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Poland's Growth Fastest in 10 Years

15 Jun 2007 /  #31
for the record I think the place has a big potention to develop all will depends on the poeple of the place . now that the place is free of the invaders if the people do the right thing and vote to the right people and stay and bet in the grow of the place then Poland will reach West in stand on living and quality of living and we will the poles in big numbers togheter with the Brits and Ducths and germans and Scadinavians side by side having Holidays in south of Spain . and not only serving then drinks like it is right now

So maybe banana plantation back home

or sugar cane plantation for Ethanol fuel !!!! if you have the knowledge to know what this is !!!!!!!!

back home

wich is by the way 20 times or more stronger economy then Poland

hope you got the point gonna go to bed and Keep the faith .
southern  73 | 7059  
15 Jun 2007 /  #32
for the record I think the place has a big potention to develop all will depends on the poeple of the place . now that the place is free of the invaders if the people do the right thing and vote to the right people and stay and bet in the grow of the place then Poland will reach West in stand on living and quality of living and we will the poles in big numbers togheter with the Brits and Ducths and germans and Scadinavians side by side having Holidays in south of Spains . and not only serving then drinks like it is right now

Poland will develop for sure.If it is not developing more rapidly is due to stagnant european economy.1.8% average growth in Europe,or how much is it?

Poland improves rapidly in comparison to european average.
15 Jun 2007 /  #33
Poland will develop for sure

we all hope so and I think it will but right now still looks bad better then before but 20 years since they are in the game now could had be in better shape like the folks in Prague are .

Poland improves rapidly in comparison to european average

not really the first post said if correct that even Romania is doing better !!!!!
southern  73 | 7059  
15 Jun 2007 /  #34
we all hope so and I think it will but right now still looks bad better then before but 20 years since they are in the game now could had be in better shape like the folks in Prague are .

CR had infrastracture from Austrohungary times that Poland lacks.

not really the first post said if correct that even Romania is doing better !!!!!

There are dynamics in these trends.Some signs matter,some do not matter.

USA has a budget deficit of 700 billion dollars.Does it matter?
If Poland takes big loans,its wages will imrove.Does it matter?You should analyze the trends.To be able to you need knowledge of macroeconomics.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
15 Jun 2007 /  #35
wich is by the way 20 times or more stronger economy then Poland

So name that super power :)

if you have the knowledge to know what this is !!!!!!!!

Ethanol ? Sure I know.

not really the first post said if correct that even Romania is doing better !!!!!

Why "even" Romania ? Besides, did they teach you about %s at school ? If by "doing better" you mean higher GDP growth then Poland is doing much (something like twice) better than America... And Iraq is doing the best in the world...
southern  73 | 7059  
15 Jun 2007 /  #36
d Iraq is doing the best in the world

China is doing the best.Followed by India.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
15 Jun 2007 /  #37
China is doing the best.

Not really. I'm not sure now, but one or two years ago Iraq had 25%GDP growth, of course It's a bit fake, because they are simply regaining what they lost, but still statistically they are better.
Merrick  - | 34  
16 Jun 2007 /  #38
The Polonophobe calling himself 'Michal' alleges: 'The trouble is that a lot of all this money is just coming from the EU.'

- How do you know that the money helping the growth is the EU money?

Give facts.

And if it were true that it's the EU money, why would it be such a trouble that it is coming from the EU?

All other EU members, including the Czech Republic, get money from the EU.

Some of them get much more than Poland does.

Would you also say it's 'the trouble' they get the money from the EU?

re: I have always said that if a country will make it in the West it will be the Czech Republic-

- What do you mean by 'the West'?

Some racial term?

And exactly why have you always said that the Czech Republic will be a country that 'will make it in the West'? Did you get it from the Tarot cards, or by any other future-predicting means?

re: they are miles ahead of Poland and always have been

- And what exactly do you mean by this? Can you explain it in a non-metaphorical plain language?

re:the Poles nicked loads of German land after World War 2

- You mean we stole 'loads of German land' after WWII?

