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Poland boycotts German goods?

Fikolecek  - | 13  
12 Sep 2008 /  #91
Ahaa! Munster is in Ireland, even I know that.

-Münster ([ˈmʏnstɐ] (help·info)) is a city in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

you un uneducated ...

Sobottka you'r brother.

Down with Global German corporations!!!
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
12 Sep 2008 /  #92

Do you have any close relatives in Serbia?
Kilkline  1 | 682  
12 Sep 2008 /  #93
you uneducated ...

I particularly liked the Grandpa who was a vampire. But Herman was always entertaining as well.
Daisy  3 | 1211  
12 Sep 2008 /  #94
Do you have any close relatives in Serbia?

Is he slavic enough for Crow? perhaps Crow would rather not admit to having Germanised relatives
ParisJazz  - | 172  
12 Sep 2008 /  #95
That You think the hartz-IV-receiver should be treatend even more badly as they are lets evryone know everything about Your morality.

Hart-IV hasn’t gone far enough cause all state hand-outs are evil for they are crude theft. You basically coerce hardworking and tax paying people into supporting a large chunk of society who's only aim in life is to sit idle and claim more hand-outs.

If u cant feed a couple of kids and cant afford to give them good education, the moral and right thing to do is not to make those kids in the first place, as opposed to keep breeding them and go cap in hand to the state for a few hand-outs.

If you are useless at what you do and can't be arsed to learn any new trade or craft, you should go beg for a living as opposed to claiming a god given right to a life long income support.

That's morality for u.

I really do not wish to hijack this thread and turn it into a german internal politics thread of interest to nobody. Feel free to start another.

Also, you might as well learn to structure your arguments and develop a clear and concise style. U'd go a long away into getting people to take u seriously and not just make a fool out of yourself.

Fikolecek  - | 13  
12 Sep 2008 /  #96
It is time for German global companies - new aim !!!
Down with them !!!
United alter globalists against 4th Reich !
They build new empire !
Sobottka  2 | 106  
12 Sep 2008 /  #97
There was no need for me to take part in demonstrations - German "Staatsschutz Polizei" has visited me at home, You can see two pictures of the results on the top of the page under: tagebuch.freegermany.de

Entries there in English and in German language!
Fikolecek  - | 13  
12 Sep 2008 /  #98
Entries there in English and in German language!

Thank you for mentioning me - informative web page.

I didn't exspect any other thing: In the Polish Forum in English are cavorting SS-Satanists to lead that forum under their control. They have their dirty fingers in all soups, and one of our jobs it is to beat onto those dirty fingers wherever we meet them!

BINGO!!! Brother
ski  7 | 140  
12 Sep 2008 /  #99

Good job.
Crow  154 | 9531  
12 Sep 2008 /  #100
Poland boycotts German goods?

if so, finaly good news from Poland
McCoy  27 | 1268  
12 Sep 2008 /  #102
fikolek stop being fukcing hippie and better tell us something more about you. what is czech guy doing on PF? Why are you here, who are you, where do you live and other shlt like that. I hope you didn't register here just to tell us how fukced up and evil germs are. ( we already know that ;) )
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
12 Sep 2008 /  #103
German State's-Security stands on my line

poor guys....they can only dream from what other security services have...so they must stand on lines...in this weather...
Sobottka  2 | 106  
12 Sep 2008 /  #104
@ McCoy: Can't You read or can't You write? He calls himself Fikolecek, here is no one with the name fikolek! Otherwise Fikolecek doesn't hate the Germans, he only hates evil doing! And the danger for whole Europe are evil doing Germans this time, and not at least for Poland! Polish people and Czech people are having the same problems with evil acting Germans who want to conquer both countries using other means than 1939 but with the same results! It is absolutely OK that Fikolecek is writing/reporting here about the true face of German State, while it is not OK that some Germans are mobbing him because of that!
Hueg  - | 319  
12 Sep 2008 /  #106
What evils???

you didn't see Merkel's Oslo Opera dress did you?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
12 Sep 2008 /  #107
you didn't see Merkel's Oslo Opera dress did you?

