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Nazism in Poland - A recipe for mass suicide?

18 Jun 2007 /  #1
Dear All,

Here is a link to an article that shows some poles engaging in Nazi behaviour...!!

WARSAW, Poland: A right-wing Polish European Parliament lawmaker dismissed his assistant on Thursday after a newspaper published a photo of her giving a straight-armed Nazi salute at a rally with a burning swastika in the background.


Could some pole please explain the rationale behind the same?

Bearing in mind that an integral part of the Nazi philosophy was the elimination of "inferior races" (Used sarcastically) such as "Jews" & "Slavs", how could any intelligent Slav resort to such stupidity...!!

In fact, they would best serve the Nazi cause if they killed themselves; I can almost see Hitler smiling with satisfaction.
FISZ  24 | 2116  
18 Jun 2007 /  #2
Here is a link to an article that shows some poles engaging in Nazi behaviour...!!

Come on. There are people prcaticting this in many countries. What's your point in this post?

Why don't you go ask the nazis?

Come to America and ask them too while your at it.
ladystardust  - | 84  
18 Jun 2007 /  #3
Yep, you're right, FISZ. I'm sure the members of the clan or whatsiscalled would shed some light on this problem, i'm sure ;)

Freaks are everywhere. I can only assure you that nazism is not a dominant political view around here.
FISZ  24 | 2116  
18 Jun 2007 /  #4
I know. I've only seen some swastica's in Poland, but no one out in the open.

It can't be too big of a problem.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
18 Jun 2007 /  #5
There is a whole russian movement running around with Swastikas, german war flags and
structured like the Nazis....now that is...erm....interesting!
FISZ  24 | 2116  
18 Jun 2007 /  #6

I find it rather uninteresting, but that's just me.
Daisy  3 | 1211  
18 Jun 2007 /  #7
Quoting: Bratwurst Boy

I find it rather uninteresting, but that's just me.

I find it very sad
OP firestud13  
18 Jun 2007 /  #8
FISZ, my dear fellow...you have a habit of popping up everywhere; you do have a lot of time on your hands...are you unemployed or something?

I was interested in the opinion of the poles on what's happening in their country; not yours.

Furthermore, I don't need your advice on who to talk to ...or on anything else for that matter.
dannyboy  18 | 248  
18 Jun 2007 /  #9
50 years ago, the Nazis were chasing after other Europeans and Jews.

Nowadays they are after the non-whites e.g Turks, Africans etc.

Russia has the most neo-nazis in the world
TheKruk  3 | 308  
18 Jun 2007 /  #10
I was interested in the opinion of the poles on what's happening in their country; not yours.

this is a "forum" meaning all who have an opinion may comment on anything.
Get a blog.
I have seen skinhead and neo-nazi's in Poland (well ok on youtube but they were in Poland)
There are disillusioned people everywhere who believe whites must fight to keep the race pure and that minorities will destroy the moral fibre of their pre-dominantly white countries. It is very very pthetic and sad.

And I believe Polish Neo-Nazis fail to see the irony of their choice.
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
18 Jun 2007 /  #11
Could some pole please explain the rationale behind the same?

It's basically an underground of an underground. People that are actually participating in this "movement' are either crazy loonies or youngsters fascinated with strength and power. Very quickly they grow out from it. It’s actually the same as in other countries. Don’t you have blood and honor and combat 14 in the uk?
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
18 Jun 2007 /  #12
Lefty propaganda. There are quite many nationalists, but Adolf liking nazis almost don't exist, officially don't exist at all as they would be f.cked up.
FISZ  24 | 2116  
18 Jun 2007 /  #13
FISZ, my dear fellow...you have a habit of popping up everywhere; you do have a lot of time on your hands...are you unemployed or something?

As you can tell, I'm a pretty active member of this forum and I'm entitled to my opinion as are you :)

You just happen to have stupid comments that I feel the need to comment on :)
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
18 Jun 2007 /  #14
I was interested in the opinion of the poles on what's happening in their country; not yours.

Well I am a American Pole living in America and my cousin joins in these stupid
rallys and its probably the most stupidest thing I have ever heard, because he
knows what nationality his family is, and he has stated his name even on public
television according to a article online. I have never met him personally, and only
just found out last year him as a distant relative, which I am glad its distant and
will keep it that way..

Nazi's and Skinheads Pizz me off royally, they look idiotic on television yelling and
screaming like retards.. they can stick that swatz up their fannys for all i care..
nothing would make me happier then to see them all gone!! they promote hate
and people get hurt.. nothing good about them IMHO.

