'd probably die laughing

I'm simply too smart to accept everything hiding behind supposed 'progress'. Certainly not everything that some people deems to be progressive is in fact progressive.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
3 Oct 2008 /  #33
I have red hair, am I a sinner for being born this way? I am abnormal in the sense that I don't square with conventional hair colours like blond or black. Because sth isn't normal, doesn't make it unacceptable or sinful.

£ukasz, it hasn't been proven at all. There hasn't been sufficient research on this yet and any that is available is inconclusive. Kids learn in different ways. Because this 'instinct' or propensity towards members of the same sex may exist doesn't mean that they will follow through on it. Social conditioning will likely shape them much more, plus their DNA. Taboo is also a powerful deterrent.

U simplify things way too much

Lesser, read this

When I look at scripture I see liberty in Christ's doctrine and God's word. I see the freedom that God gave me to marry whomever I choose, even someone of the same sex; This is from the article above.

No Greg, they aren't psychologically ill.

In denial, I think not lesser. My English is much better than urs and I know that marriage has moved on from the Dark Ages and has a more elastic interpretation.
lesser  4 | 1311  
3 Oct 2008 /  #34
Your link proofs nothing on the mentioned subject. I'm going to bed, perhaps tomorrow I will find a time to provide here some official stand.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
3 Oct 2008 /  #35
Let's take it to the random chat thread. Sleep well lesser, good debating with u

U need to look closer at what I wrote tho
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
3 Oct 2008 /  #36
No Greg, they aren't psychologically ill.

Men sticking their dicks in other men asses have very serious psychological or rather psychiatric problems. This is obvious. What do you think about people eating sh*t ? They aren't ill either ? They were just born this way ?
Seanus  15 | 19668  
3 Oct 2008 /  #37
It's a consensual act which, although irregular, is acceptable behind closed doors. Why is it ok to stick ur dick in a woman's ass?

Eating sh*t is a perversion. It may cause harm to self so some intervention may be called for. That's a separate matter tho.

When I look at scripture I see liberty in Christ’s doctrine and God’s word. I see the freedom that God gave me to marry whomever I choose, even someone of the same sex; This is from an article, I'll give u the link if u want.

Simply, they have a different orientation Greg
osiol  55 | 3921  
3 Oct 2008 /  #38
If it's not the missionary position, between the sheets with the lights out, it is obviously perverted and wrong.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
3 Oct 2008 /  #39
Hehehe, that was priceless OsioĊ‚. Greg, Lesser and £ukasz make Thatcher look like a liberal-leftie
3 Oct 2008 /  #40
for the last 20 years no additional hwy has been built in Toronto

And it is a frikken shame. Took me over two hours from Waterloo to Miss.

Boy that sucked. Sure wasn't speeding. Beer tasted good when I got home though.
Dekameron  1 | 146  
4 Oct 2008 /  #41
No, rape should not carry a life sentence unless commited on a child.
jonni  16 | 2475  
4 Oct 2008 /  #42
Our law is better because we have lower crime rate in our country.

A lower crime rate or a lower reporting rate? There's so much paperwork here involved in reporting a petty crime and much less personal insurance that people often don't bother, and anyway, the Polish police are best avoided.

And in any case, the rapist Jakub Tomczak, who this thread is/was about brutally attacked the lady in question and left her for dead. She was in hospital for over a year, has permanent brain damage and now uses a wheelchair. But in 12 years (probably not 9 - under the treaty which allows prisoners to serve their sentence in their home country, the sentence must be served in full unless a court in the country which gave the sentence decides otherwise) he'll be out and free to do it again. No matter that a court system considered among the fairest and most reliable in the world gave him not one but two life sentences.

Let's hope he's permanently excluded from the UK.

"His victim has already spoken of her anger at discovering he will serve the remainder of his sentence in Poland.

The woman, who is confined to a wheelchair, said she was serving a “living prison sentence” from the injuries Tomczak inflicted on her, while he was able to move back home.

OP hairball  20 | 313  
4 Oct 2008 /  #43
Our court decided that it was causal case.

The only things that were "casual" about this rape were how this animal "casually" selected his victim. Then "casually" followed her to a quiet street. Then "casually" hit her with a blunt instrument. Then he "casually" raped her before "casually" walking away leaving her for dead.