Prove that we did.

re: Szczecin, for instance, is a German city and I see no reason why Poland has laid claim to it.

- What exactly do you mean that 'Szczecin ... is a German city'? Do you mean that Szczecin lies in Germany?

What exactly do you mean by 'Poland has laid claim to it'? Give facts.

We'll see, if you are able to, hateful Polonophobe.

And another good man (allegedly from England) sez: 'i would have thought that a significant amount is coming from overseas workers...'

- Do you mean, among others, that the money stimulating the present Polish economical growth comes from Poles toiling, oops, working in Britain?

If so, how do you know that?

The vast majority of these folks earn so little and the cost of living in Britain is so high that if they send out home any money at all, it's got to be just miserable pennies.

You mean that those miserable pennies stimulate the economical growth in Poland? :)

Maybe you've been reading too much of the Daily Mail and similar compulsive liars?

Grzegorz, I don't care whom folks sleep with, as long as they don't try to force all others to sleep with the same sort of partner.

But there are radical homosexuals whose views are totally fascist. Some of them hate Poland as the alleged Catholic hell for the homos (they derive this view from the media psychopaths).

Is Muchal one of them?
16 Jun 2007 /  #39
knowledge of macroeconomics

you got a point I see where you come from and I agree but still on and off Poland could be doimg better still far very far from good , is better , is improving , but I still think is a long way to go when more then 1 million people move or is a natural disaster or war or soemthing is really really bad !!!!!

CR had infrastracture from Austrohungary times that Poland lacks

like what ?? they also been under Russia rule for long time all the so called infrastracture was long gonne special if you mean the one from the time of the austrohungary imperial times . ex today prague airport compare with today Warsaw airport !!!!!!!! both places Poland and CZ start at almost the same point -plus Poland have lets say advantge of been biger size wise more people and still CZ grow faster since The old regime end almost the same time for the both place CR are doing better CZ has better infrastracture today then Poland more investments the Poland , better pay and they people dont flee in lagers numbers very larges more then 1 million people !!!! so maybe we should be talking why is Poland not at the same level with CR today , and how to cacth up becouse is fact the it could be but is not .
OP peterweg  37 | 2305  
16 Jun 2007 /  #40
Why do people like Zion, who don't understand mathematics or economics, feel they should make their opions felt in an economic discussion?
I always though that if you don't know what you are talking about its best to keep quiet.
16 Jun 2007 /  #41
mathematics or economics

all I talk about is reality punk pure reality no theories ******** just reality

by the way I have a MD in Economics what do you have and you are a CP !!!!!

in love with a Polish girl.

She beautiful. She's sweet. She's 20. and you are how old ??? let me see another loser that can not get any ass from a girl back home and love Poland so much becouse he finely found a girl that is willing to kiss him !!! how old are you punk ?????
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
16 Jun 2007 /  #42
like what ?? they also been under Russia rule for long time

The Czech Republic has never been under Russian rule. For few centries they had been under Austrian/German rule, but lived with them peacefully, with their help were building a modern country, had access to all western achievements, in the same time a large part of Poland was occupied by Russians, who were deporting Poles to Siberia and sharing with us know-how of building donkey trails... Besides Czechs didn't suffer very much during WW2, compare Warsaw and Prague in 1945. Sure It can't be use forever as an excuse, but anyone who says that Czechs have made in recent times much bigger progress than Poles is simply wrong. I doubt that they even made equal progress... Czech Republic is simply historically better developed than Poland, just like Poland is historically better developed than for exampel Albania and no matter how hard Albanians will try, they simply will be poorer at least for the next few decades.
16 Jun 2007 /  #43
The Czech Republic has never been under Russian rule.

really why did Russian send tanks there !!!! to stop something they (russians )did not want to heppen this mean Russia Rule

Russians, who were deporting Poles to Siberia

just as this ex . so Russia try to fcuk the CZ just as they did with the Poles ... so anything from the old days of the Austria Rule was put it off by Hash Russian and I repeat Russia Rule in CZ for as much long as russian rule in PL after the war !!!! so CZ got all it has now as a result of the hard work of it people all gain in the recent years of open economy
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
16 Jun 2007 /  #44
I repeat Russia Rule in CZ for as much long as russian rule in PL after the war !!!!

