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MareGaea  29 | 2751  
16 Oct 2009 /  #151

You know, my son, every ppl thinks that what happened to them is much worse than what happened to other ppl. It's a fact of life. Why do you think the Poles whine so much about what happened to them? Or the Jews? It's all the same. Guess some anti-semites on this thread cannot accept that the Jews had the worst experience of all. Second on the hitlist were the Russians, but many of them were soldiers and Jews as well. Third place is Poland. Yet they scream that what happened to them is much worse than anybody else.


M-G (tiens)
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
24 Oct 2009 /  #152

Well, yes, the Jewish youth should behave themselves...But, we must consider this: Jews are European in their cultural orientation, and for the most part quite civilized...Now, here in the US, we have a problem with Black youth, who are inculcated into a culture of crime, and kill themselves and attack others in a 'sub mentality' fashion with no purpose except destruction, in all the large urban areas...Be thankful you don't have this type of problem in Poland.
1jola  14 | 1875  
25 Oct 2009 /  #153
Be thankful you don't have this type of problem in Poland.

We thank God everyday for sparing us from those yuts, Joe.

Guess some anti-semites on this thread cannot accept that the Jews had the worst experience of all.

I'm starting to worry about you. If you don't mellow out, you will fall into the anti-semites everywhere condition, which is as serious illness as Jews all around me.
26 Oct 2009 /  #154
Who f*cking cares outside PL?

just a question: if you don't care why are you here? what is your connection with Poland? do you at least live here? or are you Polish or Jew?

Guess some anti-semites on this thread cannot accept that the Jews had the worst experience of all

why do you think so? in Poland 3 million Polish Jews were killed and 3 million non jewish Poles were killed. are the second ones less important in some way?
TheOther  6 | 3596  
26 Oct 2009 /  #155
the Jewish counter for WW2 stands on or near 6 million, whereas the the counter for Poles for that period stands at 3 million

The number of Polish victims stands at 6 million (depending on which source you use), of which 3 million were of Jewish faith. It weren't only Jews that were killed during the Holocaust.
26 Oct 2009 /  #156
Maybe you should be banned for a change for constantly verbally abusing ppl. I only react to you, let's not forget that. The mods know that I never abuse someone on this forum without reason, unlike you.

It's best not to react to him in the same fashion.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
26 Oct 2009 /  #157
The number of Polish victims stands at 6 million (depending on which source you use), of which 3 million were of Jewish faith.

I was talking about the total number of Jewish victims. In Poland, yes, the total number of Poles and Jews was 6 million, but there were Jews exterminated all over Europe, not only in PL, whereas the Poles were nearly only killed in PL itself. And I do know that nearly 1 million Gypsies were killed, and (mentally) handicapped, homosexuals and others that were deemed "unfit" for German society.

I found the face of the guy who was responsible for killing at least 30 of my anchestors, he's Ukrainian and he doesn't look like a monster as I had previously imagined him, but rather like an grandfather:

Iwan Demjamjuk aka Iwan the Terrible, responsible for the death of about 27.500 ppl in Treblinka. I am still looking for a picture of Iwan Martsjenko, his accomplice, I know he was also Ukrainian. I guess I will never know the face of the killers of my other anchestors in Auschwitz.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
26 Oct 2009 /  #158
I was talking about the total of Jewish victims

I understood that, but I've seen on various occasions already that you make a distinction between Jews and the rest of the population. IMHO, that's wrong. The Polish Jews were Polish nationals, the Dutch Jews were Dutch nationals, and so on. I just wanted to point that out.

he doesn't look like a monster as I had previously imagined him

That's the scary part, I totally agree. How civilized people could (and still can) sink to such an inhumane level is beyond me.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
26 Oct 2009 /  #159
I just wanted to point that out.

Let's say it's a reaction to all the racist and anti-semitic posters on this forum who taught me that there is a distinction. Indeed, I have always considered myself as Dutch and if I would be religious, I would be a Dutch confessing to the Judaic religion. But thank God in NL it's no longer necessary to state your religion when registering. It's optional, which is good.

