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Sokrates  8 | 3335  
8 Nov 2009 /  #391
You obviously havent been abroad, sanctimonous pieces of sh*t like Yehudi created a whole business called Holocaust.inc today its only Jews and some slavs who were killed (without capital S).

Jews deserve Palestinian land, Polish money and worlds pity, Jews deserve to wear their religious symbols while Poles deserve a Polonophobic pamphlet, and then this f*cking hypocrite comes here and tells us that its OK for them to wave their flags in defiance in Poland.
szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
8 Nov 2009 /  #392
Thats the sort of attitude that leads to Israel bombing kids in Gaza and getting away with it.
Criticise this and you are anti semite.
yehudi  1 | 433  
8 Nov 2009 /  #393
Any other groups feel the need to drape themselves in a flag or just the Israelis ?

Any other groups killed there just for being born?
szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
8 Nov 2009 /  #394
You are saying that only Jews died in Oswiecim ?
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
8 Nov 2009 /  #395
So Israel has a monopoly on the suffering that happened in Oswiecim ?

No, but they were by far the biggest group to suffer in Auschwitz. And you know that very well, Scotch.

Any other groups feel the need to drape themselves in a flag or just the Israelis ?

Well, if an attempt is made to wipe a ppl off the face of the Earth completely, it tends to make the survivors a bit more proud than the rest, eh? Here in Dublin I see youths carry the Polish flag around as well and since they suffered too during WW2, they are just as proud of their nation as the Israelis are. I don't blame them, as long as they don't blame the Israelis for doing so. Because this discussion is focused on the pride of the Israelis yet all the Poles, no exception (true!), are getting extremely proud of their country and just like the Israelis, they get obnoxious if you make harmless jokes about it. In fact, the few Israeli kids that work in my teams are less proud of Israel and criticize it more than any of the Polish kids that work in my teams. Maybe it's just because they are abroad.

Let's face it: Jews suffered during WW2 and so did the Poles. They both are a proud ppl. Gypsies suffered tremendously as well during WW2. They are a proud ppl too. If you survive horrors like that, you will be proud, no matter what.

Thats the sort of attitude that leads to Israel bombing kids in Gaza and getting away with it.
Criticise this and you are anti semite.

For me personally, I don't condone at all what Israël is doing to the Palestinians. But let's not forget that Israël does this in retalliation for the so many suicide bombers in busstations, schools, market places and so on. Let's no forget that.

You obviously havent been abroad, sanctimonous pieces of sh*t like Yehudi created a whole business called Holocaust.inc today its only Jews and some slavs who were killed (without capital S).

Nobody has denied the suffering of Slavs. Nobody. But I just saw a British documentary called "Auschwitz, the Nazis and the final solution" and there it stated that a combination of Allied, German, Russian and Polish sources stated that of the 1.1 million ppl killed there, 1 million were Jews, the remaining victims were divided among: Gypsies, Polish political prisoners, German political opponents, Homosexuals and other "unfit" individuals. According to the combined archives 21.000 Poles perished there, 23.000 Gypsies and 64.000 others.

Just to put it in perspective. But I take it that pieces of filth like you never will admit this as it doesn't suit your needs, doesn't it?

You are saying that only Jews died in Oswiecim ?

Nope, but they were by far the biggest group: 1 million against a couple of tenthousand of each other group. See the numbers above. Quite a bit more, don't you think?


M-G (tiens)
time means  5 | 1309  
8 Nov 2009 /  #396
suicide bombers in busstations, schools, market places and so on. Let's no forget that.

Yes but they always do MG, very conveneint you see.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
8 Nov 2009 /  #397
time means

Like I said, I don't condone the Israeli policy towards the Palestinians. But I also don't condone those bombing attacks. And I don't condone Hamas as well. I would like to see peace there. Very simple.


M-G (tiens)
szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
8 Nov 2009 /  #398
Good Afternoon M-G,

biggest group to suffer in Auschwitz.

Indeed, but yehudi suggests that they were the only ones who did

Any other groups killed there just for being born?

, when he is aware that there were other groups.