I was interested in the opinion of the poles on what's happening in their country; not yours.

dont get your underroos in a bunch..

hes entitled to post, its a public forum, not firestud13's forum.. then you would have
some say so their firestarter13 :))))
OP firestud13  
19 Jun 2007 /  #15
Dear "TheKRUK" - If you look up the meaning of forum in the Oxford dictionary you'll find it's a meeting or medium or exchange of views. Now, if you combine that with the fact that I requested the view from certain quarters i.e. True Poles who live in Poland, you would understand why I'm not interested in an American's view. Does that rationale make any logical sense to you?

Mr. FISZ - Whether a view is "stupid" or not is a matter of opinion; maybe, from time to time, you should give in to the need to "listen" and not "voice" your opinions. Try it sometime....it's also a more polite form of conversation...;-)

Patrycja 19 - "underoos in a bunch"? Fascinating phraseology...please read my response to the kruk..no further comment required. Maybe you could tell your cousin that, if he killed himself, he would make his Nazi party very happy...;-)

It's typical really, 3 Americans who just can't seem to keep quiet; it appears to be an endemic problem.

Now, my family has lost a lot fighting the Nazis in WW2 and it really irritates me when the likes of Poland celebrate Nazism when the said movement was created to destroy them...now, that's pathetic...!!
TheKruk  3 | 308  
19 Jun 2007 /  #16
Mr. FISZ - Whether a view is "stupid" or not is a matter of opinion; maybe, from time to time, you should give in to the need to "listen" and not "voice" your opinions. Try it sometime....it's also a more polite form of conversation...;-)

Follow your own advice to fisz! furthermore I think we all agree its pathetic what more do you want? Further furthermore I live in Poland and have for three years and have also been puzzled by this Neo-Nazism. I must admit this is not typical behavior although i have expeienced it from British people before to assume superiority over Americans or to perpetuate stereotypes that are anti-american so old, tired, uneducated and unhelpful.

Lastly if you don't like the fact anyone is free to respond to any post join another forum.
We have plenty of people expressing negative ideas and insults we don't need more.
Many times though if people have opposing views and they present them in the proper manner a better understanding has been reached. I believe you were answered in Full as to your post re-read all responses and move on.
OP firestud13  
19 Jun 2007 /  #17
Mr. Touchy "TheKruk" - I'm trying my best to listen to any true poles that may have opinions. However, you Americans have to "butt" in and hijack the forum. I don't need your advice on whether to stay or leave; I'm quite capable of taking those decisions myself, thank you very much.

"negative ideas" & "insults" you say? Please advise how you equate facts & realities to the same.

By the way, I'm just curious...do you teach "American English" (if there is such a thing) or true English in Poland? Please don't mess up their spelling; a lot of the Poles come over to the UK and make positive contributions to our economy.
TheKruk  3 | 308  
19 Jun 2007 /  #18
It's typical really, 3 Americans who just can't seem to keep quiet; it appears to be an endemic problem.

Furthermore, I don't need your advice on who to talk to ...or on anything else for that matter.

you do have a lot of time on your hands...are you unemployed or something?

All negative.

"American English" (if there is such a thing) or true English in Poland? Please don't mess up their spelling

Negative stereotype with superiority of English spelling over American plus the comment (if there is such a thing) any intelligent person knows we have different vocabulary and have different accents. Obviously I teach Americanized english and don't bother taking the "what can an American know about English" road so old so weak.

See how many Poles respond to your topic as i said its been answered you yourself answered it

how could any intelligent Slav resort to such stupidity...!!

OP firestud13  
19 Jun 2007 /  #19
FISZ, mate, you are such a touchy person; all the so-called negative posts you attribute to me are defensive comments in response to your "uncalled for" attack on my post. I would welcome constructive debates; however, if someone decides to go for an all-out attack, just because he or she is hyper-sensitive to real life facts, I have every right to reciprocate.

FISZ - Negative stereotype with superiority of English spelling over American plus the comment (if there is such a thing) any intelligent person knows we have different vocabulary and have different accents. Obviously I teach Americanized english and don't bother taking the "what can an American know about English" road so old so weak.

I would refer to your post as a defensive response arising from an inferiority complex inherent in a lot of Americans which is hidden by the exhibition of bravado.

There is no argument with respect to the superiority of "English" English to any other so called forms of English. It is an argument related to what is correct and what is wrong; ergo the fact remains that American English is wrong. I can't understand why you can't accept this simple fact; is it so difficult for the Americans to say that they are wrong....Iraq, who said that?!!

With respect to Poles not answering my post, maybe they don;t know how to respond to it or they choose not to. It's their prerogative and I respect that; it doesn't mean that I want a load of American cowboys riding in with their guns blazing.
TheKruk  3 | 308  
19 Jun 2007 /  #20
I answered you in Off Topic lounge Random chat and abuse you are invited.
FISZ  24 | 2116  
19 Jun 2007 /  #21
FISZ, mate, you are such a touchy person; all the so-called negative posts you attribute to me are defensive comments in response to your "uncalled for" attack on my post. I would welcome constructive debates; however, if someone decides to go for an all-out attack, just because he or she is hyper-sensitive to real life facts, I have every right to reciprocate.