It wasn't just "casual" rape £ukasz. His attack was so violent that that he was charged with attempted murder as well.

Wasn't that guy sentenced for murder ?

He was charged with attempted murder but it's actually harder to prove attempted murder than it is to prove murder. So the charge was reduced to grievous bodily harm with intent, that he received a life sentence for.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
4 Oct 2008 /  #44
Hey lesser, care to continue from where u left off?
lesser  4 | 1311  
5 Oct 2008 /  #45
Catechism of the Catholic Church


Chastity and homosexuality
Seanus  15 | 19668  
5 Oct 2008 /  #46
Confirming this fact is the New Testament's forceful rejection of homosexual behavior as well. In Romans 1, Paul attributes the homosexual desires of some to a refusal to acknowledge and worship God. He says, "For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. Their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural, and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in their own persons the due penalty for their error. And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a base mind and to improper conduct. . . . Though they know God's decree that those who do such things deserve to die, they not only do them but approve those who practice them" (Rom. 1:26-28, 32).

This is probably from the same article as u swiped Lesser. This is fanatacism and some of the worst argumentation I have seen. Merely adhering to the standards laid down in the Bible is a sign of a weak-minded individual. Informed consent replaced moral highgroundism a long time ago.

Maybe u should go rapping on the doors of homosexual people and inform them of the need to avoid 'sin' and see what response you get.

Oh, u MUST read this lesser. It is a more modern version,

Stay in the Dark Ages if u wish but the above URL will hopefully enlighten u. Get ur head out of a book and into reality.
Somerled  5 | 93  
5 Oct 2008 /  #47
Should rape carry a life centence in Poland?

Rape should carry a sentence of death, anywhere. Hang them from a tree.
lesser  4 | 1311  
5 Oct 2008 /  #48
This is probably from the same article as u swiped Lesser. This is fanatacism and some of the worst argumentation I have seen. Merely adhering to the standards laid down in the Bible is a sign of a weak-minded individual. Informed consent replaced moral highgroundism a long time ago.

You are entitled to your opinion, however we will never agree.

Maybe u should go rapping on the doors of homosexual people and inform them of the need to avoid 'sin' and see what response you get.

Terror in prevention, this is leftist method that I despise.

Get ur head out of a book and into reality.

I love to read books, I advise this to you too. You would expand you horizons...
southern  73 | 7059  
5 Oct 2008 /  #49
Eating sh*t is a perversion. It may cause harm to self so some intervention may be called for.

So you think if a man eats his girlfriend's sh1t,he should go to prison?
Seanus  15 | 19668  
5 Oct 2008 /  #50
I expanded my horizons by travelling a fair bit, after reading for my LLM at Uni. I've lost track of how many books I've read but I like to think that I have taken the best out of those books.

So, lesser, did u read the URL I sent? U simply reiterate ur dislike of leftist thinking which, incidentally, isn't mine.

Yeah, we won't agree as u occupy the space held by absolutists and fanatics. Compromise comes from seeing the opposite position, it's an art. Clannad once wrote, 'The art of compromise has been our greatest strength'. Shame u will never truly understand that.

Southern, no, perversions can be 'free-floating evils' in philosophical language. Read Feinberg on Harm. Prison doesn't even enter the equation. It's vastly disproportionate to the misdemeanour. Miscreants can be better treated in other ways.
dtaylor  9 | 823  
5 Oct 2008 /  #51
On the subject of rape, i believe that it should carry a heavy penalty.
I cant for the life of me understand what is "casual" rape? Though I'd like to see some Glasgow "casuals" get raped by a Rhino.

Again lesser you have showed your lack of original thought. You claim that everything in this world should be seen through the eye's of a fanatic Catholic.

For me if someone wants to view the world through tinted glasses, it's up to them.
But if you can't open you eye's to modern day problems, without looking to a book that deals with crap from 2000 years ago, for your answers, then what help has the world got for being able to evolve.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
5 Oct 2008 /  #52
Well said dtaylor, right on!! One of the many functions of law is to act as a deterrent. Heavy penalties help in that regard.
lesser  4 | 1311  
5 Oct 2008 /  #53
Seanus, what is your point? You wanted official stand, I provided it to you. It close this discussion with is off-topic anyway.

