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Polish, no comments about ex-communists appear on their forum?

Del boy 20 | 254  
14 Apr 2008 /  #1
sorry gays for bad english
many times when i am trying to put some comments on website my post are even not appear on the forum , there are no problem with comments about typical responses in context of simplicity of a subjects but when you trying to write one about ex communistic people still running our country they never appear?

any advices or helps?
plk123 8 | 4129  
14 Apr 2008 /  #2
maybe onet is run by the commies then?
OP Del boy 20 | 254  
14 Apr 2008 /  #3
good point maybe
need some more idications
Lukasz 49 | 1746  
14 Apr 2008 /  #4
Where do you live ? Do you vote in elections ?
szarlotka 8 | 2205  
14 Apr 2008 /  #5
Myabe they just moderate out political discussion. Are there topic rules posted?
OP Del boy 20 | 254  
14 Apr 2008 /  #6
I live in UK exactly Northern Ireland

typical example
"Bart ma racje, cos sie z toba dziwnego zrobilo na emigracji, jak on, ty, jak i ja wszyscy jestesmy po tej stronie lustra, barykady i dziwi mnie taka pogarda do polskosci.

Po pierwsze uzmyslow sobie, ze ludzie ktorzy tutaj umieszczaja swoje komentarze sa z roznych klas spolecznych, dolacz do tego swiadomosc ze ci rozni ludzie pisza albo z jednej strony kurtyny albo z drugiej i zawsze beda odmienne zdania. Czytajac twoje przekazy mozna odczytac jedno, masz dosc tepych komentarzy czesci Polakow z Polski na temat Polonii w UK i ROI , wiadomo roi sie od takich komentarzy na niecie i nie tylko ale jaka masz misje obrazajac WSZYSTKICH Polakow w kraju nazywajac ich burakami i przypisujac im jakies zapadle wsio-rolnicze pochodzenie ( do rolnikow nic nie mam ) wspominajac o jakis rocznikach rolniczych czy innych podobnych buraczanych okresleniach.

Ciekawe jest, ze nie narzekasz na tych Polakow, ktorzy siedza wygodnie na posadkach dawnych komunistycznych ukladow, ktorzy doprowadzili do tego czym jest Polska w swiadomosci europejczykow i smieje sie z nas zwac nas emigrantow banda nieudacznikow tylko siadles na ludzi pochodzenia rolniczego albo uzywajac rolniczej terminologii, wez pomysl nad tym"

end of quote
14 Apr 2008 /  #7
is that your comment, or a comment of somebody else? I am confused about your request.
plk123 8 | 4129  
14 Apr 2008 /  #8
Where do you live ? Do you vote in elections ?

lol.. you need to lay off that man. :)
OP Del boy 20 | 254  
14 Apr 2008 /  #9
thats my comment

to comment by plk or lukasz
im a bit confiused
what do you mean by that?
plk123 8 | 4129  
14 Apr 2008 /  #10
lay off means let it go or quit it or give it up. his comment has nothing to do with this thread anyway.
14 Apr 2008 /  #11
thats my comment

maybe the forum is heavily moderated.Have you tried to ask the administration about it? They should have the answer.
OP Del boy 20 | 254  
14 Apr 2008 /  #12
thanks for responce plk I really appreciate
did u get this thread anyway?
maybe I am too sensitive or not?
Lukasz 49 | 1746  
14 Apr 2008 /  #13
Del boy

I thnik that problem is that servers are in Poland and commies have their people there. you know like in Wyborcza ...
OP Del boy 20 | 254  
14 Apr 2008 /  #14
maybe the forum is heavily moderated.Have you tried to ask the administration about it?

this is like ask admin from wikipedia
no response
or "read rules"
14 Apr 2008 /  #15
this is like ask admin from wikipedia no responseor "read rules"

sounds like the forum is not fully functioning and it is perhps time to find another one.
OP Del boy 20 | 254  
14 Apr 2008 /  #16
good point then
Crnogorac 3 | 111  
15 Apr 2008 /  #17
sorry gays for bad english
many times when i am trying to put some comments on website my post are even not appear on the forum , there are no problem with comments about typical responses in context of simplicity of a subjects but when you trying to write one about ex communistic people still running our country they never appear?
any advices or helps?

First of all, ask yourself who owns or finances that particular website. Once you get the answer, it will lead you to the same conclusion at which I have arrived. :)

Such websites from around 2,000 comments they receive for a particular topic select and publish only around 200 comments which are in agreement and correspond to the views of those publishers. They allow as a masquerade 5 or 6 opposing comments such as yours and in that way manage to manipulate the majority of public opinion.

Interesting to observe how former communists decided to switch jerseys and today become the biggest internationalists, universalists - supporters of globalization.
blgwhi - | 5  
15 Apr 2008 /  #18
...or "read rules"...

Maybe You should read them :)

Archives - 2005-2009 / News / Polish, no comments about ex-communists appear on their forum?Archived