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Why so many bad candidates for Poland Prime Minister?

27 Sep 2007 /  #91
No fear for Nurnberg trial and antinazy lustrations in any state. Extremism isn't afraid of that precedent because everybody known that sons of many nazy activists could do a more successful career than ordinary Germans. Many examples of the sort. No possuibility to be successful in business for nazy son if his father was an ordinary butcher as he was before Hitler. No lessons. No good precedents.

That may well the case as far as certain historical precedents are concerned. However. Nurnberg sent a message out and certain individuals were punished. Communism needs its Nurnberg and not western politics supported Chinese Olympic ambitions to show the world how great communist China is. The Chinese communist party is a criminal organisation as were all former coomunist states. The west is morally bankrupt while opening dealing and supporting a state that not only has no legal mandate from its people but also punishes any form of real dissent with murder
truhlei  10 | 332  
27 Sep 2007 /  #92
i'm not sure what you mean here, but for me why can't they just be honest and say well this is what we can give you, you might not like it in a dream world but this is real life.

That would cut all the lies and time wasting that they did and do :)

That was possible in Poland in 16-18 centuries when only 15 of families (high and middle classers) were voters. They had common sence.
That was also possible in UK in some 1832 when the same persentage of gentlemen and middle classers participated.
Now lumpens and low classers are in the majority. They hear only that they want to hear. They always reject some negative and trust those who promoses more.

No common sense. Those who tell the truth, loose elections.
PolskaDoll  27 | 1599  
27 Sep 2007 /  #93
well nobody else wants the responsibility so i expect they do, lol, it is dangerous but somebodies got to do it :)

I believe (Politics is not my thing) that decisions are made by all members of committees like COBRA etc

by dangerous I meant that if one person makes the decision, why have a committee? One person making the decision is a dictatorship.
27 Sep 2007 /  #94
surely the Polish can see round these false promises??

The west has never really been able to see them with all their secret services and economic influence they still can't understand or except that Communism was a crime against humanity. Yes, that's correct! Any effort to make communism a crime against humanity has always been stopped by the west. Why? Certain western governments and companies made deals with communists during and after the so call fall of communism in Poland and will never except a legal precedent that states these individuals committed crimes against humanity for purely economic reasons. Therefore they actively attack the twins government in Europe for fear of this happening.
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
27 Sep 2007 /  #95
why have a committee? One person making the decision is a dictatorship.

the committee is formed for brainstorming of ideas etc etc, there are all kinds of different angles, for example, the military angle, diplomatic angle and many others, it is the PM's job to decide which idea or mixture of ideas he/she goes with.

A good example of these types of pressures and conferences is 'thirteen days' about the Cuban Missile Crisis

The west has never really been able to see them with all their secret services and economic influence they still can't understand or except that Communism was a crime against humanity. Yes, that's correct! Any effort to make communism a crime against humanity has always been stopped by the west. Why? Certain western governments and companies made deals with communists during and after the so call fall of communism in Poland and will never except a legal precedent that states these individuals committed crimes against humanity for purely economic reasons. Therefore they actively attack the twins government in Europe for fear of this happening.

ow man come on leave of the west, everything in the world seems to be the fault of the west, how about you look closer to home :)
truhlei  10 | 332  
27 Sep 2007 /  #96
That may well the case as far as certain historical precedents are concerned. However. Nurnberg sent a message out and certain individuals were punished. Communism needs its Nurnberg and not western politics supported Chinese Olympic ambitions to show the world how great communist China is. The Chinese communist party is a criminal organisation as were all former coomunist states. The west is morally bankrupt while opening dealing and supporting a state that not only has no legal mandate from its people but also punishes any form of real dissent with murder

I'm of different opinion. How can I condemn Chinese criminals if I suspect the majority of Chinese people didn't gain from Communist party only because they didn't manage to make a career during regime. Not because of some moral obstacles but by the lack of chance.

If the majority is of this nature why some more successful should be condemned?