Communism is not what I was talking about. You better read more about the history of this region.

so CZ got all it has now as a result of the hard work of it people all gain in the recent years of open economy

Go and check GDP per capita of Poland and the Czech Republic in early 90's...

Your thinking that If both countries were under communism for 45 years then they were equally developed is... childish... If you put Japan and Mexico under communism for the next 45 years, in the end they obviosly want be on the same level anyway.
polishmancan  8 | 21  
16 Jun 2007 /  #45
good first fix the economy so people can take away the excuse that "career comes first" and then maybe Poland (along with the rest of the EU) can do something about their 1.5 birth rate so Europe does not become a muslim continent.
OP peterweg  37 | 2305  
16 Jun 2007 /  #46
She beautiful. She's sweet. She's 20. and you are how old ??? let me see another loser that can not get any ass from a girl back home and love Poland so much becouse he finely found a girl that is willing to kiss him !!! how old are you punk ?????

Old enough not to waste time speaking to you little boy.

[quote=zion] by the way I have a MD in Economics


Yet you don't understand how percentages work, never mind the fact that smaller economy's can be more dynamic than bigger ones?
witek  1 | 587  
16 Jun 2007 /  #47
you got a point I see where you come from and I agree but still on and off Poland could be doimg better still far very far from good , is better , is improving , but I still think is a long way to go when more then 1 million people move or is a natural disaster or war or soemthing is really really bad !!!!!

hence there are many opportunties to invest $$$ in Poland
16 Jun 2007 /  #48
that what I said all along CR is doing better the Poland is growing more then Poland and is not becouse Historical reasons bla bla bla is becouse they even if small have better economy !!!!!
southern  73 | 7059  
16 Jun 2007 /  #49
O.K. zion.I will ask you.Do you know what Skoda is?Do you know bohemian crystals?Pilsner Uquell?
When do you think they started to be produced?
Can you name any polish product?
Yes,CR had a far better economy than Poland before the war.Czechs had more cars than Austrians for example.In eastern Poland there was huge poverty.

During communism Poland produced ship,mashines etc that were exported to Soviet Union.After SU collapsed there was nobody to buy second quality products.So unemployment boomed.

Czech products on the other hand were better and had a better name.So it was easier to compete to the market again after some addition of western resources.Czechs had the know-how in communism,they did not have the finance and the means.

As for infrastructure look at the railway network in CR and look at it in Poland.The density of the latter reminds you of sth?When do you think these networks were built?
16 Jun 2007 /  #50
Poland has to stop to blame in the past and make a present !!!! tell me then why 1 milllion left and more and more keeping leaving ???? so CZ had a better start but they dont even have a sea!!!!!!!!!!!! not even a Port ???????????? Poland has it all, sea , lot of land for big mass platations , natural resources , plenty more then CR more work force so if they stop imigrating 1 million or more in the USA 1 million or more in the UK if they stop, stay ,they can make Poland cacth up with CZ and be even better but if cases like many high skills leaving to do low jobs outsite like many cases . then all they will do is blame is the Past blame the germans the russians the invadors , the ocupation and on on on on .
GREG_2  - | 11  
16 Jun 2007 /  #51
so CZhad a better start but they dont even have a sea!!!!!!!!!!!!

southern  73 | 7059  
16 Jun 2007 /  #52
Poland has to stop to blame in the past and make a present !!!! tell me then why 1 milllion left and more and more keeping leaving ???? so CZhad a better start but they dont even have a sea!!!!!!!!!!!! not even a Port ???????????? Poland has it all sea , lot of land for big mass platations , natural resources , plenty more then CR more work force so if they stop imigrating 1 million or more in the USA 1 million or more in the UK if they stop stay they can make Poland cacth up with CZ and be even better but if cases like many high skills leaving to do low jobs outsite like many cases . then all they will do is balme is the Past balme the germans the russians the invadors , the ocupation and on on on on .

