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iPhone to be Released Officially in Poland?

PeterCpt  2 | 37  
8 Mar 2008 /  #1
As one o the most credible polish newspapers Rzeczpospolita (eng. The Republic) reported recently that there is a chance for official launch of the iPhone in Poland.


Era/T-Mobile think so. Now all you geeks :) will be able to get an official iPhone :).
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
8 Mar 2008 /  #2
Now all you geeks :) will be able to get an official iPhone :).

Too late. We already have Prada in this house.
8 Mar 2008 /  #3
Too late.

too late indeed i have a Sidekick Slide
OP PeterCpt  2 | 37  
8 Mar 2008 /  #4
I'm sure many people will go for it. Its the rage around the world after all.
Moonlighting  32 | 234  
9 Mar 2008 /  #5
What's the market share of Apple computers in Poland ?

I compared the prices while visiting Kraków in February. At the Galeria Krakowska, there is an Apple retailer and a Saturn shop which also sells them. They seem to be sold at the same price as over here. Who can afford it ?

I'm a great admirer and user of their computers but have no interest in getting an iPhone.
OP PeterCpt  2 | 37  
9 Mar 2008 /  #6
I have a Mac Pro. Apple machines are just so superior to PC's. It's mostly due to the Operating System which Apple won't open up to avoid getting into competition with Microsoft. I think the new MacOSX Leopard comes with POLISH support, which is good.

Is Itunes store operational in PL though?

I think things like PayPal acceptance of Poland, iPhone official support in Poland
and possibly iTMS in the future are all positive signs of acceptance of Poland into
the international family - which IMHO is LONG OVERDUE.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
9 Mar 2008 /  #7
I don't think the general population will be enticed by Apple. There are many products on the market that look cool. And that for many people is what it's all about. The iPod is a desired item, but I don't know many people who own one.

The next generation of computers seems to be over sized laptops with 20 inch screens. That's what I'll have by the end of the year. And it won't be Apple.

Apple seem to have an image of being a club of geeks and aficianados. When they learn to shed this image their market share will improve.

They also have a problem with companies like LG, here in Wroclaw, who are churning out cheap computers by the truck load.
Wroclaw Boy  
9 Mar 2008 /  #8
I think most peolple who know something about computers are now aware that the Appla mac systems on the whole are totally superior to any PC system. I recently spent a fair sum on a new Dell machine with a top spec, windows Vista and all that and Im still having issues with all the crap you pull off the net slowing down my machine not to mention spy ware and viruses.

I am due to by a lap top shortly and I can safely say that after everyone who i have spoken to who owns a mac saying how great they are and that they will never own or use another PC again, Im gonna see what all the fuss is about.

With regard to the IPhone this also appears to be a market leading design and I will be picking up one of those babies as well. Only problem is getting a contract phone in Poland, that will be a nightmare im sure.
osiol  55 | 3921  
9 Mar 2008 /  #9
My boss swears by his Mac.
I just swear at my PC.
Dzhaklin  3 | 166  
9 Mar 2008 /  #10
Too late. We already have Prada in this house.

The lg prada is soo much nicer than the i phone. Also don't by the first generation anything from apple. 6 months to a year later they will have redone all the kinks and you are stuck with a semi dysfunctional one. I've learned the hard way.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
9 Mar 2008 /  #11
prada is soo much nicer than the i phone.

I like it too, but unfortunately for me it belongs to my wife.

I've just aquired a Sagem 220x A phone with few extras, but it looks good. LOL
Wroclaw Boy  
9 Mar 2008 /  #12
I recently bought an LG Shine mobile, if the LG Prada is anything similar in the way it functions which i assume it will be then i would be very dissapointed. The phone does look superb but the ball stops there im afraid.
Dzhaklin  3 | 166  
9 Mar 2008 /  #13
I've just aquired a Sagem 220x A phone with few extras, but it looks good. LOL

My friends dad in germany has this new touch nokia N810 and it's super cool. I heard that the technology on it makes the i phone look "5 years old"
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
9 Mar 2008 /  #14
I heard that the technology on it makes the i phone look "5 years old"

I love this new technology and will probably go for a top end phone in the next couple of years. Also, Nokia seem to be going in a slightly different direction with their phones.

In the past I might have believed that iPhone, iPod were the best, but not now.
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
9 Mar 2008 /  #15
Apple and battery technology - a strained relationship. I always wait for the second release of Apple products. Maybe I've been unlucky but hey, thrice bitten many time shy
9 Mar 2008 /  #16
Whether the iphone gets an official launch here depends to a certain extent on the courtcase happening in France and Apple's reaction to that case. Polish law, just like French law, forbids selling an unsubsidised phone which is locked to any network or provider. If Apple legally must sell officially unlocked iphones in any EU market (i.e. those same phones can be used officially unlocked anywhere else in the EU), they may well just pull out of that/those national market(s).

The LG Prada is a nice phone (I bought one for my Partner last July) but it can't compare technologically to the iphone. However, the HTC Touch range kicks the iphone's arse, especially the 3G HTC Touch Cruise!
Mirelle  - | 2  
27 Oct 2008 /  #17
I got an iphone from my Partner - its a very nice phone. and i installed iLog, an application for managing my calls (delete single calls and sms ....)

i found it on: ixtension
29 Oct 2008 /  #18
As Era were offering me one for 1.22zl, I got myself an iPhone. It's a superb phone. Just DO NOT get one from Era. Their customer service is non-existant and they only care about you paying their bills. If you have any problems, they don't give a sh!t. They sold me an iPhone which should have been sold in Germany (because it had T-Mobile settings but no Era settings) and then refused to change the settings. Now I'm having problems connecting to the internet. I can always connect to their website but often can not connect to any other websites. Era claim that it is because the other websites must be having technical problems but I point out that: (i) it is highly unlikely that Google, Yahoo, BBC and CNN will all have technical problems at the same time; and (ii) when I sit at a computer and try to access those same sites at the same time that my iPhone can not, I can connect without any problem. Their answer is that they don't care.
davidpeake  14 | 451  
29 Oct 2008 /  #19
The MDA Vario is a good phone also, does all you need, easy to use. What about the new Google T-Mobile G1 mobile telephone, has anyone got one of these?
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
29 Oct 2008 /  #20
The MDA Vario is a good phone also, does all you need, easy to use.

Sounds like my ideal phone - I hate mine - it's cost me a fortune because it keeps bloody switching the tinernet on when it's in my bag..........grrrrrrrrrrrrr - but in o2's defence they did refunded me over £50 and their customer service is pretty good and they have a 0800 (free) number to ring these days
29 Oct 2008 /  #21
they have a 0800 (free) number to ring these days

Unlike Era. And even worse, if you choose the English-speaking option and there are no operators on duty at that time, you just get a pre-recorded message saying that they can't help you but you still get charged for the call!

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