The second argument: I'm sure my main enemy isn't from the government. It is the man next door or a my collegue at work. Anybody of my rank and social position. Or a lumpen.

That's why state irregular structures are more required, not symbolic hunt.
PolskaDoll  27 | 1599  
27 Sep 2007 /  #97
it is the PM's job to decide which idea or mixture of ideas he/she goes with.

This is true but generally the committee is made up of "experts" (if that's a good word to use) so generally the decision is made my them. Any decision the PM makes comes from a shed load of advice from many advisors/experts.
27 Sep 2007 /  #98
Exactly the same thing is now repeating in China. Can you imagine twenty years down the line when certain individuals seek to punish members of the Chinese communist party, which by then will have made up the majority of Chinese partners for westerm joint ventures;agreeing to set a precedent that would make communism a crime against the Chinese people. Western companies would lose billions ! This is the same game as was played here and in all former communist states
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
27 Sep 2007 /  #99
This is true but generally the committee is made up of "experts" (if that's a good word to use) so generally the decision is made my them. Any decision the PM makes comes from a shed load of advice from many advisors/experts.

agreed, thats basically what i was saying, the advisor's specialise and come from a different point of view
truhlei  10 | 332  
27 Sep 2007 /  #100
agreeing to set a precedent that would make communism a crime against the Chinese people. Western companies would lose billions ! This is the same game as was played here and in all former communist states

Do you imagine China today? Do you know its history. The majority of Chinese people are afraid of Civil wars of 19-20 centuries when China lost half of its population.

Communist Party is the guarantee that internal conflicts don't come. Nobody studies marxism-leninism in China as well as class struggle. Stability only.
I'm not sure you can suppose any alternative to more than a billion people there.

agreed, thats basically what i was saying, the advisor's specialise and come from a different point of view

What type of crisis you are discussing?
OP lech  
27 Sep 2007 /  #101
Did you ever notice it's leaders like george bush and jaroslaw kacynski that never actually participated in a war that are the most gung ho about war?

And why is aleksander kwasniewski getting publicly drunk when he has a total babe like jolanta at home?
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
28 Sep 2007 /  #102
to supporters of "grate" Jaro ;) You consider him as a grate anti -commie ... Ok so what has he done for 2 years time ?

Why ex-commies still have enormous pensions (in comparison to the rest) why he havent changed it ? Privatizations, he promised to check them, and what do we have ? Which proces of privation he have checked ? He promised to send to jail some politicians for corruption, and what do we have? his ministers are accused of taking bribes ...

As to style he is primitive. As to economy he isnt to good in this case ;), he sends his whole salary on mums account, because she is good in economy ... no comment. Jaro and his mum ;)

He is crazy, he thinks that everybody can be ex- commie agant ... we have 2007 !!! Lets change him. Come on, he promises a lot, but as to work ....
28 Sep 2007 /  #103
Do you imagine China today? Do you know its history. The majority of Chinese people are afraid of Civil wars of 19-20 centuries when China lost half of its population.
Communist Party is the guarantee that internal conflicts don't come. Nobody studies marxism-leninism in China as well as class struggle. Stability only.
I'm not sure you can suppose any alternative to more than a billion people there.

There is no alternative to freedom! Communism will never provide conditions for self actualization. Self actualization being part of man's inner desire. Communism destroys man's humanity and relationship with society. It destroys his inner strenght and search for self actualization.

Stability has no benefit without the freedom of the individual in society to seek self actualization!
truhlei  10 | 332  
28 Sep 2007 /  #104
James, less slogang more details.
For a Chinese now freedom means a bicycle and later an apartment for his family. A food work in city because in the village the maximum is 2 USD for 12 hours work a day.

He even doesn't have time to think about political freedom.

Stability has no benefit without the freedom of the individual in society to seek self actualization!

Stability is always benefitial when it is alternative to mass deaths.
China will receive the desire to move toward freedom but it will come slowly.
Internet is the main way to form democratic ideas in the future.

