What do you think will happen if oil is discovered in polish valleys or sea?Will there be another petro-empire?
Oil in Poland
The only oil to be found in Poland will be on the road surface from the engines of all those clapped out old Syrenka motor cars.
loco polaco 3 | 352
22 Oct 2008 / #3
actually there is crude in PL but it's too high of quality to be burned in cars.
polishcanuck 7 | 461
22 Oct 2008 / #4
I remember reading about a company that had found some oil in poland and was drilling the area to find the source of that oil. I guess they didn't find anything.
Poland should forget about oil and focus more on clean energy/power.
Poland should forget about oil and focus more on clean energy/power.
also: indexmundi.com/energy.aspx?country=pl&product=oil&graph=production
also: indexmundi.com/energy.aspx?country=pl&product=oil&graph=production
joepilsudski 26 | 1387
23 Oct 2008 / #6
Thank you for this information...These reserves discussed are rather substantial.
My friend you be happy you don't have oil otherwise your country could be same as Iraq.
Agreed. Poland is finally coming out of the shadows
Spiritus are you talking out the oil reserves in Poland?
Agreed. Poland is finally coming out of the shadows
Spiritus are you talking out the oil reserves in Poland?
Polish reserves=21.5 mln tons on land, 30 mln tons in territorial waters. long live working peoples of Poland and revolutionary ideals of Juche.
Mr Grunwald 33 | 2127
7 Mar 2009 / #10
My friend you be happy you don't have oil otherwise your country could be same as Iraq.
There is nothing wrong in owning Oil in Europe, I thought my country have proven that?
(We mock the Sweeds for it bwuahahah)
szkotja2007 27 | 1497
7 Mar 2009 / #11
What do you think will happen if oil is discovered in polish valleys or sea?
Words such as "roughneck" and "roustabout" will need to be translated !
What do you think will happen if oil is discovered in polish valleys or sea
We will invade Poland, install a puppet government and build better roads.