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Is it true that you can't get 3g connections in poland using an iphone?

deanwysocki 1 | 4  
1 Jul 2009 /  #1
Isnt true that you cant get 3g connections in poland using an iphone? Did the net work immediately or did you have to program some special information?

Has anyone had luck with a blackberry?
svengoola - | 69  
1 Jul 2009 /  #2
Has anyone had luck with a blackberry?

Yeah, smoked it once. Not bad.
Ajb 6 | 232  
2 Jul 2009 /  #3
you can get 3g here, well i can anyhow! i have a iphone but my partner does not and 3g still comes up
frd 7 | 1385  
2 Jul 2009 /  #4
I can get 3g with my hp ipaq in here.. of course not everywhere, I go to the countryside a lot and I usually get edge or worse ..
2 Jul 2009 /  #5
Isnt true that you cant get 3g connections in poland using an iphone

I get 3G where there is a signal (which unfortunately isn't many places, even in central Warsaw half the time my iphone is on Edge).
3 Jul 2009 /  #6
i got an iphone3g and have 3g service almost everywhere on Orange.

Archives - 2005-2009 / Life / Is it true that you can't get 3g connections in poland using an iphone?Archived