I think someone has a crush :)

Are you sure you're here to discuss Poland, or to talk down to Americans? You think you're superior don't you? With your posh accent..lol

I won't even comment anymore because there are some top people on this forum from the UK. Unfortunately, you make the british appear snobbish and uptight.

Cheerio old chap.
dannyboy  18 | 248  
19 Jun 2007 /  #22
Be wary all ye who enter here, ye may lose an eye from the handbags
Maxxx Payne  1 | 195  
19 Jun 2007 /  #23
There was also an Jewish nazi in New York in 60s. They made a movie of him: The Believer


So it is really nothing new. Mind works in weird ways...
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
19 Jun 2007 /  #24
Maybe you could tell your cousin that, if he killed himself, he would make his Nazi party very happy...;-)

funny thing, I dont speak to this person..dont care what he does to himself. and wont
lose sleep over it.

...please read my response to the kruk..

I did, all I can say is your very sarcastic and its more proper to be tactful then to
be a prune about it.. you could have said, thank you so much Fisz for you input, was
just looking for those living in polands views and leave it at that.. but you went
further with it, so I dont blame anyone for speaking out on this thread..and I see
that you managed to become inactive so you probably wont see this till you behave :)
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
19 Jun 2007 /  #25
The real problem is 'Nazi' control/infiltration of many governments in the world...of course, the Bush family has ties to the former German National Socialists...and, further,

the Israeli state is in effect a 'Nazi' state, having converted all Palestinian lands into
what are actually concentration camps...the Zionists also collaborated with the German
National Socialist government...if you want some interesting information about present
day 'Nazis', try googling 'deutsch verteidigungs dienst'...as far as the kids, most of them
are going thru a phase/fad, but if they want to actually be 'nationalists' for whatever
tribe they belong to, there are more constructive ways to express nationalism...in fact,
the Zionists love to see this kind of thing, because they can cry anti-semitism and
get more money for Israel.
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
19 Jun 2007 /  #26
A type calling himself firestud13 (with inactive profile), titles his post provocatively: 'Nazism in Poland - A recipe for a mass suicide?'

He then suggests that 'some poles [are] engaging in Nazi behaviour.' By those 'some Poles' firestup seems to understand some assistant to some 'right-wing Polish European Parliament lawmaker.'

And by their alleged 'Nazi behaviour' he seems to understand the assistant's 'a straight-armed Nazi salute at a rally with a burning swastika in the background.'

So one person or even a group of persons in Poland giving a Nazi salute create the danger of a mass suicide of the Poles? How come?

Now, is burning, i.e. destroying a swastika, the proof of 'Nazi behaviour'?

I would think that in certain situations preserving a swastika may rather appear an example of 'Nazi behaviour' than burning it.

Now, I remember that a few years back the Jewish journalist Jerzy Urban, a notorious figure in Poland, lost his court case against a Polish prof who had called Urban a Goebbels. When another Jewish journalist referred to the lost case in a TV interview with Urban, the latter made a Nazi salute.

Would firestupd call Urban's Nazi salute an 'engaging in Nazi behaviour'?

Would he threaten that Urban's Nazi salute may cause a mass suicide of Jews?

All over the world there are individuals and groups who greet themselves with a salute similar to or identical as the so-called Nazi salute.

Would firestupd suggest that because e.g. some Irish use the salute therefore they are stupid, and there may happen a mass suicide of the Irish because some of them use the salute?

Or would firestupd limit his scolding, name calling and the prospect of a mass suicide to 'Slavs' or Poles only?

If the latter, what would it say about himself? Maybe that he's a crypto-Nazi? :)

If I remember right, the so-called Nazi salute is in fact an ancient Roman salute, isn't it?
PS. I don't even ask what firestupd means by 'Nazism,' because it would be an absurd thing to ask. The word 'Nazism' today signifies nothing, just as such words as 'anti-Semitism' and 'the West' do. 'Nazism' is de facto another synonym of the vague expression 'the worst evil.'
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
19 Jun 2007 /  #27
Now, is burning, i.e. destroying a swastika, the proof of 'Nazi behaviour'?

you have a valuable point there puzzler,, I would think this is making a statement
against nazism rather then for it :)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
19 Jun 2007 /  #28
No...that is crap! A burning swastika just looks cool....in the russian nazi youtube vids I mentioned they do it too...posing before a Swastika in flames...how melodramatic!
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
19 Jun 2007 /  #30
Buttworst the deutch suggests that burning a swastika by the Russkies is 'cool' and 'melodramatic.'

What if by burning the swastika the Russkies express their unconscious hatred of the germans?

The Russkies once burned lots of swastikas.

And made lots of love to german women in the melodramatic glow of the flames....

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