You claim that everything in this world should be seen through the eye's of a fanatic Catholic.

Of course Catholics are not fanatic, you simply don't bother to learn more. Most of the stances and politics of the CC can be successfully defended without referring to Bible as you suggest.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
5 Oct 2008 /  #54
The official stand was modified to modernise it, u CLEARLY didn't read my link. David and I are from Scotland, many Scots have a decent grounding in Protestantism and Catholicism. I don't think he needs to learn more.

OK, let's have a discussion about these points that can be successfully defended. Please, we'd be delighted to take u 2 task.

David wasn't saying that Catholics were fanatic. He said that ur beliefs are.
dtaylor  9 | 823  
5 Oct 2008 /  #55
Of course Catholics are not fanatic

Yes, little battles in Ireland show that.

you simply don't bother to learn more.

I learn through my own experiences, through learning from others, and practising what i preach.

One word, condoms... defend the CC's stance on that without refering to the holy book.
lesser  4 | 1311  
5 Oct 2008 /  #56
Catechism of the CC is the official stand, like it or not. End of discussion.

Yes, little battles in Ireland show that.

I'm not an expert from NI but I'm sure that those who know more would reject your judgment.
masks98  27 | 289  
5 Oct 2008 /  #57
I have this controversial opinion which I submit freely, but I think that rape is one of those things that are not good of course, but not as horrible as society makes it out to be. However I understand why it needs to be frowned upon so vigorously, because if it weren't then ******** and drunkards would be more prone to do it. Rape is forcing someone to do something they often do, but rather not do with you, so I don't think it warrants a penalty anywhere close to murder for example, since the vast majority of the public does not want to die no matter what the circumstance.

I say the same thing about hygiene. It's not that bad to take a **** and not wash your hands, but for the sake of general hygiene, it's good to frown upon those who don't and discourage that kind of care-free attitude on a large scale so as to preserve a general standard of hygiene.
Somerled  5 | 93  
6 Oct 2008 /  #58
Do you know anyone who has been raped?

It should be "frowned upon vigorously" while the offender is dancing on air at the end of a rope.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
6 Oct 2008 /  #59
Men sticking their dicks in other men asses have very serious psychological or rather psychiatric problems. This is obvious. What do you think about people eating sh*t ? They aren't ill either ?

not really a fair or accurate comparison eating sh!t is very very likely to cause serious illness whereas barring any communicable viruses, anal sex doesn't.

But, what about those of uuuuh, i mean guys that, to use your vernacular, stick their dicks up women's asses are they "sick" now?

Julius Ceasar swung both ways as did a very large percentage of men from Classical times. Maybe women just got better looking over time so it went out of fashion.

Look G, why you so concerned what others do in their private lives it's doubtful it'll really affect the world as a whole nor you personally.

Regarding the orginal question, if found quilty and if the victim is alive then the victim should be free to choose the punishment for the perpetrator.
OP hairball  20 | 313  
6 Oct 2008 /  #60
I think that rape is one of those things that are not good of course, but not as horrible as society makes it out to be.

I think that you are a dangerous individual if you think that it is "society" that makes rape "horrible". The victim that this thread refers to was so badly beaten that she had to spend a whole year in hospital, two years later she is still in a wheelchair and has suffered permanent brain damage.

Very often in rape cases the victim is so traumatised that they never fully recover so in effect suffer their own personal "life sentence".

it needs to be frowned upon so vigorously

Well that's going to be a real deterent, isn't it?

Rape is forcing someone to do something they often do

You have got no idea have you? You don't know anything what so ever about sex and relationships, do you? With that comment you seem to be under the deluded notion that the only difference between rape and consensual sex with a willing partner is the willingness of the parter/victim.

It's not that bad to take a **** and not wash your hands

How can anybody put not washing your hands after taking a crap into the same catagory as rape is beyond belief!!

Regarding the orginal question, if found quilty and if the victim is alive then the victim should be free to choose the punishment for the perpetrator.

I can see where you're comming from Mr F, but I think the slow painful deaths people would think up could end up as bad as the original crime!

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