Edit: furthermore to the picture I posted: I know he has been receiving the death penalty in Israƫl, but that was later overturned. My question would be: what do you do with such a guy? Simply killing him would not be an option for me. I think he would be much more punished by being reminded through images, movies, audio from survivors et cetera for the rest of his life. Any opinions there?

Apparently the picture has been removed.


M-G (just wondering if anybody has a picture of Iwan Martsjenko)
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
26 Oct 2009 /  #160
In Poland, yes, the total number of Poles and Jews was 6 million

There is absolutely no clear evidence that there were 6 million Jews in Europe...We have no reliable statistics...All of these numbers were put forward by the Russians and the Western Allies in co-operation with Jewish interests after the war...If you insist on this 'holocaust' chimera, let us discuss the 10-12 million Germans killed during and after the war...This was certainly a holocaust also...It was Jewish/Zionist interest who started this 'numbers game', and when someone disagrees, they offer no conclusive proof of their claims, but begin the **** & moan of 'anti-Semitism', and attempt to imprison those with dissenting opinions.

As far as Demjanjuk, his conviction in Israel was thrown out by their own Supreme Court, but the rabid Zionists in the US State Dept. decided that no length be spared to kill this old man, all for the sake of 'Holocaust Correctness'.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
26 Oct 2009 /  #161
If you insist on this 'holocaust' chimera, let us discuss the 10-12 million Germans killed during and after the war...

That's why the Germans should have stayed in Germany.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
26 Oct 2009 /  #162
There is absolutely no clear evidence

If there is no clear evidence of the number of Jews killed in WW2, then there is no clear evidence of the number of any victims, be they Germans, Poles or whatever. Actually, those numbers were also put forward by the Germans themselves and the calculations have been done based on the records the Nazis kept at the KZ's and comparing the number of Jews in Europe before and after WW2. A number of around 6 million is very feasible and has been agreed upon by mostly all -Jewish and non Jewish- historians.

And as far as Demjanjuk is concerned, I know his death penalty was overruled, but there is evidence that he was there and it's either him or Iwan Martsjenko or both of them that oversaw the killings in Treblinka. That's why I want a picture of Iwan Martsjenko.

I don't agree to the death penalty in any case, not even in his case. I think a better way to punish him for what he did is to confront him with what he did every day for the rest of his life through film, audio and the like.

Oh, and Joe, you might not want to visit Germany or Austria. You might end up in jail if you call the Holocaust a Chimaera there.


M-G (is not revengeful)
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
26 Oct 2009 /  #163
but there is evidence that he was there and it's either him or Iwan Martsjenko or both of them that oversaw the killings in Treblinka.

He was there?...There were also many Jewish capos there who facilitated the deaths of non-Jews and Jews...In fact, many so called 'nazis' were at least partially Jewish themselves.

I would love to visit Germany or Austria, and check out the music and cultural scene, and see the many historic cities and structures...I am no 'professional revisionist' so I would have nothing to worry about...I am certain many average Germans would share a few of my political opinions...However, politics bores me, in truth...It is all the same, all over...We can do without politicians, but without the real people, you have nothing.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
26 Oct 2009 /  #164
Franz Stangl, main responsible for the death of about 850.000 ppl at Treblinka, of which 99,5% were Jews and the rest non-Jews. Among them was my family.

Edit: he does look like a monster.

The camp was operated by 20-25 SS overseers (Germans and Austrians) and 80-120 guards. The historic record shows that many Treblinka camp guards were of varied ethnic groups and nationalities not only Germans (Volksdeutscher), but also a number of Russians, Ukrainians, Tatars, Moldovans, Latvians, representatives of Soviet Central Asia, including a number of collaborating Soviet prisoners of war (POWs). Among them in Treblinka served former Red Army soldiers Ivan Marchenko and Nikolay Shaleyev.

I want a picture of Iwan Martsjenko.

