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All this mess about Danzig...

Prince  15 | 590  
14 Dec 2008 /  #61
Pointing on the fate of Kalingrad as an example of "Russian barbarism"

Well it wasn't barbarism ... Germans firstly bombarded Warsaw and London ... later recived what they were asking for...

Germans started to expel Poles form our native lands


It is estimated that between 1.6 and 2 million people [8] were expelled from their homes during the German occupation of Poland. Only the German organized expulsions affected directly 1,710,000 Poles.[7] Additionally, 2.5 to 3 million Poles were taken from Poland as slave labourers to Germany to support the Nazi war effort.[5] These numbers do not include people arrested by the Germans and sent to Nazi concentration camps.[8]

In many instances, Poles were given between 15 minutes and 1 hour to collect their personal belongings (usually no more than 15 kilograms per person) before they were thrown out of their homes and transported east (see: deportations) On top of that about 5 million Poles were sent to German concentration camps. A total of about 6 million Polish citizens were killed during the war. All these actions resulted in significant changes in Polish demographics at the end of the war.

later had to leave ...

As to this rapes in Berlin it seems that many German females were looking for strong men (winer) after the war ... because German males had broken psyche and were considered losers...

Interview with German writer about other picture of Berlin in 1945 ... :
Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 Dec 2008 /  #62
We usually don't have too much sympathy for those that start wars.
OP Borrka  37 | 592  
14 Dec 2008 /  #63
It was a war.

Oh really ?
I'm speaking of Khruschov and Brezhnev times.

Or peharps you mean Afgan, Kostik ?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 Dec 2008 /  #65
Who would commemorate the Russians that died, other than Russians themselves? Are you proposing that Poles should hold memorial ceremonies, CK?
Prince  15 | 590  
14 Dec 2008 /  #66

In addition to stipulations of non-aggression, the treaty included a secret protocol dividing the independent countries of Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Romania into Nazi and Soviet spheres of influence, anticipating "territorial and political rearrangements" of these countries' territories.

Molotov signs the German-Soviet non-aggression pact. Behind him are Ribbentrop and Stalin.

Kostik here is my opinion about Russian towns ... it is exactly the same as about German towns ...
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
14 Dec 2008 /  #67
Yes exactly! You must hold them, because those who lie on the Polish land, died for you.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
14 Dec 2008 /  #68
As to this rapes in Berlin it seems that many German females were looking for strong men (winer) after the war ... because German males had broken psyche and were considered losers...

It's always the same...the moment Lukasz enters a discussion it get's ugly...
I now really wonder about all the polish women all those centuries as Poland was off the map...polish men couldn't have held great appeal for the proud polish women then as the losers they were, right Luki?
pawian  224 | 27236  
14 Dec 2008 /  #69
Yes exactly! You must hold them, because those who lie on the Polish land, died for you.

And they are held in memory.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 Dec 2008 /  #70
A land that doesn't commemorate the valiant efforts of its forefathers should hang its head in shame.

Well done Poland for paying respects!!
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
14 Dec 2008 /  #71
I meant those Russians who lie in Polish land deserved to be honored as liberators of Poland. You should clearly understand that neither Brits nor Americans didn't have intentions to free Poland and only Russians sacrified their lives for Poles.
pawian  224 | 27236  
14 Dec 2008 /  #72
A land that doesn't commemorate the valiant efforts of its forefathers should hang its head in shame.

:):):) Seanus, we are talking about Soviet Russian soldiers who liberated Poland from Nazis.
Most Poles see it as a next occupation, implemented by another anti-Polish regime.

But I know several cases when Russians did save Poles from annihilation ordered by Nazis at last moments of war in a given area.

Pointing on the fate of Kalingrad as an example of "Russian barbarism" you hypocriticaly omit the circumstances which leaded to this devastation.

Constantine, I am Constantly trying to teach you something. Whenever you write a post like that:

Yes, indeed. The only things you might recall with proud are the deeds of hoary antiquity.

I meddle in and correct you. I am not angry or sth, by no means. I am amused. But I don`t know how it happens that Russian barbarism always surfaces up on such occasions. :):):):):)

So, a lesson to be learnt by you: stop writing provocative posts about Poles because it turns against you! :):):):):):)

I meant those Russians who lie in Polish land deserved to be honored as liberators of Poland.

Soon I will post a few pics showing the ceremony.

pawian you talk about this town as about German town ...
but before WWII it was in big part Polish city...

I read that 98% of Gdańsk population was German or considered themselves such.
Which big Polish part are you talking about? :):):):)
I suppose you are trying to speak metaphorically, the Post Offices in Gdańsk was merely 40 patriotic Poles but they could stand for 4000 Germans.

Bikes huh??? The connection between two parts of a country through bikes???
How generous!
And it's true...no autobahn, no railway...Poles didn't even wanted to negotiate!

If Germans had waited 20 more years, all national animosites would have subsided.

But no, they wanted to have their railway, highway, Gdańsk, and a few other at once, without waiting. Revenge for the Versailles Treaty now!!

They were impatient and started the war. In result, they could kiss goodbye not only to Gdańsk but whole Eastern Prussia and some parts of ethnic German territories on the Oder River too.

History punishes those who are not able to wait patiently. :):):):)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 Dec 2008 /  #73
I know, I was talking generally.

Some helping hands were stretched, yes!
Prince  15 | 590  
14 Dec 2008 /  #74
in 1925 (after XIX century expulsions) about 15 % considered themselves Polish and add Kashubians who considered themselves Kashubian but prefered to see their "Gduńsk" as part of Poland ...