Oh...THAT evil! *nods*
Hopefully Sobbi and Fiko can do something about it....Go Sobbi! *throws fist in air*
Sobottka  2 | 106  
12 Sep 2008 /  #108
German Concerns as RWE and EON are squeezing and betraying German consumers of energy and water to fill there money-bags for buying systems of water- and energy-supply in the whole world so that they can squeeze and betray the people in other countries tomorrow. The Springer-publishing-house tries to lie to as many Polish people as possible and to make them crazy, ready for German domination. That are only 2 examples. German concerns give their best to buy everything in other countries so that the people there will be maximal dependent on them. And in Germany are living millions of people who know what it means to be dependent on German concerns: Slavery.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
12 Sep 2008 /  #109
The Springer-publishing-house tries to lie to as many Polish people as possible and to make them crazy, ready for German domination.


How so?
Sobottka  2 | 106  
12 Sep 2008 /  #110
The same as in Germany: Selling errors for money.
McCoy  27 | 1268  
12 Sep 2008 /  #111
@ McCoy: Can't You read or can't You write?

both :)

He calls himself Fikolecek, here is no one with the name fikolek!

damn, you're right. thanks :)

look what i found:

merkel colaborates with jews

she drinks blood of innocent polish and czechs babies: and eats their flesh:

and she has secret romance with blair:

DAMN YOU EVIL GERMS !!!!!!!!111111
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
12 Sep 2008 /  #112

Is she really about to be kissed by BLAIR???

*hides face*

The same as in Germany: Selling errors for money.


Sobottka  2 | 106  
12 Sep 2008 /  #113
@McCoy and @ Bratwurst Boy: I know the silly methods You are using to try making true arguments laughable. That is the way SS-Satanists try to push away all informations and opinions that they don't like. You are SS-Satanists, regarding Your doing here, both of You.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
12 Sep 2008 /  #114
You just said:

"SS Satanists make Poles crazy and ready for geman domination"

I just want to get some evidence for that from you...gimme some!
This sentence alone is not very intelligible, sorry...
Daisy  3 | 1211  
12 Sep 2008 /  #115

I'll say one thing for him, he's managed to turn what could have been a dull thread into something that's funny as fcuk
Sobottka  2 | 106  
12 Sep 2008 /  #116
Why should Springer act other to Polish than to German People? Probably You are a Journalist of Springer - often Journalists of SS-satanic Medias are ordered to keep watch and manipulate opinions in Forums. In the earlier/old SPD-Bundesforum there have been journalists of the "Tagesspiegel" doing so.
McCoy  27 | 1268  
12 Sep 2008 /  #117
You are SS-Satanists

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
12 Sep 2008 /  #118
Why should Springer act other to Polish than to German People? Probably You are a Journalist of Springer - often Journalists of SS-satanic Medias are ordered to keep watch and manipulate opinions in Forums. In the earlier/old SPD-Bundesforum there have been journalists of the "Tagesspiegel" doing so.

How about some evidence to support your vomit???
Come oooooooon!
Sobottka  2 | 106  
12 Sep 2008 /  #119
Daisy is an SS-Satanist, too, cause she is not interested in discussing serious problems, but in killing serious discussions as well as Bratwurst and McCoy.
ski  7 | 140  
12 Sep 2008 /  #120
Why should Springer act other to Polish than to German People? Probably You are a Journalist of Springer - often Journalists of SS-satanic Medias are ordered to keep watch and manipulate opinions in Forums. In the earlier/old SPD-Bundesforum there have been journalists of the "Tagesspiegel" doing so.

Carefully read Bratwurs and shopgirl ... you are right this forum is very racist towards PL people. Some people like to smile when somebody split in their face but this is fact.

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