As to Jaro, the report of Polish Military Intelligence translated into different languages is enoug.
That body was a sinecura absolutely useless for state security. It was created to assist Soviet intelligence and lost any reason for existence after 1989. No possibilities to penetrate into today Russian secrets and no reason to learn NATO ones.

They were budget vampires that and some of personell used status to solve their private problems.
And how did the report describe them? As terrible fifth column. That shows that Jaro isn't yet ready to fight with real and strongest fufth column.
Jaszczolt  1 | 35  
29 Sep 2007 /  #105
The same that supports the death penalty, the same that puts Christianity wherever he can ? The same that is supported by the antisemitic, racist Radio Marija ?? Wow ! So if he's a good Prime Minister, please tell me what is a bad one ??

There isn't anything wrong with those things.
A bad Prime Minister would be a communist one, or at least a fanatic multi-culturalist..
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
29 Sep 2007 /  #106
todays figures (only 3 parties in parlament :) )

PO 36,3% PiS 35,7% LiD 12,5%
Jaszczolt  1 | 35  
29 Sep 2007 /  #107
I find it irritating that Kaczynski couldn't have kept the relation better to the LPR.
But the LPR will return.
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
29 Sep 2007 /  #108
But the LPR will return.

I hope never ... their activity is harming for our country.
Jaszczolt  1 | 35  
29 Sep 2007 /  #109
Lukasz, everyone else're trying to dismantle the national sovereignty, so LPR has a very important task to perform.

A united EU-state will be one step closer to destruction.
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
29 Sep 2007 /  #110
In my opinion strong EU is definately in Polands business
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
29 Sep 2007 /  #111
What do you mean by stronger EU ? One federation with some French or Germanic guy sitting in Brussel and telling us what to do in our own country ?

Lukasz  49 | 1746  
29 Sep 2007 /  #112
by stronger I mean democratic EU without any dominating country, holding one EU line in relationships with other countries (USA, Russia, China ...)
Jaszczolt  1 | 35  
29 Sep 2007 /  #113
Lukasz, you can prevent that kind of high-level multi-state of developing into a kind of power-abuse.

Look fx at the recent EU-treaty/constitution (what they may want to call it). When Merkel had her period of chairmanship she did everything she could to push the treaty through, and still everyone is avoiding the fact that this EU-'constitution' is just like the earlier one, with some very, very few modifications.

The EU-politicians are doing this, because they saw how unsatisfied people were with the earlier one. And they give a d*mn about the people, as long as they get their things through, they're happy.
truhlei  10 | 332  
29 Sep 2007 /  #114
by stronger I mean democratic EU without any dominating country, holding one EU line in relationships with other countries (USA, Russia, China ...)

Pedophile party in holland is a fellow traveller in this process.
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
30 Sep 2007 /  #115
more than 80% of Polish society is pro-european ....

as to elections

The leader of Poland's main opposition party, Donald Tusk, is campaigning in the UK and the Irish Republic ahead of a election in Poland in October.

truhlei  10 | 332  
30 Sep 2007 /  #116
more than 80% of Polish society is pro-european ....

I would be greatly astonishe if Poles were pro-african. They are Europe residents.
I think, Lukasz, your opponents think only that some EU structures may damage Polish interests
OP lech  
30 Sep 2007 /  #117
Why doesn't Donald Tusk let someone else from PO become prime minister if PO wins instead of him. Is he an egomaniac?
johan123  1 | 228  
30 Sep 2007 /  #118
Donald will never have to deal with this problem! PiS will win with landslide! Around 40%
Polson  5 | 1767  
30 Sep 2007 /  #119
PiS will win

Hope not !
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
30 Sep 2007 /  #120
Why doesn't Donald Tusk let someone else from PO become prime minister if PO wins instead of him. Is he an egomaniac?

Tusk isnt perfect leader, but in comparison with Kaczysnki he shines ...

Donald will never have to deal with this problem! PiS will win with landslide! Around 40%

40% :) never ...

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