This is the point of my posts in this thread.
There were many groups who died in the Holocaust and the Israelis actions suggests they are trying to claim this event as their own.

Yehudis posts evidence this.

As for Irgun supporting the Nazis ? I just throw this into any Zionist thread as it gets them going or they ignore it as they have no answer to it.

Tien, tien.
yehudi  1 | 433  
8 Nov 2009 /  #399
As for Irgun supporting the Nazis ? I just throw this into any Zionist thread as it gets them going

It's just not true. What you are referring to is Lehi (aka "Stern gang" by the british) who had some of it's people trying to make a deal with the nazis, who looked at that point like they might win the war, to work against Britain who they saw as preventing the only hope for the Jews - a safe haven in palestine. It was a stupid, immoral idea and it wasn't carried out. And that group was in no way representative of the overall Zionist movement. They were outcasts in pre-independence jewish palestine. Some of their people later became prominent politicians, after they became considerably more moderate.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
8 Nov 2009 /  #400

Well spoken, my man. I couldn't have said it better myself. You wiped the floor in just a few lines. I am truly proud of you :)

LOL ! A compilation of all Polonophobic Jew related stuff. Not surprising that you are proud of him, actually I wouldn'r be surprised If that was written by you.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
8 Nov 2009 /  #401

Good afternoon to you too :)

I knew you didn't mean it that way. The truth is never black or white. The truth is nearly always grey...I'm off to watch a movie now. Later on I will have a look what has been posted any further in this and other threads. Enjoy your afternoon, Scotch ;)

A compilation of all Polonophobic Jew related stuff

Tell me just one thing, Greg. Why is everything that may not be so flattering for PL always being called Polonophobic or anti-Polish? If you perceive it that way, how on Earth can you blame the Israeli for doing the same?

If you would say good things, I would be proud of you too. But so far the counter has been stuck on a very low number. You can do better than that.


M-G (movie)
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
8 Nov 2009 /  #402
Tell me just one thing, Greg. Why is everything that may not be so flattering for PL always being called Polonophobic or anti-Polish?

Not everything but things we mention in this thread, because its clear Jews are racist, they have no reasonable basis for such slander of Poles and Poland other then racism.
vetala  - | 381  
8 Nov 2009 /  #403
Sokrates, you have no right to call anyone a racist. Yehudi is the most patient and tolerant person I've ever met and MareGaea is close to that. The only Jewish members here are rational thinking, pretty open-minded people who simply want to put a stop to the never-ending Jew-bashing that takes place on this forum every single day. They don't start hundreds of threads about 'those evil antisemitic Poles'. They don't bring out hundreds of quotes about every single Pole who had ever done or said anything bad about Jews. They don't generalize or claim that 'Poles are this, Poles do that, how typical of a Pole'.

Who does things like that?
You do. Harry does, joe pilsudski too. And neither of you three is really Polish (as in - ethnic Pole born and raised in Poland) or Jewish. So please, cut the crap.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
8 Nov 2009 /  #405

Second that, Vetala, and thanks as well.


M-G (tiens)
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
8 Nov 2009 /  #406
Sokrates, you have no right to call anyone a racist.

Yes i do, if someone defends racist people and policies he's symphatetic to them, Yehudi does therefore he's also a racist.

Yehudi is the most patient and tolerant person I've ever met and MareGaea is close to that.

Yehudi actively supports theft and murder of Palestinians and Maregea openly says Poles deserve to be mistreated, you're basically saying that because they support immoral and unethical POVs with twisted arguments that you agree with.

And neither of you three is really Polish

Od mojej Polskości to ty się bęcwale odstosunkuj.

My family was started in Poland, i was born in Poland as were my grandfathers all the way to 1463 when they first came here, so how about you suck my very Polish keyboard.

who simply want to put a stop to the never-ending Jew

No one is bashing Jews, people are posting links with facts about how extremely racist Jews are towards Poland, either adress these points or not but dont call defence against Jewish Polonophobia bashing, its not.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
8 Nov 2009 /  #407
how on Earth can you blame the Israeli for doing the same?

I learn from the best.

