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What is the future of Catholic church in Poland.

lesser  4 | 1311  
2 Oct 2008 /  #31
But I think people are becoming more free and they are becoming more aware.

What happens when a fool feel to be more and more free?
Switezianka  - | 463  
2 Oct 2008 /  #32
The Catholic schools are accepting Muslims, because many Muslims reject the 'secular' French schools were their girls are persecuted, and cannot wear headscarves...

Funny, I read a similiar story on an Internet forum. An atheist woman in Warsaw sent her child to a Jewish school because she didn't want her child neither to be taught religion nor to be pointed out as 'the ones who doesn't attend religion'.

I think that the power of the church will become weaker and weaker, but very slowly. I can see people are becoming more and more conscious of their choices of faith. First, the generation for whom the church is associated with fighting communism will die. The social pressure to stay in the church will weaken. Then, tolerance will become more widesapread in the society. They will stop accepting what the church claims on homosexuality, contraception, death penalty etc. Finally, church will be just a religious institution and stop being a political power.
jonni  16 | 2475  
2 Oct 2008 /  #33
hey will stop accepting what the church claims on homosexuality, contraception, death penalty etc. Finally, church will be just a religious institution and stop being a political power

This is slowly happening already. At the moment people are healthily cynical about the moral teaching, next, the generation who lived so long with communism will die out, and slowly people will start to question and reject the core mythology of Christianity.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
2 Oct 2008 /  #34
Since you reject God, this is a rhetorical exercise for you...There is no 'core mythology' concerning Jesus Christ...These are words you have learned from the foolish lips of what are called 'intellectuals'...in fact, you know not of what you speak...I don't mean to be harsh with you, but you have already fallen victim to the 'secular mythology'...God is the source of all morals and righteousness...Without God, man is simply a deluded victim of his own pride...Have you not learned this from history?...Man imagines, in his vanity, that he can create a 'utopia'...You have many vain English & French 'philosophers', and spiritually ill 'thinkers' such as Marx, Hegel, Nietzsche who have driven themselves mad and caused sorrow for mankind by these 'imaginings', and by the vain men who follow such crap ...As I said, if man turns his face away from God, all is lost....These are not words you will hear in your public schools, or even universities, nor from the media...Why?...Because God is an inconvient 'mythology' to them, and a belief in God will make them see themselves for who they truly are...And they are too proud for this.
craic_monster  1 | 44  
2 Oct 2008 /  #35
Boruc was slated for being inflammatory £ukasz. Personally, I feel that he had every right to cross himself but the Rangers fans interpreted it differently.

I guess the Rangers/Celtic thing is in a world of its own.

Look at how the Celtic fans responded when Paul Gascgoine did the pretend flute-playing thing years ago.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
2 Oct 2008 /  #36
Since you reject God

First, we need to decide which god is being rejected.

God is the source of all morals and righteousness

Christians rejected Zeus, Perun and others. Does it mean they have no morals?
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11685  
2 Oct 2008 /  #37
As I said, if man turns his face away from God, all is lost....These are not words you will hear in your public schools, or even universities, nor from the media

You are interchanging two things here Joe....you imply GOD is CHRISTIAN!
You imply if people reject CHRISTIANITY they reject GOD...but God(s) come in many forms.
If Christianity wanders into insignificance mankind will survive it (and God too)....
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
2 Oct 2008 /  #38
Christians rejected Zeus, Perun and others. Does it mean they have no morals?

Christians rejected these because they were false gods...But, for the sake of argument, as I am open minded, perhaps you can point me to some Holy Scriptures of Zeus or Perun, and I can read them...or, at least, some prophets of these gods, so I can read their words..Wait...Weren't the Stoics believers in Zeus?
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11685  
2 Oct 2008 /  #39
false gods

Who get's to decide??? :)
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
2 Oct 2008 /  #40
You are interchanging two things here Joe....you imply GOD is CHRISTIAN!
You imply if people reject CHRISTIANITY they reject GOD...but God(s) come in many forms.
If Christianity wanders into insignificance mankind will survive it (and God too)....

No, no...How can God be a Christian?...He is God...Jesus Christ was not a Christian, nor a 'Jew' in His earthly life...Jesus is considered the founder of what is called Christianity...But he never identified Himself with any kind of 'religious ritual' while on earth, except for baptism.