Edit2: Found him, this is Iwan the Terrible, accomplice of Iwan Demjanjuk:

Iwan Martsjenko


M-G (just to put it in perspective)
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
27 Oct 2009 /  #165
Maregea why are you spamming this thread? No one gives a crap about Demjanuk, this post is about Jews being racist towards Poles when they come to Poland, whats the connection between Jewish racist behavior and Demjanuk?
derek trotter  10 | 202  
27 Oct 2009 /  #166
Until we describe or find out what kind of young Jews made rasist remarks or left mess in hotels, the thread is pointless. Jews are not one strong tied up group, but they have orthodox, reformists and others denominations or can be nonbelievers so can behave differently.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
27 Oct 2009 /  #167
Until we describe or find out what kind of young Jews made rasist remarks or left mess in hotels, the thread is pointless.

Why is it our duty to describe or find out? We are the Poles, this is Poland, Jews coming here are our guests, the entire weight of sorting this out lies with them, we should simply use the most severe legal penalties untill they admit there is a problem and get around fixing it.

Jews are not one strong tied up group, but they have orthodox, reformists and others denominations or can be nonbelievers so can behave differently.

Does not matter, Jewish kids who come here are racist, the problem is massive in its scope and any fact finding needs to be taken care of by Israel, we only need to ensure effective punishment in Poland untill Israel reacts.
derek trotter  10 | 202  
27 Oct 2009 /  #168
Sokrates, here is a clue: haaretz.com/hasen/pages/rosnerBlog.jhtml?itemNo=901587
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
27 Oct 2009 /  #169
Sokrates, here is a clue

Whats the point of your post? Are you another Maregea? I dont care what kind of a Jew commits a felony and i dont think we need to care as a nation, we simply need to incarcerate Jews who commit crimes and vandalism here in Poland and do not allow them to return to Israel.

From the point of view of us Poles it does not matter what kind of the Jews do that or why, if they commit a crime in Poland they need to be sent to prison, here in Poland, any and every research needs to be done by Israel not Poland so go preach your links on an Israeli forum.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
27 Oct 2009 /  #170
No one gives a crap about Demjan

Nobody gives a cr*p about your views as well.

Jewish kids who come here are racist, the problem is massive in its scope

Ahwww, just because it happened a few times that the poor Poles received some racist remarks from a couple of Jewish kids that couldn't behave badly? So sad. Indeed a massive issue, but what goes around, comes around and I can't hardly count the number of Poles that I know who made racsist remarks about other foreigners AND the Irish here in Dubs. But I guess with one racist remark towards a Pole the whole Polish nation is on its hind legs while racist remarks by Poles themselves are completely understandable given the harsh past they had. How ironic.

Are you another Maregea?

It could be worse, he could be another you. But he's not, he's a good kid. And you should heed your own advice: go preach on the Stormfront forum. Or perhaps you're already there.


M-G (see, one can attack somebody else without using foul language - hey, there's a lesson to be learned for you)
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
27 Oct 2009 /  #171
Ahwww, just because it happened a few times that the poor Poles received some racist remarks

Were beaten, handcuffed and had property destroyed.

Indeed a massive issue

Given that hotels refuse to accept Jewish trips because the losses of property are so high yes it is a massive issue and it only begins there.

but what goes around, comes around

So you're saying that Poles deserve racist treatment from Jews, care to elaborate?

But I guess with one racist remark towards a Pole the whole Polish nation is on its hind legs while racist remarks by Poles themselves are completely understandable given the harsh past they had. How ironic.

Jews went long past racist remarks, physical assaults on elderly, robberies and destruction of property are the norm.

see, one can attack somebody else without using foul language

You didnt attack me you idiot you just made a fool out of yourself yet again.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
27 Oct 2009 /  #172
So you're saying that Poles deserve racist treatment from Jews

You get what you deserve, if you make racist remarks all the time, you shouldn't be surprised and upset if somebody else starts making those same remarks towards you yourself. But I think that is too hard to understand for your limited brain anyway. After all, you're a man of limited capabilities and qualities, so it doesn't surprise me that you don't have a clue.

