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Poland boycotts German goods?

shopgirl  6 | 928  
12 Sep 2008 /  #181
shopgirl, You would not like Your tricks uncovered, wouldn't You?

Yes I would. I'm feeling pretty brave today. Go ahead and expose me. I can't wait to see what I've been up to!

*rubs hands together in anticipation*
McCoy  27 | 1268  
12 Sep 2008 /  #182
don't you have your own anti-ss-satanic forums in germany? get the hell out from PF germs.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
12 Sep 2008 /  #183
I can't wait to see what I've been up to!

Me too...*rubs hands also*


Some popcorn as we wait Shopski?
Sobottka  2 | 106  
12 Sep 2008 /  #184
Oh, they have only not been good enough for being successful. My publishing of the case of Rüdiger Jung and sending informations about that and about other things to foreign ambassadors are a few of the reasons for not sitting in Psychiatrie this time.
ski  7 | 140  
12 Sep 2008 /  #185
Bratwurs don't you have pagan-racist-nationalist forums in Germany ?

Now we are going to see how they try to make fun from this situation. But First sobottka quotation is 100% TRUE !
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
12 Sep 2008 /  #186
Really Sobbi...you running around in many foren in the Net screaming so loud as you do if the people want to listen or not...don't you really think the evil SS-Satanists would had you for breakfast already by now???

Where is your logic?

Bratwurs don't you have pagan-racist-nationalist forums in Germany ?

I thought a Jew would be more cautious to have prejudices against other peoples beliefs....

"Jews killed christ and eat christian babies and drink their blood,"

ya know?

Better concentrate on my arguments!
Oh and don't forget to quote them when you want to have a good discussion and not invent them as you like! Bad nettiquette!!!
shopgirl  6 | 928  
12 Sep 2008 /  #187
Some popcorn as we wait Shopski?

I'd rather have some sausage and kraut, sweetie. Popcorn gets stuck in my teeth :)
So BB, what shall we "take over" next? I think the global banking system needs some tweaking. You in?
Sobottka  2 | 106  
12 Sep 2008 /  #188
They have given their best to make me silent, but it has not been enough up to now. I do not stand alone, the best people of Germany and even some of the best people of other countries are standing very closely at my side.

They do really love me!!!!

Because I write words like the following, for instance:

No German Power outside Germany, asides the Power of true friendship and true love!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
12 Sep 2008 /  #189
They have given their best to make me silent, but it has not been enough up top now. I do not stand alone, the best people of Germany and even some of the best people of other countries are standinf very closely at my side.

He...how many? Can I count them on one hand or do I need two? :)

No German Power outside Germany, asides the power of true friendship and true love!

Agreed! :)

So BB, what shall we "take over" next? I think the global banking system needs some tweaking. You in?

I'm always broke...yup...sounds like a good idea...let's go! :)
shopgirl  6 | 928  
12 Sep 2008 /  #190
I'm always broke...yup...sounds like a good idea...let's go! :)

well, I think first we need to look at who is in control of the banks....trace it all down to the elite, and then infiltrate the ranks with SS in every financial captital in the world. Once that infrastructure is in place we can siphon off funds and create our new bank. I think the capital currency should be in Euros, don't you?

Then, once we have our new bank stuffed full of embezzled cash, we should make loans to the old banks, then call them in early and crash the system.....

When we are the only ones (banks) left, we will rule the world....starting with the EU!

But we need to do this slowly...imperceptibly and over time, so no one will ever notice!

Muwha ha ha ha ha ah!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
12 Sep 2008 /  #191
We don't need to infiltrate...WE ARE the evil SS-Satanists, remember? We just tell them what to do and whoops we are rich! :)
Hueg  - | 319  
12 Sep 2008 /  #192
We just tell them what to do

Could anyone ask them to SS-Stop calling us SS-Satanists its SS-Sending MM-My mind off towards thoughts of Nurse GG-Gladys and i'm going to get something CC-Caught in the til at this rate. :)
Sobottka  2 | 106  
12 Sep 2008 /  #193
Bratwurst Boy, Your background-people should substitute You by a more intelligent person. This thread is set under Google using SOBOTTKA POLISH FORUM on top and people of at least 15 countries are reading what You are writing. And they see with their own eyes that You have only two aims: To traverse the existence of SS-Satanists and criminal acting of German State and German concerns and, on the other side, to defame me. They can count one and one to two.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
12 Sep 2008 /  #194
To traverse the existence of SS-Satanists and criminal action of German State and German concerns and, on the other side, trying to defame me. They can count one and one to two.