I am for religious tolerance, and I believe that many people have a concept and belief in God...But, as a believer in Christ, I believe that He provides mankind with a bridge to His Father, and presents us with a promise of Eternal Life...There is no such promise from any other 'religion', although other religions do have some concept of a life beyond what we have here...And I do not for a minute believe that Christianity will devolve into insignifigance, because mankind will not survive it.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
2 Oct 2008 /  #41
Christians rejected these because they were false gods

Who says so? Jews?

But, for the sake of argument, as I am open minded, perhaps you can point me to some Holy Scriptures of Zeus or Perun, and I can read them

Those gods were self evident, but apparently to the chose ones only. If you can't see them then you are doomed to eternal suffering.

some prophets of these gods, so I can read their words

So no prophets no god? Interesting.

I thought those words' were supposed to by god's words, like those Muhammad imposed on you.

Weren't the Stoics believers in Zeus?

No, actually Greeks did not have a concept of "belief" in gods in the sense Jews, muslims and you seem to have.

And I do not for a minute believe that Christianity will devolve into insignifigance, because mankind will not survive it.

That's what Egyptians thought for some 5000 years - more than twice as long as christianity has existed so far.
plk123  8 | 4119  
2 Oct 2008 /  #42
Are atheists better than religous people ?



seems a tad shady.

Sep 28, 08, 16:25 Report #2

As for the future of the Catholic church, it is still afforded the opportunity to make its voice heard. Stations like Radio Maria make sure of that. Also, Poles must look inward. Many are not practising Catholics, this comes from their decision. Don't blame this on outside sources so much.

Freedoms haven't been removed.

Just don't play the poor us role too quickly. It's not as bad as u think.


Sometimes atheists or people like you react so sharply on catholics, from the other hand are much more impudent with their personal believes.

not just catholics. anyone with fervor gets noticed.

I can't think of one christian sect without some history of intolerance.

harry chrishnas?

Did you not write that 2 sided statement.

it's not two sided like you seem to see it. he states his belief and then tells you the dark truth about the other. that sure doesn't seem like preaching negativity.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
3 Oct 2008 /  #43
many Muslims will be, in fact, converted, and learn about Christ

From one problem into another.

I say its right that these girls are not let wear veils. I am in favour of modest dressings...i dislike people naked and running around myself. But whats the veil business?

I am in favour of this French move.

I am for religious tolerance, and I believe that many people have a concept and belief in God...But, as a believer in Christ, I believe that He provides mankind with a bridge to His Father, and presents us with a promise of Eternal Life...There is no such promise from any other 'religion', although other religions do have some concept of a life beyond what we have here...And I do not for a minute believe that Christianity will devolve into insignifigance, because mankind will not survive it.

There you go. A sensible human existance in here.

But I believe that the term 'Father' is not only for Jesus to God, but for us too. I read that in the Bible, where Jesus says that no one is our Father, except the Father (God). We are not to say anyone else father....even if he is a Polish man who got a top chair in the Vatican. Due to the... certain reasons.

Jesus didnt come to change Judaism...he came to fulfill it (as He says in the Bible)... and fulfill regions will be! Ever and ever... forever.

But Christianity is not for today.
jonni  16 | 2475  
3 Oct 2008 /  #44
Since you reject

I didn't say that, or mention my own beliefs. Not that one can reject something that has never been proven to exist...

There is no 'core mythology' concerning Jesus Christ...

I didn't say that either. There is however a core mythology of Christianity, including a creation story, a deluge, a pregnant virgin and a dead person coming back to life.

These are words you have learned from the foolish lips of what are called 'intellectuals'...

I made my own mind up.

in fact, you know not of what you speak..


I have a masters in Theology.

I don't mean to be harsh with you, but you have already fallen victim to the 'secular mythology'...God is the source of all morals and righteousness...

Prove to me that such an entity exists

Without God, man is simply a deluded victim of his own pride...Have you not learned this from history?...

What makes you think that history will judge religion well?

Man imagines, in his vanity, that he can create a 'utopia'...You have many vain English & French 'philosophers', and spiritually ill 'thinkers' such as Marx, Hegel, Nietzsche who have driven themselves mad and caused sorrow for mankind by these 'imaginings', and by the vain men who follow such crap ...As I said, if man turns his face away from God, all is lost....