Jews went long past racist remarks, physical assaults on elderly, robberies and destruction of property are the norm

Grow up. If it were such a big problem, why isn't this internationally known? If I were to reason like you do, I would count those groups of drunken Poles roaming the streets in Dublin, screaming abuse in their own language (which is worse as it is also cowardly) as representative for the entire Polish ppl. But I don't and why is that? Because I am smart enough to know that these are just exceptions to the general rule. Just like those kids. And maybe it's all just overstated anyway. And about the escort of Israeli security officers for those kids: well, that is understandable, given the number of bombing- or terrorist-attacks on Israeli kids over the past 25 years. If Polish kids were bombed or attacked as frequently as Israeli kids have, the PL government would send security agents too when they went on a trip abroad. You never know if there will be some depraved Palestinian trying to kill them. And we all love our kids, you know.

You didnt attack me you idiot you just made a fool out of yourself yet again.

I don't even want to count the number of times you made a fool out yourself and look like a racist moron.


M-G (tiens)
yehudi  1 | 433  
27 Oct 2009 /  #174
Wow! My daughter went on a trip to Poland with her israeli school class. I thought they were just visiting places of interest to Jewish history and going to see the camps. I didn't realize they cut a swath of destruction across the holy soil. Apparently they outdid the Tartars. I'm surprised Sokrates is left to bear witness.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
27 Oct 2009 /  #175
A number of around 6 million is very feasible and has been agreed upon by mostly all -Jewish and non Jewish- historians.

That number is completely bogus and all historians realize that - including Jewish ones. It's just that nobody wants to talk about it in public because some Jewish organizations would viciously destroy any person discussing facts. It is also illegal to debate history in some countries where freedom of speech is nonexistent (Germany, France). Parts, some important, of so called holocaust are a myth that has little to nothing to do with facts.

Yes, Jews were murdered, and so were others. It's just that we simply do not know how many Jews were killed during WW2, and we may never find out because (as mentioned earlier) the study of history is illegal in some countries.

In 1970's and most of the 1980's we were fed the propaganda that there were 6 million Jews killed during WW2. That number included just a little over 4 million Jews who were allegedly killed in Auschwitz alone. Then, when the USSR released their WW documents it turned out that the total number of deaths in Auschwitz was about 1.1 million. That's about 3 million less that they had lied about before, and yet the total of 6 million is still used in propaganda materials aka TV, radio and newspapers. Where are the missing 3 million dead Jews?
TheOther  6 | 3596  
27 Oct 2009 /  #176
where freedom of speech is nonexistent (Germany, France)

Where did you get that BS from? The "Canadian Redneck News"?
z_darius  14 | 3960  
27 Oct 2009 /  #177
Nah, from those persecuted for speaking freely.
In Germany they still do what Hitler did - they burn books inconvenient for official policies.

How's that for freedom of speech?
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
27 Oct 2009 /  #178

Are you now starting too, Darius? 6 million is based on the number of Jews before WW2 and that of after it. It's based on the bookkeeping skills of the Nazis, and they were pretty good. The estimated number of deaths at Auschwitz is app. 1,2 million during its existence, whereas Treblinka produced about 850K victims, of which 99,5 % were Jewish. I agree that 6 million as an absolute figure probably is not correct, but it's not really far besides the true number, this could be a little more, this could be a little less. It was not invented as propaganda, but to make it more comprehensable for the masses. A figure of 6 mln is easier to comprehend and remembered than 5.969.742 or 6.189.163. Capiche? The true number will never be known of all casualties, but let's not think about that. It will produce only more horrors and obsolete hatred, for which there is no place in this world anymore.



M-G (Darius a bit grumpy today?)
TheOther  6 | 3596  
27 Oct 2009 /  #179
How's that for freedom of speech?

Are you serious? You base your assumption on the convinction of an ultra right wing Holocaust denier? He broke German law and got sentenced, so what? Germar Rudolf is a neo-nazi nutter who is whinging on his homepage how bad the world has treated him.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
27 Oct 2009 /  #180
Holocaust denier? He broke German law and got sentenced, so what?

So that means there is no freedom of speech in Germany.

The true number will never be known of all casualties, but let's not think about that. It will produce only more horrors and obsolete hatred, for which there is no place in this world anymore.

Study of history to bring hatred? Of whom?
There is no place for the study of history in this world?

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