During the drafting of Treaty of Versailles, Kaszub activist Antoni Abraham promoted Cassubia's integration into Poland by famously saying "There is no Cassubia without Poland, and no Poland without Cassubia" (Nie ma Kaszub bez Polonii a bez Kaszub Polski")

During the Second World War leading Kashubians who stood for the Poland's cause, particularly those with higher education, were killed by German Nazis, the main place of executions being Piaśnica


In the forest next to the village during World War II, German Schutzstaffel executed about 12,000 people, mainly Polish and Kashubiann intelligentsia from Gdańsk Pomerania. Among the victims were approximately 1,200 mentally ill persons from local hospitals.

The mass executions began in October 1939 and lasted until April 1940. An exhumation of mass graves was carried after World War II in 1946. Out of total number of 35 graves, 30 were localised of which 26 were exhumed. Only 305 bodies (in two mass graves) were found, the rest of the bodies was burnt by Germans in August-September 1944. Forced prisoners from Stutthof concentration camp were used to cover up the tracks and were later executed.

As to Polish and German border ... Czechs have made mistake that they gave up their border for Hitler... it hadn't helped them. In my opinion it was better to talk to Soviets in 1939 or invade Germany in 1933 with France.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
14 Dec 2008 /  #75
Actually I prefer to see Poland as integral part of Russia with Poles as faithfull subjects. It will be ideal for both nations.
Prince  15 | 590  
14 Dec 2008 /  #76
lol :) Poland is on good way to be rich and powerful again (as part of EU and NATO)

Russia should join west it would be very good for Russia.
OP Borrka  37 | 592  
14 Dec 2008 /  #77
I prefer to see Poland as integral part of Russia

Do you think your government in Beijing will accept expansion of the Western China Westwards the Pe-tels-bulgKlasno-dal demarcation line ?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 Dec 2008 /  #78
Very good for Russia, LOL
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
14 Dec 2008 /  #79
West?! What do you mean saying "West"? I do not know any peculiar features allowing to attribute state to West or East. Anyway, that West should be absorbed by Russia as well. Russia should be stretched from Alaska up to Scotland.
pawian  224 | 27236  
14 Dec 2008 /  #80
Actually I prefer to see Poland as integral part of Russia with Poles as faithfull subjects. It will be ideal for both nations.

No, thanks. Chinese culture is magnificent indeed but I don`t want to live in China. :):):)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 Dec 2008 /  #81
Hehehe, you make me laugh, CK. No, really. Have you looked at Russia on a map lately, CK? HUUUUUUGE!!

Up to but not including? Ah, ok, I see. Crìochan na h-Alba are quite strong.
pawian  224 | 27236  
14 Dec 2008 /  #82
Russia should join west it would be very good for Russia.

Only the West and USA can prevent an all-out war between Russia and China for the Far East territories, now under Russian control. Russia must start cooperating with the West if she wants to keep these lands....

Otherwise, 100 million Chinese will die one day to get them, killing 100 million Russians in the process. For China it will be a fraction of its population, for Russia it will be extermination.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 Dec 2008 /  #83
Beautifully put, pawian. Reality bites.
OP Borrka  37 | 592  
14 Dec 2008 /  #84
wants to keep these lands

China schools of all levels are running lectures on the stolen lands in Siberia.
Stolen by Russia, in order to avoid any misinterpretation
Prince  15 | 590  
14 Dec 2008 /  #85
What do you mean saying "West"? I do not know any peculiar features allowing to attribute state to West or East.

I'd say democracy, freedom of speach...

I know you have complex of lost cold war and you would like to see Anglos dead ...

Poles don't love Russia ... there is more symphaty for Russians than for Russia as state...

but if we look on interests I would like to see Russia having friendly ties with EU and NATO. I'd would be very good and profitable for both sides. We both know that honest cooperation is the best solution.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 Dec 2008 /  #86
This sounds like Jack Wheeler, Borrka. I've read some of his stuff. He has made the above point several times.

China contributed to its own downfall way back, by allowing lunacy to prevail. It subsequently rebuilt major parts of its economy but Siberia remains a hot potato.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
14 Dec 2008 /  #87
It would be truth if they were not just a poor peasants. Could you remind me any battle won by Chinese, please?They were hardly able to defend themself with strong aid of Russians in the past, and even Vietnameses were too hard do them. And after that you believe that such shy guys can vanquish Russians? Ha-ha!
OP Borrka  37 | 592  
14 Dec 2008 /  #88
Could you remind me any battle won by Chinese, please?

Kostik, who told you they are going to fight any "battles".
They will just pay you a friendly visit.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 Dec 2008 /  #89
The life expectancy of the average Russian man is now 57, due to epidemic alcoholism (millions of Russian men drink a gallon of vodka a week), AIDS, and a fourth world health/medical system. Millions of Russian women are sterile because they've had so many abortions (the preferred Russian method of birth control).

In the Russian Far East, Russian women who still can have babies are marrying Chinese immigrant men - because they make so much better husbands. They are not drunk all the time, they're not beat-you-up abusive, they work hard, and they turn their paycheck over to their wives. This is a Russian women's marital paradise.

Care to explain, CK?

Borrka reminded me of this guy so I trawled the archives to find it.

This is an attempt at a discussion, CK. It doesn't necessarily represent my opinion. There are some rich Chinese and some poor, the same as Russia and virtually everywhere else.
OP Borrka  37 | 592  
14 Dec 2008 /  #90
Russians would like to keep Siberia under their control but they are not ready to live and work there.

So seriously, they have two options only:

- to give it back to China or better sell it like Alaska

- to revitalize the Gulags' system of forced labor and then move millions of the Slavic population from the European Russia to the Far East.


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