Oh I hope sso....and I'm ssure they can! :)

Could anyone ask them to SS-Stop calling us SS-Satanists its SS-Sending MM-My mind off towards thoughts of Nurse GG-Gladys and i'm going to get something CC-Caught in the til at this rate. :)

Have fun! :)
shopgirl  6 | 928  
12 Sep 2008 /  #195
We don't need to infiltrate...WE ARE the evil SS-Satanists, remember? We just tell them what to do and whoops we are rich! :)

Oh yeah! Duh!
*slaps hand against forehead*

Guess I better get in the kitchen then and start working on a big spell!
I'll make up a list of items needed and call the coven in. Can you check and see if Wewelsburg Castle is booked this weekend? You know.....It's so hard to get everybody together these days....everyone has a packed schedule. But I'll see what I can do! You can count on me!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
12 Sep 2008 /  #196
Man...being evil SS-Satanist is pure fun! :)

*goes looking*
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
12 Sep 2008 /  #197
Is it me or do people on this forum like to kick the Germans in the nuts and bring up the past, lol. :) Give the gy a break
Dekameron  1 | 146  
12 Sep 2008 /  #198

You're not polish, you are adopted.
Sobottka  2 | 106  
12 Sep 2008 /  #199
On the 4th of July 2007 I was visited by the office-Psychiatrist of the "Kreis" Unna, Dr. Matthias Cleef, and two members of an office of the town of Lünen. They wanted to get a reason for throwing me into Psychiatrie. I refused them to enter my appartement, we talked to one another on the stairway. At last Dr. Matthias Cleef had to give an answer to the following question by me:"What reason do You have because of that what I have done that You want to treat me following § 9 PsychKG"? He answered:"None, because of that I am here!" I sent them all back, a femal neighbour had heard every word we had spoken. Since that day Dr. Cleef is not interested in doing any thing in my subjects.

Although they have tried to give their best: The 4th of July 2007 has been the 666th birthday of the town of Lünen.

Shop Girl, You cannot imagine how many spells and curses Satanists have tried to send against me - they all did return to them, there have been illness and dead on their sides. You don't believe? You must not.

Oh yeah! Duh!
*slaps hand against forehead*

Guess I better get in the kitchen then and start working on a big spell!

shopgirl  6 | 928  
12 Sep 2008 /  #200
Man...being evil SS-Satanist is pure fun! :)

Yeah it kinda is! *grins*
I have often heard actors say in interviews that they prefer to take roles of charas that are the baddies, now I can certainly see why. In a matter of hours I have been called an undercover SS, a satanist, and was that KKK too? hehe.....only on PF! :)

At least it isn't boring. ;)
Sobottka  2 | 106  
12 Sep 2008 /  #201
SS-Satanist is right, as Himmler, Eichmann, Dr. Mengele were, too. The KKK is also satanic, SS-Satanists are not the only Satanists in this world.
12 Sep 2008 /  #202
Wish you would all stop it ! Can you imagine if any new members come here or someone wishes to join POLISH FORUMS and they see all this rubbish !

They'll wonder what on earth this is all about and what has it to do with Poland.

Sobottka  2 | 106  
12 Sep 2008 /  #203
A Germany dominated by SS-Satanists is a very, very good reason for Polish people not to buy German goods. And that is the subject of this thread, isn't it?

Wish you would all stop it ! Can you imagine if any new members come here or someone wishes to join POLISH FORUMS and they see all this rubbish !

They'll wonder what on earth this is all about and what has it to do with Poland.


tornado2007  11 | 2270  
12 Sep 2008 /  #204
They'll wonder what on earth this is all about and what has it to do with Poland.

exactly, there isn't much more to be said to be honest. Its rubbish like this ADMIN need to delete
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
12 Sep 2008 /  #205
A Germany dominated by SS-Satanists is a very, very good reason for Polish people not to buy German goods.

It would be if you could provide some evidence for that!

I myself would boycott german goods if I were dominated by Satanists (SS or not)...they are usually idiots....their goods should be crap too...that's why we ask for more proof!
Dekameron  1 | 146  
12 Sep 2008 /  #206
Ze Mercedes is the work of evil!
Sobottka  2 | 106  
12 Sep 2008 /  #207
A Germany that breaks it's own laws, that murders and put people in prison and psychiatrie against it's laws is rubbish? Yes, You can say so. But to report about that is not rubbish, that is criticism. And criticism is a necessary part of discussion. And discussion is the subject of a forum. So why delete such important things?

Do remember: Bratwurst and so on have started to kill true informations with wishy-washy. That went wrong. And only because of that You have come up and want to get all deleted.

exactly, there isn't much more to be said to be honest. Its rubbish like this ADMIN need to delete

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
12 Sep 2008 /  #208
Ze Mercedes is the work of evil!

He...Satan LOVES his Benz! :)
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
12 Sep 2008 /  #209
for heavens sake, what are they denying??? everybody has their stand point, isn't this just getting to the point of going around and around and around and around and around?? I think so
Sobottka  2 | 106  
12 Sep 2008 /  #210
Bratwurst, the German Justice and the German Police are uncovered as most criminal organisations. Why not talking about that?

to tornado2007: There can always be only one truth, and every standpoint that does not match the truth is wrong.

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