Easy to tell.Poland had 20% unemployment rate in 2003 just before the entrance to EU.CR had only 6%.There are regions in Poland like Mazurskie and Pomorskie or Sczescyn where unemployment rate exeeded 30%.These people saw european integration as an opportunity.

CR is far better situated.It is central.They simply rebuilt what worked in austrohungarian times.Exports imports between Austria,CR,Hungary.It still works.They belong to the same Danube zone.They are friends.

Who would help Poland?The Germans?The neighbours from East Germany?
The Germans invested heavily in Prague,they bought Skoda,etc they were not interested in Poland.There are many reasons for that.
16 Jun 2007 /  #53
Do you know what Skoda is?Do you know bohemian crystals?Pilsner Uquell?

I do all great things from CZ made by the poeple of CZ not gave to then by anyone

Maybe too many Poles were geting drunk in Vodka and blaming the past !!!!!I dont know but what I do know is Poland has all to become a great Europe nation is all in the hands of its People . don`think or Poland can do for you think you can do Poland

The Germans invested heavily in Prague,they bought Skoda,etc they were not interested in Poland.There are many reasons for that.

Poland dont need germans UK EIRE they can and are investing here now they need the people to come back or stay here and work here Investement there are plenty all they need is workers and good pay !!
Merrick  - | 34  
17 Jun 2007 /  #54
Zion, you write great things about Poland. It's what I only have started thinking myself, and you've already laid it out. What a smart cookie you are! Who are you, brother? I know you are a Jewish guy. Shalom, brother! You're a better Pole than many who were born in the country. God bless you.

17 Jun 2007 /  #55
Shalom , God bless us all .
most  - | 27  
17 Jun 2007 /  #57
Mmm, I sit on the board of companies in both Czech and Poland and I love both countries, but Zion speaks a lot of truth - the Polish need to look at the present and stop thinking Czech has some head start because it was part of the Hapsburg empire that split up in 1918.

Why is Czech a richer country than Poland now ?

1. It undoubtedly had less problems to fix in 1989.
2. The government is pro business - there is much less bureaucracy and they reformed the banks, legal and accounting systems very early.
3. Hiring someone is 15% cheaper but on minimum wage the worker gets 14% more in their pocket than a Polish worker.
4. The government is not ideal (in fact for most of the last year there wasnt a government) but there is nobody in there who is actually mad like Giertych or Lepper.

5. They fixed the roads, quickly and properly.
6. There is much less bureaucracy
7. It is easier to build something and investments are welcomed not treated with hostility and suspicion. Obviously the German's are the biggest investors but the Czech's take a realistic approach to this.
witek  1 | 587  
17 Jun 2007 /  #58
is easier to build something and investments are welcomed not treated with hostility and suspicion. Obviously the German's are the biggest investors but the Czech's take a realistic approach to this.

Czechs were always pro-German and Austrian

Czech republic ( Bohemia and Moravia) was under Hasburg rule from 1526 until 1918 when the Austro-Hungarian Empire collapsed.

then in 1938 the Czechs let the Germans walk in and take over their country without putting up a fight.
17 Jun 2007 /  #59
Czechs were always pro-German and Austrian

what they are is Pro West pro Investments

then in 1938 the Czechs let the Germans walk

1938 read the other post my friend and stop look back and look up front learn from the czechs the futere is here and now .
TheKruk  3 | 308  
18 Jun 2007 /  #60
You hit some good points, here I observe a government in Poland that seems to do everything to keep Poland backward and behind. The main problem is old Soviet Bureaucracy in a modern world. Kick out all the old unhelpful clerks and start over, and Poland will soar.

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