Yehudi is the most patient and tolerant person I've ever met and MareGaea is close to that.

Yehudi is OK, MareGaea is a gay.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
8 Nov 2009 /  #408
all the way to 1463

So you're not truly a Pole then. Where did they live before 1463?

MareGaea is a gay

Sure Greg, if you say so. At least I am more tolerant than you are.


M-G (just following the general line of reasoning here)
vetala  - | 381  
8 Nov 2009 /  #409
Oh, I see you're no longer Greek, Sokrates. My apologies.

I was refering to your overall statements on this forum. In practically every single one of your comments you attack Jews somehow - not just individuals but the whole nation - using very strong, openly hostile language. I could understand this sort of statements directed at Harry, who is unfair and hostile himself, but neither MareGaea nor Yehudi are this aggressive. In fact, their arguments are most of the time only defensive. They may be wrong sometimes or say something stupid in anger but in such a situation the proper response is to simply correct them, not attack them. Just compare their comments with pilsudski's. But if you tolerate joe pilsudski and at the same time expect Yehudi and MG to be perfect in every way and blame all their faults on their Jewishness then there is no other word for this but antisemitism.
Ironside  50 | 12916  
8 Nov 2009 /  #410
racist Jews

Is it surprise to you ?
Jews are racists because only Jewish mother make one hundred percent Jew.

I-S (no big deal)

Well, seems I was right that a lot of PF members take you for fascist:)
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
8 Nov 2009 /  #411
So you're not truly a Pole then. Where did they live before 1463?

If i'm not a Pole you're not a fag but since i am a Pole ... :)

Where did they live before 1463?

I dont know where they lived, i know where a guy who is the founder of my family lived, he was a peasant farmer from somewhere in eastern France and he was probably a German, if for you someone who's ancestor was German ~40 generations ago aint Polish thats pretty fvcked up, of course that might be you trying to act more of a faggot then usual.

Well, seems I was right that a lot of PF members take you for fascist:)

If its people like Vetala or MG they can take me for Tinkerbell the fairy, and we're still not taking Lwów back so there :)

In practically every single one of your comments you attack Jews somehow

Because i dont like them and i dont like them because they act like sh*t, because they built their countries on the homes of others and because they treat Poland like toilet paper.

I on the other hand love Poland, i know history of my country to know our neighbours made us into Palestine for 100+ years so i'm against Jewish beliefs, Jewish way of life and Jewish state, most of them including Yehudi are immoral unethical pieces of religiously fascist flesh.

They may be wrong sometimes or say something stupid in anger but in such a situation the proper response is to simply correct them,

I have nothing against anger, i can suffer stupidity, but if Yehudi comes here with a straight face and lies about why they carry flags in Poland or about how Israel harbors no ill filling towards Poland when Israel issues such hateful documents about Poland i do mind.

I also mind when Maregea comes here ignores every relevant point made about Jewish behavior then lies, insults Poland and outright claims that we Poles deserve Jewish racism.

And finally i mind you, an idiot without an opinion who comes and supports someones views simply because its politically correct, you didnt even read the thread, you didnt even read the arguments but being a specimen of mindless cattle you immidiately jumped on a bandwagon.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
8 Nov 2009 /  #412
I dont know where they lived, i know where a guy who is the founder of my family lived, he was a peasant farmer from somewhere in eastern France and he was probably a German, if for you someone who's ancestor was German ~40 generations ago aint Polish thats pretty fvcked up

I'm just following your own reasoning: my family has lived for nearly 500 years in NL, therefore it's a Dutch family. But according to you they are still Jews. So, following your reasoning, you're half French, half German.

they built their countries on the homes of others

That is not even true...

i can suffer stupidity

Doesn't surprise me, you suffer your own stupidity every bleeding day.

I also mind when Maregea comes here ignores every relevant point made about Jewish behavior then lies, insults Poland and outright claims that we Poles deserve Jewish racism.