Given the horrors inflicted on the world in the name of religion, wouldn't that be such a bad thing. And how can one turn ones face from something if not even his/her believers can prove his/her existence.

These are not words you will hear in your public schools, or even universities, nor from the media...Why?...Because God is an inconvient 'mythology' to them, and a belief in God will make them see themselves for who they truly are...And they are too proud for this.

Isn't it time more people started thinking for themselves. A transcendental entity would be a great thing to have, and very comforting, but so far unprovable.
OP Lukasz  49 | 1746  
3 Oct 2008 /  #45
They will stop accepting what the church claims on homosexuality, contraception, death penalty etc.

Church is against abortion euthanasia and against death penalty human is human

... you calim to be expert but you don't have basic knowledge.

n atheist woman in Warsaw sent her child to a Jewish school

In Polish schools if you are atheist you can take ethic classes instead of christsian if there is enought kids with different religion they can take classes about their faith.

Ask Jews about their views on euthanasia.


you are not tolerant...

because Catholics are bastion of tolerance in modern europe
Rakky  9 | 217  
3 Oct 2008 /  #46
Finally, church will be just a religious institution and stop being a political power.

Hmmm, probably not. Maybe not directly, but certainly indirectly, as it is in the US. It is amazing how politics and religion, which are supposed to be separate, merge in so many American communities. Sermons around the country urge listeners to reject candidates who endorse a woman's right to choose. This and other litmus tests are all that at least half of Americans use to determine for whom they will vote. Regardless of the failed policies of the republican administrations of recent years, the race for the presidency is deadlocked simply because so many will vote for the candidate who will be more likely to appoint a conservative judge to the Supreme Court, so the chances to overturn Roe v. Wade will improve in future years.

So although the church may appear to be less of a political power, any entity that can exert such strong influence on only half of a country's population will always be a major player in that country's politics.
OP Lukasz  49 | 1746  
3 Oct 2008 /  #47
I don't understand American Christians. What has female right to vote with religion ?
Rakky  9 | 217  
3 Oct 2008 /  #48
What has female right to vote with religion ?

I'm referring to a woman's right to choose whether or not to carry a fetus to birth, not their right to vote. The religious consider abortion a sin, so those who are pro-abortion to be sinners - don't vote for a sinner!
OP Lukasz  49 | 1746  
3 Oct 2008 /  #49
Euthanasia Abortion or Death penalty are in my religion sin. Still I can be good lawer or expert. It is freedom, I am not going to introduce represions against lets say EU Industry expert because of his private pro-abortion or pro-euthanasia or pro-death penalty opinions.

For me it is human:

I have the right for such opinion.
loco polaco  3 | 352  
3 Oct 2008 /  #50
you are not tolerant...

actually i am. :D BUT, intollerant "christian" nutaces i have a problem with.

Euthanasia Abortion or Death penalty are in my religion sin. Still I can be good lawer or expert. It is freedom, I am not going to introduce represions against lets say EU industry expert because of his private pro-abortion or pro-euthanasia or pro-death penalty opinions.

sure, but the danger is that you will let your feelings slip in and do what you say you wouldn't. it happens all the time.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
3 Oct 2008 /  #51
And abortion for rape victims £ukasz?
OP Lukasz  49 | 1746  
3 Oct 2008 /  #52
In europe in most countries euthanasia is illegal = lets make ban in all european administration on people who support euthanaisa. It doesn't matter if they are experts form industry, foreign policy etc. I am tolerant I am against such solution.

From the other hand in most EU countries abortion is legal and people who don't support it have some problems.

Seanus for me unborn child is human. It is the same promlem with sexual abusers who avoid death penalty. Human is human. For some people old penisoner isn't human unborn child isn't human but pedophile is human (death penalty).

For me they are all humans. It is my private opinion.
Rakky  9 | 217  
3 Oct 2008 /  #53
The point I was making is that religion and politics will be inter-connected, making established religions powerful, long after the religion itself becomes less popular. Less than half of the population, endorsing their religious views with their votes, will have a significant affect on an election.
hello  22 | 890  
3 Oct 2008 /  #54
I agree with Lukasz.

And abortion for rape victims £ukasz?