I was here before you, so that takes care of that. Every relevant point? Relevant points that only anti-semites see, neutral sources are completely being cut off by yourself as lies. You know, not many ppl here like you because you have no manners whatsoever, you're racist and generally are a disgrace for the good-willing Polish ppl. Ahwww, did I insult Poland? Don't start crying now, you little sissy; you have insulted just about everything and everybody else, so don't expect any sympathy. Pls exclude yourself from the Polish ppl, because the vast majority are good and honest ppl, it's nasty exceptions like you that give the Poles a bad name. But I don't hate Poland nor do I hate the Poles. I only deeply dislike you as you're the kind of person we don't want anymore in the 21st century.


M-G (tiens)
szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
8 Nov 2009 /  #413
Lehi (aka "Stern gang" by the british) who had some of it's people trying to make a deal with the nazis,

The split within the Irgun happened in July 1940. By that time the Irgun were already planning to collaborate with Hitlers ally Mussolini against the Allies.

Who is considered the "official" Irgun at this time is immiterial - the fact is that a significant amount of Zionists were willing to collaborate with the Nazis.
vetala  - | 381  
8 Nov 2009 /  #414
or about how Israel harbors no ill filling towards Poland

Israel harbors no ill feelings towards Poland just as Poland harbors no ill feelings towards Israel. There are sad incidents and stupid statements from both sides but generally the countries are neutral towards each other. Some of the articles in official press, as well as comments attached to them do make me bitter (and a LOT) but here, on this forum, I have to side with those whose arguments aren't reduced to 'you will die, you and your family'.

And I read the comments on this thread. I'm just itching to correct Ben's idiotic rambligs about the supposed 'common' use of the word 'Żydki' which I have never before encountered, or MareGaea's statement about the number of Polish victims in Auchwitz (which is closer to 150 000 and that is HUGE number for a single place - there were wars where countries lost less people in total)

But then I see YOU calling others racist and I couldn't ignore that.

And by the way - Both Irgun and Lehi recieved support from Poland.
szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
8 Nov 2009 /  #415
Lehi recieved support from Poland.

And what was Poland going to gain through Irgun and Lehis collaboration with the Nazis ?
vetala  - | 381  
8 Nov 2009 /  #416
Who knows? I'm just stating a fact.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
8 Nov 2009 /  #417
MareGaea's statement about the number of Polish victims in Auchwitz

I gave the numbers as they were shown in the documentary I watched and they claim it's from all pssbl sources taken. That's all. It was just the next one in a line of educated guesses, like this one:

In 1983, French scholar George Wellers was one of the first to use German data on deportations to estimate the number killed at Auschwitz, arriving at 1.613 million dead, including 1.44 million Jews and 146,000 Catholic Poles.[44] A larger study started later by Franciszek Piper used timetables of train arrivals combined with deportation records to calculate 960,000 Jewish deaths and 140,000-150,000 ethnic Polish victims, along with 23,000 Roma and Sinti (Gypsies).[45] This number has met with "significant, though not complete" agreement among scholars.[46]

In general it's not pssbl to exactly state how many ppl died at Auschwitz, because the Nazis destroyed part of their bookkeeping. However, the number of Jews perished there can safely established at a million, while indeed the number of Poles is higher at 150.000, but the documentary mentions explicitely 21.000 Polish political prisoners, not the average Piotr. I do agree that it's a lot ppl for one place, but then again, Auschwitz was unique in so many ways :(

Edit: I still remember Joepilsudski's statement that the most probable number of Jewish deaths in Auschwitz lay around 47.000. But we all know that Joe is a bit confused.:)


M-G (tiens)
1jola  14 | 1875  
9 Nov 2009 /  #418
So you're not truly a Pole then. Where did they live before 1463?

Sokrates' roots go way back. Before they moved to friendly Poland from unfriendly Spain, they were merchants in the Levant. A fascinating story.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
9 Nov 2009 /  #419

Oh, it's comedy time? You did get the point? I was following his own reasoning.


M-G (tiens)
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
9 Nov 2009 /  #420
Sokrates, no need to do the "fag" stuff. You have shown yourself to be knowledgeable in a variety of ways (not about women though). Your vast library of information is adequate, stop with knocking people because of their sexual inclinations; whether true or not.

Hetersexually yours,
your idol, Zimmy

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