Abortion for rape victims - should be banned, it should be obvious from human point of view. Besides - providing healthcare for mothers who did abortion and later have psychological problems and depression throughout their lives is much more costly for the tax payers than abortion procedure.
Rakky  9 | 217  
3 Oct 2008 /  #55
Can we just get back to the main topic here, please?
loco polaco  3 | 352  
3 Oct 2008 /  #56
In europe in most countries euthanasia is illegal

sure;ly mean it's legal. it's legal in PL.. or at least it happens anyway.

Abortion for rape victims - should be banned, it should be obvious from human point of view. Besides - providing healthcare for mothers who did abortion and later have psychological problems and depression throughout their lives is much more costly for the tax payers than abortion procedure.

should be banned? so you want this victim to be victimised further? that's messed up and that's exactly why there is no room for religious fanatics in any government.

and some will have psychological issues after an abortion but many will not.

Can we just get back to the main topic here, please?

this is on topic. basically what it all means is what i just said above.
dtaylor  9 | 823  
3 Oct 2008 /  #57
Personally, i think the church is dying. Its ways are far out-dated. Many poles say they are catholic, but ive yet to meet one who practices it. The days of religion are numbered in Europe. People don't need someone to tell them how to spend their lives anymore.
lesser  4 | 1311  
3 Oct 2008 /  #58
An atheist woman in Warsaw sent her child to a Jewish school because she didn't want her child neither to be taught religion nor to be pointed out as 'the ones who doesn't attend religion'.

Some people are so short-sighted, they prevent their kids to learn about Catholicism which is important part of Polish culture.

This is slowly happening already. At the moment people are healthily cynical about the moral teaching, next, the generation who lived so long with communism will die out, and slowly people will start to question and reject the core mythology of Christianity.

Leftist-controlled mainstream media doing much in this direction. They permanently with satisfaction publish church attendance which is supposed to decrease slowly. People love to be considered 'trendy', they are easy to manipulate and here even evolution wont help. When majority will reject Christian morality, TV stupidities will be imposed instead. If you consider that intellectual level represented by TV channels decreasing about proportionally to technological progress then one doesn't need to be a genius to predict pathetic and fully deserved collapse of such civilization. Bunch of fools lead either by fools or people who care only about their particular short-sighted interest simply cannot succeed.

First, we need to decide which god is being rejected.

No, firstly one need to decide whether he/she believe in God at all. Later figure out or chose some imagine of God. Second is a logical consequence of the first.


Are atheists better than religous people ?


What a nonsense, believer or an atheist, such self-declaration don't tell you much. I'm surprised that you did not figure out this yet, do you live in the desert?

I say its right that these girls are not let wear veils. I am in favour of modest dressings...i dislike people naked and running around myself. But whats the veil business?

I am in favour of this French move.

You are against personal freedom. I fully respect the right of private school to dictate dressing to students. However public schools this is something different, this is not up to politicians to tell people how they should dress!

even if he is a Polish man who got a top chair in the Vatican. Due to the... certain reasons.

What reasons?

I have a masters in Theology.

Just few days ago, I discussed with a Pole who claimed that he studied international affairs. He did not know basic facts about Ukraine...

What makes you think that history will judge religion well?

Who is 'history'? and why his/her opinion is so important?

Church is against abortion euthanasia and against death penalty human is human

... you calim to be expert but you don't have basic knowledge.

This is typical opponent of the CC.

Regardless of the failed policies of the republican administrations of recent years, the race for the presidency is deadlocked simply because so many will vote for the candidate who will be more likely to appoint a conservative judge to the Supreme Court, so the chances to overturn Roe v. Wade will improve in future years.

Perhaps the Republican Party is not the best choice to accomplish this goal, however at least intention is good. If you are so worried then support this cause as well and then those hated Republican wont gather any undeserved support.
dtaylor  9 | 823  
3 Oct 2008 /  #59
Some people are so short-sighted, they prevent their kids to learn about Catholicism which is important part of Polish culture.

I actually think "Polish Culture" is an important part of Poland.

You show a good example of how Poles hate other Religions, but yet, you're country was built on tolerance? I dont get it?
lesser  4 | 1311  
3 Oct 2008 /  #60
You show a good example of how Poles hate other Religions, but yet, you're country was built on tolerance? I dont get it?

I don' hate other religions, actually I support pan-religious political platform to counter destructive leftism.

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